Burke Ramsey Files 750 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against CBS

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Hey Tadpole, not too sure about that; I always just assumed the pads were still in police custody? I could be wrong.
I think as the hours passed so did his levels of adrenaline.....fear...fatigue....sadness....reality setting in.
easy to explain being all over the shop to me. these people were devastated. even at their own making and trying to hide what they did.
very tricky indeed to keep it together. they didn't know they were going to get through it without getting caught.

http://jonbenetramsey.pbworks.com/w/page/11682461/December 26 Before Noon
Was John's Trip Much Earlier? However, Internet poster Amber believes John
must have visited the basement before either Fleet White or Officer French
since he found a chair in front of the train room door and there's
no good reason to believe White or French would have re-blocked the door
with the chair after they entered the train room
(which both did according to their own accounts). If so, John's trip would have
been before 6:00 AM.

"8:00 AM | Fleet White returned to the White residence with the Fernie children
and Burke Ramsey (Steve Thomas notes)."

It must have been a great relief to have BR out of the house.
Wasn't it also convenient that they found duct tape and bindings that matched the ones on JBR in LHP's residence after the murder (if I remember correctly; heard this on a television special)? Makes you wonder if they were either planted at LHP's house soon after the murder or if the R's knew LHP had these particular items at her house, and used them specifically while staging the body.

Yes. Don’t forget when the police showed up at LHP house on the evening of the 26th, she answered the door in Patsy Ramsey’s shoes. Lol.

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https://books.google.ca/books?id=pC...ge&q=jonbenet ramsey mervin pugh rope&f=false


"When the detectives asked if the couple had any black tape,
Mervin dug three rolls from his garage,
only one unused. Then the detectives said they wanted
white lined note-pads, and Linda handed over one that seemed
to be a visual match of the ransom notepaper
and admitted it had come from the Ramsey house. A key? Two.
Any felt-tip pens of the sort that probably wrote the ransom note?
Three. Police found a two-foot piece of narrow nylon rope, then another
length wrapped around a stick!"
Was it not Ramseys who called FBI?
They had staged a kidnapping....which means they knew the feds would be involved immediately. They have no way of knowing the case was already in the process of being botched to such an extent.
It's too big a leap. It's one thing to have arguments on Christmas afternoon and evening; it's another thing to flat-out know your wife killed your daughter the next day. If he heard the night before, and pieced it together, he would have confronted his wife; he wouldn't have simply let it go -- why would he? According to the maids, they were never affectionate toward one another. If you suspected your wife just killed your daughter, and you were in a loveless marriage, would you simply let it go?
In that scenario you really believe John would confront Patsy over her murder at Grand Central Station? Really?

Even if he wanted to, he was keeping his mouth shut. Such a dramatic and public confrontation happens in movies and TV shows. In the event of John piecing it together as the day moves forward and it finally clicks in his head, he has no incentive to confront Patsy and all the reasons in the world to bide his time and get some ducks lined up. Everything is at stake. You don't go off half cocked and make an accusation towards your wife in a house full of cops and friends. Both him and Patsy would take an immediate trip downtown and would be seperated within minutes. He would make a confusing situation even worse. She'd have to get bailed out of jail before any attempt at piecing it all together and getting the full story can be made.

John would put his big boy pants on, wear his poker face and then proceed with caution while focusing on the task at hand.

Patsy can be dealt with later.

Just because Patsy is a cold fish doesn't mean he's gonna snitch on his wife.

I wish those in the house had paid closer attention to John and Patsy. Simply saying they're "cold" or detached and not lovey dovey doesn't really tell us much. You can communicate with someone using looks, mannerisms, signals, etc. without saying one single word to them.

How do we know he didn't have an inkling? Thomas says that when Arndt asked White, Fernie and Ramsey for their observations about the ransom note, John was unusually quiet.

Why didn't they drop off the final gift? They had some kind of "debate" (translation: argument) in the car. Maybe Patsy suspected he didn't spend the whole afternoon with his plane. The Vanity Affair article, as I recall, suggested that John was a serial adulterer in his first marriage.

We know that John witnessed an extended fight between Patsy and Jonbenet in the afternoon over the red turtleneck.

If Patsy killed Jonbenet in a rage, it was unlikely to be silent. If John pulled the covers over his head, these fights must have been a common occurrence.
Yeah and Burke pretending to be asleep is also another sign of a house with domestic violence. You learn quickly that things go back to normal the next day.

I also agree that its not the silent movie that is usually portrayed in most theories. It's going to be chaotic. Screams, yelling at one another, items may be thrown around, cussing, and it probably got physical. There would also be an ebb and flow to the night's horror. People who think it played out 1-2-3-bam and they're ready to rock n roll the next day have little to no understanding of domestic violence.....and that's exactly what this case is no matter who did what and when...domestic violence.

Its why I'm not a big fan of elaborate theories or so called simple theories that supposedly make sense while leaving out most of the evidence.

But he wouldn't know at the beginning. When Jonbenet couldn't be found, he wouldn't just assume she was dead. Because it is such a big leap. He wouldn't know she was dead until he found the body at 11 am, as he told his son-in-law (I think).

Arndt said that John was relaxed at the beginning, even joking. Then he was gone for a while. When he came back, he was nervous and quiet. It would be hard to decide what to do. Maybe it occurred to him that Patsy hated him so much, she might implicate him. It probably wouldn't occur to him that she already had.

The "joking" can be due to nervousness and being pissed off and trying to calm himself down. I don't think its a coincidence that the two kept their distance or that there's a house full of friends to create a barrier between the two.

IMO the friends coming over has a lot more to do with potential conflicts brewing between John and Patsy and much less with them trying to "contaminate the crime scene".

Hell....John and Patsy have to assume she will be found within minutes...so how much contaminating could there possibly be?

When a bunch of friends come over to a couple's house and the distancing begins and friends start going off into sections, what does this insinuate?
Wasn't it also convenient that they found duct tape and bindings that matched the ones on JBR in LHP's residence after the murder (if I remember correctly; heard this on a television special)? Makes you wonder if they were either planted at LHP's house soon after the murder or if the R's knew LHP had these particular items at her house, and used them specifically while staging the body.

Yes. Also,

The paint tote was staged. The way they left it out where it was discovered, was part of the staging to implicate LHP. Patsy knew she had last told LHP to take the paint tote down to the basement, before she left on the 23rd. This put it in her hands last.

Schema of Deception

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Without RN your logic is acceptable.

With an RN which exclude LHP she would rather be a person who could be a source of information about the house.

[edit] Keeping in mind direct connection of her with a crime she would be a source of information not aware of the killer personality.

I would rather think about it from an animal point of view.

There is a lot of animals who are painting herself in dangerous colours to pretend they are poisonous and so.
In that scenario you really believe John would confront Patsy over her murder at Grand Central Station? Really?

Even if he wanted to, he was keeping his mouth shut. Such a dramatic and public confrontation happens in movies and TV shows. In the event of John piecing it together as the day moves forward and it finally clicks in his head, he has no incentive to confront Patsy and all the reasons in the world to bide his time and get some ducks lined up. Everything is at stake. You don't go off half cocked and make an accusation towards your wife in a house full of cops and friends. Both him and Patsy would take an immediate trip downtown and would be seperated within minutes. He would make a confusing situation even worse. She'd have to get bailed out of jail before any attempt at piecing it all together and getting the full story can be made.

John would put his big boy pants on, wear his poker face and then proceed with caution while focusing on the task at hand.

Patsy can be dealt with later.

Just because Patsy is a cold fish doesn't mean he's gonna snitch on his wife.

I wish those in the house had paid closer attention to John and Patsy. Simply saying they're "cold" or detached and not lovey dovey doesn't really tell us much. You can communicate with someone using looks, mannerisms, signals, etc. without saying one single word to them.

Snipped to address specific point. To answer your question, yes, I do. If I was completely innocent, and I had even the slightest inclination that my wife just killed my six year old daughter, I would immediately confront her about it and probably lose my (crap) doing it, no matter who was around. Or at the very least, I would drag her to a somewhat secluded area and confront her there. I think you would have to have the unnatural patience of a vegetable to not confront your wife at that point. You'd also have to be completely spineless, both as a man and as a father.

But anyway, it's somewhat of a side argument, so it's moot to me. I believe JR was in on it from the word "go."
Yes. Also,

The paint tote was staged. The way they left it out where it was discovered, was part of the staging to implicate LHP. Patsy knew she had last told LHP to take the paint tote down to the basement, before she left on the 23rd. This put it in her hands last.

Schema of Deception

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Hmm, interesting. Was it ever specified if the paint tote was directly on top of the urine stain? I thought it was used to obscure the stain.
But anyway, it's somewhat of a side argument, so it's moot to me. I believe JR was in on it from the word "go."
Me too. I just cant picture him confronting Patsy over it in front of witnesses...especialy considering their general reactions to everything else that day.

Or at the very least, I would drag her to a somewhat secluded area and confront her there.
Me too.

Hmm, interesting. Was it ever specified if the paint tote was directly on top of the urine stain? I thought it was used to obscure the stain.
Some BDI say everything is staged, including that pillow.

No evidence leading to him, say everything is staged, and it conveniently allows all the evidence to simply be glossed over like an afterthought. Then voila.....BDI all day long!

Some scenarios have John and Patsy staging themselves into the crime while miraculously staging Burke out of it. It's a hail mary attempt at glossing over the fact he cant actually be linked to the crime. At the same time, they try painting the two as background characters until its time for the leapfrogging to begin, then we'll see John both awake and asleep, Patsy awake and asleep, Burke peaking at his presents at different times of the day/night, etc.

It wont even stand on the razor thin ice it resides on. It must exist in a continuous tap dance that can never stop.

They also do what I call a "hit and run". Jump into a discussion with "The *insert piece of evidence* is staged" as if it's a simple fact, jump out of it, then go on to the next one using the same tactic. Repeat cycle.

They never have to 'own' it. There's also no substance to it. Smoke and mirrors. No one will bother with an actual theory that can somehow make sense of what they propose. Even they know it would be impossible....so instead of advocating an actual theory, it's a series of cherry picking between leapfrogged scenarios.

The pillow is staged, then the tote is staged, then the flashlight is staged, then the longjohns, then the pineapple, then the golf clubs, then....but they don't want these "simple facts" considered as a whole, only individually depending on which topic is being discussed.

It's a game of musical chairs with evidence.
ffj, http://www.forumsforjustice.org/forums/printthread.php?t=4688&pp=50&page=2


"Unidentified arm hair belongs to Patsy"
Starling (14 posts)
23-Aug-02, 10:28 AM (CST)

"Unidentified arm hair belongs to Patsy"
Carol McKinnley on Fox news confirming investigators telling her the
shoe print, palm print and unidentified hair are all solved.
shoe print is Burke's
palm print is melinda's
hair found on blanket is Patsy's. testing by mitochondrial dna prooves



Ramsey evidence is explained

" Hand, boot prints determined to be innocent occurrences

By Charlie Brennan, Rocky Mountain News
August 23, 2002

BOULDER - Investigators have answered two vexing questions in the JonBenet Ramsey case that have long helped support the theory that an intruder killed her, according to sources close to the case.

The answers, which have been known to investigators for some time but never publicly revealed, could be seen to weaken the intruder theory.

The two clues are:

• A mysterious Hi-Tec boot print in the mold on the floor of the Ramseys' wine cellar near JonBenet's body has been linked by investigators to Burke, her brother, who was 9 at the time. It is believed to have been left there under circumstances unrelated to JonBenet's murder.

Burke, now 15, has repeatedly been cleared by authorities of any suspicion in the 1996 Christmas night slaying, and that has not changed."


"From: DIGERATI 8/24/2002 10:38 am
To: KEEBU (30 of 207)

318.30 in reply to 318.29

Last night Carol McKinley reported on the local Fox news (not FNC) that
Burke owned a pair of HiTec footwear
and it was confirmed by a friend of his."
ffj, http://www.forumsforjustice.org/forums/printthread.php?t=4688&pp=50&page=2


"Unidentified arm hair belongs to Patsy"
Starling (14 posts)
23-Aug-02, 10:28 AM (CST)

"Unidentified arm hair belongs to Patsy"
Carol McKinnley on Fox news confirming investigators telling her the
shoe print, palm print and unidentified hair are all solved.
shoe print is Burke's
palm print is melinda's
hair found on blanket is Patsy's. testing by mitochondrial dna prooves



Ramsey evidence is explained

" Hand, boot prints determined to be innocent occurrences

By Charlie Brennan, Rocky Mountain News
August 23, 2002

BOULDER - Investigators have answered two vexing questions in the JonBenet Ramsey case that have long helped support the theory that an intruder killed her, according to sources close to the case.

The answers, which have been known to investigators for some time but never publicly revealed, could be seen to weaken the intruder theory.

The two clues are:

• A mysterious Hi-Tec boot print in the mold on the floor of the Ramseys' wine cellar near JonBenet's body has been linked by investigators to Burke, her brother, who was 9 at the time. It is believed to have been left there under circumstances unrelated to JonBenet's murder.

Burke, now 15, has repeatedly been cleared by authorities of any suspicion in the 1996 Christmas night slaying, and that has not changed."


"From: DIGERATI 8/24/2002 10:38 am
To: KEEBU (30 of 207)

318.30 in reply to 318.29

Last night Carol McKinley reported on the local Fox news (not FNC) that
Burke owned a pair of HiTec footwear
and it was confirmed by a friend of his."

Yes, this is been known since at least 2002. However, the R’s still list these pieces of evidence, as evidence of an intruder. They are even listed in their “factual” allegations in the current lawsuits, as unknown(intruder).

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175. Page 24 of 113
Recently-made and unidentified shoeprints containing a “HI-TEC” brand mark were found in the basement imprinted in mold growing on the basement floor.

186. Page 25 of 113
An unidentified Caucasian pubic or auxiliary hair was found on the blanket covering JonBenét’s body and did not match hairs of John, Patsy, or Burke.
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