Burlap and Forensics

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The gilgo victims were found in the brush, on top of brush. Not buried...not in, or on, sand.

It's not that I dont believe you but with 10+ bodies its possible some could have been buried in burlap. That might not even be a burlap bag and could be another kind of bag with body parts inside or it could be something else entirely
It's possible that the film footage in question came from the search for Shannan, since they no doubt looked along the beach for her. But trust me...I have seen the site where the GB4 were discarded, and it was very heavy brush. Not sand.
I agree that there's no way of telling exactly what that clip is supposed to depict, and I've also never heard of anything buried being pulled out of the GB4 site, but I do have to say - Gilgo pretty much consists entirely of sand dunes, with brush and brambles growing right out of it, along both the bay and ocean sides and along Ocean Parkway. If someone wanted to grow a traditional garden or a lawn there they'd need to import soil and work hard at keeping it going.
It's entirely possible that they were pulling a buried blanket or burlap from the Gilgo Beach dump sites, but that doesn't mean that a body was wrapped in it. IMO they probably (hopefully?) unearthed everything they could within a reasonable area surrounding the bodies. I wouldn't be surprised if some amount of garbage and assorted abandoned items turned up, and if so some of that may have wound up buried under the sand over time if it'd been out there for a while.
It doesn't look like burlap to me. It looks like a solid fabric of some sort. It also looks like it could be a plastic sheet, but I don't see a resemblance to burlap. MOO.
I believe that footage was from the south side of OP and likely not related.
I keep thinking the footage may have come from the Lattingtown (Spelling) search.
I can't believe that they don't know exactly where that burlap came from. The FBI is involved with the forensics, correct?

The burlap bags thing?

They are from what I have read...potato sacks ?
also since no doubt they have been gotten from different times. Since the bodies with the sacks are from different times right?

So that says the killer is either a long term employee where the sacks can be stolen
or employed or maybe a refuse worker who would come by them as refuse?

So I am thinking he is a Garbage person/
refuse worker
sorry forget the term and new name for Trash Collectors.
plus the truck cruising down any street would not be a focus for anyone.
Unless it was there after hours maybe?
I wish they would release more details on the burlap. I don't think a potato sack is what was used- too small even when split open. My *guess* is that it's burlap that came off a standard roll. You can buy rolls of burlap at all kinds of hardware stores and gardening supply places.

Roll of burlap: http://www.idealtruevalue.com/servlet/the-2557/Detail?gclid=CNnqqcC91MACFQto7AodgXgAcA

We have some in our shed that I can't even remember where we purchased it from or how long we've had it. It's used as ground cover, to wrap trees or shrubs in during frost season, etc.
My opinion is that it narrows down the serial killer a bit: either he works as a groundskeeper/landscaper or he has a yard or garden (so doesn't live in manhattan, could live in one of the other boroughs but not in a high rise apt. complex or condo). If he "borrows" the burlap from his job I still think he'd have a place to stash it, and that probably wouldn't be inside in a small apartment. I guess it's possible he'd keep it in a storage. It seems slightly more likely to me that he's got a shed or garage where he keeps it along with other gardening or landscape supplies, and that he doesn't go out and purchase the burlap specifically to wrap a body. It's not like the stuff goes bad.

Now having said all that: Home Depot sells sheets of burlap which are cheap:


These are just the right size for using as a blanket, and are small enough to store easily. The only caveat is that these aren't sold at Home Depots in NYC, but I guess since our killer has a car and travels to LI, he could purchase them at any of the suburban stores.

I really wish we knew what type of burlap it was since that's a pretty big clue.
On the subject of burlap, A poster from the old days named Inspector gadget found a burlap covering used by hunters that was printed with a sort of camouflage. We don't know if this was the kind of burlap used but I think it worth keeping this possibility alive.
On the subject of burlap, A poster from the old days named Inspector gadget found a burlap covering used by hunters that was printed with a sort of camouflage. We don't know if this was the kind of burlap used but I think it worth keeping this possibility alive.

gadget also found an Oak Beach listing with photos showing burlap hanging in the living room
Unfortunately I've lost my link somewhere... but I recently read an article where they now are able to enhance and better extract DNA from "materials" that are now being used...wish I could find the article....but a decade old cold case was recently closed using this new DNA technique of extraction. Regardless of how meticulous whomever killed these girls...regardless if he wore gloves...unless he wrapped himself from head to toe... his skin cells will be all over the burlap... between 30,000 and 40,000 skin cells fall off every hour....so his skin cells will be all over the Burlap...it's just a question of will the investigators go down this road with $$$ for this DNA identification process to happen????
Pretty scary thought if I was the killer....I can just imagine how smug Bittrolff thought he was...his poor family all those years....same with this guy...what a horrible legacy to leave your family...when they find out your the monster that you are...a total deception of their reality....sick!!!
The last two victims were on the Pkwy for three and six months. Hopefully theres DNA to extract after that amount of time. Especially since they were out in the elements. I hope DNA was left on the dolls. Speaking of dolls I wonder what Hawks instincts tell him about the dolls.
The burlap will now probably be the best hope for extracting his DNA...and when you consider material is a crisscross design it would more than likely be able to hold onto / trap skin cells within it's structure.

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