CA - 10 children rescued from horrible conditions, Fairfield, 31 Mar 2018 *Arrests*

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So, she made the mess looking for her son (that she knew ran away).

Or, the police made the mess during the arrest.

What lie will she come up with next? The kids made the mess to get the parents in trouble...smh.

I'm watching the video now. TY for posting it!

Did you notice there are empty plastic water bottle waters crumpled up in the corner in that filthy bathroom? Would anyone dare to enter that filthy room, let alone drink water in there?

Also, in the video, Mother states she works in the "medical field". If she's a licensed health-care provider of any kind (I'm speculating possibly CNA), if she's convicted of the charges she can kiss that career (or any other healthcare related job) bye-bye.

The mother stated in the video that there is a restraining order (probably a no contact order) against her, which most likely prohibits her from contacting or even attempting to contact her children. If that restraining order includes language prohibiting Mother from attempting to make any contact/communication with her children through a third party, Mother has already violated that Court Order by making a plea to her children via that news report.

"Babies, if you see this, your Mommy loves you. Every day I am working for you - okay? So please stay strong cause Mommy is coming."

I hope someone reports that news clip to LE so that at least they can ascertain whether or not she's violated the Court Order. I suspect that she has violated the no contact order.
It seems a lot of families cannot cope with having very large families :(
I'm watching the video now. TY for posting it!

Did you notice there are empty plastic water bottle waters crumpled up in the corner in that filthy bathroom? Would anyone dare to enter that filthy room, let alone drink water in there?

Also, in the video, Mother states she works in the "medical field". If she's a licensed health-care provider of any kind (I'm speculating possibly CNA), if she's convicted of the charges she can kiss that career (or any other healthcare related job) bye-bye.

The mother stated in the video that there is a restraining order against her which prohibits her from contacting her children. If that restraining order includes language prohibiting Mother from attempting to make any contact with her children - including contact/attempted contact/communication through a third party, Mother has already violated that Court Order by making a plea to her children via that news report.

"Babies, if you see this, your Mommy loves you. Every day I am working for you - okay? So please stay strong cause Mommy is coming."

I hope someone reports that news clip to LE so that at least they can ascertain whether or not she's violated the Court Order.

She says she's an EKG tech.

Rogers said she works the graveyard shift as an EKG technician at a heart monitoring company and her husband is a tattoo artist.
Here's the thing: if the children see that news report of their mommy crying and suffering, it could influence any of them to recant their statements of abuse, which I have no doubt Mother is fully aware & may have been the sole reason for her pleas to her kids via that news report.

She needs to be popped for violating a no contact order, IMO.
5 sets of bunk beds in one room? How could you fit 10 kids in one room? No 12 yob or girl wants to share a room with a bunch of babies and toddlers. I don't buy that. :/

Sorry I don't remember which article but it was reported they slept on cots and that the cots were kept in the closet when not in use.

ETA: Mentioned in this article but it doesn't say if some used regular beds.

Rogers said the children slept in one bedroom because they were close and that cots were stored in a bedroom closet.
How in the hell does this woman "homeschool" her school-aged children during the day after working graveyard shift?

What a crock of total BS.
Looking at that pic again and it just makes no sense. The walls behind the toilet are totally white. But the trim and the inside walls of the tub are the same color as what looks like the smears on the floor. No way do the outside walls stay perfectly white and the feces smears match the trim and shower stall walls exactly. Why is the top of the toilet seat perfectly clean? That is like the first thing small children with dirty hands touch. They touch the toilet since it's lowest down to them. And they touch walls. That and the tops and edges of the tubs. I'm thinking of all the times my little ones coming in a bathroom to get cleaned up, take baths etc. And when things get dirty it's not this same hazy color over every dirty surface. That's not what dirt smears look like.

Just asked dh what he thought of this picture without telling him a single thing about it and what did he think of it. What did he see? He said he wasn't sure what he was looking at. It looked like a strange green color floating above the floor. And almost looked like something out of a computer game. Something looked really off and it didn't look "real" to him.

It looks like kids have been doing artwork on the toilet seat and some other areas too. See the red heart shape?

Could that poop have been thrown in there? It looks like cat poop? Punishment?
Rogers claims the mess came from her tearing the house apart to look for her son in March. Lt. Hurlbut said officers found the boy sleeping under a bush in a neighbor's yard.

Rogers allowed KTXL to see the conditions inside her home but she claimed the mess was made by the police department when they arrested Allen.

<respectfully snipped above post>

This chick seems to change her story every time she opens her damn mouth. First, she claimed she was the one who turned the house upside down when her twelve year old son ran away back in March. Now, she claims the police tore up the house when they arrested her "amazing" tattoo artist husband.

I guess the cops are to blame for the animal feces and rotten food on the floor, too? GMAFB

I've heard of LE tossing a house during a homicide investigation (understandably so, as they're searching for forensic evidence), but I've never heard of LE tossing a house during an arrest involving child abuse when no one is deceased.

Listen lady - if you're going to tell a story, pick one and stick to it. Also - pick a story that makes some damn sense.

ETA: It's not uncommon for perps to change their stories as more info comes to light. So I'm not surprised that her story has changed. I won't be surprised if it changes again.

Also: This chick invited the media into her house - with animal excrement and rotten food on the floor. It's as if she didn't see anything wrong with the living conditions. That alone says a helluva lot.

That almost sounds like a threat, doesn&#8217;t it? I hope wherever the kids are their access to this news is limited.

Of course it's a threat - it's called witness tampering.

She's prohibited from contacting any of the ten children. A no contact order typically includes language that also prohibits attempts at third party contact. IMO, her pleas to her children via that media interview are in violation of the no contact order. I'll reiterate what I said in a previous post: She needs to get popped for violating the no contact order.

She's effectively saying to the children (IMO): The cops are being mean to Mommy & Daddy. If you ever want to see Mommy & Daddy again, tell the cops that you lied.

Even in cases of severe abuse, children still love their abusive parent. I'm sure these children are terrified of never seeing their parents again.

Oh - I just watched the video again, and the reporter said police found animal and human feces on the floor.

IDK how I missed that. I'd thought before that it was 'only' animal feces (as if that's not bad enough). My partner (TY hun!) was watching the video with me and he brought it to my attention.

Human feces, according to the report on KPIX.
<respectfully snipped above post>

This chick seems to change her story every time she opens her damn mouth. First, she claimed she was the one who turned the house upside down when her twelve year old son ran away back in March. Now, she claims the police tore up the house when they arrested her "amazing" tattoo artist husband.

I guess the cops are to blame for the animal feces and rotten food on the floor, too? GMAFB

I've heard of LE tossing a house during a homicide investigation (understandably so, as they're searching for forensic evidence), but I've never heard of LE tossing a house during an arrest involving child abuse when no one is deceased.

Listen lady - if you're going to tell a story, pick one and stick to it. Also - pick a story that makes some damn sense.

ETA: It's not uncommon for perps to change their stories as more info comes to light. So I'm not surprised that her story has changed. I won't be surprised if it changes again.

Also: This chick invited the media into her house - with animal excrement and rotten food on the floor. It's as if she didn't see anything wrong with the living conditions. That alone says a helluva lot.

She said they grew up in bad situations so maybe this is fabulous in their eyes.
Looking at that pic again and it just makes no sense. The walls behind the toilet are totally white. But the trim and the inside walls of the tub are the same color as what looks like the smears on the floor. No way do the outside walls stay perfectly white and the feces smears match the trim and shower stall walls exactly. Why is the top of the toilet seat perfectly clean? That is like the first thing small children with dirty hands touch. They touch the toilet since it's lowest down to them. And they touch walls. That and the tops and edges of the tubs. I'm thinking of all the times my little ones coming in a bathroom to get cleaned up, take baths etc. And when things get dirty it's not this same hazy color over every dirty surface. That's not what dirt smears look like.

Just asked dh what he thought of this picture without telling him a single thing about it and what did he think of it. What did he see? He said he wasn't sure what he was looking at. It looked like a strange green color floating above the floor. And almost looked like something out of a computer game. Something looked really off and it didn't look "real" to him.
Maybe the children were not allowed to use the toilet; hence why it is clean. Who knows, maybe they weren't allowed to use toilets at all. Just trying to comprehend the incomprehensible.
My heart is broken for these children. And for those who had to walk into that "home" to rescue them. And! For the good people who will have to provide physical & emotional services for them.

I pray that they are homed with adults who are decent , kind & patient.

Sometimes it seems that hell is actually a place here on earth. We see glimpses of it every day here.

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Why get involved with this thread, it will probably be closed. Every thread I like to read about then they close them.
She said they grew up in bad situations so maybe this is fabulous in their eyes.

Ah, now that's an interesting idea. What struck me in the videos is how confident she seems to be that she is a good mother and providing a good environment for her children. She didn't seem to be doubtful, embarrassed or feel a need to hide the state of her home.

So I wonder if she did come from some sort of drastically worse environment and is genuinely proud of the environment she's provided for her children. This is a situation of which I'd be horrified and embarrassed and would definitely not be inviting reporters in to look at. But she seems just totally clueless.

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