CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #1

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There is an eerie comment on the pic posted June 2012. David-Louise Turpin posted comment "Thank you! I miss you and your office staff very much. Haven't had much desire to reproduce without you around."
Is that a play on words (using reproduce for copying/xeroxing), or is that a sexual innuendo? Strikes me as odd.

I went and looked at this. The woman (and office staff) who they miss is a gynaecologist... so that makes more sense!
Because this case is pretty much guaranteed to be high-profile, we will see TONS of social media rumors, and likely a bunch of new members here (YAY!).
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Not sure we should name the kids

I debated on whether to add that thread or not, but these were the only ones listed in that I could find, and none are minors.

I'm sure the Moderator will delete if necessary. However, all the data is public record.
This is infuriating. And nauseating. How could anyone EVER get to a point of thinking this was somehow okay?

I don't care that they had a big family. I don't care if you are a single mom in the inner city with eleven kids by four different dads or or if you're a married couple in the Bible belt with twenty kids as long as your kids are healthy and loved and cared for. THAT is the issue here, extreme abuse and neglect of children (and adult children.)

I think there is WAY more to come out here. I think I count 14 kids in the 2012 Cars photo and that's before the baby was born. Is it possible a couple adult children got out and cut ties? Maybe that's what prompted them to allegedly imprison the others? If those are their kids (and not like cousins or family friends or something), I hope they got out. The alternative is too awful to contemplate.
YES!! I’m not sure if I’m just having dejavu or what but I can’t stop feeling like I’ve incountered this family or a very similar story in the past. Was there another story of a child escaping and alerting authorities of more victims in the last few years? This is driving me crazy.

It reminds me of the Jackson family.
Does anyone else notice the baby has a more reddish colored hair? I come from Italian lineage without any redheads in my family..but is it possible to be that light and reddish to dark haired like the other children ? I know I’ve seen blonde to brown but never that red..

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Look closely at the wedding pictures. Looks like they have recreated the same event more than twice. Notice the length of moms hair...

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Holy smokes!

Yes I was thinking of that bizarre Quiverfull religious movement where people don't use birth control and measure their level of religious devotion according to the number of children they have. If they were part of this kind of religious cult, it would explain why the older children remained at home with the rest. They've probably been home schooled and taught that the outside world is a dangerous, sinful place. Probably no tv, computers or much interaction with the outside world.

It would seem such a lifestyle would be very expensive and difficult to maintain unless you were living on a farm, growing your own food, etc. They probably ran into financial trouble and could no longer afford to feed their children adequately. The chaining up of some of them I don't get. That's horrific.

I think they are absolutely Quiverfull. But I also think some other things are going on. They are Elvis fanatics, into Star Wars and Disney obsessed. I'm getting the vibe that they are incredibly socially awkward and dysfunctional. So they created their own community so they could finally feel at home.

They might have decided to keep their children chained and kept confined because they feared losing control of them as they aged and showed signs of wanting to be independent.

They also may have been overwhelmed and unable to cope with so many kids and/or kids with special needs, etc.

I sense mental health issues with one parent or both. Maybe neurological as well.

There probably was some other serious abuse going on as well like sexual abuse. These people likely have boundary issues.

Especially pre-reality tv, when the Duggar children were being brought up in matching Handmaid's Tale outfits.


It might be something similar. Adherents to the Quiverful movement would not be permitted by their beliefs to recreate dancing or the incendiary music of Elvis.

Oh they absolutely remind me of the Duggars. Just a less functional and more insane version.

Quiverfull is a religious philosophy and doesn't say anything about dancing or music. But most of them happen to be from strict religious sects that outlaw that kind of thing.

I'm getting the Duggar vibe too, but with - perhaps - no spouse matches have been found for the older children so the kept the children perpetually young??

I'm trying to make sense of this...and really can't. I do suspect it will be a religious thing and they were very isolated.

Can anyone find out what the father did for a living?



You think a woman would willing be a breeding cow for 13 kids like this? In that situation you really think the mother is pushing the agenda for more kids over and over and over and over?

Yes. 100%. There are many women who are even more anatical and zealous about their religious beliefs when it comes to procreation than the men their with.

For example, I think Michelle Duggar is much more of a zealot than her husband.

And sometimes women are even more abusive than the men they're with.

I think the "school" and the "principal" is for homeschooling purposes. I don't think that was actually his paying job at any point. jmo

Agreed. Is there some kind of tax write off for running a "school" in your home?
Holy smokes!

I think they are absolutely Quiverfull. But I also think some other things are going on. They are Elvis fanatics, into Star Wars and Disney obsessed. I'm getting the vibe that they are incredibly socially awkward and dysfunctional. So they created their own community so they could finally feel at home.

I think they might have been inspired by one of those sects, but there are enough differences that I think they're definitely their own tribe. The girls wear pants, the mom's wedding gown has bare arms and shoulders and make-up, etc. No minister at the weddings, just Elvis in a secular chapel....and nothing overtly religious on their page at all from what I can see, except for the common nativity Christmas decoration. No prayers, religous memes, pics of church community friends/events, etc. Very, very odd.

They might have decided to keep their children chained and kept confined because they feared losing control of them as they aged and showed signs of wanting to be independent.

They also may have been overwhelmed and unable to cope with so many kids and/or kids with special needs, etc.

I sense mental health issues with one parent or both. Maybe neurological as well.

My theory too.

Agreed. Is there some kind of tax write off for running a "school" in your home?

Homeschooling is actually more expensive. You still pay taxes for the public school district but you have to buy your own curriculum, equipment, supplies, etc. (I've never done it but know many normal people with amazing kids who have.). Even if you could write some of that off, and maybe in some states you can, it's not a way to make or save money. I think that is just more evidence of how crazy controlled these kids lives were. [/QUOTE]
Just saw this story on CNN World News...

Just WOW! So glad this 17 year old could get away and call 911.
Haven't read through this entire thread (you're moving too fast!), so my opinion might not tally with what is known and established...
I'm noting a huge age difference between the baby and the next youngest child. Looking at the multiple renewals and the very limited vision of family life - regular vacations to renew vows with Elvis and dress up in Disney t-shirts - I think they were striving for a "picture perfect" vision that became too difficult to sustain. The children were growing up and becoming inconvenient - the younger children look healthier and more natural than the older "children" who must have been intimidated into not growing up into adults. I believe the older children were definitely chained up (the police said "several" so maybe not all the children were restrained) to prevent them finding their way into the real world.
If the mother is 49 and the eldest is 29, she's been having babies for 20 years, and she could plausibly had a break then one more "miracle" baby. But it's more likely that at least one of the adult children is being abused and gave birth.
Aside from any (speculative) sexual abuse, I think the parents became more and more overwhelmed with this image they'd taken on. Home schooling and feeding these kids would have been exhausting so gradually they became more and more abusive rather than letting the kids leave home. Maybe the multiple renewals were to smooth things over after a betrayal, and the restraints were to keep control of children that were grown up. Maybe they couldn't risk letting the older kids into the real world, in case they spilled on their family life... and this is what has happened.
One of the friends is quoted in an article, upthread, saying that the family loved Disneyland and went there a lot.

Hard to believe. Do you have any idea how much it would cost to take a family of 14 to Disney for the day? I don't even want to add it up.

From the second article in your link:

While David and Louise were in the Pentecostal faith, they did not have a church in the area and David's parents knew of no friends that the couple had.

Sounds like they practiced similar things to Quiverfull-type movements, but in their own closed-off nightmare world.

Those parents sure don't look malnourished, do they?

from abc7 article:
"James and Betty Turpin, who live in West Virginia, said David and Louise had so many children because "God called on them."

They were given "very strict homeschooling," and would memorize long passages in the Bible, the grandparents said. Some children tried to memorize it in its entirety.

While David and Louise were in the Pentecostal faith, they did not have a church in the area and David's parents knew of no friends that the couple had."

Sad, sad, sad for those children.
Not sure what to think re ^ excerpt.

Jennifer Dawn Turpin born to (only Louise is listed in index) 28 Jul 1988 in LA County, CA
Joshua David Turpin born to David and Louise on 3 Feb 1992 in Tarrant County, TX
Jessica Louise Turpin born to David and Louise on 3 Nov 1993 in Tarrant County, TX
Jonathan Wayne Turpin born to David and Louise on 17 Nov 1995 in Tarrant County, TX
Joy Donna Turpin born to David and Louise on 21 May 1997 in Tarrant County, TX

These dates of birth do not appear to correspond with the ages of the male children. Just looking at them none of the male 'children' look to be 26 years old or 22 years old.

Those parents sure don't look malnourished, do they?

No.......the parents do not look malnourished. They made sure they had everything they wanted. They had absolutely no parental instinct.

I think there has been generational abuse. We will hear lots more about this.
These dates of birth do not appear to correspond with the ages of the male children. Just looking at them none of the male 'children' look to be 26 years old or 22 years old.

The authorities thought the 17-year old girl was 10. So glad she was able to make the phone call.

It is so sad that this whole family just slipped through the cracks.
from ^ article:
"David Turpin made about $140,000 per year working as an engineer at Northrup Grumman, according to the bankruptcy documents. His wife's occupation was listed as "homemaker."
They listed about $150,000 in assets, including about $87,000 from 401k plans from Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman, according to court papers. The documents listed debts of about $240,000, which included mostly credit card debt and a foreclosed farm in Rio Vista, Texas, valued at $40,000."

Rio Vista TX Registered sex offenders. Any possible connection? IDK.
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