CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #5

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What is it with the "he wanted to invent the lightbulb" thing? I swear everytime I read that I'm like...wait it was already invented by Thomas Edison in the late 1800's. wth?

What jumps out at me is his motto of never do today what you can put off for tomorrow. Like pay your bills, clean your house, care for your children?

It could be and should be. Home visits by trained clinicians and mandated reporters would not be that expensive or difficult to accomplish. At least if we want to avoid another Turpin situation and others like it.

I think abusers like the Turpins simply wouldn't bother filing with the state - they would go under the radar with homeschooling.


FWIW - I don't know the solution to finding abusers. It's a problem that aches in my heart for sure.
What jumps out at me is his motto of never do today what you can put off for tomorrow. Like pay your bills, clean your house, care for your children?


Amazing level of cognitive dissonance.
I think abusers like the Turpins simply wouldn't bother filing with the state - they would go under the radar with homeschooling.


FWIW - I don't know the solution to finding abusers. It's a problem that aches in my heart for sure.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't have regulations.

That just means that those who didn't register would be outliers. Easier to ferret them out in some ways.
Idk, V-necks can be awkward when you bend over, or maybe feel too revealing at that age could be a modesty thing?

I had a bf who liked to strangle... and good riddance to the *advertiser censored*. I can't wear scarves or any thing constructive around my neck and am very claustrophobic to this day... 30-plus years later.
This is what I was thinking. It would be the opposite if it was about strangulation. The more something chafes about your neck, the more it would remind you of having been strangled.

I think the V necks are about something else. Right now they are very bony as well and may simply want to be more covered up.

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Ugly older man gets himself a very young pretty girl he's already in his place if she is NPD, this will be perfect - she can control and manipulate using her looks and sex appeal (?) that's what they do best, manipulate people, they absolutely need someone to adore them, listen to them and pander to their needs. I don't really know how or if it works if both are PD, I always assumed one would need to be the compliant one. I'm not saying he's innocent at all, it seems he's clearly being investigated for further vile charges, god knows what else is to come out, I was just trying to put it together, work it out..

Someone mentioned a little earlier that LT couldn't abuse/drag the kids about as she's so small herself, size doesn't make any difference if someone is nasty and mean, if you're terrified of someone it's not because of how big they are, it's what they're capable of. Believe me, a small cruel woman can be quite scary.

Has the older boy passed tests I wonder to prove he is totally brain-washed/docile and can be trusted outside, maybe testing him bit by bit, they might need to get someone else out there working to bring money in

I can't help imagine, and probably will continue to for a long while, how much they're going to enjoy life, love, laughter and the sunshine - wonder if they have ever played in the sun? Thank God they are now out of that living hell, they truly won't know themselves for a long time

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This is what I was thinking. It would be the opposite if it was about strangulation. The more something chafes about your neck, the more it would remind you of having been strangled.

I think the V necks are about something else. Right now they are very bony as well and may simply want to be more covered up.

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I wonder if we're over-thinking it. Maybe someone asked the siblings (or a representative for the siblings), "What kind do you want, crew-neck or v-neck?" and the answer was "Umm..crew neck is fine." So crew neck went on the list.

People always think it's only males who sexually abuse others, but females can as well. Wouldn't surprise me if the mom was sexually abusing one or more of the boys. The eldest seemed to get special favors from classes and Kristy kreme trips.
Throwing this out there randomly---

I don't understand why some people feel the kids might not be biologically related. To me they all look exactly alike, but different ages.

I feel like the reason for DNA testing isn’t to check if they are all biologically related... it’s to make sure they all both have the same mother. I can’t help but feel that there is something more devious underneath all of this, and I think more charges of a sexual nature are coming. I hope I’m wrong but I wouldn’t be surprised if the mother of the baby is actually one of the daughters.
I want to help but feel helpless.
If you want to do something aside from making a financial contribution for them, I would suggest doing something for kids in your area. It could be anything from donating kids items to a women's shelter to volunteering at a food pantry.

If you live in a cold climate, you could purchase hats and gloves for kids and approach a school bus garage. Many bus drivers keep hats and gloves on hand for kids who can't afford appropriate winter clothing. School counselors also probably keep a list of kids in need.

Or post a request on your Facebook page asking local friends to private message you the names of kids in need. I was giving a certain amount of eggs from our hens away each month and asked my friends for names of people who might be struggling whom I could deliver free eggs to.

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I’m pages behind again, so this may have been mentioned. The charging document lists a date range for that charge. IIRC it was around a year and it was a few years ago.

If the kids were so isolated I wonder how they were able to narrow down the dates.
Partly by knowing the year they moved each time.

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The middle boy breaks my heart the most of all. I don't know why.

OT: I went to public school with a girl who became a good friend who had 11 sisters and 2 brothers. I loved hanging out at their house. They were so... different and amazing. They all had names like faith hope charity patience etc and wore clothes from a bygone era. Their brothers were very special to all those sisters.

The middle Turpin brother looks so forlorn. I hope he gets good vision care from here on out. Being able to see well is very important to... connecting with the world around you.

I wonder what happened to his eyes. I hope they didn’t become crossed from a beating. I am not sure that is possible, but I hope not.
Homeschooling is growing year by year. Visiting every home to inspect? Seems like a task that could never actually be accomplished or funded.

Not sure this thread needs to go down this road anyway....this is one editorial that could be countered with another and on and on, ykwim?

I think it's useful to look at solutions and to see what Californians themselves are thinking right now.

If you read it, it discusses what various states have in place, and which ones go too far or not far enough.

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What is it with the "he wanted to invent the lightbulb" thing? I swear everytime I read that I'm like...wait it was already invented by Thomas Edison in the late 1800's. wth?
I'm thinking a bizarre sense of humor, or an inside joke. For it to be an inside joke, he'd have to have friends, though.

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What jumps out at me is his motto of never do today what you can put off for tomorrow. Like pay your bills, clean your house, care for your children?

That's what went through my mind, too.

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All of this haunts me.

Two things from this article

1. “Sometimes in the evenings she would hear the Turpin children playing in their yard, so one day she grabbed a jump rope and knocked on the door of the trailer. . . . A skinny, pale girl with long brown hair opened the door and just stared, she said. ‘Her eyes just got real wide. She closed the door back in my face,’ Vinyard recalled.”

If the children were being restrained while living in Texas, which it seems they were (see the next quote), can you imagine opening the door to a playmate and seeing her holding a jump rope, which, if you’ve possibly never jumped rope before, would look very much like a restraint. [emoji174]

At that moment at the door, the child could have thought, “Parents restrain and torture us—and people outside this house want to, too?” Horrifying.

2. “After the family left, repo men showed up for their two cars, and their house was foreclosed. Billy Baldwin and his mother bought the house a year later, the interior trashed, the bathroom floor rotted through, he said. Inside, Baldwin found a handful of Polaroids taken when the Turpins left. One shows a bed with a metal rail that has a rope tied to it, he said.”

I keep wondering why DT and LT would photograph the bed with restraints on it and who knows what else—and why they would leave such incriminating photos behind.

Then, it occurred to me that perhaps, even then, one of the children had the wherewithal to take photos as evidence of the torture, neglect, and abuse and left it behind, in the hope that whoever lived in the home next would put two and two together and alert authorities.

Remembering that attempt at sending up a flare to signal distress did not work, this time child #8 took the evidence with her when she made her dash for life.

Maybe. Maybe not. JMO.

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I saw all three wedding videos. Very disturbing. They did all of them in odd number years once in September and two in October.

I saw children in two of the three videos. They wore the same exact clothing. Some of them look like they have an aversion to bright light. They look nervous to me.

They were inside and came out when it is night. Their limited exposure to Sun would make them pale.
It is common for sure. But I really do not get that vibe here. There is obvious psychopathy here with both of them in the PD department. LT gives me possible Intellectual Disability ( In the HIGH range) vibes and definite possible serious mental illness (Bipolar Disorder maybe, lots of impulsiveness there ) with a personality disorder. They can exist at the same time in one person. Borderline..I'm not positive. BPD is more about splitting and raging and then swinging back to idealizing. It stems from the primary caretaker not allowing for proper separation-individuation early in life and then in adolescence. They fear abandonment above all else and perceive it everywhere. Its a serious void of self and of pathology in attachment style.

That being said, forensically, they knew right from wrong. They were calculating. And knew to hide what they were doing .

But I will eat my hat rather than say there is no mental illness here. Regardless of what authorities have said. Hoarding in and of itself is a DSM5 Diagnosis. They also said it way to early, not leaving enough time for a comprehensive mental health eval of both of them. Not for insanity purposes of course. They were NOT insane and should pay for what they did.

I see psychopathy in the PD department , psychopathic personality disorder, or even Antisocial ASD, MOO. There is not enough there for me to assume borderline yet. (Cutting, self harm, splitting etc). BPD generally cut themselves, high suicide attempt rates, the rage swings from being directed at ones self and then to others. All of this rage appears to have been directed at their children. They also have very high interpersonal conflict, chronically. She has been in a "stable" (VOMIT) marriage for 30 something years.

Who knows. We will see. We don't know enough. What we do know is that their behavior is depraved and sadistic, and calculated. They knew what they were doing and knew to hide it, has been going on for many years. They hoard, live in squalor, destroy and abandon house after house, blow through money, and the cycle starts all over again. There are impulse control problems in both. Serious regression in LT. Sexual predation in DT. A lack of compassion, empathy, and insight. They did not appear to care one iota. Its gruesome, grotesque, and defies logic.

Hoarding is also usually born out of trauma. LT appears very regressed. Stuck. I would guess there was trauma in her childhood.


I don;t know either. I hope we will get to find out. I have three borderlines in my life (MIL, aunt by marriage and long time friend from childhood) and have come across about three more in my practice. Only one was into cutting that I am aware of. Three made suicide attempts or seriously threatened.

All have zero damn memory of the things they have done or things that occurred in the past. They completely remember them the wrong way. Only a couple have been sexually promiscuous as most are supposed to be.

I think while some of that is common, none of it has to be there for the person to be diagnosed. For me, the constants are intense fear of abandonment that results, inexplicably, in crazy behaviors that ensure they will be abandoned - rages, pulling the person in and then shutting them out, intensive boundary crossing (like the allegation that LT picked the locks and watched her sister come out of the shower, if that allegation is to be believed) but extreme distress or rage if anyone ever tries to pry into their business, and then it's the idealization which swings to hatred.

I could see some of that applying to LT. She idealizes her husband. Let's see if she turns on him. She seems to maybe idealize her babies but then hates them as they age? I don't see evidence of intellectual disability in her actions or facial expressions in the videos, narratives about her, etc. In fact, she seems pretty sharp. "No, we don;t call him James. WE call him Jonathan!" Her ability to keep things hidden. Her close control of her son when he went to college. her stated desire for a reality show. her communications on FB, like to the fertility nurse? etc.

A huge cause of it is actually abandonment by a caretaker. From what I've read and witnessed, the primary caretaker not allowing for proper separation-individuation early in life and then in adolescence is not a cause as much as abandonment is (either physical or more often, emotional). And of course straight up abuse, physical and especially emotional.

I don't know about bi-polar for her. I don't know enough. Don't they tend to have issues with substance or alcohol abuse a lot? Anxiety and depression? The latter sure fits with hoarding.

I hope we will be able to find something out. I doubt it though. Usually that stuff is sealed.
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