CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #6

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Perris, CA to Las Vegas, NV = +/- 250 miles
Oklahoma City, OK to Las Vegas, NV = over 1,100 miles

(I presume that you were joking with that one, but your geography is way off)

For them to move so far away from Disneyland (Anaheim) after being 60 miles away in Perris.

Had they finally given up on creating the fairytale family of their delusion?
I really think that is his real hair!

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I think so as well. Would they allow a mugshot with the wig on if that’s the case? Unless it’s like a sew on weave...I wouldn’t imagine they would.

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Just a wild guess, But I wonder if their plans for getting a school bus was that they could live on the bus for awhile
before they found a place to live. Now before you say this is ridiculous.......The acquaintances I mentioned earlier
were moving to OK. w/ 2 adults, a couple teens and a grandson, and hauled a 2 horse trailer to live in for the first year or so. They bought cheap land, like $500./acre and planned to eventually build a place. They claimed no one cared
if they lived in the horse trailer cause properties were so remote and no zoning.

I would not say this is ridiculous. Where I live, I've seen folks make, make-shift homes, out of school buses. :( Not that I'm putting them down, mind you, they take the seats out, and make do with what they've got.
I’m sure this has been addressed, but I’m trying to get caught up here... based on the lewd conduct charges, are we sure the youngest child is LT’s? Is it possible it was a home birth and actually one of the daughters?
What I don't understand and maybe I missed it, was why do they have 4 vehicles? Didn't some neighbors claim they saw an older child driving? In this picture, it's clear they have 4 is the van (I can understand that with 13 children) and then 3 cars....Mother and father drive one. who's vehicle was the 4th one?


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I’m sure this has been addressed, but I’m trying to get caught up here... based on the lewd conduct charges, are we sure the youngest child is LT’s? Is it possible it was a home birth and actually one of the daughters?

Da said all children born in hospital and were let.s. I MO

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Yes, I was shocked to see the transcript released. Unless it was leaked by the defendants, it is very inappropriate for that information to be released to the press. (It is helpful to us, tho.)

I wonder if any of the classes were taken online?

Very sharp thinking. It definitely could've been leaked by the defense! I never would've thought of that.

Hi guys.

Anyway, I'm myself now a married mother who has to go get some little kids ready for school. But even as someone who has experienced just, the tiniest most miniscule taste of being isolated and hurt as a child, I still suffer. I can't send my kids to their room without going in there with them 5 minutes later to sit with them during their time outs so they know I don't hate them. I suffer from horrible social anxiety, and willingly isolate myself as an adult because it's comfortable, despite years of therapy. All the medication in the world doesn't change being a little helpless person behind a locked door all those years ago. My eyes are so full of tears that I can hardly write thinking about those precious kids and what they went through, and what they'll go through every day forever because of the monsters who gave birth to them. The girl who escaped? She's my hero. I don't know if I've ever admired someone more. All of them lived. They're all heroes.

Snipped by me for space.

Powerful post. I don't think your isolation was minuscule at all. To be ostracized like that in your own home and continually punished for most of your childhood is mind bogglingly cruel.

Your level of functioning is great and a testament to your strength and character.

It's amazing how many people who suffered in childhood are drawn here to bear witness to the suffering of those who remain voiceless.

Welcome to websleuths.

He also has 12 counts of torture

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The torture was from systematically starving them and making them lay in their own waste.

I am wondering about the oldest girl. She went to school kindergarten through third grade. Were there no manadated reporting laws? No staff member was concerned about a child who was filthy and had poop smell? No staff member was concerned that this child was an outcast?

Seems at least one of the teachers joined in on ostracizing the oldest child rather than figuring out why she smelled. Per an article about the Facebook post by a former classmate.

If she started gambling then that could explain where a lot of their money went since he seemed to have a good paying job at least for awhile. I have to question whether she started doing online gambling too or how many visits she may have taken herself to Vegas while he watched the kids or maybe they found a place to take the kids while they went themselves to Vegas to gamble only.

Also I think their upcoming move was pretty much for the same reasons they left the Texas home. I am guessing their debt was getting out of hand and their place was getting dirty again and they were just going to dump everything and disappear again. It follows a pattern for them to run and just leave everything and let the house foreclose.

"Teresa Robinette and Billy Lambert told how their sister Louise Turpin, 49, started drinking and gambling after she turned 40"
Oh my! I am heartbroken reading this, for you and for the survivors. Thank you for sharing your experience, you have personified something that I could only imagine. I hope your tormentors were punished for what they did to you. :hugs:

Thank you. No, this institution still exists. a little private gulag run by the same monster who was there when I was a child. He no longer starves the girls and claims he no longer uses corporal punishment (severe bloody beatings they were, actually) I have devoted my life to trying to close him down and expose him because in spite of his claims to have changed his ways I know how much he enjoyed hurting and humiliating young girls. That is who he is, that kind of sadism and cruelty is from the soul. I truly believe the girls locked in his basement are in danger every day and continue to exhaust every avenue I can find to try and rescue them.
I'm starting to think that the media are encouraging "witnesses" to come up with stories to fit the narrative. Waist-deep in filth? So he was wading waist deep through diapers and Vienna sausage cans, finding dead dogs and cats in the sludge of rubbish?

And the faeces covered living room with a chalkboard doesn't make sense to me either. I understand why the bedrooms were covered in faeces because the kids were chained up throughout the day which was their night. But were they also restrained and forbidden to go to the toilet during lesson times in the more "normal" period of family life when LT was at least attempting to home-school them? As their lives disintegrated, the living room (I believe) was filled with unopened toys and other hoarded objects, so I doubt the kids were told to do their business on the parents' special possessions.
And multiple dead dogs and cats? He can't say exactly how many dead dogs and cats he saw that day. That's a LOT of dead animals. As much as I believe LT is evil, I don't think she waves a magic wand to strike herds of animals dead once she's finished with a place.
I don't think this guy is credible. It sounds like he's saying what the media wants to hear.

Lol your right. We have renters not wanting to talk ( living in brick house that Billy Baldwin now owns and rents out) to telling name and allowing media in to photo the messy closet with h busted up door in current photos. Which is the renter's mess but people will just look and assume was Turpin's. Then there's the vents that they assume was from when Turpin's lived there. They have no idea it wasn't blocked when Turpin's bought or if Baldwin blocked off.

In article where Vineyards are interviewed, the daughter is 25 now per article. Turpin's deed is recorded as 7/20/1999. This would make AV 6 yrs old in 99. She would be 10 in 2003 (Turpin's moved per bankruptcy 5/2010) which was 7 years after when AV speaks of playing with The Turpin children. And AV would be 17 years old when she went with parents snooping sometime in summer of 2010.

Mrs. V said -DT drove white truck and mom a van. Mr.V said white truck loaded with trash. Unknown if same van but per bankruptcy doc, bought van they have now and kept coming ch7 filing. That van was purchased in 2009, and other vehicle within few months. Possible truck messed up why purchase of another vehicle - car- so soon.

Mrs.V "one day noticed a double wide" "they lived in double wide shout 4years" The double wide was purchased 5/2004 and 4/2010 - 6 years later not 4, was foreclosed on. And farm property 2010. Again bankruptcy documents.

And in article it says about the child walking down road being picked up- they just assumed this, and was told by someone else long before they moved. So that part being repeated as a fact with media as backup is not factual but hearsay from long ago and possibly misremembered.

Same with sister EJRF, saying sister wouldn't accept her FB request yet same account posted to it. Both sisters were fb friends. Liking multiple of the public photos on a private set account. Ss to prove that.

Beware of media. They twist and put opinions as fact. Even misstating DA from press conference. Jmho from reading and comparison of facts and reports.
I’m sure this has been addressed, but I’m trying to get caught up here... based on the lewd conduct charges, are we sure the youngest child is LT’s? Is it possible it was a home birth and actually one of the daughters?

It has been discussed many times during the threads, but the evidence (so far) points to it being LT bio child (pregnancy photo, lewd charge being too early to result in the pregnancy of 13, the girls being too thin to sustain a pregnancy etc)
(Bolding is by me)

You are a hero too, CaMomx4 - for escaping, and for making the decision to break the cycle of abuse with your children. Your kids will know a happy, normal childhood thanks to you.

I bolded part of your post because that is something that can't be emphasized enough: child abuse goes on in "respectable" professional families, "people like us," and it's overlooked for that same reason. People who are working class, darker skinned, visibly poor, etc. are often suspected of abuse when there is none; likewise, families with money and whose parent(s) have professional careers are given the benefit of the doubt, and it's the children in these families who are assumed to be troublemakers, not grateful for what they have, and so on.

DT was an engineer; LT a homemaker, so outsiders and even authorities might have just seen Ozzie and Harriet albeit with more kids. College-educated, professional, suburban, "nice" etc. etc. families are absolutely given the benefit of the doubt. So I wouldn't be surprised if much of the lackadaisical response of outsiders and authorities and even family members until now was tied up with that. If the Turpins were poor, and even more if they were poor and not white, there would have been a lot more scrutiny, I am sure.

There is a book about abuse in upscale families - it is mostly about spouse abuse but I think it is applicable to child abuse: called Not To People Like Us by Susan Weitzman; I think it has a lot to apply to situations like this.

Homemaker! :laughcry:
Quoting From the media thread
Both have 12 counts of torture

Both have 12 counts of false imprisonment

She has 11 counts of child endangerment and he has 6

She has 6 willful harm to a child and he has 5

Both have 7 harm/cruelty to a dependent adult

He has 1 lewd act.

Did I count these right? Please check my work.

DT charges:
LT charges:

ETA to add links from Kizzykat

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I'm wondering why not atleast 12 counts each in endangerment dept and why does he have less everywhere? I mean I suspected she was primary abuser anyway but I figured they'd both get charged the same since in cahoots.

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I don't have a problem with him doing that. He kept his distance while they lived their, which was right, but went to check out what had been happening after they were gone.

Too bad he didn't call CPS, but I imagine he had no way of knowing where they had gone.

As long as the property isn't privately owned, and is up for grabs by the bank, no, no problem. Privately owned? Even if vacant. No. Keep out.
Can I ask a question of the very brave, amazing survivors we have on the thread ... would a diagnosis of a personality disorder or a psychopathy/sociopathy of your abuser(s) make it better or worse for you? Or would it make no difference to how you felt about it?
The charges for DT seem to be written more in a list format, but for LT they seemed to use notations like X3, X9, X12 at the left more rather than writing them in a list.

Can you imagine the cop shop that morning? 14 statements to process plus an infant to look after. Call for back-up!
I’m wondering if any posters have a medical background in child development.

I have something that is bothering me. When my daughter was born, primary importance was placed on feeding her constantly in those first weeks of life (doubling weight being the goal). To the degree that the visiting nurses and lactation consultants directed us to wake her up for feedings regardless of whether she wanted to sleep through them or not. My husband and I, as new parents, were inclined to just let her sleep. “Don’t wake a sleeping infant” and other colloquialisms filled our heads. Heeding the advice of the medical professionals, we were torn, and reached out to our doctor for more specific guidance. The answer we received was, “Yes, wake the baby up to feed at this early stage”. Hubby and I told the doctor that she would refuse to wake up for feeding time when we talked to her or ran the vacuum to wake her up. The doc suggested we use an ice cube applied to her foot for a few seconds to rouse her. I was flabbergasted by this suggestion and made him repeat it to me. I tried it once but couldn’t bring myself to try it again. We eventually found the noise of our small dogs barking did the trick. Our daughter is 7 now and healthy as can be!

Sorry, long way around the barn...

So knowing that the 2 yo survivor was well fed has me puzzled. I also know that if you feed a newborn nothing but water it can actually kill them, whereas a starving ADULT can survive on water only (in lieu of food) for a longer duration.

We’re all the survivors fed well as newborns during those critical first weeks? What changed? At what age did the starvation start? Was nutrition slowly restricted?

And lastly, could this be why they may be searching former properties for children who did not survive?

I would like to inject something here on the subject of weight. I had a normal childhood, was not abused in anyway, plenty of food available (Mother was a H/W and an excellent cook). I am 5'5". The day I was married I weighed 92 pounds. The day before my son was born I weighed 105 pounds. I was 22 years old. When I was 36 years old I weighed 101 pounds. I was married with a career and resources to buy food anytime I wanted. I just was never hungry. I would go all day long without eating a single thing. It got to where in the evening after we got home, hubby would take to asking me if I had eaten that day. Usually the answer was no and he would insist I eat something right then. Even now, after I have gained weight (more then I like or should have) he still worries. Recently hubby spent four days in the hospital with pneumonia and every day he was calling our son and telling him "make sure your mother has eaten something today". All of my weight gain or lack thereof was purely my own fault.

My point is that the girls all look to be short as does LT (she looks to be about 5'2" when standing beside Elvis) and even though the 29 year old weighs only 86 pounds, I cannot help but think the weight issue is not why the DA listed her as in critical condition. A lot of women are very thin. I think maybe she had some severe injuries from the beatings or atrophied muscles from being forced to lie in bed for weeks or months that landed her on the critical list. Then again if the were being fed nothing but Vienna sausages every meal she would not have been getting vital nutrients, plus all that salt in them could have caused severe organ damage. Could the fact that they were fed the same thing over and over every day have had more to do with them being malnourished than the actual amount of food given to them?

Could some medical people chime in on this?

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