CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #6

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I want to share my experience with starvation or near starvation, not to draw attention to something that happened to me in the far past, but to shed some light on what I believe these kids endured. I was starved for 29 months from 15-17.5. The experience still haunts me decades later. My weight dropped rapidly the first weeks of my captivity. I remember on day three climbing off my upper bunk and my legs literally collapsing under me. We were fed three small measured and rationed meals a day two meals on Saturday and Sunday. but those meals were predicated on perfect behavior. Girls who had lost the privilege to eat had to sit and watch the others eat. Girls who were not allowed to eat had to still help prepare, harvest, store and clean up food. Garbage cans were sealed and secured locks on refrigerators, doors etc. The never ending hunger was all consuming. All we thought about was food. Eventually we were forbidden to talk about food because we were all so obsessed. Girls risked bloody beatings to slip a muddy baby potato in their mouth while gardening or eat a crumb off the floor while mopping the kitchen. Girls licked their hands compulsively for the salty flavor and we ate our scabs, snot, paper anything leather we chewed on.
Sometimes there would be a feast, food our bodies desperately needed but created a shock to our systems. After one of these special occasion feasts girls would be doubled over and rocking in pain and vomiting. (Bear in mind that anyone who vomited was beaten for gluttony)
When visitors like board members or parents were scheduled food would be improved. I suspect to fatten us up a bit. We were weighed every Saturday morning and our weight charted publicly for some reason. over weight girls who arrived were put on half portions or our meager fare. That was literally a half cup of food. The for was unspeakably bad. Nothing normal people would eat. Raw bran like you would feed a horse was breakfast. Dinner might be a cup of boiled beans and a cup of boiled greens. None of us menstruated from the first week we were there. We all regressed to look like young children instead of teens and this was proclaimed to be evidence of the work of the Holy spirit softening our hard rebellious countenances and hearts. Our sudden childlike appearance was further enforced by the knee high socks and silly childish pinafore uniforms we wore each day. Bathroom use was considered a privilege and brutally regulated causing some girls to lose control of their bladders. That humiliation was not enough, Diapers were used in a very open and invasive way to further break down these poor souls.
I remember how my joints hurt all the time. Sitting in a metal chair for hours at a time was agony, a fine pelt of hair grew up my spine while my pubic hair and under arm hair disappeared. I was cold always and sleeping was hard on the thin mattresses because my hips and arms and spine had no cushion or protection. I remember that I would intentionally soak the arms of my flannel nightgown when I used the bathroom before bed so I could suck on the sleeves and get some relief from the horrible dryness of my mouth and throat when I slept. I remember that my hips and thighs were so small that I had to either hang on to the sides of the toilet or spread my legs wide so I did not slip in. My knees were the largest part of my legs. Mostly, over everything else, the gnawing pain of hunger. When there was food we ate all of it, as much as we could because we were compelled to by our depleted bodies. One time we were served freezer burned cow tongue baked on cookie sheets in an oven with no seasoning. The taste was awful and the meat was so tough it took us forever to chew it enough to swallow it, our jaws ached, but we sat and chewed and chewed and chewed that precious morsel of vile meat because we had too, our bodies demanded it.
When I left that place I suffered excruciated pain after eating fatty rich foods. Once I even ended up in an emergency room. I gained weight quickly and went from 88 pounds to a healthy 145 for my height in less than 5 months. I was covered in stretch marks, between my fingers, my neck, my breast exploded from a 30 AAA to a 34 DDD and I went through puberty all over again in a matter of months. I have struggled with food every since. I want all of the food all of the time. I feel sick if I have to throw away food and find myself planning for "next time" I cannot get food all the time. That was just 29 months......just a fraction, a parentheses, compared to what these poor children endured.

My God! Where? How? Why? What kind of place? How did you get out? Have any of the survivors ever contacted the authorities?

I would like to inject something here on the subject of weight. I had a normal childhood, was not abused in anyway, plenty of food available (Mother was a H/W and an excellent cook). I am 5'5". The day I was married I weighed 92 pounds. The day before my son was born I weighed 105 pounds. I was 22 years old. When I was 36 years old I weighed 101 pounds. I was married with a career and resources to buy food anytime I wanted. I just was never hungry. I would go all day long without eating a single thing. It got to where in the evening after we got home, hubby would take to asking me if I had eaten that day. Usually the answer was no and he would insist I eat something right then. Even now, after I have gained weight (more then I like or should have) he still worries. Recently hubby spent four days in the hospital with pneumonia and every day he was calling our son and telling him "make sure your mother has eaten something today". All of my weight gain or lack thereof was purely my own fault.

My point is that the girls all look to be short as does LT (she looks to be about 5'2" when standing beside Elvis) and even though the 29 year old weighs only 86 pounds, I cannot help but think the weight issue is not why the DA listed her as in critical condition. A lot of women are very thin. I think maybe she had some severe injuries from the beatings or atrophied muscles from being forced to lie in bed for weeks or months that landed her on the critical list. Then again if the were being fed nothing but Vienna sausages every meal she would not have been getting vital nutrients, plus all that salt in them could have caused severe organ damage. Could the fact that they were fed the same thing over and over every day have had more to do with them being malnourished than the actual amount of food given to them?

Could some medical people chime in on this?


The parents are not thin. So I don't know if it's natural.

I was as thin as those girls from ages 5 to early 20's. Except I had breast development.

I have a cousin that thin and a niece that thin.

I guess it has to do with a bunch of factors in context. What's natural for some may not be for others.
Thank you. No, this institution still exists. a little private gulag run by the same monster who was there when I was a child. He no longer starves the girls and claims he no longer uses corporal punishment (severe bloody beatings they were, actually) I have devoted my life to trying to close him down and expose him because in spite of his claims to have changed his ways I know how much he enjoyed hurting and humiliating young girls. That is who he is, that kind of sadism and cruelty is from the soul. I truly believe the girls locked in his basement are in danger every day and continue to exhaust every avenue I can find to try and rescue them.

If there is any way I can help in getting this guy's crimes exposed or help you to get the word out, please private message me and I will do all I can. I am sure most members here would help with this.
I would like to inject something here on the subject of weight. I had a normal childhood, was not abused in anyway, plenty of food available (Mother was a H/W and an excellent cook). I am 5'5". The day I was married I weighed 92 pounds. The day before my son was born I weighed 105 pounds. I was 22 years old. When I was 36 years old I weighed 101 pounds. I was married with a career and resources to buy food anytime I wanted. I just was never hungry. I would go all day long without eating a single thing. It got to where in the evening after we got home, hubby would take to asking me if I had eaten that day. Usually the answer was no and he would insist I eat something right then. Even now, after I have gained weight (more then I like or should have) he still worries. Recently hubby spent four days in the hospital with pneumonia and every day he was calling our son and telling him "make sure your mother has eaten something today". All of my weight gain or lack thereof was purely my own fault.

My point is that the girls all look to be short as does LT (she looks to be about 5'2" when standing beside Elvis) and even though the 29 year old weighs only 86 pounds, I cannot help but think the weight issue is not why the DA listed her as in critical condition. A lot of women are very thin. I think maybe she had some severe injuries from the beatings or atrophied muscles from being forced to lie in bed for weeks or months that landed her on the critical list. Then again if the were being fed nothing but Vienna sausages every meal she would not have been getting vital nutrients, plus all that salt in them could have caused severe organ damage. Could the fact that they were fed the same thing over and over every day have had more to do with them being malnourished than the actual amount of food given to them?

Could some medical people chime in on this?


I think two of the older females are taller than their mother. And I think the weight was 82 pds vs 86 pds.
I wish I could find the pic of one of the girls with arm raised.
Bone with very little flesh. It looked like the pics of starving infants in other nations.
I'm also short and at one time weighed 96 pounds,but I never looked as thin as these kids.
It’s cases like this that infuriate me. We, as adults in this world, have a responsibility to protect children, even if they aren’t our own. This seems like a severe case of way too many people “minding their own business”. When it comes to kids, if we suspect something, we need to say something!
Can I ask a question of the very brave, amazing survivors we have on the thread ... would a diagnosis of a personality disorder or a psychopathy/sociopathy of your abuser(s) make it better or worse for you? Or would it make no difference to how you felt about it?
It would not mitigate in any way what they did.
Can I ask a question of the very brave, amazing survivors we have on the thread ... would a diagnosis of a personality disorder or a psychopathy/sociopathy of your abuser(s) make it better or worse for you? Or would it make no difference to how you felt about it?

No difference whatsoever to me. Of course they're screwed up but so are lots of other people walking the streets and
feeding their kids and working hard to pay their bills. These parents made a conscious effort to harm their children,
a conscious effort to starve their children and an ongoing effort to imprison them. this was no short term psychosis
that they suddenly undid or made amends. This was prolonged and pervasive. Every day that they woke up they had the opportunity to stop the cruelty and start over, but no, they just continued every single day for years and years.
No excuses for them, both monster parents seemed to get on just fine in the rest of their lives. So I doubt there
will be a successful legal challenge to their sanity.
Yep. I used to live on a horse farm (rented a house there, not my farm or my horses, lol), and it was unbelievable how many times we had thrown-away cats appear at our doorstep (we figured the first cats must have left an invisible bread crumb trail to our door, or left an invisible "they're safe & cat wusses & will feed and help you" sign on that door).
Lol like those chalk signs the hobos used to leave near people's houses to indicate whether or not they were nice. There is definitely one by my house that says, "Mr flourish is the biggest sucker for cats and will feed you."

Sorry to be "this guy," but have we heard any updates on the siblings today? I've been doing actual work at work today ugh.
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention it but in this photo the shelves with what I assume are collectibles nags at me. I have a family member who is a borderline hoarder, never had a clean dish in the house, food and animal feces rotting everywhere... Never ever would have shelves like this not been covered with filth and clutter.

In this family member’s case, one of her ex-husbands called CPS at least a couple times I am aware of because of the filth and health/safety of the kids. I found out years later that her next door neighbor had a clerical position at the CPS office and would give her warning that there was going to be a “surprise” visit, then help her clean before the visit. She worked as an elementary school teacher at the same school for at least 30 years and never didn’t smell like a horrible mix of cat pee, poop and cigarettes.

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this is heartbreaking [emoji853]

I hope while in prison that their fellow inmates make sure they feel hunger. Neither of them look like they have missed any meals.
I'm continuing to hope they get something like Piper on "Orange is The New Black" where she gets starved by the head kitchen lady

News now coming out that there was a job transfer, and they had quite a few U-Haul boxes in the home.

I'm also very surprised that, due to privacy laws, the information as to the son that went to college, all his records were released. I thought there were privacy acts protecting that.

Media photos show LEO carrying out U-Haul box. And agree on CC records, and to think it was from FOIA from news organization? Maybe because he was an adult not a mini? But still I too thought privacy.
I would like to inject something here on the subject of weight. I had a normal childhood, was not abused in anyway, plenty of food available (Mother was a H/W and an excellent cook). I am 5'5". The day I was married I weighed 92 pounds. The day before my son was born I weighed 105 pounds. I was 22 years old. When I was 36 years old I weighed 101 pounds. I was married with a career and resources to buy food anytime I wanted. I just was never hungry. I would go all day long without eating a single thing. It got to where in the evening after we got home, hubby would take to asking me if I had eaten that day. Usually the answer was no and he would insist I eat something right then. Even now, after I have gained weight (more then I like or should have) he still worries. Recently hubby spent four days in the hospital with pneumonia and every day he was calling our son and telling him "make sure your mother has eaten something today". All of my weight gain or lack thereof was purely my own fault.

My point is that the girls all look to be short as does LT (she looks to be about 5'2" when standing beside Elvis) and even though the 29 year old weighs only 86 pounds, I cannot help but think the weight issue is not why the DA listed her as in critical condition. A lot of women are very thin. I think maybe she had some severe injuries from the beatings or atrophied muscles from being forced to lie in bed for weeks or months that landed her on the critical list. Then again if the were being fed nothing but Vienna sausages every meal she would not have been getting vital nutrients, plus all that salt in them could have caused severe organ damage. Could the fact that they were fed the same thing over and over every day have had more to do with them being malnourished than the actual amount of food given to them?

Could some medical people chime in on this?

Not medical, but every body is different. I am 5' 3" and if I get below 110 lbs I truly look like a disgusting bag of bones. Other people can look fine at same height and weight. A lot depends on distribution and muscle mass, I think.

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I think two of the older females are taller than their mother. And I think the weight was 82 pds vs 86 pds.
I wish I could find the pic of one of the girls with arm raised.
Bone with very little flesh. It looked like the pics of starving infants in other nations.
I'm also short and at one time weighed 96 pounds,but I never looked as thin as these kids.

Are you talking about the pic where they are all in blue and jumping with their arms raised?

My God! Where? How? Why? What kind of place? How did you get out? Have any of the survivors ever contacted the authorities?

The parents are not thin. So I don't know if it's natural.

I was as thin as those girls from ages 5 to early 20's. Except I had breast development.

I have a cousin that thin and a niece that thin.

I guess it has to do with a bunch of factors in context. What's natural for some may not be for others.


But looking at the pictures of LT when she was a girl and of her mother also they were both thin. In the wedding picture of LT when she was 16 she was also very small and I would venture to say she only weighed around 100 lbs.

Does anyone else get that from looking at the photos of LT and her family that were taken when LT was young?
Are you talking about the pic where they are all in blue and jumping with their arms raised?

No. It was a still from one of the wedding vow videos. I think there were pics that showed the kids/boys jumping in the air and some just showed pics of the kids/females with arms raised upward.
The one with the bone arm was one of the older females...possibly the oldest female.
I'll admit I didn't look very long at the picture as it was disturbing.
Selectively refeeding him would not diminish his hunger when presented with a buffet table of food. He may have put on three pounds and be nourished enough to walk and study now....but still famished physically and mentally

There's not much about this case that doesn't bother me. Reading about the student eating plate after plate of food did me in. For moments he didn't feel hunger, and was able to taste good food. The downside, eating that much about being starved probably made him very sick. :tantrum:
If there is any way I can help in getting this guy's crimes exposed or help you to get the word out, please private message me and I will do all I can. I am sure most members here would help with this.

Yeah i don't mean to derail the thread but for six long threads we've been talking about why nothing was done, nothing reported and now we are discussing a situation where teen girls are being locked, today, in a basement by someone who used to starve and beat children? Uh, I think we need to do something about that.
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