CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #6

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I really hope the source is wrong. So much money has been donated they should buy them a house and pay for caregivers, etc. The older ones have always taken care of the younger ones.

I’ve seen it with the gap in our own kids and my husband and his older aunts he grew up with, the younger ones latch onto older ones.

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This is from the website: "In felony cases, after the arraignment, if the case does not settle or get dismissed the judge holds a preliminary hearing. At this hearing, the judge will decide if there is enough evidence that the defendant committed the crime to make the defendant have to appear for a trial. If the judge decides that there is enough evidence, the prosecutor will file a document called “the Information.” Then, the defendant will be arraigned, a second time, on the Information. At that time, the defendant will enter a plea and proceed to trial. Before the trial:
  • The prosecution and the defense exchange information. This is called “discovery.” Defendants may be limited in what information they are able to see, but their lawyers usually are not. This is because lawyers are required by law to protect the identity of witnesses while still preparing a defense so that the witnesses are not put in jeopardy. This is why it is so important that a defendant charged with a misdemeanor or felony be represented by a lawyer.
  • Either side can file pretrial motions, including motions to set aside (cancel) the complaint, to dismiss the case, or to prevent evidence from being used at trial.
  • The defendant can change his or her plea to guilty or no contest.
  • The judge and lawyers from both sides may talk about how the case can be resolved without going to trial."
Thank you for finding that source. iirc from other cases, some states require every felony to pass a grand jury; but like your quoted section, it seems in CA the grand jury is not always necessary.
As far as I know, it is only one aunt who said the kids NEVER saw TV. Maybe they did see it at least a little. But, even if they weren't officially allowed to watch, TVs are everywhere now.

I don't have TV service and I see TV incidentally here and there. Granted no one is keeping me from it or overly supervising me. But, you would be surprised how much TV you can just see playing in stores. Unlike them, I have seen plenty of TV from when I had TV service so my curiosity is low.

The point of this is, two years ago they were in Vegas. This seems like a really good place to catch incidental TV. Maybe they saw some random TV. I learned about being able to use an old phone to call 911 years ago from TV.
While I agree with DA in this situation, I disagree with your way of thinking. If your family member was charged with something horrific, their children taken to hospital and all you know is what hearing or seeing on news? You wouldn't want to hear from your family member to try figure out what going on? National media camping out on your road/lawn. Jmho it's unfair to judge the 80 yr old parents for making that comment when no evidence they were aware of situation LEO found.

Again I support the DA and they have the best interest of these kids at hand.
Yeah, no. I have actually thought about this because my dad's siblings decided to stand by him and question our story. As much as I truly adore my brothers, if I ever found out one of them had done anything like that, I'd expect them to pay dearly. If LE says they have pictures and my nieces/nephews need hospitalized because of my brother's actions, I'm coming down on the side of the kids.

These aren't just allegations. There's a crap-ton of proof.

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I don't have an opinion on the hair, but I do think the argument that it doesn't make sense isn't valid when it comes to these people. It doesn't make sense to chain or starve your children, either.

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Thank you. You are correct.

I guess a better way of expressing my opinion would have been to state that it doesn't make sense to believe their hair was dyed based on photos of young kids. I hope that clears up what I meant a little better.

And yes, yes, yes, absolutely nothing makes sense with these horrible people.
It’s cases like this that infuriate me. We, as adults in this world, have a responsibility to protect children, even if they aren’t our own. This seems like a severe case of way too many people “minding their own business”. When it comes to kids, if we suspect something, we need to say something!

Its such a fine line. Of butting in and mind one's business.

For example. I feel spanking is severe child abuse. To me it is an assault on another human. Many parents dont and will fight for their right to do so. Ive had this debate with so many people. So should I butt in and call the police because I believe my neighbor is abusing their child...or not? I also believe that kids who are overweight (not due to medical issues) is abuse by parents due to the health issues it creates. Its inhumane, IMO. Just letting kids shove junk food into their mouths w/out moderation. Should I step in then?

Where is the line?

Obviously, this case is way extreme. I do not believe enough people were witnesses to this family and the abuse occurring. And if the extended family are brought parents were highly abusive. My mom moreso. They are also super [religiously] judgmental and I did not want my daughter around them at all. I cut them out of my life. They dont know crap about her or what goes on in my life. For a reason.
As far as I know, it is only one aunt who said the kids NEVER saw TV. Maybe they did see it at least a little. But, even if they weren't officially allowed to watch, TVs are everywhere now.

I don't have TV service and I see TV incidentally here and there. Granted no one is keeping me from it or overly supervising me. But, you would be surprised how much TV you can just see playing in stores. Unlike them, I have seen plenty of TV from when I had TV service so my curiosity is low.

The point of this is, two years ago they were in Vegas. This seems like a really good place to catch incidental TV. Maybe they saw some random TV. I learned about being able to use an old phone to call 911 years ago from TV.

I don’t trust the siblings, just to preface.

LT/DT had a ton of dvds in the garage, and not just Disney dvds. I think it’s likely the kids were exposed to those DVD’s, and like you said, other misc TV experiences. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had some sort of cable in the house, for LT/DTs enjoyment if nothing else. The tv could have played in the background. JMO
Thanks for that info.

I meant to edit my comment but messed up and quoted it. But it was ref to my orig quoted reply of someone referencing their last home. The member was speaking of Rio Vista jmho as we haven't as you said seen anything about the Murrieta home.

I looked up the Murrieta home on google earth maps and there sat that van. It was June of 2014, and switch from street to overheads, and the van is there, and the car. I could see it earlier on google maps but you can't get to street view now (at least I can't).
The info from school mates breaks my heart. I would be a friend to all of those angels.

I truly hope someday in the future they make friends and get to live a real life.

we do know the son returned to school though, because his transcript proves he took several classes. Maybe he just dropped out of the music class? But why would mom continue to send him to school knowing he would interact with people?
i hope people were kind to him.
I guess the two homes they had lined up (one for the minors and one for the adults) must have fallen through or not checked out. :-(

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It won't be that bad. It's not like they're imprisoned. They'll get exposure to more kids this way and make friends. They can visit each other till the older ones can take over care.


What about all of this denotes "poor reporting" and a "media agenda?"
Have you read the 2 links referenced? They contradict one another. One says only mattresses other says as you bolded there were bunk beds. It is poor reporting. One say they assume one child was running away other stated as a fact.

Exclusive with 25 year old makes sound like was real current and she was still young. Illusions in reading knowing factual time lines. But you have to read and compare. When there is that much difference in interviews with same individuals I question it. How do you know which is true? I have followed cases and one sat in on hearings and trial taking good notes. Media reports only rehashed old and misreported or half report. I prefer facts vs emotional opinions from edited interviews.
Assisted living for the adult children sounds about right. They are too old for foster care. All the benefits that flow to foster families wouldn't be available for them. And, they may be eligible for free assisted living services. Assisted living costs a lot of money per person. $4 - 10K per month. So, some business is getting paid to look after them. They will have CNAs taking care of them.

Not ideal, but better than where they were. And the younger ones can visit and vice versa.

It would be nice if they could see what a normal family life looks like before they are all separated. You know, a time when they were all together AND happy. They've never had that.

I am sure that the news of being separated has been revealed to them slowly, otherwise it would be too devastating. All those people taking care of them are invested in their success. I am sure they will choose wisely.
Just me, but I think an assisted care facility is a very good choice for the adults temporarily. They will have "as needed" care providers who are licensed HHA/CNA's, usually an on-duty RN, nutritionists, occupational and physical therapy, art therapy, visiting dog therapy, usually group outings by mini-bus to venues like a movie or shopping or day trip. It's a safe way for them to begin to explore the new world with as much supervision and help as they need, but no smothering. There are also legal and state financial reasons to do this - there are no parental rights to be terminated, and the state can deem them adults temporarily in need of care and pick up the tab for as long as necessary. There is every reason to believe that these adult survivors were involved in the decision-making process, may have been offered options. That leaves their collected money available for when they can move out on their own, get apartments, etc.

Also the splitting of the 6 minors could be any combo. Maybe the baby is being handled separately, or ones with certain needs are in a group, or the two older ones together and 4 youngest in another home. I trust the authorities have looked at all possible solutions and found the best. It's not permanent, it can be fluid in response to their needs. I was worried all week that any hospital is too much like a prison and too much like their former residence (not a home).

I am certain they will have great freedom to contact one another at will by phone, email, in writing, and in person. I think they could benefit from local volunteer car drivers to help them visit one another? Maybe locations were of importance in the decision so they live in different homes but can literally walk arond the corner to visit each other. PS - Riverside is the 2nd largest land area county in the USA so you wouldn't want some in Temecula and others in Palm Springs.
It won't be that bad. It's not like they're imprisoned. They'll get exposure to more kids this way and make friends. They can visit each other till the older ones can take over care.

And honestly, I think given all the conditions these kids are going to have to work through, that their need will be better met in small groups. I do hate about the assisted living but maybe it will work out for the best.

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I saw how the hero cut the screen almost surgically. Would lifting the screen make undo noise or were they told the windows were alarmed if opened? Were they controlled with baby monitors so they couldn't make noise opening a window or talk??? Must have been so scary, whatever reason??

Looking at the cut is pretty interesting. You almost have to be looking for it to see. Especially if you drove up in a vehicle or perked out curtain. Plus the hedges. Or they may not have known how to remove screen. I have had problems myself with those blasted things! Pretty smart and thankfully it worked

Eta did you see size of hole? That was shocking to me too.
What are the theories so far on why there is such a big gap between the 10 year old and the 2 year old (other than the baby being one of the older daughter's kids)?

I think LT started menopause. I think she received fertility treatments in order to get pregnant, and might have used an egg donor (if she's smart).
This! And neighbors cow got out too and went onto Turpin property. Happens with animals, and same with dogs and cats getting into trash. May be harder for people to realize if never lived in country or had animals. Not only hogs either.  Ever notice cowboy shows having to mend fences?

I am not defending the Ts or saying that I know that they fed the hogs and pets, but I agree. Acres of grass, two ponds, and a spring, where we had ours, but the grass is always greener. I can't tell you how many times I've chased cattle over the years. Horses will stand on, and climb, the fences til they break them down. Some cattle can leap over fences like deer! Hogs will absolutely chase you down and eat you alive. The fella that raised them near my grandparent's barely made it over the fence with his life. He was one cut up, bleeding mess, after a boar hog got after him! We were not permitted to go into my uncle's hog lot without an adult and my own pig got nasty tempered as he reached adulthood. I usually raised a calf to sell but raised a piglet that year. Give me a calf any day.
Knowing what we know so far, why would anyone want to go into that hell hole and start poking around in LT’s and DT’s underwear drawers and closets? Orange prison jumpsuits seem more appropriate to me. IMO.

That's part of the lawyer's job. Somebody has to make sure they look presentable in court and on television.
Does anyone have a link to the Press Conference? I looked on the media thread and it says ''This video is unavailable'. TIA
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