CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #7

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In terms of whether they had ID or not, about the only ID I think any of them had is a medical insurance card for medical insurance related to DT's employment. If I was law enforcement, I would be tracking down the doctor that may have seen some of the captives 4 years ago. Also, since doctors are mandated reporters and the adults and kids that were captives were extremely malnourished, I would be getting the medical records of the captives (if they exist) and find out if this 'doctor' was a real doctor or not. Who knows, I would not put it past the DT/LT due to tell the children they were being seen by a doctor, when it was not a doctor at all.
Not rude at all! All opinions are respected by me. I was simply expressing mine - which usually favors facts over feelings :peace:

My opinions are based on facts. Thanks.

The fact that she smiled at all during that hearing about the torture she and her *advertiser censored**h*** husband provided for their own children is damn right diabolical.
I had read where the grandparents said the kids were forced to memorize chapters of the Bible - and some of them had to memorize the whole book. From that, I assumed they were overboard on their religiosity.

But before that they had to be forced to memorize the words and how to spell them. And to write in those journals. Not being sarcastic just pointing out they had to be learning prior to getting to that point. Happens in Sunday School and private schools too. Jmho Grandparents may have been trying to make point that kids were not as illiterate as some Media trying to make the 12 appear.
It's a good question. I believe the attorneys can collaborate if they want to. It's one trial with everything being presented.
So the Turpins will be tried together?

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In this thread, it's been turned into none of them knowing what a police officer was. In this thread, people seem to be losing sight of the fact that there are 13 kids, that some initially went to public school and even played outside years ago, that there are necessarily variations on the types of knowledge and life experiences each had, that they were separated at times within the house and so could not impart every bit of knowledge they had to one another (and it's not like they had a checklist for things to teach each other about, like what a cop is), and that even if their book knowledge was all the same (and again, ages range from 2 to 29, so it won't be), there are always differences in intellectual ability between siblings. Some may have actual intellectual disabilities, and others may have genius IQ levels, for all we know.

Every time someone finds a bit of evidence that seems to go against them being completely lacking in knowledge, someone goes, "Aha! See!?! They DID know." And it's just frustrating because they're trying to lump all these kids together, from 2 to 29, having the exact same knowledge limits.

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That's only a clip. She did in fact smile, during the hearing.

I have not seen one, reputable American news source claim she was smiling AS the court reads to RO. Especially not in a headline.

All I could find stating something close to that is Hollywood Life (not a reputable news source).

I found the Daily Star stating that but they are not reputable nor American.

Also, the Evening Standard is not an American news source. It is a U.K. Tabloid run by a Russian dude.

I feel the American news media has done a good job covering this case.

I'm certain these monsters are getting much more fair treatment by our media and government than their children could ever dream

gitana. Thank you for this. Great post.
And also depends on how questions are asked to get answers. Not saying abuse didn't happen. Just pointing out that example of pies on counter. It could be true were not allowed to eat. But there could be a valid reason for that and also which of the 12 made the allegation. Why were chained up, there was one statement that said LT couldn't give valid reason iirc. I don't know why they were. Haven't heard any explanations from -DT or LT. I don't know if those individuals had medical or mental issues and used restraints for some sort of safety reasons? It could be true in that situation or not. I am NOT sticking up for -DT or LT. There's just a lot people are assuming. One daughter seems challenged in Elvis video. Not just shoes either. The son who was still chained does as well. Bankruptcy documents show a eye specialist was seen by someone.

My hope is there could be many facts to go with small snippets about 13 individuals that makes this less horrific as first reports. Especially reading multiple media reports with different versions on same person quoted. Jmho

If the kids/adults were " chained due to medical or mental issues" or because "daughter seems challenged"
Are you saying this would be reasons for chaining?
Does LT in the second bull riding photo look like drama queen Patsy Ramsey to anyone else?
Oh dear... you don't want to get me started. Dogs are one black, one white, matching breed. Excessive shopping. Both from West VA. Similar looking. Toileting issues of the parent. Undiagnosed and unaddressed mental illness/personality disorders. Enabling husbands with good incomes. Facade life versus behind closed doors reality. I'll stop now on Patsy R.

Reading everyone's posts, over and over this LT reminds posters of the notorious females: Diane Downs, Jodi Arias, Casey Anthony, Patsy Ramsey.
Geeze, that would certainly rule out cognitive issues...for "some" of the children at least. I don't believe this masochistic treatment had anything to do with any religion that teaches the Bible - being married by an Elvis impersonator in Sin City would be my first clue. JMO
I wonder if the Bible thing is even true. It could be a tale they told the elderly, religious parents to make them think they were raising them on the Bible. It seemed a bit like them boasting that one of the kids wanted to memorize the whole thing.

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How does that rule out cognitive issues when we don't know which kids did the memorizing, when they did it, and how successful they were at doing it? We also don't know when the cognitive issues began.
We don't know that it even happened. It's something they told the old folks, right?

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Very eloquently said, vmm. Well-written, thoughtful post. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️

A WS thread on how media covers crime is a wonderful suggestion, too.

Apparently the media is being tried in this thread. I'm not saying it's not a valid issue, but the truth is that it could be tried in every single thread in WS, and if that is an overriding concern for folks, then I would suggest starting a media thread.

I'm not saying we shouldn't mention it here, but at some point it does become like beating a dead horse once it's been explored already a good deal. It becomes a battle of wills between posters to prove their point, and takes the focus off of the crime and the victims. JMO.

IMO, it's on us to be critical thinkers. We all know just from watching the nightly news that they try to grab us with headlines. Most of us have the ability to further research online if we determine a source is all about headlines. We often have access to more photos and videos.

Regarding the photos of LT smiling, first, it is newsworthy that she was smiling at all (especially when she is grinning in her mugshot - there is a pattern here). And second, most of the articles I saw had a variety of photos with a variety of expressions on her face, not limited to her grinning. I do not feel mislead, partly because none of the sources indicate she was grinning the entire time, and common sense says she probably was not.

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Thank you for saying this as these have also been my thoughts, as much as I dislike what these people have done.

Seems to me that anyone who is deriving pleasure from the idea of or actual infliction of physical pain on the Turpins, is exercising the same perversion as they did, with their own children. We are a country of laws, the purpose of which is to protect ALL of us from each other's excessive greed, cruelty, revenge, recklessness, etc.
The only case I can think of is when they are getting in to Disneyland. The staff may be skeptical that that many are children. I highly doubt these parents introduced their kids to bars and drinking.
And drivers license is only one kind of ID available. Much easier to get a general ID if one was needed. No tests required.

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Does Disney ask for ID?
Even if they did, how many minors have ID? I mean, if they can whip out ID, probably not a minor.

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I think most of us refer to them as the children. My adult children are still my children . And people ask how many children I have, not how many adults I have

Agree. But in this case the DA is making the difference in separation of counts and it's media and us the public are incorrect in grouping. The grouping is causing false narrative.
Serious question. I live abroad and for some things I need to show my passport. Such as exchanging money at a bank from dollars to local currency. And to buy a cell phone. That is the local flip phone for $42, Otherwise, do not need ID.

I am wondering why anyone would need an id if they are not doing anything such as drinking or legal requirements
As a kid, I never needed ID. I haven't had to use my current ID for years, aside from the occasional large expenditure with a credit card, and for doctor's appointments. Lots of people get by fine in life without ID.

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And drivers license is only one kind of ID available. Much easier to get a general ID if one was needed. No tests required.

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Not sure what kind of documents need to be presented in California (or Texas) to acquire a general ID card.
And also depends on how questions are asked to get answers. Not saying abuse didn't happen. Just pointing out that example of pies on counter. It could be true were not allowed to eat. But there could be a valid reason for that and also which of the 12 made the allegation. Why were chained up, there was one statement that said LT couldn't give valid reason iirc. I don't know why they were. Haven't heard any explanations from -DT or LT. I don't know if those individuals had medical or mental issues and used restraints for some sort of safety reasons? It could be true in that situation or not. I am NOT sticking up for -DT or LT. There's just a lot people are assuming. One daughter seems challenged in Elvis video. Not just shoes either. The son who was still chained does as well. Bankruptcy documents show a eye specialist was seen by someone.

My hope is there could be many facts to go with small snippets about 13 individuals that makes this less horrific as first reports. Especially reading multiple media reports with different versions on same person quoted. Jmho

am I misunderstanding the bolded part here? Do you honestly believe there is ever a reason one could use for having tied or chained up children, adult age or minors? Or denied them food ? These were not obese or chubby kids to being with, if the pictures we have seen are any indiction. They were nearly skeletal. That’s not the same as taking away second helpings or dessert.

Facts already show they were all underweight (except the youngest) and at least some were chained. And the Excrement and urine ?

We don’t have to nitpick the extent or exact forms of abuse, but these kids were obvious victims.

I am trying so hard to understand why there seems to be anyone who would try to justify any of this abusiveness. It just boggles my brain. I’m losing ....

sorry arkansasmimi ... this is not meant to be directed at you except for the first question ... I can’t agree there is ever a justifiable reason that fits this case. I am just so sensitive with this subject, I guess, and had to vent a bit.
am I misunderstanding the bolded part here? Do you honestly believe there is ever a reason one could use for having tied or chained up children, adult age or minors? Or denied them food ? These were not obese or chubby kids to being with, if the pictures we have seen are any indiction. They were nearly skeletal. That;s ot the same as taking away second helpings or dessert.

Facts already show they were all underweight (except the youngest) and at leadt some were chained. Excrement and urine ?

We don’t have to nitpick the extent or exact forms of abuse, but these kids were obvious victims.

I am trying so hard to understand why there seems to be anyone who would try to justify any of this abusiveness. It just boggles my brain. I’m losing ....

Thank you. I asked on the previous page to see if I was reading it as intended. No response as of yet.
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