CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #9

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I hate to keep playing devil's advocate bc I know it bothers people, but I'm taking everything I read w/ a grain of salt. This isn't justification, nor am I victim blaming/shaming or defending the perps. Some <modsnip> will read this & think I am doing one or more of those, but I swear that's not my intent. We just don't have all the info, & it could be a long time before we get anything new. The same info keeps being recycled into new stories. Every day I google & hope there's some kind of new info but it's always like one tiny new thing, pasted onto the same old stories. In a way it's good bc it means they're protecting the kids' privacy somewhat, not airing every detail .. but I saw that People magazine in a grocery store on Saturday and I wasn't even tempted to flip thru it. I knew it'd be all the same info, just worded slightly differently.

Am I the only one who has ZERO interest in the Robinette sisters? I find them suspicious & their credibility dubious. Early on, one of them said something like "I haven't talked to LT in years" but I knew immediately that wasn't true bc I FB-searched LT the day this story dropped and I saw public communication between the two of them. One or both of the sisters have directly contradicted themselves multiple times, so I'm mentally checked out when it comes to them .. not interested in a thing they have to say. And am I correct in assuming they're profiting from all these useless interviews they're giving? Does that strike anyone else as disingenuous or morally objectionable?

I agree w/ the person above me about hoping the kids can change their names or get something like witness protection. I hope they don't have to lug around the baggage of their surnames their entire lives. :( Esp bc all their first names start w/ J, they're just gonna stand out if they apply for school or jobs & I just don't want that for them...

Throw the step brother in the same boat as the dubious sisters and let that ship sail off into the sunset. Never to be heard from again.
Another siting.

Student Joe Chermak said that in the spring of 2016, during the music department&#8217;s student showcase, he saw another man whom he believed to be the 25-year-old&#8217;s father, David Turpin, with several children in matching clothes.

&#8220;They seemed well-behaved. And also, like, they were all in uniforms, so at first I thought it was a group of kids coming from another school,&#8221; Chermak said. &#8220;We didn&#8217;t really think much of it, but all I know is that they left kind of abruptly in the middle of the show.&#8221;

&#8220;I noticed that some of them were skinny,&#8221; Chermak added. &#8220;One of them you could tell from their arm, they were really skinny.&#8221;
Student Marci Duncker said that last year, as soon as class was over, &#8220;he&#8217;d leave. &#8230; Didn&#8217;t really talk to anybody.&#8221;

&#8220;I&#8217;d try to say &#8216;Hi&#8217; a few times, all he did was look,&#8221; Duncker said.

&#8220;I didn&#8217;t see him after about a month or so,&#8221; she added. &#8220;I think he just stopped coming.&#8221;
I also have zero interest in LTs siblings. I personally think they are not the slightest bit credible, and I think they want their 15 minutes of fame. The one sisters stories change every time she opens her mouth, and the other two siblings that have been in the media don&#8217;t seem very credible to me either.

Too bad the hosts of these talk shows never ask them why their stories change.
Can the legal guardians when appointed ask for a change of names (first and last if they wish) on behalf of the minor children? Can the children go in a kind of witness protection program to escape curiosity and start a new life?
The children need to decide for themselves when they are better mentally. The news cycle goes so quickly I doubt there will be much curiosity...the horror is what the media and their Aunts and Uncle are doing to them right now. They have plenty of reasons to hate their parents, no need to pile on, JMO.
It wouldn't play for me for some reason. Cheat sheet? I can't hardly watch her anyway. She annoys the Hades out o me.

It's something one has to see - and I don't want to write it here...let me see if I can find it elsewhere...
Oldest son was the one allowed to go to community college. So very unlikely he was targeted for abuse, sounds just the opposite.

He was still abused.
Not being allowed to eat or shower is still abuse/neglect.

Too bad the hosts of these talk shows never ask them why their stories change.

I’m not sure which talk show hosts you’re referring to. But anyway, liars always have an excuse. One of my friends is a liar, and she would totally lie if she was God forbid in the situation of LTs siblings. She would probably change her stories left and right, just like LTs sibs, to fit the agenda of the day (or interview). If called out on it, she would rattle off another lie to explain the inconsistency. So it may not even matter if they were called out on the inconsistencies.

Just my experience with liars.
It wouldn't play for me for some reason. Cheat sheet? I can't hardly watch her anyway. She annoys the Hades out o me.
That's the only place I can find it, sorry. Trust what she said is in no other report that I have seen ir heard.
It's hard to say what their normal would be if they had not grown up severely starved so that their growth was stunted. Is the girl 4th from right the Hero#1? She would have been 16 or close to it in this photo. But she's more the size of a 9 or 10 yr old. Nutrition is so important especially growth spurts, before our growth plates close. Some of the girls don't look like they are starved but they seem to all bear results of not getting enough to eat for prolonged periods, if not their whole lives. Would the oldest young man have been 6' if fed normally? Could the 2nd young man have been targeted simply because he had really tall genes and his body kept striving to reach his intended 6'4"? Maybe some got harsher treatment simply because it took more severe measures to keep them small. I believe in this photo, all but the baby and 2 girls are teens and adults in their 20's.

I was 5'9" and 95 lbs in high school...same height now and struggling to get over 115, so "normal" is relative in this case for me.
I was 5'9" and 95 lbs in high school...same height now and struggling to get over 115, so "normal" is relative in this case for me.

Same here.
I'm 5' and for the longest time, I was 104ish pounds.
But it's normal for me.
I hate to keep playing devil's advocate bc I know it bothers people, but I'm taking everything I read w/ a grain of salt. This isn't justification, nor am I victim blaming/shaming or defending the perps. Some <modsnip> will read this & think I am doing one or more of those, but I swear that's not my intent. We just don't have all the info, & it could be a long time before we get anything new. The same info keeps being recycled into new stories. Every day I google & hope there's some kind of new info but it's always like one tiny new thing, pasted onto the same old stories. In a way it's good bc it means they're protecting the kids' privacy somewhat, not airing every detail .. but I saw that People magazine in a grocery store on Saturday and I wasn't even tempted to flip thru it. I knew it'd be all the same info, just worded slightly differently.

Am I the only one who has ZERO interest in the Robinette sisters? I find them suspicious & their credibility dubious. Early on, one of them said something like "I haven't talked to LT in years" but I knew immediately that wasn't true bc I FB-searched LT the day this story dropped and I saw public communication between the two of them. One or both of the sisters have directly contradicted themselves multiple times, so I'm mentally checked out when it comes to them .. not interested in a thing they have to say. And am I correct in assuming they're profiting from all these useless interviews they're giving? Does that strike anyone else as disingenuous or morally objectionable?

I agree w/ the person above me about hoping the kids can change their names or get something like witness protection. I hope they don't have to lug around the baggage of their surnames their entire lives. :( Esp bc all their first names start w/ J, they're just gonna stand out if they apply for school or jobs & I just don't want that for them...

Agree. I think LT's sibs hae some issues that they deal with, and, I think that it is possible that they, and LT, were abused as children too. However, the sibs are likely profiting off of these kids' pain. It's just plain wrong to my way o thinking.

I do scan posted articles on WS, or that I root out on the net, but as soon as I see that it is just s.s.d.d. I stop reading and move on.

The only things that I think that I can be fairly certain o , are what the LEOs hae shared with us, that they were privy to, the day they entered the home. All the people crawling out o the woodwork, Idk. People are people.

I think it will take awhile or the T sibs to tell all, especially with the malnutrition at the stage they say. Long-term malnutrition can cause quite a lot o negative things to happen to your body, mental state, and organs.
I went off about the weights in the last thread but I'll reiterate bc of the posts above me: size & weight are all relative, esp when it comes to frame size. I'm NOT saying the oldest girl wasn't starved. I'm saying we don't have all of the information. How tall is she? How large is her frame? What is her set point? Was she particularly dehydrated the day she was weighed? Had she voided prior? Was she wearing clothes? How's her fat vs muscle vs bone ratio? Sorry, just soooo many factors play into this. The one simple number "82 lbs" does not tell us the whole story. What if she's like 5'1"?

Similarly, I'm NOT saying the youngest kids weren't starved, but some children are very small/lithe, very petite, just don't start putting on weight until they get older. My younger sis was tiiiiiny, bone-thin until she was like 18 .. she was a very late bloomer. I was my full adult size (& my highest weight ever, incidentally) when I was 13. Random!

I'm 5'9" & if I weighed 82 I'd be dead (I'd probably be dead, or at least look dead, at anything under 110) but two ppl have chimed in saying they're my same height & have recorded weights in the 90s & low 100s, and I believe them. #jussayin .. haha.
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