CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #2

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I'd be somewhat interested in the kind of websites/magazines that are catering to or promoting anger.
What kind of website convinces someone to plan an attack ?
Was there someone or some site that S. F. was directly influenced by ?

Years ago I was friends with a woman in the neighborhood who counseled people who were struggling with various issues and helped some to reintegrate with society.
She said, and I'll paraphrase; "...some of the most frightening people I've encountered were 'supremacists' ... their hatred was literally clouding their judgement and affecting their physical and mental health..."

Infuriating to think that some people will antagonize someone who is maybe weaker than they are , and then sit back and watch as the younger or more influenced person implodes.
Just thinking out loud.
Wish there was a way to shut down sites that make broad threats -- even if not specific ones -- and incite violence ; no matter what race or ideology.


Until this happened I had never heard of the magazine "Inspire" before. It is mind boggling to know a magazine like this one even exist where it is instructing the readers (Islamic extremists) how to make bombs or how to become Islamic terrorists or exactly what is needed to do a terroristic hit against unsuspecting others.

It makes me wonder just who all is reading this bile from the Inspire magazine and totally sucking it all up like a sponge.

There are a lot of different hate groups in our country and they come in all races/colors and all of them are vile imo. Each may look different from the others or hate a different race than another but they all are very dangerous and the slime of the earth imo. Sadly, a lot of them are bullies and will use intimidation and violent threats in order to put fear into others.

Until this happened I had never heard of the magazine "Inspire" before. It is mind boggling to know a magazine like this one is even exist where it is instructing the readers (Islamic extremists) how to make bombs or how to become Islamic terrorists or exactly what is needed to do a terroristic hit against unsuspecting others.

It makes me wonder just who all is reading this bile from the Inspire magazine and totally sucking it all up like a sponge.

There are a lot of different hate groups in our country and they come in all races/colors and all of them are vile imo. Each may look different from the others or hate a different race than another but they all are very dangerous and the slime of the earth imo. Sadly, a lot of them are bullies and will use intimidation and violent threats in order to put fear into others.


ISIS has their own online magazine, as well. It's Dabiq. FYI.
Erin Burnett had the psychotherapist mom of one of the shooting victim's on her show. The mom stated that her daughter told her that one of the shooters either said "Thank you" or "Finally" before shooting.
They sure do, yep. The internet is the best way to communicate to masses of people, and it's the hardest thing to control and regulate. I just spoke about the examples I knew with foreign terrorism. Again, my example is for IS and I'm not sure this has a connection to SF. I'm sure that every hate-group and extremist group uses the internet to their advantage, so if there was some other group that got to SF via the net, I could see it easily.

Someone suggested the new wife may have been radicalized before they got together and met? This seemed like a plausible theory. With this theory, I'm not sure the shooters would have needed the internet propaganda much.

I was only giving another example to agree and say yes, it's a method all kinds of hate groups use and it seems to be working for them.
Appreciate everyone's participation in sorting out the data as made known. It is heartbreaking to realize this truly happened.
Mind boggling to absorb that such evil exists.
My parents live in Ulster County NY and are registered hand gun owners, there are many pro NRA in the area, still I am surprised and a bit scared that an official feels it necessary to put out an alert like that. Doesnt seem too responsible. I don't know, maybe because I am so scared of guns.

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It's a good thing you don't live in Texas. When I lived there they tried passing a law where you were supposed to be armed at all times. I don't like hand guns myself, so I never carried. Most of my friends did though. I always wondered why Texas in Norwegian is their slang word for crazy.
Does that make it more personal or is it just a coincidence?

So in two years he went from regular Joe to terrorist. What happened to him?

That's the million dollar question!
One thing to keep in mind, being radicalized and becoming a terrorist are *usually* two different things.
This is one of the best articles, I've found that explains how/why people are radicalized.
For those interested in the sociology/psychology of the phenomenon - it's worth a read.
I guess we can't discuss it. But...people who believe in Jesus are not Jews. JMO

AND...not that it matters what he believed in. He didn't deserve to die. For any reason.

I'm not discussing it but there are some Jews who do believe in Jesus. You're right no one deserves to die like that..
I'm finding it difficult to believe that the FBI/LE initially claimed to not know where Malik was from - GMAB. Investigators knew exactly who she was/where she was from the minute they ran her ID after they recovered her body following the deadly shootout.

Malik was here on a K1 visa. No way the Feds didn't know where she was from after they ran her ID. They knew exactly who she was & where she was from when they lied and told reporters during last night's press conference that they didn't know where she was from.

I'm trusting very little of the info being disseminated right now.

San Bernardino killers erased digital presence day before the attacks

The husband and wife who carried out a deadly shooting spree in San Bernardino, California, began erasing their digital footprint a day in advance of the attack — deleting email accounts, disposing of hard drives and smashing their cell phones, according to law enforcement sources involved in the investigation.

Officials are still working to determine what motivated Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik to storm a conference room inside the Inland Regional Center as a holiday party was taking place Wednesday and spray the room with bullets.


Officials involved in the investigation say the couple appeared to have gone to great lengths to conceal their plans — a cell phone recovered from Ms. Malik’s body was newly purchased and had had been used only recently. Two other cell phones that were recovered had been smashed with a hammer and were expected to be sent to the FBI’s forensic lab in Washington for examination.

Authorities also noted that a hard drive and motherboard are missing from a computer found at the Redlands, California, home the couple rented

Well there goes the theory that a work related incident Wednesday morning set them off. It was obviously well planned ahead.
Big PC... Gov will be speaking and may see photos of the victims.

San Bernardino killers erased digital presence day before the attacks

The husband and wife who carried out a deadly shooting spree in San Bernardino, California, began erasing their digital footprint a day in advance of the attack — deleting email accounts, disposing of hard drives and smashing their cell phones, according to law enforcement sources involved in the investigation.

Officials are still working to determine what motivated Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik to storm a conference room inside the Inland Regional Center as a holiday party was taking place Wednesday and spray the room with bullets.


Officials involved in the investigation say the couple appeared to have gone to great lengths to conceal their plans — a cell phone recovered from Ms. Malik’s body was newly purchased and had had been used only recently. Two other cell phones that were recovered had been smashed with a hammer and were expected to be sent to the FBI’s forensic lab in Washington for examination.

Authorities also noted that a hard drive and motherboard are missing from a computer found at the Redlands, California, home the couple rented

Thank you. Very informative.

I sure hope the FBI can retrieve all of this data information. I think they were in contact with perhaps other sleeper cells here in the US. I also think someone was financing them as well. The body armor and the firearms they had in their possession plus the thousands of bullets are very expensive to obtain plus all the bomb making stuff they had to acquire.


To me this is what sleeper cells do. They are very patient when it comes to carrying out terroristic attacks. Some will be in the country for many years making sure the police never have a reason to come there.

It is strange when this happened because on Thanksgiving Day I had just told my hubby I didn't think Islamic terrorists or ISIS sympathizers would strike then but I felt like they would a few days afterwards when everyone would be more relaxed since nothing had happened during the TG holiday.

They sure had plotted this out very carefully.

I think they had more plots they had planned to carryout as well.

With the police killing both of them they probably saved multiple lives. If they had gotten away I do think they would have done more of this type of terrorism whether it was another mass shooting at another gun free zone or detonating bombs like McVeigh did.

-Was training in the morning, christmas party in the afternoon. 91 guests invited, aprox 75 there when it happened. 18 out of 21 injured were county employees. Of the 14 deceased, 12 were employees.
My heart goes out to Lt. Mike Madden, the first officer on the scene. He has tears in his eyes. His voice is shaking when recalling yesterday's event. Thank you to LE and all the first responders.

"The carnage was unspeakable."
They all have tears in their eyes and you can visually see the lumps in their throats. :(
It's a good thing you don't live in Texas. When I lived there they tried passing a law where you were supposed to be armed at all times. I don't like hand guns myself, so I never carried. Most of my friends did though. I always wondered why Texas in Norwegian is their slang word for crazy.

Years ago in Kennesaw Georgia they enacted a law that all law abiding adults must own at least one firearm and they have an open carry law. At the time they were having a large amount of violent crimes. Since passing this law years ago the violent crime immediately plummeted and now violent crime is almost non-existent and has been since the law was enacted.

The truth is mass shooters/armed robbers/rapists/home invaders etc would much rather hit a gun free zone. That is the one common denominator in all of these mass shooting cases. Gun free zones. They pick soft targets where they know there is no one there that has a way to defend themselves. Imo, they are really yellow bellied bullies. They don't mind shooting someone to death or robbing victims/raping victims or beating them severely but they really don't want to get hurt themselves.

More and more I am reading stories where the victims came out ahead instead of the criminal and more and more people are fighting back now more than ever before using their firearms. There have been several cases of late where women have shot and killed the intruder who came in to do them harm. No longer are they just laying down for the criminal by giving into his/her/their demands. It makes me happy to read every story that ends well for the victim/s and ends badly for the criminal/s.
I'm finding it difficult to believe that the FBI/LE initially claimed to not know where Malik was from - GMAB. Investigators knew exactly who she was/where she was from the minute they ran her ID after they recovered her body following the deadly shootout.

Malik was here on a K1 visa. No way the Feds didn't know where she was from after they ran her ID. They knew exactly who she was & where she was from when they lied and told reporters during last night's press conference that they didn't know where she was from.

I'm trusting very little of the info being disseminated right now.
I wouldn't call LE "liars." They didn't even have all the bodies out of the event due to explosives. Maybe they had an idea but wanted to wait on confirmation, like prints and stuff. Too much wrong information is put out there, like the wrong name yesterday and a 3rd suspect. LE needs to have their facts straight before confirming it to the public.

I praise the job they have done. Looking into their eyes right now, you can see how much this has affected them and how much pride they take in their jobs.
Concise summary, including dates (although still with the absolutely absurd "possible" in the headline):

F.B.I. Treats San Bernardino Attack as Possible Terrorism Case

The F.B.I. has investigated thousands of Muslims for potential ties to terrorists in the years since the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, many of whom were never linked to any crimes. The details about Mr. Farook that have emerged, including the arsenal he and his wife had indicating a preparedness to commit violence on a large scale, have prompted investigators to look deeper into whether he had connections to militants or extremist ideology.

Mr. Farook, a United States citizen, was born in Illinois to Pakistani immigrant parents. Family members said he had been a devout Sunni Muslim, and on a dating website several years ago, he listed Urdu as his mother tongue. He had gone to Saudi Arabia multiple times, including a 2013 trip for the annual hajj, the trip to Mecca that all Muslims are expected to complete at least once, federal officials said.

Mr. Bowdich said that Mr. Farook visited Pakistan last year, and that he and Ms. Malik entered the United States from Pakistan in July 2014. She traveled on a Pakistani passport and entered the United States on a K-1 visa, a 90-day visa given to fiancés planning to marry Americans. The couple applied on Sept. 30, 2014, for a permanent resident green card for Ms. Malik, which requires passing pass criminal and national security background checks using F.B.I. and Department of Homeland Security databases, and she was granted a conditional green card in July 2015.
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