CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #2

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We know that he had a argument about religion with a co-worker 2 weeks prior. I wonder what time the event started and how long it was to last. I wonder if the only reason he went was to scope out the place, I also wonder if he left his jacket behind on purpose so others would think he was around just not visible. IIRC they said between 10-30 minutes had past before he returned. That tells me the suv was loaded and she was ready as well. IIRC the house was only 7 miles or so away from the party location. IDK jmo
I wonder how long it takes to make a pipe bomb. I am almost afraid to Google it!
Has anyone found any info about the wife? I'm reading elsewhere that many are speculating that Tashfeen Malik is a false name, and other sites are pointing out that this is not a female name. All speculation of course, but wow is it odd that we know nothing about her. Not even a photo of her. Nothing really other than her age and that she came to the US on a visa to marry. Are the Feds withholding info they don't want released to the public, or do they not know much about her? Scary if that's the case.

I thought it was strange that when they went to get that goat she wore a veil so no one saw her face. Did she not go to the baby shower and are there photos from that? Or family photos of the 3 of them? Something is off imo Would maybe investigators have collected all photos? Is that even possible to get all of them? Maybe she is covered in every photo and the family won't show any because .... well... many people have complained about that in the US.
I don't have the link because his facebook acct was deactivated really fast!!! But there were many photos! It's her!

ETA: In response to a photo of his wife. I forgot to quote.

No, that was the brother.
Too much planning involved for it to be postal to me. We haven't heard about receipts or CC charges in reference to the bomb making supplies. It has been reported that he rented the suv 3 days prior and with the quantity of bombs they had that took time. So for me postal is out. jmo idk

I doubt he bought any of that. It was probably just shipped to him by the others.
Authorities have said the two were not on any watch lists. A senior U.S. law enforcement official said that Farook was in contact with persons of interest with possible ties to terrorism but that these were not “substantial” contacts.

bbm Looks like they need to lower the bar on who to take as a serious threat. jmo idk
More and more I am reading stories where the victims came out ahead instead of the criminal and more and more people are fighting back now more than ever before using their firearms. There have been several cases of late where women have shot and killed the intruder who came in to do them harm. No longer are they just laying down for the criminal by giving into his/her/their demands. It makes me happy to read every story that ends well for the victim/s and ends badly for the criminal/s.
And from where do the criminals get their weapons? It would be interesting to know how many of those weapons were once bought legally, and later ended up in criminal hands. There is also those cases where a child somehow gets access to a gun (not all gun-owners keep their weapons childsafe) and the child kills themselves, a sibling or someone else.
The white woman in the sari? That is not his wife, just a photo of him and an "unknown" woman.

The facebook had pics of their baby and all. I deleted my post, however, have seen many photos of them together.
ETA: sorry for any confusion.

ETAA: those who quoted my link pls delete.
The facebook had pics of their baby and all. I deleted my post, however, have seen many photos of them together.

That woman does NOT look Pakistani at all IMO. Plus the attorney said she weighed 95 lbs, the woman in the photo looks much heavier.
I really don't want to hear from family members of the killers, because their opine would be bias, obviously. jmo
I wonder how long it takes to make a pipe bomb. I am almost afraid to Google it!

I don't believe it takes very long at all. I believe you can make a basic pipe bomb with black powder (purchased at any sporting goods store) and pipes/nails, a drill for the pipe etc... I must have read a "how to" a while back as I remember clearly that it is super important to clean the pipe threads and lubricate them with vaseline before screwing it together (small particles of gun powder in the threads could ignite and blow the device up in the builder's hand).

These supposedly had remote control toy car triggers which would require more research. One news source said the only place THEY could find directions for that specific method was from an Al Queda web-zine.
A law enforcement source tells CBS News that the bombs found in the couple's home are near carbon copies of explosives shown in an issue of al Qaeda's on-line magazine "Inspire," which printed instructions on "how to build a bomb in the kitchen of your mom."


The internet is a lot like splitting the atom was. Nuclear fission gives us a lot of relatively clean and plentiful power... but it can also blow the entire world up. Depends, you know, how you use it and why. The internet is the same thing, except it's all based on access to knowledge.

Screw their magazine. I hope hackers turn it into recipes for cookies like they've done before.
And it begins....

On CNN, Cuomo is interviewing TWO family attorneys representing the Farooq family, apparently.

One lawyers last name was Chelsey, I believe. He is bobbing and weaving, deflecting, dancing....trying really had to start rumors...

[paraphrasing his words}
" None of this makes sense---the facts don't add up...This woman weighed about 95 pounds...she could not shoot a big rifle like that....She probably couldn't even lift it ....they had no military training....How would they know how to shoot those weapons? It just makes no sense..."

He tried to muddy the waters about the weapons and bombs too :


" No one ever saw Sayed with any weapons or pipe bombs. No one ever saw anything like that in their possession...No one ever saw either of them being aggressive or expressing extremist is just not believable...And I spent the last three hours with the FBI---they have NOTHING which connects them to any terrorists or terrorist communications....NOTHING..."

the lawyer kind of tripped up once though. He said something about them not being able to shoot and not being trained in military skills...then he said something like :

" ....and both of them were found face down, could they have shot at the police if they were restrained>?"

The problem is, we all saw the videos of her shooting from the car. She was not handcuffed...NICE TRY Mr Attorney....

This was me when I watched that interview:rolleyes: :furious: :furious:. I noticed the 1st att. kept closing his eyes when speaking.:liar: I will mute it from now on when CNN repeats it.
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