It's always surprising to me that people are amazed that an immigrant terrrorist could "slip thru" or "sail thru" our vetting processes (vetting being the new buzz word), or our LEGAL immigration processes. In fact, that is exactly what I would predict, that they would sail right thru. Criminals and terrorists aren't stupid! They want to SUCCEED at their murderous plans, right? So you choose people who won't arouse ANY suspicion, who have a history of being peaceful and law abiding, etc. And yes, it's obviously easier and less suspicious to use something like a K1 visa process than other immigration pathways.
It's WE who are stupid and trusting, who make judgements about who is "less" of a risk (like a citizen with no criminal or radical history bringing home his young internet bride-- FROM PAKISTAN, with her and her father's history in Saudi Arabia. That should have been
easy to discover, before she was granted that K1 visa.). Our own policies are part of the problem, and of course, those who wish to do us harm WILL exploit our weaknesses. Why would any of us expect that a potential terrorist would have some huge electronic and criminal background??
I'm sure not an expert at setting up criminal and terrorist sleeper cells, but if I were, I'd choose people with NO history of any kind. I might even plan to immigrate
children with the intent and plan to groom them here on American soil, and WAIT for them to be old enough to carry out a terrorist mission.
All of our background checks rely on feeding someone's biometrics thru databases looking for PAST problems-- and some of these data bases WE do not control. That's exactly why they are doomed to fail. They are a nice place to start, okay-- but will do absolutely nothing to keep any of us safer from this kind of radical islamic terrorism.
The *only* thing that works is robust and ongoing profiling, and tracking-- whether we're talking about gangs in the inner city, or radical islamic terrorists. And that is disturbing and unpalatable to a large swath of our ultra liberal citizens. But it DOES work. Israel is proof. (And I believe our ultra liberal citizens need and should have robust protection from terrorism, too, even if I disagree with their philosophy! They'll be ALIVE to debate, and that's enough for me.)
The FBI has been profiling and surveilling various individuals and groups for decades upon decades, and has prevented and eliminated thousands upon thousands of violent crimes.
And yes, I know "white guys" commit acts of terror-- and we should continue to surveil those domestic individuals and groups, too. But this thread is devoted to the
most recent radical islamic terrorist attacks, so that's what my remarks are focused on.
We CAN prevent new threats from entering our country, with enough will of the people to elect leaders who will protect us, and make laws and policies to protect us. And we now have to continue to deal with the threats we already have here, due to our failed policies and failed leadership, IMO.