CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #3

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Would you expect a priest, rabbi, or pastor to do the same? I think it's breaking a bond to report a congregant to the authorities.

I would absolutely expect those people to report to authorities if something is suspicious. This comes from a pk (preacher's kid for those unfamiliar with the pk designation). It is not breaking a bond unless it involves something said in confidence to the cleric, such as found in Catholic confession.
I'll address the "beard" controversy. As an isolated thing, growing a beard is harmless. Many men grow beards in cold climates.

But THIS man had a number of other "red flags" in addition to his growing a beard. His neighbors and acquaintances noticed the alteration in his patterns of living and being-- BUT were stymied as to who and how to communicate those concerns. We are suffocated and crippled by political correctness, IMO. "See something, say something" is a nice platitude, but we haven't developed that "plan" enough to make it effective. All it should have taken is for local police to get a look inside that garage to set in motion a lot of other procedures to monitor this couple, and prevent this cell from action.

Now we have the benefit of hindsight and the 24 hour news media, who collect those red flags and put them together. But the red flags were there all along. IMO.

Great post.

IMO all of this forced political correctness is putting us in unnecessary danger.

We are told to be alert. But often when expressing an opinion or reporting the things that "alert" us, we are looked at as judgmental bigots.

Be alert, but no "profiling".

Can't have it both ways.

My hubby has a beard, has had it for over 30 years. Please don't shoot him, and I guess the Robertson'd better get into hiding? SMH. :)

I knew we had some common ground. My husband has had one since 1970. He could pass as Si Robinson with no problem, except hubby has a longer beard, down to his navel.
It's a new fashion trend. A while back I saw a young redneck guy with a full beard in a hunting party, I asked if he was Mennonite and was told no, he grew it to look like the guys in Duck Dynasty.

As a "redneck" myself, I can tell you a lot of my peeps (lol-sorry couldn't help myself) grow beards during hunting season for two reasons...
1) to keep their faces warm while hunting
2) to "camouflage" their faces while hunting

Growing beards is an "in" thing right now for sure. But most men grow them after going to a Mumford and sons concert, not SA, and have a pompadour or man bun hairstyle.
As a "redneck" myself, I can tell you a lot of my peeps (lol-sorry couldn't help myself) grow beards during hunting season for two reasons...
1) to keep their faces warm while hunting
2) to "camouflage" their faces while hunting


Agree, and these guys brought it back in style in a way sorta.
I can't copy and paste.....
June 8,2015 "TSA fails to ID 73 airport employees with links to terrorism"
So maybe this is what he was talking about cause I just caught part of what he was saying.

TSA is part of Home Security. The employees at issue were part of the TSA. DHS is the umbrella over a number of agencies.

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"A recent University of Michigan survey asked people in six Muslim-majority countries across the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia to choose how they preferred women to dress in public.

A woman covering her hair and ears in public, but not her face, was the preferred option, chosen by 55 per cent of people in Tunisia, 52 per cent in Egypt, 46 per cent in Turkey, 44 per cent in Iraq, 32 per cent in Lebanon, and 24 per cent in Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia was the only country to overwhelmingly choose the niqab as the best clothing option for women, at 63 per cent.

Forty-nine per cent of respondents in Lebanon, 32 per cent of Turks, and 15 per cent of Tunisians said it was preferable for women to be uncovered completely.

High percentages of people in Tunisia (56 per cent), Turkey (52 per cent), Lebanon (49 per cent) and Saudi Arabia (47 per cent) also said it should be up to women to decide what to wear."

I wonder if only Muslims were asked in Lebanon, population being 40% Christian, 54% Muslim (split about evenly between Shia and Sunni.)
ISIS didn't plan this event but nevertheless it will probably be extremely devastating to the state of the nation.

Slaughtering the co-workers that gave him a baby shower is cold and it WILL make many people uneasy around many Muslims in the work place etc... It won't effect everyone but it will definitely raise some eyebrows.

Then to top it off those guys at his mosque were uber creepy, they didn't even try to condemn the act or show a hint of sympathy for the victims. Their reaction strongly implies they are fine with what he did, and if they are fine with it how many others are too?

Anyone that watches the interviews and pays attention has to realize that we have a problem, and it is much bigger than the odd radical crazy.

But nevertheless ISIS took credibility for the attack by its 'supporters'
Imo it's these 'offshoots' from ISIS (no pun intended ) from radicals that will continue to emerge. Homegrown terrorist's. More dangerous than those trying to enter the country. Because they've lived along you and I.
Agree, and these guys brought it back in style in a way sorta.
View attachment 85293

Yeah. But around here they never really went out of style. Because its not really about style.

I understand that a lot of folks jumped on the bandwagon. But most that I know that have beards have always had them.

One reason extreme terrorism may be appealing to women more and more is the fact that they can actually participate in something other than being a homemaker. In societies where women have very few rights, I would think they may find the planning and training exciting and an outlet from their mundane lives. We're so fortunate to have freedom for all here.
One reason extreme terrorism may be appealing to women more and more is the fact that they can actually participate in something other than being a homemaker. In societies where women have very few rights, I would think they may find the planning and training exciting and an outlet from their mundane lives. We're so fortunate to have freedom for all here.

That's an interesting thought. I've never looked at it that way. But can totally agree.

I can't imagine what it feels like to be treated as a thing and not a human. As a possession.
It's a new fashion trend. A while back I saw a young redneck guy with a full beard in a hunting party, I asked if he was Mennonite and was told no, he grew it to look like the guys in Duck Dynasty.

An easier way for ISIS sympathisers to move amongst us to IYAM.
But ty Sonya610 that made me chuckle....
Duck Dynasty LOL
Maybe some of them? There are so many of them though. I know suicide pacts exist, but how often do they actually happen? I think they get brainwashed into wanting to kill themselves. Probably step-by-step like with any cult.

I hope they can find out exactly what happened here, and if his wife was the one who turned him how she was able to do it.

She was the ultimate catfish.

I think this misunderstands radical Islamic terrorists and their motivation. They are not suicidal. They are driven to establish the caliphate and restore Muslim dominance. They may have been vulnerable people who were converted or recruited just as other cults do. But the cult brings meaning to their life, not suicidal thoughts. Part of the Islamic philosophy is dying is not to be feared (common to most religions) but also that dying in the pursuit of certain goals brings greater benefits in the afterlife. Islam is very much about a sort of "bargaining". Like if you "sin" there are corresponding actions you can do to "get out of jail free". That's obviously a very simplistic explanation but was key to my understanding of the nature of the beast. So, we should not think of jihadists as we do of, perhaps, school shooters as, IMO, they are not at all the same.

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in its history us has enprisoned...................guess how many

?get ready!


so if i am doing the (not) math

we have spent $20.258,236,458,256 on security so if take that and divide by 37 we puke!

[h=1]81% of Isis-linked suspects charged in US are American citizens[/h]

How many of that 81% are not muslim?
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