CA Accuses State Attorney of Seeking Political Gain NEW FULL VIDEO ADDED 10/13/2008

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So sorry! I did just read the article about she and Casey going into the jail for Casey's weekly meeting! LOL, I wonder if they just made out the schedule for tomorrow? Maybe there is no need to okay plans for Casey to visit Baez office the rest of the week. I am SO hoping that Baez will be having to visit Casey in JAIL starting Wednesday!!!

I have not seen anything on whether or not there was a vigil last night. My guess is that IF the vigils are not going to be heavily reported on that the Anthony's will just stop having them. Little Caylee is already flying with the angels, and Casey has a one way ticket to, well, you know where!
Can you imagine her sitting down and writing out a schedule that will no doubt NOT exist?

Seriously, hasn't ANYONE clued CA in on the fact that her "interviews" incite the public rather than garner her any sympathy?
I just knew this was coming. CA won't cut LE any slack whatsoever. I am really beginning to hate this woman.

I feel obligated to mention here that this sounds like (and I say "sounds" like) a ploy - maybe the rambling ya'll heard is because she was asked to make a statement like this. Looks to me like it's a "legal" strategy, if you get my drift. While KC's camp can't come out and say such a thing, the rest of the Anthonys' can. If that's the way it happened, it's just unfortunate they chose the grandmother to do it.
Yeah, I think a big orange jumpsuit with "INMATE" stamped across the back is more her look, anyway, don't you? :)

they should give her mother one of those as a complimentary gift or consolation prize!
Did someone post that Cindy was going to be interviewed somewhere tonight?? As much as I dislike her.. in some sick kind of way.. I like seeing her make a complete A$$ of herself..
Oh Cindy, If only this were all a big political ploy. Yup, it has got to be one big honking conspiracy to kidnap your grandchild and frame your "innocent" daughter for murder...wait don't want to give anyone ideas.
CA said"i think that we have enough to exonerate my daughter" "what she is upset with is finding out the information that you know, they stopped looking for Caylee."

Ok CA please give us the evidence. I'm willing to apologize. I just want to know the truth.SHOW ME THE MONEY!!
they stopped looking for CAYLEE.Cindy KC never looked for Caylee.
What a rambling mess...the minute she hears about forensic evidence she flips out and makes even less sense. What soldier would say his duty to our nation is fighting for "justice for Casey"?
An unbelievable mess for sure! She's not normal, has no humility whatsoever and even under these circumstances is simply incapable of containing her impulse for the spotlight. If this is what we see, I can't begin to imagine the depths to which this woman will go!

I feel obligated to mention here that this sounds like (and I say "sounds" like) a ploy - maybe the rambling ya'll heard is because she was asked to make a statement like this. Looks to me like it's a "legal" strategy, if you get my drift. While KC's camp can't come out and say such a thing, the rest of the Anthonys' can. If that's the way it happened, it's just unfortunate they chose the grandmother to do it.
Oh...I knew it was coming alright. I just think it so disrespects her granddaughter. There's no way in he$$ that anyone could get me to say that my daughter is as much of a victim as my missing (and not yet recovered) grandchild. (uncut video)
An unbelievable mess for sure! She's not normal, has no humility whatsoever and even under these circumstances is simply incapable of containing her impulse for the spotlight. If this is what we see, I can't begin to imagine the depths to which this woman will go!

...or has gone to. Take notice Mr. SA!
Until Cindy puts her money where her mouth is, and takes a lie-detector test, nothing that comes out of her mouth has ANY credibility whatsoever.
I love the way the Anthony family can pick up on a word and then use it over and over ---- first it was absolutely. They all used it in those first few days!

Cindy's new word for today is absurd. She stumbled using it one time - but it just added to the entertainment.

I wonder when she's gonna learn the word guilty?
Wow....OMG. I don't even know where to start. "KC is as much a victim as Caylee"?!?! How can this monster even bring herself to speak that little angel's name? And then CA, of all the people in the world, wants to give a little talk on the constitution and KC's violated rights!? Caylee had the right to live ,Cindy. :furious:
Can you all imagine what it must be like to be in the house all day long with that woman listening to her go on, and on, and on, and on, and on?
what we all have seen the few times we have seen her
thru the lens of the camera is just the tip of the ice burg. JUST IMAGINE what she is like
when she is not in front of the camera

im skerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring myself
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