CA Accuses State Attorney of Seeking Political Gain NEW FULL VIDEO ADDED 10/13/2008

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Seriously, who is surprised at this? She's the reason Casey is a nutcase. I whole-heartedly blame Cindy for much of what is wrong with Casey. I think it's time for a shock collar. I'd give George the remote and everytime she opened her mouth he could give her 10 volts.

I love the shock collar idea. George should install an invisible fence as well. To keep her from hurting anyone...This woman is out of her mind. If I were George, I'd be turning KC's room into a padded cell for CA. KC should be in jail any day, lock CA up in the padded room and GA can move on...
She should keep her mouth shut at this point...she's making matters worse for herself and her daughter by stirring the pot and making these types of inflammatory statements

I don't think she can keep her mouth shut! :furious: pot/kettle/ That is known as "Anthonyland" IMHO
And so what??? He didnt kill Caylee!! Direct your anger at your daughter.

Remember when you point that one finger, 3 more point back at you!

I hope after all is said and done this lady gets a good shrink and a new state to move to. I do not think Florida wants her there any longer.


Well, I can speak for Washington state - neither do we!!!
OT compmomnc posted in the daily updates that wkmg will be interviewing Cindy this evening.
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy. . . . . .

I can only quote Ron Shipp in "the Simpson matter" when he turned to face OJ while he was in the witness box, and said "Aw OJ, man, this is so sad."


And now it's all a big conspiracy for political gain?

JeeezeLouise gimme a break here.

You are at the bottom of the barrel here trying to come up with an excuse to fit your ABC Theory, and you had better get a grip and get a grip quickly, or I fear for what is left of your sanity.

The only person responsible for this whole fiasco is Casey, who in case you've been busy busting conspiracies and haven't noticed, has been lying and cheating and stealing from everyone she knows, including your own Father's nursing home account for crissake, probably since she was old enough to learn she could get away with it.

And while I'm up on this soapbox, let me say this:


Of course, this is all only my opinion, but I am entitled to it, and by God I know it's a hell of a lot closer to the truth than anything that's come out of Casey's OR MamaCindy's mouth since about July 16th.

In the words of Andy Taylor "You beat everything, you know that?"

:::steps down from soapbox, stomps out of room:::
ORLANDO, Fla. -- One day before a grand jury meets to consider murder charges against Casey Anthony, her mother, Cindy Anthony, is breaking her silence.

Umm....when exactly was it that she was silent?

She has said along that the state was not looking for Caylee, just building a case against KC..

She truly is a loony bird...
I think she may have been quiet for a bit since word came out about the GJ convening tomorrow. TOMORROW FOLKS!!! Is this really going to happen? I don't think I'll be able to contain myself!!!
OT compmomnc posted in the daily updates that wkmg will be interviewing Cindy this evening.

That oughta be good to listen to since Baez basically got motions approved that will allow for revenge and retribution against all those even remotely connected to CAsey and Caylee that have turned against them. I wonder what she will spew.
Sure - he is in collusion with the squirrels and the sippy cup gang not
to mention the murdering bunch who store dead bodies in towed car
trunks ................

Its a conspiracy I tell ya -

Hee. Thanks for the laugh, sharpar. That's just crazy.
Ummm what are we up to now, chapter 38? At this stage this tell all book is going to have to be released in a book series to cover everything that has gone down since poor Caylee's disappearance.
I think she may have been quiet for a bit since word came out about the GJ convening tomorrow. TOMORROW FOLKS!!! Is this really going to happen? I don't think I'll be able to conatin myself!!!

Do you think they'll announce to the public what decision the GJ makes about the case tomorrow? I don't think I'll be able to go to sleep tomorrow night unles I hear something!
OT compmomnc posted in the daily updates that wkmg will be interviewing Cindy this evening.

OH yeah, I'm sure she's called all the media so they can hear her make a bigger fool of herself. Looking for my waders so I can listen to her tonight.
Do you think they'll announce to the public what decision the GJ makes about the case tomorrow? I don't think I'll be able to go to sleep tomorrow night unles I hear something!
I think the first we will hear of it is when Casey is rearrested.
Runs in the family. Cindy and the truth are also strangers.
Cindy needs someone to blame, she can't blame LE anymore for not following leads, she can't blame Jesse, Amy, or Ricardo anymore because they were ruled out, she can't blame any Nanny, because they don't exist, so now she blames the state attorney..Once she realizes she can't blame them, she will turn the blame on little bo peep who lost her sheep..
I hope she tells her story about JG being Zanni and now maybe this SA could be in with Zanni too.
Where is this going to take place? Is there a link?
OH yeah, I'm sure she's called all the media so they can hear her make a bigger fool of herself. Looking for my waders so I can listen to her tonight.

I couldn't stand to listen to the garbage she'll put forth. I'm already close to a bleeding ulcer over all this woman's cr*p!!
I think she may have been quiet for a bit since word came out about the GJ convening tomorrow. TOMORROW FOLKS!!! Is this really going to happen? I don't think I'll be able to conatin myself!!!

"Tomorrow tomorrow, it soon will be tomorrow and be our day, we will say a very happy tomorrow to you`````````````"
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