CA-Amber Leeanne Dubois (14 YO)- Escondido Thread # 2

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We had a scanner thread for Chelsea.............can we find one for Amber?
Would we use the same scanner area????

Yes Im sure same area. I'll listen in...see if I hear anything..
O/T but why keep them on deathrow forever?
Death should be death to me.
Especally in the case like Chelsea with DNA and so many attempted
rapes and kidnapping.
3 strikes and you be dead.............put it out there for all perverts! JMOO

O/T: It is the endless appeals and a lot of liberalism in CA. However, I'm not a huge DP advocate. I'm very much in favor of LWOP, where LIFE MEANS LIFE. One strike and you're out in most instances. We all know of cases where the perp has been found innocent after execution (or released after years and years behind bars), which I find distressing. I realize some things are cut and dried, but when mistakes are made with human life you can't go back. Anyway, MHOO.

Back on topic...

I fully expect them to put some offer on the table if they think he has anything to do with other murders/disappearances. Nothing less than LWOP though, taking DP off the table might be hard for the family and others but it could give someone else closure. There are so many freaks out there I'm fully aware JAG might not even be the guy. I just don't think this is his first...

Amber just didn't get the attention she needed. IMO Hayleigh's case, Caylee being found 2 months prior, etc took way too much attention away from her. The national news shows (like NG and JVM) being more active in her case would have put pressure on local LE (and I know they covered it some, because I remember it). But that doesn't excuse LOCAL LE from doing the right thing, which I don't believe they did. The days of teens skipping school, running away and thumbing a ride with the carnival for a couple weeks are long over (if they were ever even here). Yeah, I know there are still runaways, but Amber is nothing like the profile of today's runaways.
Listening to scanner, hear nothing about search still going on. But they will resume on Saturday morning. I won't be here have to work but I'll check in time to time.
From what I see on the other lake, not being sure which lake they draining or looking around, the closest end to this lake may also afford a similar scene:,-117.062735&spn=0.000935,0.002545&z=19

From the map, it looks to me as if there coiuld be several places where such a view might be had. But from just the maps, I cannot be sure. There are no total "ah ha" moments in looking just at the maps, but only possibilities.

I posted this in the Chelsea thread as well, but these are ponds. And even the bigger one is quite small.

They are definitely not lakes, and they are both rather small and shallow. Especially the one you posted as resonating with you.

If you're talking lakes, varying water levels, etc. Kit Carson Park is NOT a place that you'd find that.

They just started draining the ponds and they are almost done. That tells you how small and shallow they are.

Off topic a little, IIRC there are 600 people on Death Row in California. They are more likely to die of old age or prison warfare than a needle.

Equally OT alittle - maybe we can get an express lane put in place. :dance:
Edit: I started this yesterday and just now got back to finishing it up, sort of. Big development about the bag. Is this merely coincidental that a mere few days after Gardner is arrested LE locates a bag which could potentiall be linked to Amber? Maybe there is a possibility Gardner is giving them some info??

I re-read Amber's entry on Charley Project today. The two most mysterious things about her disappearence (for me) are the teenager and the phone. I know these points have been examined and re-examined here.

The teenager she was seen walking with - there is a pretty detailed description of him right down to what he was wearing. If he was a fellow classmate then why would he not come forward to police or school officials and say he is the one who was seen with her that morning? Amber is described as pretty shy and quiet. Did she have any guy friends she hung out with? Would it be normal for Amber to be walking and talking with a male classmate or was she too shy to walk and chat with a male school acquaintence especially at 6 feet tall was likely a couple grades ahead of her?
Now that I have seen Gardner is it possible from a distance he could be confused as a teenager? Especially if he was wearing a hat.....

One article said " he doesn’t match any classmates Amber occasionally walked with on the way to school." I think it's possible JAG could be mistaken as a teen from a distance and quick glance, especially if he had a hat or hoodie pulled up (description doesnt say). My other thought was could he have a younger accomplice? Or...was it not related and a guy was just walking near her...
Male relative of JAG on radio show

Some summary points below…

  • Looking back, there were plenty of clues. As a young kid, JAG was prone to violent outbursts
  • There may be other victims. The dots need to be connected
  • JAG had a gold colored Pontiac. Crashed car about a month ago. Car towed away
  • JAG's girlfriend owned black Honda. It was missing a rear bumper
  • JAG worked as a journeyman electrician, so he was around construction sites a lot. Did a lot of construction work. Was good at laying concrete, dry walling, framing, all aspects of construction
  • JAG got out of prison in 2005 and may have been on probation until Sep 2008. He had an ankle bracelet (GPS monitor) until his probation ended
  • JAG recently lost employment. Was struggling to keep hours because construction work had dwindled down
  • Relative believes mother went through years of denial and chose not to believe things
  • Relative hasn’t had any contact with JAG’s mother since Feb 17th
  • JAG seemed to have semi-normal relationships with women. When you’d meet him, he was kind of like the life of the party, the silly goof ball. He was often pleasant to be around, as long as he was in a pleasant mood. Now if he got upset, you’d want to get away from him
  • Relative had no knowledge that JAG had teenagers going over to his home to play video games when he lived in Escondido
  • JAG’s biological father died about a year ago. Didn’t have a relationship with him
  • JAG had a stepfather when he lived in Running Springs
  • Relative hopes JAG didn’t kill Amber
  • Relative was interviewed by FBI after JAG was in custody. Discussed timeline in last month or so and vehicles JAG had been driving
  • According to relative, the number one thing that set JAG off was the relationship he had with this mother
For info, construction going on at EHS starting in Aug 2008 and construction vehicles parked on N Broadway…I hope JAG wasn’t working (e.g. as a sub-contractor or something) on the project at the school…

  • A notice from the Escondido High School dated Aug, 2008 (link no longer available) said the construction of their campus Learning Center was underway and was anticipated to be completed sometime in the spring (of 2009). The notice contained various drop off and parking instructions
  • Police have said construction trucks were parked south of that driveway, toward the school gates, which would have blocked passersby from seeing much of the sidewalk where Amber would have been walking
  • Construction trucks delivering material to the school also were lined up by the curb near the football stadium, forcing parents to drop off their students farther north on the road and closer to where Amber was last seen, Benton said
Is the park and pond near Lake Gohlford??????
Could this be the place?
any locals know how far away it is?
Our forensic astro's where mentioning Gohlford???
Only 3.4 miles from Rancho Bernardo Community Park where Chelsea King was murdered... Wow. Very close.
anyone try to find a scanner????
would we use the same as Chelsea?
Equally OT alittle - maybe we can get an express lane put in place. :dance:

In this day with DNA and lots of science, the death penalty should be used in a short time after convicted.
IMO, the older days we did not have all the great forensic science as we do today.
The monsters that have the proof of the crime with no question should be gone immediately.
This criminals have got to be out of society.
Taxes are so high and soon, we will be building more jails with solitary cells because these monsters cannot even be with their own kind.........think about it.
We have vets out there homeless, starving kids........thes guys get 3 meals a day, medical care, no taxes and live 40 years.
Like Manson, he's still there, want him out even at age 90??? IMOO

Fantastic article............JG really had a hard time separating from father at age 10. (Mom's 2nd marriage)
His resentment to his mother must of been her divorse & next 2 marriages
He has 2 sisters (older) from her 1st marriage.
interesting ..........needed meds at a yound age...........full of emotional problems.........

I see this article is giving the defendent a line of defense. The 'poor me' syndrom.

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