CA and GA too "Fragile" for Depo?

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Cindy looked downright angry as she chomped her gum. She actually had that same look as she did with the protesters and the hammer!
I wonder what ticked her off?
She definitely did not appear "fragile" at all!

My perception of what they were feeling is a little different. To me, CA looked apprehensive, concerned, yet hardened. GA looked bewildered, concerned, beaten down. I don't think they are near a total breakdown but I don't think it would take too much to push GA over the edge. She is stronger and shows that in her concern for holding GA up but they're lives are changed forever and they both know it. To be there at KC's hearing, they were doing as parents do. They love their child, they always will. They wouldn't know how to stop loving their children. How many of us would? KC still doesn't get it. She didn't love her daughter as her parents do her. Her parents are there, trying to show they love her, support her because they want to believe what she told them, yet all the while they know that it was the long road of pathological lying and immature behaviour that caused all this. They feel partially responsible at the same time because they let it go on and on. Therein lies the confusion, bewilderment, concern, regret. IMO

No doubt CA and GA are bone weary after all these months. But, they need to get the depos behind them, take a deep breath then go sit in the courtroom. Their appearance yesterday was in a backwards sort of way...again. Take care of business, do the depos for goodness sake. Seems to me they blew their claim of too fragile for sure.
IMO CA and GA were simply delaying their depo's on advice of their attorney
I believe BC was more interested in what exactly was going to be asked of them.
BC more than likely wanted to stall their depo's and had an agreement with LA's attorney to get LA to do his first. More than likely to get insight on exactly what type of questioning they will be undergoing and have time to prepare their answers in advance.
IMO LA was the scapegoat for CA and GA to prepare their answers.
You're prolly right on that one. Plus, think of all those billable hours he's racking up. Attorney hours aren't free.

Brad Conway is the Anthony's attorney, pro bono. He has made that statement many times.
Too fragile???

Are you kidding me?
She looked like a bulldog chomping at the bit ..
Cindy actually looked like she was ready for a good scrap with someone (anyone!)
No doubt CA and GA are bone weary after all these months. But, they need to get the depos behind them, take a deep breath then go sit in the courtroom. Their appearance yesterday was in a backwards sort of way...again. Take care of business, do the depos for goodness sake. Seems to me they blew their claim of too fragile for sure.

I thought both Anthonys looked remarkably well yesterday, alert, composed, and in control. GA was well groomed and dressed appropriatly.

CA has never looked better, also well dressed and well groomed.

(One thing I did notice was that through this whole mess, Cindy never appeared in ill fitting clothes. Most people with sudden weight loss are caught in transition with baggy, sagging clothes that previously fit. Everytime Cindy appeared, the clothes fit the size she was at that time; smaller size, smaller clothes. Wonder how she found either the time or energy to shop with a missing GD. She was always groomed, hair combed, jewelery, matching colours. I would have been lucky to find the armholes never mind if the shirt matched the rest of my outfit. )

However, that is the outside. I have no doubt BC will be able to produce DR statements to prove they are not able to testify.
Fragile??? Right...Cindy looked like she could kill...smacking that dam* gum...whoo the look on her face was anything but fragile...George did not look fragile either.

I think the only reason BC says their fragile is because he knows if JM deposes Cindy like he did Lee...she will totally go off...she will take out her gum throw it at JM...then throw herself over the witness stand and choke JM like she supposedly did KC on the night of the fight, until he promises to drink the KC Kool-Aid. Lee's depo lasted 3 hours...Cindy will never shut up...her depo could last days, months, years.
Fragile??? Right...Cindy looked like she could kill...smacking that dam* gum...whoo the look on her face was anything but fragile...George did not look fragile either.

I think the only reason BC says their fragile is because he knows if JM deposes Cindy like he did Lee...she will totally go off...she will take out her gum throw it at JM...then throw herself over the witness stand and choke JM like she supposedly did KC on the night of the fight, until he promises to drink the KC Kool-Aid. Lee's depo lasted 3 hours...Cindy will never shut up...her depo could last days, months, years.

Maybe if she starts now, she'll be done by trial date, October 12.....or go on and on and on so that the trial has to be delayed.
IMO CA and GA were simply delaying their depo's on advice of their attorney
I believe BC was more interested in what exactly was going to be asked of them.
BC more than likely wanted to stall their depo's and had an agreement with LA's attorney to get LA to do his first. More than likely to get insight on exactly what type of questioning they will be undergoing and have time to prepare their answers in advance.
IMO LA was the scapegoat for CA and GA to prepare their answers.

Nothing like a parent throwing their kid out there first to test the waters. What other family would do that? No, you hold your head up high, put one foot in front of the other, and go.

The question...fragile? No, I don't think they are fragile. They are having a difficult time with absorbing (or wanting to absorb) that their daughter killed their grandaughter. That's understandable. But fragile, no.
Or maybe he was just doing his job. What a concept.

I am sure the media was trying their best to get a statement out of either parent and BC was going to be ready to speak for them.

I can't wrap my head around why the Anthony family can not walk by the press, and simply state: "no comment." They're under no obligation to speak to the press. None.
According to Mr. Conway, we should all be wary of the ".........yet."

I still can't believe he said that.

I must have missed that. What did he say we should all be wary of?
Nothing like a parent throwing their kid out there first to test the waters. What other family would do that? No, you hold your head up high, put one foot in front of the other, and go.

The question...fragile? No, I don't think they are fragile. They are having a difficult time with absorbing (or wanting to absorb) that their daughter killed their grandaughter. That's understandable. But fragile, no.

Apparently in this family children are disposable objects for one's own use.
If they are too fragile and emotionally unable to answer questions for a deposition, how are they able to appear (in public, with media all agog, I might add,) to "support" their daughter? I am still unable to process the special treatment afforded the A menage. Is it just me? How is it possible that they get away with this? Someone with legal expertise please explain how one day they are grieving and cannot be expected to submit to the horrors of JM's deposition, and two days later are in court?

No, it's not you and it stinks to high heaven! Sorry, I'm not a lawyer and have no professional expertise, I'm just a girl as aggravated by this as you! I really hope John Morgan can use the A's appearance yesterday, gum-cracking and all, to persuade a judge to compel the A's to give their depo ASAP!
I must have missed that. What did he say we should all be wary of?

When BC appeared at the deposition location, his explanation as to why his clients could not give their depo's right now was because they were in a specially fragile state. The lawyer for ZFG said something to the effect that Cindy had not attempted suicide. BC's response to that was, and I quote fully: ".......yet."
When BC appeared at the deposition location, his explanation as to why his clients could not give their depo's right now was because they were in a specially fragile state. The lawyer for ZFG said something to the effect that Cindy had not attempted suicide. BC's response to that was, and I quote fully: ".......yet."

I wonder if GA's production went off so well, that there will be a return engagement with a new lead. Closer to trial, perhaps?
When BC appeared at the deposition location, his explanation as to why his clients could not give their depo's right now was because they were in a specially fragile state. The lawyer for ZFG said something to the effect that Cindy had not attempted suicide. BC's response to that was, and I quote fully: ".......yet."

wow! I did miss that. I could be wrong, been plenty wrong before, but I just don't see Cindy being fragile at all. She is one tough cookie! Thanks, Debs.
They looked freaking fine to me. They have no regard and apparently obey no laws. Did you see how many times they were told to move their conversation outside, that court was over and they didn't even acknowledge the person that was telling them? I don't know why Conway was there. I asked that several times yesterday. I think Cindy started chomping harder and growling when Conway was speaking to the SA, right?? Charge them with anything, anything, I'm sure they have violated that at some point and give them a dose of reality. A dose of the laws that everyone else has to live by. I'd like for them to see that the world doesn't revolve around the Anthonys.
I wonder if GA's production went off so well, that there will be a return engagement with a new lead. Closer to trial, perhaps?

That's a good one. I guess we can be on the look out for Part 2. Will there be a new character (CA) or a return with GA. I still can't help but think it was planned...I know their are plenty who would disagree with me and I don't mean to sound harsh.....but I don't put anything pass the A's. He knew if he did this, suicide attempt, that he could use it for future excuses in getting out of situations and to gain sympathy. JMO

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