CA CA - Barbara Thomas, 69, from Bullhead City AZ, disappeared in Mojave desert, 12 July 2019 #11

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Keep in mind the "massive inheritance" is basically a rumor - VI heard it from BT's estranged brother, apparently griping that their parents didn't leave him anything.

I've heard this before, parents die and the kids are convinced that (a) they were millionaires and (b) someone stole the money. Amazing how many millionaires are apparently in this country! MOO
with due respect considering the VIs father was excluded from this inheritance I think it comes from a bit more than hearsay.

Isn't that what hearsay means? When one person tells another person something that they, or others, cannot substantiate?
the source of information imo comes directly from his own father....not the 'disgruntled' estranged brother.
the previous poster insinuated that the case.
maybe some of it comes from the brother but wouldn't it be reasonable to assume the VI is able to source this info directly from his own parents considering it affected them DIRECTLY.
if it was a bogus claim by the 'estranged brother' wouldn't his mother or father tell him to forget it its crap????

I would imagine one would know ones own intimate family and whether the information is credible.

Well, actually he didn't think she got lost. I got the impression that he did not think that was possible, since she was used to hiking in those conditions and he searched everywhere and couldn't find her.

All the theories about Barbara becoming disoriented and lost or injured have pretty much been speculation from here.

The theory that she was kidnapped and that some powerful and dangerous people are involved stems from the family. They seem to have information to support this. Many of them are in fear for their safety.

We have only had hints and vague clues as to what that is but most of it can't be discussed here, since we don't have evidence to back it up, and the VI can't post it here.

Do we know if the family provided the "information" to LE?

Why can't the VI post it? He is a verified insider, with supposedly first-hand knowledge of the "information", assuming the rest of the family shared it with him or maybe he discovered the "information"?

Seems like rumor.

Do we know if the family provided the "information" to LE?

Why can't the VI post it? He is a verified insider, with supposedly first-hand knowledge of the "information", assuming the rest of the family shared it with him or maybe he discovered the "information"?

Seems like rumor.

If I understand correctly, it is because he is concerned it involves Multi-Level Marketing, which we are not permitted to discuss.
Here is what the VI said about the alleged inheritance.

a chunk of potential motive, i don't recall if it made it to the pub thread or not, but i know from my dad barb was the sole inheritor in my grandma's will.

according to my fathers estranged brother, barb inherited few million(s)? no confirmation on exact amount, but he made it sound like she was set for life after my grandma died. was the first hint i ever had that barb had substantial assets. she lived very modestly, imo.

also some potential insight into matthews mindset re barbs estate?

The inheritance information seems to have come from the estranged brother. I'm assuming the information was given to the VI's father who then gave it to the VI although it's possible from the vague wording of the post that the VI got it directly from his uncle.

Is it true that BT got a large inheritance? With only this post to go on I would say it's not a fact until there is something that corroborates it. JMO

CA - CA - Barbara Thomas, 69, from Bullhead City AZ, disappeared in Mojave desert, 12 July 2019 #10
I thought of Barbara and RT today while dh and I were at the supermarket. Dh was pushing the shopping cart as we moved past the yogurt section. I said aloud without looking at dh: “I think I’ll get some yogurt.” I heard him say something about wanting to buy some sandwich wraps bread, but I thought he was going to wait for me, first.
I took a few long seconds choosing the yogurt.

When I turned around, dh was not there. I checked the nearest aisle. Not there. I checked where wraps were. Not there. I ended up checking every darn aisle, and he wasn’t in any of them! So, I put the yogurt back and was thinking he must have already checked out somehow in unbelievably record time and I was prepared to go out to the car (yes, I was mad at him by this time, lol).

As I put the yogurt away, he emerged from the rear door of the store! He had decided he needed to use the store’s restroom. Grrr.

Anyway, sorry for my long, mundane story. Of course getting lost in the supermarket is nothing like getting lost in the desert, but it illustrated to me just how easy it can be to lose one another in such a short time. I hadn’t brought my phone with me, so I couldn’t text or call him, either.
Saying RT thought BT got heat stroke, got lost, abducted by a motorcycle gang.

He never said any of that.

That's not "paraphrasing" - that is a lie.
Or, it could be just a little bit being facetious due to the frustration of nothing seeming to happen on this case. This happens when you've been on so many cases and admit it, this is one frustrating case. That said, it wasn't lying about the case, IMO.
Or, it could be just a little bit being facetious due to the frustration of nothing seeming to happen on this case. This happens when you've been on so many cases and admit it, this is one frustrating case. That said, it wasn't lying about the case, IMO.

As a reminder, one of her family members is here. If it was sarcasm, it wasn't very funny MOO.
LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — In July of 2019, Barbara Thomas and her husband were hiking in the Mojave Desert when he says she got ahead of him and that was the last time he saw her.

At the time, 13 Action News spoke with Bob Thomas about the search for his wife. Now, an anthropology professor at Oxnard College in Ventura, California is using that news coverage as a case study in her class.

She says she first has them watch the coverage with no sound.

“I took them through it without any background and without any sound initially and I asked them really simple questions like how old do you think these people are, where would you say they’re from,” said Kama’ila.

Then she has them watch with the sound on.

Kama’ila says the students tend to point out how calm Bob Thomas is during the interview.

“He sort of breaks down but everybody notices there’s no real tears or real sobbing, so it just seemed really suspicious to most of the people in the class,” she says.

Professor uses coverage of missing woman as case study
Isn't that what hearsay means? When one person tells another person something that they, or others, cannot substantiate?
@ MsBetsy Depends on how & where the term is used.:rolleyes:
Hearsay in judicial/legal usage
evidence is "an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted therein." In certain courts, hearsay evidence is inadmissible (the "Hearsay Evidence Rule") unless an exception to the Hearsay Rule applies...."
^ Hearsay - Wikipedia

Hearsay in common /non-judicial usage
"information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.
"according to hearsay, Bob had managed to break his arm"\

^ English Dictionary, Thesaurus, & Grammar Help |

Do we know if the family provided the "information" to LE?

Why can't the VI post it? He is a verified insider, with supposedly first-hand knowledge of the "information", assuming the rest of the family shared it with him or maybe he discovered the "information"?

Seems like rumor.

I believe he did post it. But in case he didn't, I won't say more.

I myself have been focusing on longterm missing person cases where a body is, in fact, eventually found.

The VI is under no obligation to share with all. And in fact, given the turn this particular thread has taken, I'm not at all surprised that he has been absent for many days.
Here is what the VI said about the alleged inheritance.

The inheritance information seems to have come from the estranged brother. I'm assuming the information was given to the VI's father who then gave it to the VI although it's possible from the vague wording of the post that the VI got it directly from his uncle.

Is it true that BT got a large inheritance? With only this post to go on I would say it's not a fact until there is something that corroborates it. JMO

CA - CA - Barbara Thomas, 69, from Bullhead City AZ, disappeared in Mojave desert, 12 July 2019 #10
thanks ranch for finding the actual post.:)
it really does throw hearsay into the mix then.
my apologies to @PaulR and @MsBetsy this clarifies and defines your thoughts totally.
that context really doesn't make a lot of sense to share with us :confused:


Do we know if the family provided the "information" to LE?

Why can't the VI post it? He is a verified insider, with supposedly first-hand knowledge of the "information", assuming the rest of the family shared it with him or maybe he discovered the "information"?

Seems like rumor.
Well, you would really have to go back and read through his posts. There are bits of information scattered throughout five or six threads.

I'm pretty sure they did share the information with LE.
Matt said he was working very closely with investigators and the VI said they were busy following through on leads.
But the company involved can't be mentioned, and conspiracy theories are not allowed so yes, we don't know all the details and can only post about it in general terms.

I think LE followed through on some of the tips they provided and were unable to find any evidence, but that's just my opinion.

Here are some facts.

These are fact that can be discussed, even, because mods have said that what RT has stated in MSM can be discussed.

Fact #1:

RT gave his interview to Inside Edition on July 17th, and explained to everyone that the only scenario that makes sense if that she's been abducted because, "she WAS wearing a bikini, and she had a beer in her hand, and she was ahead of me, and she had to cross that road" ergo, someone must have taken her.

If, as some here have conjectured, RT latched onto the abduction scenario because it was a more "hopeful" scenario than her still being lost in the desert, then surely it would have made more sense for him to cling to the idea that a Good Samaritan had picked her up instead.

Heck, it would have even made more sense for him to imagine she hitchhiked out of the area herself.

RT is the one who pitched the abduction theory. Period.
That is a fact. RT said she was abducted. LE certainly didn't.
In fact, LE has categorically stated they do not think BT was abducted.

So there's that.

And then we also have his own words regarding this:

RT also stated that LE considers him the prime suspect, and that LE told him his polygraph showed he was being deceptive, but not to worry, on account of he "knows they aren't 100%" and he "hadn't slept the night before."

So there's that, too.

A lot of people apparently want to overlook those facts.


RT never gave an interview to Inside Edition. Inside Edition acquired video from KNLV (Las Vegas news station). The reporter who hosted the piece did not even go to the Mojave, but did put in an introduction that was then used with the video acquired by the LV news station.

Just clarifying that RT has given only one interview (at his own home, inside and outside) to one reporter. You can contact Inside Edition, as I did, if you want more clarification. I also confirmed this with the Las Vegas news people.
.@ MsBetsy Depends on how & where the term is used.:rolleyes:
Hearsay in judicial/legal usage
evidence is "an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted therein." In certain courts, hearsay evidence is inadmissible (the "Hearsay Evidence Rule") unless an exception to the Hearsay Rule applies...."
^ Hearsay - Wikipedia

Hearsay in common /non-judicial usage
"information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.
"according to hearsay, Bob had managed to break his arm"\

^ English Dictionary, Thesaurus, & Grammar Help |
Yes, that's what I mean. The VI heard the information, but was unable to verify it and never saw any evidence himself, and then passed on that information.
To be allowed in court, I would imagine some sort of proof or documents would be needed.
Not only that, but we have no way to know when the money was inherited, how long she had it, what she spent it on, or how much is left. As far as we know it could be all gone.

Another thing to keep in mind is that more than 40 percent would be taxed, so even it it was over a million dollars, after inheritance taxes it would be significantly less.

More than Inside Edition..

MSM/CBS TV and Modesto Bee also cite RT alleging BT abducted when crossing road back to vehicle. “Someone picked her up because she was wearing a bikini,” Thomas said, KCAL reported. “She had a beer in her hand and she had to cross that road.”

July 18, 2019

An Arizona man who says he last saw his bikini-clad wife Friday on a two-mile hike in the Mojave Desert begged for her return as search efforts expand, KTNV reported.

“I just want my wife back and if somebody out there has her, which I feel somebody does, please drop her off at a safe place where she can contact us and that’s it,” said Robert Thomas, according to the station.

But the Bullhead City man also says investigators have told him he’s a “prime suspect” because the two were alone in the desert and have accused him of being “deceptive” on a polygraph test, which he blames on lack of sleep, KCAL reported.

Thomas says he fears someone abducted Barbara Thomas, 69, as she crossed a road back to their vehicle after he stopped to take a photo, according to the station. He says he’s “absolutely not” involved in her disappearance.


Sheriff’s officials in San Bernardino County, California, are focusing on the search for Barbara Thomas, who had no phone or other supplies on her when she vanished in triple-digit heat.


Barbara Thomas was last seen about 2:30 p.m. Friday wearing a black bikini, a red baseball cap and tan hiking boots with black socks, sheriff’s officials say.

She’s described as being 5’9, 130 lbs., with blonde hair and green eyes. Robert and Barbara Thomas had been hiking in the Kelbaker/Hidden Hills area near Interstate 40, sheriff’s officials reported.

RT never gave an interview to Inside Edition. Inside Edition acquired video from KNLV (Las Vegas news station). The reporter who hosted the piece did not even go to the Mojave, but did put in an introduction that was then used with the video acquired by the LV news station.

Just clarifying that RT has given only one interview (at his own home, inside and outside) to one reporter. You can contact Inside Edition, as I did, if you want more clarification. I also confirmed this with the Las Vegas news people.

Oddly, or not so oddly (if one doesn’t trust the media), Inside Edition claimed they conducted the interview with Rob.

In an interview with Inside Edition, Robert Thomas said he believes someone took Barbara when he lost sight of her during their hike.

"If anyone has her, I would just beg that they would release her, no questions asked," he said, becoming emotional. "I just want her back ...."

Husband of Woman Who Vanished During Mojave Desert Hike: 'I Just Want Her Back'
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