CA CA - Barbara Thomas, 69, from Bullhead City AZ, disappeared in Mojave desert, 12 July 2019 #6

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Changing stories.

Yes, hmmm. Was he panicky or not worried at that point....I wonder. If I was panicky about someone I loved missing I would call for help immediately but thats just my personal thought.

I am also wondering if Barbara ever took off on her own before and didn't say where she was going...? Anyone remember?

Random thoughts and personal opinions.
The comments below the article are interesting. Most don't believe him.

One, in particular, made me pause. It suggested that RT was directing LE away from the desert with the abduction story because he knew she was not there. Her absence from the desert had to be explained away somehow - hence, an abduction.

Where are you, Barbara?
This has been my strong hunch for quite awhile now. I may have even posted about it because I had Thoughts, but maybe I censored myself!
Yes, hmmm. Was he panicky or not worried at that point....I wonder. If I was panicky about someone I loved missing I would call for help immediately but thats just my personal thought.

I am also wondering if Barbara ever took off on her own before and didn't say where she was going...? Anyone remember?

Random thoughts and personal opinions.
I especially would call quickly if I thought my elderly loved one was wandering the desert with no water or other supplies. Yeah, I know, she was used to the desert but the human body has its requirements.
Jumping off your post to keep it victim-friendly, I would love to re-introduce another theory mentioned early on that I have been mulling over...


The caveat with this theory is that searchers would very likely be aware if there was quicksand near where she was last seen.

If she got turned around (disoriented due to heat exhaustion or dehydration) and went a different way, then she may have been outside the search area and in an area where the searchers may not have been aware of the presence of quicksand.

I am just trying to put f0rth all ideas I can think of before drawing any conclusions that someone was involved in making her disappear.

I wish we knew if someone is out there searching for her.

JMO and speculation

I know quicksand was discussed on an earlier thread. IIRC, there is no evidence of quicksand anywhere in the area.
What RT told Inside Edition

"I hollered her name and I waved my arms and I looked around the area and I saw that she wasn’t anywhere around. She didn't respond. then I got very panicky.”
AZ - AZ - Barbara Thomas, 69, Timeline, Media, Maps, *NO DISCUSSION*

How dbdb11's sister recalls what RT told Barb's brother:

I don't see anything incriminating there. He's giving his account in two very different situations, so there are bound to be variations. He's probably compressed the account for the media interview (which may be edited anyway) and what he said in the phone call has been relayed through someone else who isn't going to remember it word for word.
Yes, hmmm. Was he panicky or not worried at that point....I wonder. If I was panicky about someone I loved missing I would call for help immediately but thats just my personal thought.

I am also wondering if Barbara ever took off on her own before and didn't say where she was going...? Anyone remember?

Random thoughts and personal opinions.
Good point.^^^

There are neighbors of Barbara's and RT -- who claimed she went nowhere without RT.
So there's that.
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I’ve been wondering about the Bolded By Me sentence below since @dbdb11 posted the text from his sister on July 18th.

@dbdb11 Did your sister ever provide details to you regarding Friday morning? Thank you

My thoughts and prayers and hopes remain with you and all of Barbara’s family.

Cut and pasted by me bc my iPhone wouldn’t let me bring the quote over from the prior thread:

“hmmm i don’t have the sharpest memory but i’ll try to recount as best as i can - robbie and said he needs to talk to daddy and that barbara’s missing. it was a long story that started at the beginning on friday morning and progressed chronologically throughout the day. the impression robbie gave me was that she was wearing a red cap, a bikini and carrying a travel cup with beer in it. they lost sight of each other for 5-10 minutes before she “vanished” and he went back to their rv to see if she had returned but it was still locked so that meant she hadn’t come back yet (they had put the key under a rock which they both knew the location of). so he went back to check a shaded cave that they had found together earlier thinking she may have been taking a break from the heat but she wasn’t there either. he still wasn’t worried at this point because.. i don’t remember why he said he wasn’t yet worried. maybe because they both knew the area? or this was a regular thing? idk not sure but he continued searching for her on his own. by around noon time it was getting terribly hot so he started getting worried and called 911. police arrived like 2 hours later and searched for her. robbie said throughout the day they had sniff dogs, horses, hundreds of people and even a helicopter (which unfortunately couldn’t use its infrared function because it was too hot out to get any useful readings) and nobody could find any trace of her. searched throughout the night too. nothing. she had just disappeared. robbie admits “it doesn’t make any sense” that she just wandered off and got lost and there’s no evidence.. which is why he suspects she may have been picked up in a car. also because from the spot where she went missing she had to cross a highway in order to get back to where their rv was parked. also apparently she took a 360 picture that morning from on top of a hill and the photo included a parking lot with some vehicles in it so the police are looking into their license plates/info.

robbie said that he just wants barbara back and will press no charges against the person who abducted her so long as they return her. the call was delivered in a measured tone but he broke down a bit at this point, was tough to hear:( reached out? idk if it was abc but some mainstream news outlet and i definitely heard nancy grace mentioned. robbie’s done some interviews as he wants to get the word out. but he hasn’t seen or read any of the released news and comments. it’s too much

he said he keeps returning to the spot where he lost her and overturning rocks and searching and searching hoping to find something. he was there the day he called us although i think he said he shouldn’t really go back there as protocol says he’s the first suspect. he was even held for 5hrs in a cop car on the first day. it’s been nonstop and nobody is sleeping. robbie said he had held off on calling daddy to tell him the bad news because it was such devastating news and he was hoping she would turn up.. but he couldn’t wait any longer. he also said it’s difficult to call into china and said his calls rarely go through so if we want to ask any questions or talk more we should call him.
txt msg from my sister. wish i.asked.for this.earlier...

Jul 18, 2019

Like a normal, concerned person would do, imho!

A normal, concerned person... is there a guideline for how people are supposed to respond to extreme stress and chaos? Humans react differently to every single situation. One person may be incredibly levelheaded and do what a "normal, concerned" person would do but others will literally seem like they're not even on this planet. They can't keep thoughts straight, definition of scatterbrained, etc.

Also, have we learned what the relationship between Barbara and her son was like? If someone had a pretty strained relationship, perhaps they were no contact for several years, maybe he only reached out to ask for money? Maybe they spoke on the phone daily... but we don't know that. We don't know much of anything, unless I missed it somewhere. I can say that if I had my wits about me and I found myself in this situation, if someone didn't have a great relationship with someone, they wouldn't be my first call. I would potentially leave that up to someone else to make the call, perhaps the police?
I know quicksand was discussed on an earlier thread. IIRC, there is no evidence of quicksand anywhere in the area.

Just confirming same - no quicksand in this area, but we always welcome new types of insights and ideas like these IMO.

Thank you both for mentioning this. I must have missed where this idea had been put to rest. These threads are fast-moving and I don't always see every post. :)
I’ve been wondering about the Bolded By Me sentence below since @dbdb11 posted the text from his sister on July 18th.

@dbdb11 Did your sister ever provide details to you regarding Friday morning? Thank you

My thoughts and prayers and hopes remain with you and all of Barbara’s family.

Cut and pasted by me bc my iPhone wouldn’t let me bring the quote over from the prior thread:

“hmmm i don’t have the sharpest memory but i’ll try to recount as best as i can - robbie and said he needs to talk to daddy and that barbara’s missing. it was a long story that started at the beginning on friday morning and progressed chronologically throughout the day. the impression robbie gave me was that she was wearing a red cap, a bikini and carrying a travel cup with beer in it. they lost sight of each other for 5-10 minutes before she “vanished” and he went back to their rv to see if she had returned but it was still locked so that meant she hadn’t come back yet (they had put the key under a rock which they both knew the location of). so he went back to check a shaded cave that they had found together earlier thinking she may have been taking a break from the heat but she wasn’t there either. he still wasn’t worried at this point because.. i don’t remember why he said he wasn’t yet worried. maybe because they both knew the area? or this was a regular thing? idk not sure but he continued searching for her on his own. by around noon time it was getting terribly hot so he started getting worried and called 911. police arrived like 2 hours later and searched for her. robbie said throughout the day they had sniff dogs, horses, hundreds of people and even a helicopter (which unfortunately couldn’t use its infrared function because it was too hot out to get any useful readings) and nobody could find any trace of her. searched throughout the night too. nothing. she had just disappeared. robbie admits “it doesn’t make any sense” that she just wandered off and got lost and there’s no evidence.. which is why he suspects she may have been picked up in a car. also because from the spot where she went missing she had to cross a highway in order to get back to where their rv was parked. also apparently she took a 360 picture that morning from on top of a hill and the photo included a parking lot with some vehicles in it so the police are looking into their license plates/info.

robbie said that he just wants barbara back and will press no charges against the person who abducted her so long as they return her. the call was delivered in a measured tone but he broke down a bit at this point, was tough to hear:( reached out? idk if it was abc but some mainstream news outlet and i definitely heard nancy grace mentioned. robbie’s done some interviews as he wants to get the word out. but he hasn’t seen or read any of the released news and comments. it’s too much

he said he keeps returning to the spot where he lost her and overturning rocks and searching and searching hoping to find something. he was there the day he called us although i think he said he shouldn’t really go back there as protocol says he’s the first suspect. he was even held for 5hrs in a cop car on the first day. it’s been nonstop and nobody is sleeping. robbie said he had held off on calling daddy to tell him the bad news because it was such devastating news and he was hoping she would turn up.. but he couldn’t wait any longer. he also said it’s difficult to call into china and said his calls rarely go through so if we want to ask any questions or talk more we should call him.
txt msg from my sister. wish i.asked.for this.earlier...

Jul 18, 2019

bolding by me ^ intriguing
Yes, hmmm. Was he panicky or not worried at that point....I wonder. If I was panicky about someone I loved missing I would call for help immediately but thats just my personal thought.

I am also wondering if Barbara ever took off on her own before and didn't say where she was going...? Anyone remember?

Random thoughts and personal opinions.
I would look around one my own for at least an hour before I called the police for a number of reasons- I have a very solve-it-myself personality. First i would think maybe she told me she was going somewhere and I wasn't paying attention. Maybe she came back to the camper, did her thing, and then went back to collect more stuff for her art. Maybe she was lost, but how lost could she get, I can find her. My point is that in hindsight he should have called the police right away (not that it would matter because it took them hours to get there) but in the actual situation that would not have been obvious at all.
robbie said that he just wants barbara back and will press no charges against the person who abducted her so long as they return her.

he said he shouldn’t really go back there as protocol says he’s the first suspect. he was even held for 5hrs in a cop car on the first day. it’s been nonstop and nobody is sleeping. robbie said he had held off on calling daddy to tell him the bad news because it was such devastating news and he was hoping she would turn up.. but he couldn’t wait any longer. he also said it’s difficult to call into china and said his calls rarely go through so if we want to ask any questions or talk more we should call him.
txt msg from my sister. wish i.asked.for this.earlier...

Jul 18, 2019

1st Bolded bit : What ? " long as they return her..."
Nothing about RT saying ; "...please don't hurt her, let me at least speak to her to know that she's alright..."
Just odd words that are unsettling. Imo.

If my BBQ grill was stolen -- I might ask for it to be returned intact with no damage, or something to that effect.
Because I own my gas grill and it's a possession, bought and paid for.

But not with a loved one.
You don't possess nor 'own' a person.

No pleas for her to not be harmed, and nothing about the kidnappers contacting him for a chance to speak with her ??
No asking for a ransom ?
And yes, if someone took her there will be charges levied against them !

Starting with the 911 call and subsequent searches--- RT no longer has a say in whether or not charges will be imposed.

2nd Bolded : Again with RT calling himself a 'suspect'. While Barbara was still just "missing".
There is no proof yet of a crime.
He is jumping to conclusions--- and this has to be very hard on Barbara's family !
Why did LE keep him for 5 hours in a police cruiser if they think he's just a man who lost sight of his wife ?
What did LE ask him ?

3rd Bolded : I call BS on the difficulty in calling Barbara's family in China.
Based on someone's actions.
And why does he want for Barbara's family to only call HIM (RT) for questions ?

Maybe they'd rather speak to someone else ?

Thank you, FirstSleuth. That was posted on July 18, right?

Do we know when that conversation between RT and DB's sister took place?

The cop car part I had forgotten.

Great post, @10ofRods !

I have to go back and reread several pages as I didn't know he was held for 5 hours that day.
That's a long time for LE to ask questions when someone is only 'missing' and may have just wandered off the trail.
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Thank you, FirstSleuth. That was posted on July 18, right?

Do we know when that conversation between RT and DB's sister took place?

The cop car part I had forgotten.

Yes, I went back to dbdb11’s posts and scrolled through them until I found the one with his sister’s text message. Then I copied and pasted all of it and enclosed it in double quotes. The date is included at the end and looks like it might be a hyperlink, but my phone gets an error now when I touch the date.

Idk, I have so many questions regarding RT’s call to HK and reporting to Barbara’s family and the inconsistencies between his report at the time (recalled by @dbdb11 ’s sister) and the facts we know now. For example, the time of the 911 call; but I guess all could be explained with victim friendly circumstances? I want to stay within the TOS

ETA: I added the @ before dbdb11 and touched his profile name
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People see what they want to see in the text but you have to look at it from both perspectives. There is really nothing there.

This is a charitable reading of the sister's text: The quotes from the text are underlined and a charitable interpretation is in ( ... )

i don’t have the sharpest memory (that means some of this might not be completely accurate)

it was a long story that started at the beginning on friday morning and progressed chronologically throughout the day. (He started at the beginning and walked her through their whole day, lots of facts the police can corroborate)

he went back to check a shaded cave that they had found together earlier thinking she may have been taking a break from the heat but she wasn’t there (he spent some time looking for her, he probably has no idea exactly how long he spent looking)

around noon time it was getting terribly hot so he started getting worried and called 911. (not exactly at noon to the nearest second but around noon +/-)

robbie said throughout the day they had sniff dogs, horses, hundreds of people and even a helicopter (which unfortunately couldn’t use its infrared function because it was too hot out to get any useful readings) and nobody could find any trace of her. searched throughout the night too. (The Sheriff took him seriously right away and mounted a big response; all those resources and they still didn’t find any evidence, what could have happened)

“it doesn’t make any sense” that she just wandered off and got lost and there’s no evidence.. which is why he suspects she may have been picked up in a car. (He thinks she must have been picked up because there is no evidence of her anywhere, since there is no evidence of her where else could she be but somewhere else. It’s pretty logical)

apparently she took a 360 picture that morning from on top of a hill and the photo included a parking lot with some vehicles in it so the police are looking into their license plates/info. (she took a picture that day and you can see vehicle plate #s and perhaps Robbie too; there is probably evidence we don't know about that she was there)

the call was delivered in a measured tone but he broke down a bit at this point, was tough to hear
(he did get upset when he called them and she thought it was genuine and sympathized with him)

he said he keeps returning to the spot where he lost her and overturning rocks and searching and searching hoping to find something. he was there the day he called us although i think he said he shouldn’t really go back there as protocol says he’s the first suspect. he was even held for 5hrs in a cop car on the first day. it’s been nonstop and nobody is sleeping. robbie said he had held off on calling daddy to tell him the bad news because it was such devastating news and he was hoping she would turn up.. but he couldn’t wait any longer. (He tried to search on his own but the police asked him to stop and let them do their job. He delayed calling because he just couldn’t believe she wouldn’t be found and didn’t want to worry people, I mean what a story it would be for her to tell on her trip)
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