CA CA - Barbara Thomas, 69, from Bullhead City AZ, disappeared in Mojave desert, 12 July 2019 #8

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Initially, I believed she was.

In most cases like this, it’s the most logical explanation, and usually a correct assumption.

People wander off and get lost; it happens every single day.

Once the details came to light though, the odds of that occurring here went way down IMO.

With abduction being spectacularly unlikely, and her being lost improbable, I’m all in on foul play.

I said it earlier, but the only thing that would change my mind, is irrefutable evidence that she was there when her husband claims she was.

Prove that, and she is almost certainly lost.

It’s a waiting game at this point, and may be a long one.
Originally, I thought so, too. And I'm not ruling it out completely.

That said, after going through the timeline, the working theory I have is that she is in the desert. <modsnip: Don't hint at what you can't say.>
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Understood, and thank you. The reason I ask, is that if another party is involved, money would likely be a motive. "Simple" DV is a personal thing as far as I know (except in gangs or cults). The only other situations I can think of involve custody fights, which wasn't an issue here.
Money would automatically be involved, as they were married and owned all of their properties and expensive toys, jointly.

If she were to leave him, he would owe her half of both homes, and the boat, plane and new truck and new RV.
It’s the circumstances too.

There is no clear evidence of foul play, and it’s totally plausible that she is simply another unfortunate soul who got lost in the desert.

I don’t believe that, but plenty of people probably do.
For me, it all comes down to this. The picture tells the story. (from Timeline and Media thread, post #31 by DianeElaine, a WS member who took photos at the location where BT was allegedly last seen.)

I am a person who gets lost quite easily. And I don't see myself getting lost in this location. BT, IMHO, would easily have been able to see the road heading downhill toward the road on a clear trail. She would have had NO reason to veer off the trail, as there was nothing all that interesting about the terrain. There are no shade trees, but lots of cholla cactus. Nothing to obscure the view. MOO
ETA: link AZ - AZ - Barbara Thomas, 69, Timeline, Media, Maps, *NO DISCUSSION*


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For me, it all comes down to this. The picture tells the story. (from Timeline and Media thread, post #31 by DianeElaine, a WS member who took photos at the location where BT was allegedly last seen.)

I am a person who gets lost quite easily. And I don't see myself getting lost in this location. BT, IMHO, would easily have been able to see the road heading downhill toward the road on a clear trail. She would have had NO reason to veer off the trail, as there was nothing all that interesting about the terrain. There are no shade trees, but lots of cholla cactus. Nothing to obscure the view. MOO

Haaaaaaa. That was my logic as well.

I am directionally challenged, and those photos were a game changer.

It wasn’t what I imagined.

Advice from my reporter friend, FWIW:
First, get all the facts together, all the names. If these are contacts, get their contact information down, too. X has been missing from (city) since (date.) - that’s how you start.

Then, BACKGROUND - X is a (whatever type of background you have on her.) (This includes anything you know right up till she disappeared.)

List the law agencies and individuals involved. List family and circumstances. List whatever her alliances she has/had. Clubs, churches, bands, etc. Friends willing to be interviewed and contact info.

Why you’re concerned about her. What is raising your suspicions.

Send copies of this to area tv, area major newspapers, also SoCal major papers, especially Las Angeles Times. Also send to things like “24 hours” and “Dateline” of the major networks. Where I’d start....

You don’t have to write “formal.” Just say you’re concerned for this woman.

It could be cops are quiet for a reason....


Be clear, short paragraphs, shorter sentences. If you can find the names of investigative reporters, target the letters to them. TV investigative reporters, too. And check with the major networks - same things.

^^ This is BRILLIANT!!
If someone was threatening Barbara’s life to put the squeeze on Robert, he could have hidden her somewhere safe then pulled off his missing/abduction scam.

Far-fetched but the only positive outcome I came up with.
Hypothetical theory only.Let's say a couple takes a walk that one partner says was 2 miles,but really was say 4 miles,the woman has scant clothing and the man won't give her any water to drink.They walk til the woman can't go any further and the male partner takes off and just leaves her without proper clothing or anything to drink.Maybe she tries to follow,but she can't make it and is then abandoned and left to the elements.Not trying to hurt anyone with this theory

This is possible but I think that in such a case, search dogs would probably find the woman. I also think that if the male partner had plans for the woman to perish, he would do something more certain to result in her death. I think that an abandonment scenario, with its uncertainties, is more likely in the context of an argument or a fit of rage rather than as a result of planning. Which doesn't rule it out, of course. JMO
I agree and disagree. Sometimes, it is the missing person herself who is the face to the story.

The first case I ever sleuthed was Laci Peterson's. Her beautiful smile drew me in. BT's smile is also beautiful and draws me in.

In Laci's case, the local paper, the Modesto Bee, was very, very instrumental in keeping the case alive.

Unfortunately, we don't seem to have generated the same level of local interest in BT's case.

I have emailed, emailed, and emailed reporters.

I have a personal friend who reports for a small Bay Area paper. I will check in with her for ideas.
In Laci's case, her loving family stood front and center and kept her in the public's eye. They held vigils and did interviews, and that helped keep the case alive.

Also of course, a young beautiful pregnant woman went missing while walking her dog in the suburbs, on Christmas Eve. So that was a strong narrative as well.
Property Division, If She Left Him?
Money would automatically be involved, as they were married and owned all of their properties and expensive toys, jointly.
If she were to leave him, he would owe her half of both homes, and the boat, plane and new truck and new RV.
@katydid23 Thanks for your post which got me thinking. bbm
Maybe you have info (that I do not) about how their various properties and assets are titled/registered and the source of the purchase $ for these assets.
Assuming the prop's are registered ---
- as Jt Ten w Rt of Surv.
- as H & W Ten. by the Entirety
- as H & W joint marital property or
- in trust name, w trust having approp. provisions,
the outcome in your post is/may be true, if she were to leave (divorce?) him. <<<imo.

I believe during their marriage, they've lived in NV & AZ, community prop states.

But... and there's always a but. As a 69 y/o & a 72 (73?) y/o married for ~ 15 yrs, and (I believe) each of them was previously married one or more times and ea has adult children from previous relationships, is it possible or likely that they have a pre-nuptial agreement?
If so, likely that (hypothetical) PreNup would provide for a certain property division in event of (hypo) divorce and in event of (hypo) her pre-deceasing him. Could be different outcomes from those two events.
W a PreNup, outcome might be different than him owing her half of the goodies. <<<imo

IANAL, do not play one on TV, did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night. Jmo.
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Property Division, If She Left Him?

@katydid23 Thanks for your post which got me thinking. bbm
Maybe you have info (that I do not) about how their various properties and assets are titled/registered and the source of the purchase $ for these assets.
Assuming the prop's are registered ---
- as Jt Ten w Rt of Surv.
- as H & W Ten. by the Entirety
- as H & W joint marital property or
- in trust name, w trust having approp. provisions,
the outcome in your post is/may be true, if she were to leave (divorce?) him. <<<imo.

I believe during their marriage, they've lived in NV & AZ, community prop states.

But... and there's always a but. As a 69 y/o & a 72 (73?) y/o married for ~ 15 yrs, and (I believe) each of them was previously married one or more times and ea has adult children from previous relationships, is it possible or likely that they have a pre-nuptial agreement?
If so, likely that (hypothetical) PreNup would provide for property division in event of (hypo) divorce and in event of (hypo) her pre-deceasing him. Could be different outcomes from those two events.
W a PreNup, outcome might be different than him owing her half of the goodies. <<<imo

IANAL, do not play one on TV, did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night. Jmo.

Good questions. I don't know if they had prenuptial or not. This was his 4th marriage, so he may have decided to prepare one. I don't really know.
If there was a plan to hide Barbara they could have argued that morning about the dog kennel. BT would want to take the dog with her. RT would know that would give away that she was in hiding, not missing/abducted. Could have been enough to get their morning off to a rough start. IMO
If someone was threatening Barbara’s life to put the squeeze on Robert, he could have hidden her somewhere safe then pulled off his missing/abduction scam.

Far-fetched but the only positive outcome I came up with.
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It’s the circumstances too.

There is no clear evidence of foul play, and it’s totally plausible that she is simply another unfortunate soul who got lost in the desert.

I don’t believe that, but plenty of people probably do.
BBM, there is NO evidence of foul play as per our VI
That’s not how it works, whether we like it or not.

Barbara isn’t there to conduct interviews, so someone has to be her proxy.

Without someone doing something newsworthy, the media isn’t going to cover a story that has no new details.

Law enforcement isn’t going to reveal details of an ongoing investigation, and there have been no new public developments.

The ball is in her husband’s court.
Hang on, didn't the VI say that LE are no longer investigating, or did I misunderstand that too?

I agree, though, that the family (not necessarily RT) should start harassing the media to cover the story. It would appear that BT was loved by her family, so the whole family's silence on this is odd IMO.
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