GUILTY Ca - Becky Friedli, 18, Vicki, 53, & Jon Hayward, 55, Slain, Palm Desert, 17 Sep 2006

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
‏ @ZakDahlheimer
13m13 minutes ago

Court is back in session after morning recess. #PinyonPines @KESQ @LocalTwo

Dolan continues cross examination with Ramirez

Ramirez: Called from home in Coachella Valley to drive up to scene. Took about at least an hour to drive from valley to scene

Ramirez: Looks at Google map featuring outline of #CoachellaValley in upper right hand picture of picture. Identifies Friedli home as red mark towards bottom center of map. Blue line shows roughly 52-minute route from 30th Ave to Friedli home

Ramirez: Looking at pictures of wheelbarrow track with shoe print on top next to "A" placard.

Ramirez: Looks at picture of one of gas cans collected, could find trace evidence (including fingerprints and DNA). Possible it could've came from Coachella Valley.

Ramirez: When preserving gas can, it was collected using latex gloves, marked as evidence and taken to Hemet station

Ramirez: Not aware of any other trace evidence marked on gas can

Ramirez: Looks at picture showing trio of red plastic gas containers. Doesn't believe they were placed in any packaging. Used latex gloves to avoid any possible contamination with extra fingerprints, DNA. Not aware of any other trace evidence on containers

Okay - all caught up! :eek:nline:
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
‏ @ZakDahlheimer
7m7 minutes ago

Ramirez: Looking at picture of empty wheelbarrow. Confirmed wheelbarrow handles were removed, collected to examine for trace evidence. Believes CAL FIRE Captain collected some debris on bottom of wheelbarrow. Didn't search exterior or interior of wheelbarrow.

Ramirez: Rest of wheelbarrow was left at scene, not collected for evidence

Ramirez: When looking at chairs seen behind wheelbarrow in picture, they were not examined for any trace evidence. Left at the scene

Ramirez: Collected plastic lighter fluid bottle, found on top of white table north of house. Took into custody, not aware of any trace evidence (including fingerprints or bodily fluids found)

Ramirez: Took box of long grilling matches found on table where lighter fluid was found. Not aware of any trace evidence found on box. Not aware if box was dusted for fingerprints

Dolan has no further questions for Sgt. Ramirez. Moore proceeds with cross examination

Ramirez: Prepared for testimony by reviewing photographs, self reports, forensic sketch from that day.

Ramirez: Describes forensic technician as crime scene processing assistants. Trained in photography, tire impressions, shoe impressions, photographing of blood patterns

Ramirez: Was informed about business card. Confirms another Sgt. was present with other investigators

Ramirez: By the time he got there, a number of people, including investigators, patrol deputies and residents were at scene. Believe at least 1 resident was there, along with another neighbor from a nearby home came to interact with investigators
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
‏ @ZakDahlheimer
17m17 minutes ago

Ramirez: Sees picture of wheelbarrow looking towards the north. Did not direct anybody to process the remaining portion of wheelbarrow. Says he or forensic techs cut off the handles to preserve for potential evidence

Ramirez: Doesn't know if he directed testing of handles, no other items from wheelbarrow.

Court is in recess until 1:30 p.m.

and with that - I will continue pasting the tweets here in morning since 1:30pm California time is 11:30pm here and way past my bedtime! :)
Day 3 continued:

Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
‏ @ZakDahlheimer
11h11 hours ago

#PinyonPines trial is back in session.

Moore continues cross examination of Sgt. Ramirez

Ramirez: Recalls investigators recovering a pen somewhere in between the wheelbarrow in the house

Ramirez: Handles, remains of Becky Friedli and items on the picnic table what were gathered from wheelbarrow

Ramirez: Reviewing pictures of gas containers.

Ramirez: Recalls dumpster, didn't direct anyone to go through every container inside the dumpster

Ramirez: Didn't determine if track was made by wheelbarrow with weight or without weight. Couldn't determine when the track was made. Didn't ask anyone to conduct that experiment

Ramirez: No shotguns found. Says he found metal pipes, possibly gun barrels

Ramirez: Pipes were found on north side of home, an area that already had been searched. On 9/26, a handgun, more casings and a lighter were found. Lighter was found on the northwest corner of Alpine Drive, end of driveway

Ramirez: 3 guns were registered to Jon Hayward

Ramirez: Pen found was a Riverside Sheriff's Association pen (labor union)

Ramirez: At least a dozen were at scene that day with Ramirez

Ramirez: Sees picture of white picnic table with lighter fluid and matches. Water bottles in pictures weren't collected, believed to have been from firefighters at scene

Ramirez: Sees picture of dumpster. Didn't check into specific garbage bags at dumpster.

Ramirez: Checked trash area, didn't find anything of evidentiary value

Ramirez: Didn't see pen. Had no part in its collection

Ramirez is excused from stand.
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
‏ @ZakDahlheimer
10h10 hours ago

Tiffany Teasdale takes the witness stand. Identifies picture of Jon Hayward. Says Hayward is mother's boyfriend. Identifies mother, Vicki Friedli. Identifies sister, Becky Friedli. Teasdale tears up when identifying Becky in the picture

Teasdale: Last time at home was within a year of the murders. Visiting family

Teasdale: Recalls general household items in house, wooden table with tile inlayed top. Large sectional couch in living room made of cloth. Cloth couch with wooden decorative pieces along sidewall in den. Kitchen had general furnishings, bay window seat

Teasdale: Wood steps, 3 bedrooms upstairs. At top of stairs to the right, bedroom to right sisters' shared. Her bedroom was to the left. Far left was mother's bedroom. Bathroom everyone shared.

Teasdale: Never parked cars in garage. Ron Friedli, father, always had tool shop. Always used for tools. Above garage area, there was a room. Used for storage items, "attic space"

Teasdale: On 9/18/06, remembers receiving a phone call about fire at home in Pinyon Pines. Originally, godfather called and said family was trying to reach her. Called her aunt. Aunt told her there was a fire at mom, Vicki's, home. 3 bodies were recovered. No other details

Teasdale: Remembers driving back home to Santa Clarita when getting the phone call around 6 or 7 p.m. that night. Remembers then being home talking with family members. Not receiving any details about incident

Teasdale: Learned about the body in a wheelbarrow when traveling to the desert, around 9/20/06

Teasdale: Recalls being interviewed by investigator in January 2018. Reviewing transcript of interview. Learned about body in wheelbarrow the night we were told about the incident. Remembers call about "body that was found outside."

Teasdale: Remember telling family she'll travel up to Santa Barbara on 9/19. That way they'd be all together.

Teasdale: On 9/19 in Santa Barbara, learned there was a female body in a wheelbarrow outside the house. Didn't know identity of body at that time

Teasdale: After 9/19, family decided they would all caravan together on 9/20 to desert. Went to Riverside County Sheriff's Department. Interviewed at Sheriff's Department around 9-10 a.m.

Teasdale: Remembers being very open with information she had. Up until that time, she hadn't received any information from Sheriff's Department or anyone from the Coachella Valley
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
‏ @ZakDahlheimer
10h10 hours ago

Teasdale: After interview with investigator, family waited for one another to finish giving statements. Afterwards, they got lunch at Palm Desert mall. Ran into Javier Garcia. Garcia is a really good friend of sister, Becky Friedli

Teasdale: Shared information with Garcia about what she heard. Garcia shared information, including possible plans involving Becky.

Teasdale: After lunch, they exchanged phone numbers. Did not attempt to go to Pinyon Pines home before RSO interview.

Teasdale: Went up to Pinyon Pines home on 9/20. Stayed at neighbor's house overnight, not allowed to walk to the crime scene

Teasdale: Called Robert Pape, identifies Pape in courtroom. Called him when she learned about incident, the night of 9/18

Teasdale: Confirmed she had a cell phone number in 2006

Judge Bernard Schwartz assures jury prosecutors are going to show true phone records of Robert Pape. Teasdale confirms her 2006 number on the records

Teasdale: Records show she made call to Pape on 9/21/06. Didn't receive any details from Pape of crime scene

Court is in recess. Will resume at 3:20 p.m.

and of course he never does come back in the afternoon....
Thursday, April 18th:
*Trial continues (Day 4) - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Pled not guilty.
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Pled not guilty.
**Both arrested in March, 2014, but case was dismissed in October, 2014
Zak Dahlheimer KESQ
‏ @ZakDahlheimer
27m27 minutes ago

For anyone wondering, I won't be at #PinyonPines trial tweeting today. Stay tuned to @KESQ and @LocalTwo for the latest updates as the trial moves forward

well.... that's not good. He's the only one I know who was tweeting this trial....

If anyone can find someone else tweeting - please post and I can bring the tweets over here!
Well, there are no articles on what happened on Day 4.... I'll keep an eye out, so might know "what" went on yesterday! Hopefully! And hopefully Zak will be back today for today's hearing!

Friday, April 20th:
*Trial continues (Day 5) - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Pled not guilty.
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Pled not guilty.
**Both arrested in March, 2014, but case was dismissed in October, 2014

Unless they are like other court trials in California where Fridays are usually dark. Haven't seen anything about that for this case though.
Well not seeing any tweets for this morning's trial. As I said before California courts are usually dark on Fridays, but I'll keep the tweeter site open just in case he does post something!
Got a couple of Google Alerts - sharing!

Pathologist reveals autopsy findings in Pinyon Pines murder trial

UPDATED: April 19, 2018 at 10:16 pm
Photographed remains of a Pinyon Pines family whose lives were allegedly taken by two young men more than a decade ago were displayed Thursday to a hushed courtroom in Riverside, where a pathologist detailed how the three died and why their bodies were left unrecognizable.

Pinyon Pines murder suspects too sleep deprived to aid in their own defense, attorneys say

Updated 3:08 p.m. PT April 19, 2018
Defendants in the 2006 Pinyon Pines triple murder case are struggling to focus on their trial due to a lack of sleep, and their attorneys argued Thursday for special accommodations to help them get some rest.

Robert Pape and Cristin Smith have only been getting three hours of sleep before their daily court appearances due to housing and scheduling arrangements at the Robert Presley Detention Center in Riverside. This leaves them fatigued and makes it difficult for them to assist in their own defense, their attorneys said.
The issue was expected to be revisited at a later date.

^^ :boohoo:
That is not an area where a lot of murders happen and this one had three victims with two perps. I can't figure out why more people are not interested in this case but it has been hard over the years to find even a mention of it. We heard when they were arrested and then when they were released, and later on that they were re-arrested. Nothing about why charges were dropped initially and what new evidence came about to charge again.

I found the crime to be not typical given the number of victims and the reported reason for the killings and their initial release after a couple months behind bars made it all the more unusual. I would have thought citizens in the area would be more concerned that this happened and that the persons of interest--who could pose a danger to anyone who crossed them--were free and walking among them.

I hope the jurors are taking this a lot more seriously than other citizens seem to be.
If the defendants are tired after the bus ride they can nap in the rooms where they are kept while they wait for court to begin. I am sure they are each locked in a room to wait and if the wait is in fact two hours or more they can catch up on some sleep then. Their attorneys could meet with them another time and place instead of expecting everyone else to cater.
krkrjx - "somewhere" there is a link where it explains why the first charges were dropped. It was something like the DA didn't think he had enough to prosecute. And then new ways of testing was done. Or something like that! Sorry, getting old and don't recall the "actual" reason! :D
Well haven't found any updated articles on this one....
That is not an area where a lot of murders happen and this one had three victims with two perps. I can't figure out why more people are not interested in this case but it has been hard over the years to find even a mention of it. We heard when they were arrested and then when they were released, and later on that they were re-arrested. Nothing about why charges were dropped initially and what new evidence came about to charge again.

I found the crime to be not typical given the number of victims and the reported reason for the killings and their initial release after a couple months behind bars made it all the more unusual. I would have thought citizens in the area would be more concerned that this happened and that the persons of interest--who could pose a danger to anyone who crossed them--were free and walking among them.

I hope the jurors are taking this a lot more seriously than other citizens seem to be.

I live in this area, and I can tell you that a lot of people think they have the wrong suspects arrested. It’s a long and convoluted story, but many believe there was government corruption that lead to the arrests of the wrong suspects.

Everyone is disgusted by the crime and how brutal and horrific it was. But for many different reasons these young men seem to have more supporters than people who believe they are guilty.
Monday, April 23rd:
*Trial continues (Day 6) - CA - Rebecca 'Becky' Annaleigh Friedli (18), Vicki Friedli (53) & Jon Hayward (55) (Mom's BF) (Sept. 17, 2006) - *Cristin Conrad Smith (29/17 @ time of crime) faces LWOP (juvenile @ time of crime) accused & charged with 3 counts of murder w/special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders. Pled not guilty.
*Robert Lars Pape (29/18 @ time of crime) (ex-BF) charged with 3 counts of murder with special circumstances allegedly of committing multiple murders & faces LWOP. Pled not guilty.
**Both arrested in March, 2014, but case was dismissed in October, 2014
:welcome6: to WS and this thread xojoanne!


Have you been attending the trial? From the evidence that I've read about, it sounds like they have DNA evidence of them being there.....
Hopefully the tweeter will be tweeting the trial today!!

:welcome6: to WS and this thread xojoanne!


Have you been attending the trial? From the evidence that I've read about, it sounds like they have DNA evidence of them being there.....

Thank you so much! I’ve been a long time reader of the website because of how intelligent and interesting everyone’s conversation is, so it’s a pleasure to actually join the conversation!

I have not been attending the trial, but I have been following updates on the case closely since the crime happened. While I wasn’t close with Becky, I knew her periphally as we were the same age and attended the same school for a while. Our area isn’t super tiny, but it’s deceptively small, so growing up you either know everyone or know of them.

Our most local courthouse is in Indio, the trial is happening in Riverside, which is about an hour and fifteen minute drive from our area. Riverside is where our DA office is.

I still remember very clearly the first time these two men were arrested in 2014. I didn’t know them but I had seen them around and had friends who knew them—and the people who knew them were absolutely floored. I’m not sure if you’ve watched the 48 hours that was made on the case, but it implies the possibility that there was another suspect, that was protected by family at the DA office; although the state did an independent review and found no conflict of interest. This other suspect asked for immunity in exchange for cooperation, which I believe was denied.

I think most people only bought more into the idea these two men were “framed” after the release and rearrest. It makes no sense to me, because our DA at the time of the first arrest was known for being an interesting character, to put it nicely haha. Our current DA, Mike Hestrin, was the one who pursued the rearrest, and I have a lot of faith in him and his decisions relating to criminal cases. The fact that Hestrin pursued it gives me the impression it was worthy of being pursued.

As far as the dna evidence, the only dna that I recall hearing about was touch dna that was found on a business card somewhere near the wheelbarrow where Becky was found. It had Smith’s dna, although he denied ever having been at their house. People have been fighting this dna up and down, saying it could be planted, it was mishandled by law enforcement, the lab that tested it didn’t retain their records so it could be false, there’s no way of proving how long was out there so it could easily have been left another time, etc etc... There isn’t much violent crime out here with the exception of some gang violence in certain corners of the valley, so people don’t have much faith in our LE to handle a case like this.

Anyways, people are willing to go to great lengths to defend this pair. I’m hoping the truth comes to light, because the friedli family deserves some peace after all these years.

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