Found Deceased CA - Blaze Bernstein, 19, Lake Forest, 2 Jan 2018 #4

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Many of us predicted this outcome, because we've seen this before. When you've been in WS long enough, you kind of get an internal intuition about things. An unspoken gut instinct. Humans are predicatble after you know how they operate. It seems that after a while, we become a little numb to the evil in this world and pretty soon we become really short, impatient and harsh. And sometimes just plain mean. It's so not necessary when there are so many different ways to be tasteful and say what you gotta say.

But after a bit of heavy modding, that's not what I am seeing today. I wanted to say that I am very thankful and proud that our WSers have risen above that kind of unsavory behavior and for the most part allowed Blaze to be just another young man trying to find himself. All he did wrong was make a poor choice at the wrong time. Each and every one of us do that at least once every single day. And we all have secrets and skeletons we would be horrified to have get out. I really like this Blaze kid and would like to see his reputation continue to be about his successes and smiles and not become about his sexual preferences or how his parents aren't acting they way we want them to. That is all.
Perhaps "the friend" was a conservative and felt like an outcast in this environment. Maybe he resented it.

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I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. My friend was a female and there was absolutely nothing conservative about her, she was as liberal as they come and she definitely embraced the fact that her son was gay. She was very vocal to those who were less tolerant towards gays.
Just curious. If Blaze were running away from someone and ran into that corner, would he have been trapped or is there another exit or gate back there?
I'm glad they do. Otherwise it would be harder to catch the bad guys.

And I'll tell ya', if one of my friends or loved ones went missing you better believe I would talk to LE without an attorney present and I'm an attorney!!!

I would do anything to help someone I care about. As long as I was innocent. The last thing on my mind would be that LE might somehow frame me for something. Especially before it's known that a crime was even committed.

Even after, I would still speak freely. That would change if it appeared to me that they were seriously looking at me. But fact gathering and hard questions? No.

I just don't think the cops are walking around trying to frame innocent people or twist their words for the most part. (I would have a very different answer if I was black though because too many times witnesses have fingered the wrong perp when the suspects are black).

Thank you for weighing in gitana, I was wondering what you'd think of that statement as an attorney. ;)
Just curious. If Blaze were running away from someone and ran into that corner, would he have been trapped or is there another exit or gate back there?

It looks like he could have gone a bit to the left of the area where many of us think he was found, up a slope, and then down a ramp to a parking lot below. But I think if he didn't know that, or didn't go left, he might've been trapped.

Someone mentioned that it's also possible that he was carried up from that other parking lot. That seems less likely but might explain why the dogs didn't find his scent.
Just to toss this out there. I live in the Philly metro area, on our local news they said that Blaze was found in a shallow grave, NOT in the drain pipe. Which seems to make sense based on what has been reported. Remember the drain pipe theory got started by a fellow WS who noted footprints around the drain pipe not be LE or MSM. In fact, I can't say I've one report t suggest Blaze wasn't buried in the ground.

yes I can recall the post saying how they knew where the body was found and asking us all if they can post about it even though nothing had been stated in the media yet. I remember thinking wow it must be such an obvious spot then if they were so certain.
But yes, you are correct . Nothing was ever reported to say exactly. Even in the press conference when reports asked that question he said he couldn’t answer the question.
Oh I don't know if this was posted but BB grandfather said at the vigil last night he was buried in a shallow grave.
What is going on here? Has a name been released? Why are people using initials all of a sudden?
It's a school of the arts charter school in Santa Ana. More like an acquaintance in that school but started chatting on Snapchat

I think you're referring to the initials OCSA which refers to Orange County School for the Arts.

Maybe driver catfished Blaze for the sole purpose of killing him....maybe he really did want to hook up with Blaze then got rejected.....I just wonder if Blaze actually knew ahead of time who he was getting into the car with. When he found out, maybe driver convinced him to come along anyway with some ruse. Blaze seems compassionate and understanding. Maybe he played on those traits
So with this new information that's coming to light, I'm confused about one thing...

Do we know for sure that BB and the driver were actually friends in high school? I thought I had read that the parents said that, but I could be wrong about this.

If the only information we have stating they were friends comes from the driver, it changes the dynamic.
remem ber someone found bb name on nazi hate site said bb was cruising , maybe teased bb by placing fake
ads, bb targeted.....horrific.... my hearts breaks for al involved.......

sorry! I&#8217;ve been away for a bit! I&#8217;ve heard about the nazi site, but how does it fit into the whole picture? Does it have anything to do with the driver/friend?
When this guy finally is arrested, we'll want the thread to be open. So I hope people will refrain from posting the guy's initials, things from his social media, etc.
It looks like he could have gone a bit to the left of the area where many of us think he was found, up a slope, and then down a ramp to a parking lot below. But I think if he didn't know that, or didn't go left, he might've been trapped.

Someone mentioned that it's also possible that he was carried up from that other parking lot. That seems less likely but might explain why the dogs didn't find his scent.

I don't think we know for sure that there were dogs deployed at that part of Borrego Park. I am from the area, and that park when looking at it gives you the impression that you can just scan it and bam you're done. Someone can go hide a pokemon card right now and I am almost certain I will find it.. that park is that small. I think the body was probably buried enough in a shallow grave to where that area was scanned and the body was just missed, until the rain washed some dirt away. Someone mentioned this already and that really makes more sense. The dogs were likely deployed on the other side at the bottom of Borrego Trail (west, southwest), and this makes much more sense as the initial thoughts were that he had gone up the trial to Whiting Ranch Park to the north.
I'm not sure what's so difficult to understand about "if it's not in MSM we can't discuss it." Using initials isn't an acceptable workaround, people. Let's please not get this thread shut down!
no he didn't
someone already posted his exact quote
the reporter took it out of context

Oh I don't know if this was posted but BB grandfather said at the vigil last night he was buried in a shallow grave.
I was thinking today that we don't know anything about the driver's communications via text with other people in relation to Blaze or this case.
This is information I would like to have.
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