CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - #15

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I guess it's just not that important to them to have the SAR info, if registering is an issue.

Why hasn't the family pushed for searches to be done by the authorities, or search groups similar to Tim Miller? In 2009, they were given all of the contact info of various groups to do searches. That was back on the other forum. Flyers should be going out in certain areas at intervals, so different demographics have the opportunity to view them.

I don't have the time to research it, but I THINK someone here funded some missing person flyers? It might have been Believe09.

Certainly the family households can split the cost. Or the trust/estate can help fund the flyers, as it is the reward. They had Facebook accounts set up for them to help with finding Bob. It's my understanding, from those who set up the accounts for them, that those pages weren't really utilized to find Bob.

I'm out of ideas. I would think the daughters, as a group, could have come up with something before now.

If the goal is to find a Missing Person, Guests should not have to register to read any & all information which may lead to Mr Harrod's whereabouts.

Post #323 suggests getting-together and doing a search for Bob, and adds a surprise mention (with which I agree) that it's not been done for several years already.

If the goal is to find a Missing Person, Guests should not have to register to read any & all information which may lead to Mr Harrod's whereabouts.

Post #323 suggests getting-together and doing a search for Bob, and adds a surprise mention (with which I agree) that it's not been done for several years already.


It isn't surprising there have been no searches, with Bob's daughters on the case.

Bob's daughters need to show their support for the search for their father before there is any hope these will be carried out.

They need to start agitating for his case to be progressed, to ensure Bob is the focus of LE's attention.

They need to start publicising his case, and appealing for help in finding him.

They need to provide factual, useful information about events on his last day, to help people.

They know OC well. They need to organise searches. If they can't walk, it doesn't matter. Other people would do it for them. People will come forward if they are asked, they have done it on hundreds of other mp cases here.

Bob's three daughters have good contacts in their communities. They say they were brought up to participate in Job's Daughters, and their mom was very active in their community. They have the contacts, they have the authority as family. They have the emotional 'pull' as grieving daughters.

So far, they have done none of the above. In fact, they have provided a template for how not to gather support for a missing person. And provided the most irritating load of rambling twaddle of information about him I've ever come across. Totally useless.

When are we going to see them start searching for their father?
I guess it's just not that important to them to have the SAR info, if registering is an issue.

Why hasn't the family pushed for searches to be done by the authorities, or search groups similar to Tim Miller? In 2009, they were given all of the contact info of various groups to do searches. That was back on the other forum. Flyers should be going out in certain areas at intervals, so different demographics have the opportunity to view them.

I don't have the time to research it, but I THINK someone here funded some missing person flyers? It might have been Believe09.

Certainly the family households can split the cost. Or the trust/estate can help fund the flyers, as it is the reward. They had Facebook accounts set up for them to help with finding Bob. It's my understanding, from those who set up the accounts for them, that those pages weren't really utilized to find Bob.

I'm out of ideas. I would think the daughters, as a group, could have come up with something before now.

I had never dreamed of joining a forum before this one. I might never have done, but what really pushed me over the edge was the fact there were some bits of information I couldn't access.

That helps WS get more members, imo. In turn, that helps more missing persons be located, and more unidentified deceased be identified. It's a great system, in my opinion.
What really gets me is Bob was a veteran and a mason. Both those groups have endless contacts, the ability to really get things done, authority - and they really get listened to.

But they have to be approached by family because they won't do anything for strangers who just happen to care about bringing Bob home. I think Bob's family are very well aware of that.
I guess it's just not that important to them to have the SAR info, if registering is an issue.

Why hasn't the family pushed for searches to be done by the authorities, or search groups similar to Tim Miller? In 2009, they were given all of the contact info of various groups to do searches. That was back on the other forum. Flyers should be going out in certain areas at intervals, so different demographics have the opportunity to view them.

I don't have the time to research it, but I THINK someone here funded some missing person flyers? It might have been Believe09.

Certainly the family households can split the cost. Or the trust/estate can help fund the flyers, as it is the reward. They had Facebook accounts set up for them to help with finding Bob. It's my understanding, from those who set up the accounts for them, that those pages weren't really utilized to find Bob.

I'm out of ideas. I would think the daughters, as a group, could have come up with something before now.

Even though your post deviates from my original, I will answer some of it as best I can.

The point is not what someone reading may do, register or not. It is about having ALL of the info here for everyone to read, to help finding this Missing Person. Post #323 posed a valid question, and it should be able to be addressed right here on the thread w/o having to access elsewhere.

Do you know that the family has NOT pushed for searches?

<Mod Snip>
If Believe09 funded flyers, that's most admirable!

Mr Harrod's bio family did indeed post flyers.

Some people do NOT like doing social media, let alone Facebook with its machinations and privacy concerns. How would you like it if a stranger set one up for you and delivered it to you to manage? Had it been me, I would have ignored it also. To my knowledge, there was just one FB whom, who knows? Regardless, the Harrod Family did not create it.

I had never dreamed of joining a forum before this one. I might never have done, but what really pushed me over the edge was the fact there were some bits of information I couldn't access.

That helps WS get more members, imo. In turn, that helps more missing persons be located, and more unidentified deceased be identified. It's a great system, in my opinion.

Yes, so many Internet forums provide a way to learn a lot more about a given subject including TC cases. I find as many as I can and read voraciously.

The info is here for everyone to read. If a person can't take the time to do something as simple as registering, then the SAR information, or any other "not for public viewing" information is just NOT that important to them. <Mod Snip>

See my post above regarding search suggestions.

I would learn to use Facebook if someone set up a "Missing Person" page for me to operate. I would feel immense gratitude that someone without a dog in the fight would lend a hand.

Even though your post deviates from my original, I will answer some of it as best I can.

The point is not what someone reading may do, register or not. It is about having ALL of the info here for everyone to read, to help finding this Missing Person. Post #323 posed a valid question, and it should be able to be addressed right here on the thread w/o having to access elsewhere.

Do you know that the family has NOT pushed for searches?

<Mod Snip>
If Believe09 funded flyers, that's most admirable!

Mr Harrod's bio family did indeed post flyers.

Some people do NOT like doing social media, let alone Facebook with its machinations and privacy concerns. How would you like it if a stranger set one up for you and delivered it to you to manage? Had it been me, I would have ignored it also. To my knowledge, there was just one FB whom, who knows? Regardless, the Harrod Family did not create it.

I am really looking forward to seeing what Bob's daughters organise for his missing anniversary. I'm not being sarcastic - I really am hoping that after 'Long Lost Love' they might be a bit more aware that people are paying attention to what they are doing to find their father, and finding them wanting.

I really hope they will do something, and I really hope they'll ask for help. If they don't though....well, Bob's case isn't going to go away until he's found. Once he's found, it will be police making all the decisions, and drawing the conclusions. Everything will be out of everyone's hands. Someone will end up facing the consequences, that's for certain.
I'm not going to go running all over WS to find them, but haven't I seen loads of threads where members have helped set up fb pages for families of the missing, and those families have been almost pitifully grateful for any and all the help they've been given?
Some people do NOT like doing social media, let alone Facebook with its machinations and privacy concerns. How would you like it if a stranger set one up for you and delivered it to you to manage? Had it been me, I would have ignored it also. To my knowledge, there was just one FB whom, who knows? Regardless, the Harrod Family did not create it.


This was done at the request of Bob's children by someone who was, at the time, committed to them. Who believed that they had honorable intentions. You are misstating the circumstances behind the social media websites created to benefit Bob, and I am sure it is only because you arent familiar with those circumstances. Dreamweaver established them for the girls out of the goodness of his/her heart. He/She turned them over and when they were used they were used for nonsense. Changing his marital status, and capturing IP's. They know how to use social media-it is abundantly apparent that they do. Are you saying that they dont have their own Facebook pages, for example?

I am objecting to yet another person who is being discredited in this case: Dreamweaver. :banghead:

I think the theories that Bob wasnt able to answer his phone that morning are really taking fire here, as disheartening as I think that theory is.
I am really looking forward to seeing what Bob's daughters organise for his missing anniversary. I'm not being sarcastic - I really am hoping that after 'Long Lost Love' they might be a bit more aware that people are paying attention to what they are doing to find their father, and finding them wanting.

I really hope they will do something, and I really hope they'll ask for help. If they don't though....well, Bob's case isn't going to go away until he's found. Once he's found, it will be police making all the decisions, and drawing the conclusions. Everything will be out of everyone's hands. Someone will end up facing the consequences, that's for certain.

It has been crickets chirping every year, but maybe there will be a surprise this year. We know for sure that Mrs Harrod will be working hard at trying to keep the case alive in the public as she has done for the last almost 4 years.
Here comes the tossing of the CL under the bus. We were waiting for it.

The CL gave one time and one time only. Her time has not shifted. In fact, Bob's daughters PB and JuM's initial times match up with the noon time reported by the CL.

It was only after it was discovered that JeM could not account for his time prior to his noon'ish arrival, the times began shifting to fit JeM's 'alibi'.

I'd love to ask the CL if JeM left for that second trip to the HD while she was in the middle of cleaning Bob's home.

Thank goodness for the CL. She is the heart of much of this case-she is a witness and she is clearly distraught. Probably more than anything, I would like to know what went on while she was shoulder to shoulder with JeM in that house and what items he was bringing back from his trips out. And whether or not anyone else stopped by that morning.
This case has always piqued my interest because it involves an elderly man (my father's age) who vanished into thin air and we still don't know what happened to him. I watched several Utube videos on Bob Harrod today and unless I know for a fact that Fontelle talked to him that Monday morning, he disappeared and something was done to him way before the sun came up. We only have his SIL's words that he saw Bob there on monday morning. We are creatures of habit, and I think if Bob had gotten up, he would've made his bed. Perhaps the SIL was trying to make his bed and that's why he was up there that long. Bob was a tall man and it would've taken more than one person to get him out of that house. You can overpower and surprise someone in their sleep by choking them, and when people choke someone, it's personal. You'd also leave no mess. In these videos several things were said by Fontelle, "I see his cane and I wonder where you are?" I saw Fontelle arrive at Bob's from the airport and Bob's daughters are seen hugging her, now sadly they aren't talking to each other. Unless he had another cane, he would've used a cane to go for a walk. My heart aches for Fontelle. His SIL says, the only things missing are his keys and his wallet. So, he thinks Bob walked out the door with these items only , while he was gone, and now going on four years, we simply don't know what happened to him? Bob was known to wear white tennis shoes, white knee socks, white belt and a white panama hat. These items are mentioned that this is what he was wearing when he disappeared. I got to know Bob better by watching these videos, he seemed quite capable and alert, and very happy to have Fontelle back in his life. Also in these videos it states that the SIL let the CL in through the back door, and around 3pm. I really don't think it matters what time the CL came, because Bob was long gone in the wee hours, really had no chance to tell the SIL the CL was coming on monday instead of tuesday, and no chance to leave a key. Missouri is two hours ahead of us, so is JuM talking about CA time or Missouri time in reference to when her father went missing? I also found it strange that JuM would go and change the bedding, since smell is our strongest memory of someone, and I would have thought that Fontelle would have liked having Bob's scent on the bedding. It was like JuM was locking the barn after the horse was stolen. The detective actually thinks that this is now a homicide and I think she's right. I'm surprised that someone in that family hasn't already tried to declare their father dead to get their hands on his money. I read somewhere that more murders are done from love than from hatred. IMO that is exactly what happened here.

:wagon: to Websleuths and Welcome to Bob's thread.

I think it was unusually cruel, intentionally or unintentionally, to remove personal items from the house or alter them in any way. I think you are spot on that sheets smelling of Bob or a pillow would have brought comfort to Mrs Harrod in the days ahead. Not to mention the fact that it makes no earthly sense whatsoever. JuM's reasoning as to why she was headed DTH alone to a house where her Daddy had disappeared makes no earthly sense.

This family truly didnt get it. Not from day one. Embracing Mrs Harrod during the investigation and choosing NOT to vilify their father on the WWW would have been a game changer for them. At least for the co conservators. There is nothing that would have changed the focus on JeM because he was the person who last saw Mr Harrod alive. In fact, I dont think that would have changed whether or not the CL had changed days. PPD would have been stuck with JeM still.

I think your thought process regarding removing Mr Harrod from the house is true-if he was deceased or unconscious, it would have been tough to get him out alone. If the crime scene was on the second floor, that makes it pretty tough.

I would love to know what PPD hasnt disclosed regarding the searches that went on in the house.
Detective Radomski indicated on the Disappeared show that he wouldnt be surprised at the case taking an additional twist and turn. He may have been alluding to an additional participant, as ELB theorizes.
The Disappeared episode is the first time MSM provided an arrival time for the cleaning lady.

Prior to the 'Long Lost Love' episode, we had only been told she had been there, but not what time she arrived.
It isn't surprising there have been no searches, with Bob's daughters on the case.

Bob's daughters need to show their support for the search for their father before there is any hope these will be carried out.

They need to start agitating for his case to be progressed, to ensure Bob is the focus of LE's attention.

They need to start publicising his case, and appealing for help in finding him.

They need to provide factual, useful information about events on his last day, to help people.

They know OC well. They need to organise searches. If they can't walk, it doesn't matter. Other people would do it for them. People will come forward if they are asked, they have done it on hundreds of other mp cases here.

Bob's three daughters have good contacts in their communities. They say they were brought up to participate in Job's Daughters, and their mom was very active in their community. They have the contacts, they have the authority as family. They have the emotional 'pull' as grieving daughters.

So far, they have done none of the above. In fact, they have provided a template for how not to gather support for a missing person. And provided the most irritating load of rambling twaddle of information about him I've ever come across. Totally useless.

When are we going to see them start searching for their father?


The 12th of Never.
This was done at the request of Bob's children by someone who was, at the time, committed to them. Who believed that they had honorable intentions. You are misstating the circumstances behind the social media websites created to benefit Bob, and I am sure it is only because you arent familiar with those circumstances. Dreamweaver established them for the girls out of the goodness of his/her heart. He/She turned them over and when they were used they were used for nonsense. Changing his marital status, and capturing IP's. They know how to use social media-it is abundantly apparent that they do. Are you saying that they dont have their own Facebook pages, for example?

I am objecting to yet another person who is being discredited in this case: Dreamweaver. :banghead:

I think the theories that Bob wasnt able to answer his phone that morning are really taking fire here, as disheartening as I think that theory is.

I'd give LE the benefit of the doubt that someone credible and who knew Bob's voice had phoned Bob and spoken to him at 10am Monday morning. Besides, Agnes herself in the Disappeared episode stated that she called Bob on Monday and asked to change her schedule.

Also, if foul play was perpetuated on Bob Sunday night during/after the Family Meeting argument, then there'd be no reason for Jeff to do home repairs on Bob's house on Monday -- unless you think Jeff was clueless about what happened to Bob Sunday night...or that Jeff had knowledge but was making repairs in Bob's house in order to feign his ignorance of the crime on Sunday...

Somehow I can't see a perp with knowledge that Bob was gone for good on Sunday night showing up on Monday at Bob's home to do repairs and this same perp making several trips to HD in order to purchase items for the repairs. I don't think a perp would want to waste time, effort, his own money, AND put his DNA/prints all over Bob's home if he had knowledge about the crime against Bob but was not complicit in it.

So no, I'm inclined to believe that Bob was still alive on Monday morning.
:wagon: to Websleuths and Welcome to Bob's thread.

I think it was unusually cruel, intentionally or unintentionally, to remove personal items from the house or alter them in any way. I think you are spot on that sheets smelling of Bob or a pillow would have brought comfort to Mrs Harrod in the days ahead. Not to mention the fact that it makes no earthly sense whatsoever. JuM's reasoning as to why she was headed DTH alone to a house where her Daddy had disappeared makes no earthly sense.

This family truly didnt get it. Not from day one. Embracing Mrs Harrod during the investigation and choosing NOT to vilify their father on the WWW would have been a game changer for them. At least for the co conservators. There is nothing that would have changed the focus on JeM because he was the person who last saw Mr Harrod alive. In fact, I dont think that would have changed whether or not the CL had changed days. PPD would have been stuck with JeM still.

I think your thought process regarding removing Mr Harrod from the house is true-if he was deceased or unconscious, it would have been tough to get him out alone. If the crime scene was on the second floor, that makes it pretty tough.

I would love to know what PPD hasnt disclosed regarding the searches that went on in the house.

The hinkiest things done by Julie are:
1) Giving a specific time for Bob's disappearance (10am Monday) by posting that Bob was missing for "28 hours" when presumably she had knowledge who/when Bob was last seen/heard;
2) Not showing up on Monday night at Bob's home to search for Bob when her dad was presumably missing but instead asking her son (Bob's grandson AH) to unlock Bob's home and show LE in after Fontelle reported Bob missing to LE (well, this hinky thing also goes for the other two daughters);
3) Calling Fontelle on Monday around 7 or 8pm and outright stating, "Bob's missing"; and then
4) Showing up at Bob's home on Tuesday in order to "change his bedsheets". (I personally believe she was doing so in order to destroy evidence that might have been present in the bedsheets that Bob slept in. No one would worry about "mismatched bedsheets" in a time when their dad went missing!)

Any way you look at this, Julie seems to be acting mighty strange if she is innocent in Bob's disappearance.
They are all cowards, all 5 of them, in my opinion. Jeff and Andrew the biggest of the group.

I keep going back to Andrew stating in his deposition he stopped paying Bob because he believed his debt was to be forgiven upon his grandfathers death. There is a reason AH believes his grandfather is deceased and isn't the passage of time, because he made this decision within days of his grandfathers disappearance. :stormingmad:

If all 5 harmed their dad and caused him to be missing, then I agree that 5 healthy, able-bodied people taking advantage and causing injury/homicide of an 81-y.o. is disgusting.

What I don't understand is their extreme reluctance to search for their dad/FIL/granddad.

Along the same vein, I also wonder why Jeff, Julie and grandson Andrew did not appear on the Disappeared episode? Seems like if they wanted to seek public assistance/support and give publicity to their dad's case, that that's what family members do for their loved ones. To me, it looks like these three have something to hide, that they were ashamed or felt too guilty to show their faces and answer questions in public. Of course, it could also be that these 3 are very shy. But I'm certain I've seen Julie in the forefront of videos before and she was very outgoing...As to the two men, I don't believe I've ever seen pics/videos of them at all.
Seems like if they wanted to seek public assistance/support and give publicity to their dad's case, that that's what family members do for their loved ones.
Agreed bourne. In fact, in the early days of the disappearance, JuM turned down assistance from her fellow posters at ROTW who wanted to help. Isnt that strange :waitasec:

Extreme reluctance is a good way to characterize it.
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