CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - # 5

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I wonder if P is working now and if R is still working. Or maybe managing Bob's estate and going to court hearings is their full-time job now. They could print out some fliers and post them along the way to the Justice Center.

It would be helpful if the daughters and SIL agreed to be interviewed to get the story back out in the media. We have never heard from SIL. Perhaps SIL could give details of what he observed on July 27, 2009.

Also, they could take the polygraph test being offered. According to Paul, some members have refused.
I wish there was more media coverage for Robert Harrod. Perhaps family could coordinate a joint press interview along with PPD.
Wow...Clouda, Angelo and Dream these are all great ideas! Perhaps the daughters are reading and might take these and run with them! Anything would help, at this point!
We have never heard from SIL. Perhaps SIL could give details of what he observed on July 27, 2009.

That is odd, isn't it? The last person to see Bob -- perhaps even spend the whole morning with him -- and we haven't heard from him about even what Bob might have been wearing that day. Instead, we've heard from people who were far from the scene -- daughter J, daughter R, and Fontelle who reported Bob missing from Missouri. How is it that they have better information than the SiL? Or are they (Bob's daughters, at least) buffers for him? I have not heard about him taking or passing a polygraph, though I think we can be certain that he was asked.
For what it is worth, a polygraph test is more or less an exercise in futility. They are not admissible in court and can quite easily be faked. There is also the strong potential for a person administering the polygraph to influence the results based on the atmosphere in the room and the particular line of questioning. IMHO
I know that media do not usually print stories on missing persons unless there is new information or a compelling story line.. although Robert H's has a compelling story line, what he needs is
someone to keep his name out there, his missing person status out there, you can never tell when someone reading or listening to a news segment will think, hmm, I remember that Monday and I saw ............

From all I have noticed, family seem to be capable, responsible, intelligent people.
Can't one of them take the lead on this?
Welcome Casey! I agree, they are not admissible in court, and I'm glad for that. Polygraphs have many limits and it's very easy for false positives and negatives to occur. It's also true that subjects can be coerced/agitated to force false positives.

The value of polygraphs is in their proven utility as an investigative tool (not as a source of prosecution evidence). They can help investigators determine which lines of inquiry seem more fruitful, which people seem to have information, and who is attempting to deceive. They are imperfect -- just like witnesses -- but they have been proven to be worth administering. In a case like this, LE is looking for evidence, and polygraphs can help provide a direction.

People innocent of a crime and wishing to assist LE in resolving a case can help by consenting to a polygraph. It can help rule them out, and enable LE to pursue other lines of inquiry. LE and polygraph experts are sensitive to the limits of polygraphs, that people are nervous (they establish baselines first), and that the circumstances of the test can bring some unpredictable results. Notwithstanding, they find polygraphs an invaluable tool in investigation, so it is unfortunate (or telling) when people refuse.
I know that media do not usually print stories on missing persons unless there is new information or a compelling story line.. although Robert H's has a compelling story line, what he needs is
someone to keep his name out there, his missing person status out there, you can never tell when someone reading or listening to a news segment will think, hmm, I remember that Monday and I saw ............

From all I have noticed, family seem to be capable, responsible, intelligent people.
Can't one of them take the lead on this?

Dream, I agree, I think his (and Fontelle's) storyline is extremely compelling. It's heartbreaking, and worse because unresolved. IMO, there are two compelling stories in this case -- 1) his romance with Fontelle, and 2) his relationship with his family (and their possible connection to his disappearance). My impression, based on things they've written, is that Bob's daughters do not want to engage either of these stories. I can understand why they would not be enthusiastic about #2, but I don't know why they were disappointed when the media ran with #1. Perhaps it's just that the two stories are so intertwined.

At any rate, they could easily create a reason for some media attention, if they wanted to do so. With a story like Bob's, there would be considerable interest. (All of this, IMO, of course.)
WELCOME Casey!!!!

You could say the same about fingerprints, bite impressions and tire impressions, IIRC. Their value, as Montjoy said, is as an investigative tool.

If you could clear yourself using investigative tools that PPD trusts, why not do it? Why not take that extra step? And of course that begs the questions raised regarding rewards, vigils, a media blitz by anyone other than his poor wife.

Undoubtedly this family has cooperated with statements, possibly even multiple statements. I am quite sure they have not lawyered up, any of them, because by their own words they believe themselves to be completely innocent of any wrong doing regarding their beloved father. Or their father. Given the poison that has been spread around the WWW, beloved is not the correct choice of words.

I look forward to reading more on your perspective!
Gaining access to Bob's money must have been a blessing to some of those who were not working.

(Rare case of raw public sarcasm spewing from my fingertips.)

And would give a whole new meaning to the previous online posts from his ... DNA gave life too.. about blood money. Who was all over the net talking about BLOOD MONEY?????

Reminds me of an old song. Who's fooling Who....

or for some who are falling all over themselves trying to point the arrow in any other direction? .......

Justice for Bob! and yes, keep looking over your shoulder because each and every shadow, each and every shade of the sunset over the mountains on each and every continent... is just a glimpse of what we are fighting for... and what is that?

... Justice for Bob....

Bob, we will NOT QUIT, just like you did not quit when you fought for our country, we will NOT QUIT for justice for you, and to find you!

I wish we got to know you in life Bob, you would be SO proud! So would your first wife and her brother! God Bless! We will find you Bob, just like those in the service NEVER EVER left behind a comrad! We got your back Bob -despite the walls we climb to keep fighting for your back!

God Bless!
That is odd, isn't it? The last person to see Bob -- perhaps even spend the whole morning with him -- and we haven't heard from him about even what Bob might have been wearing that day. Instead, we've heard from people who were far from the scene -- daughter J, daughter R, and Fontelle who reported Bob missing from Missouri. How is it that they have better information than the SiL? Or are they (Bob's daughters, at least) buffers for him? I have not heard about him taking or passing a polygraph, though I think we can be certain that he was asked.

OF Course not, and the brother in law has a wife and two sister in laws falling all over themselves to defend this last person to see Bob... Let's not forget this last person to see Bob, can't recall what time he saw him, what clothes Bob was wearing, nor can he recall what work he did in Bobs home... nor can his son, Bobs grandson speak for themselves. Now Grandsons home is in foreclosure... and grandson is gonna ???? hope on a wing and a prayer his Aunties don't throw him under the bus to save themselves? After they ripped Bob apart? And who falls first, Bobs great grand kids... and some day someone will have to explain to them, why their parents, Aunts, and EVERY blood relative on their paternal side did not listen. At least when those kids turn 18 and are legal adults, there will be a little bit here which will help them sort out the truth.

Shame on JM's son AH for tossing both his kids and wife under the bus and I pray his wife might have a family who can stand up for those kids... because T' and the kids are gonna need some support when this case comes full circle. Is he not that smart to think he can outsmart LE this long? Come on! PPD just solved a cold case.. and they kept their lips tightly sealed...

I will sing it again, who's fooling who'.....

I think we will have a very merry christmas after a whole lot of being thankful for thanksgiving in this case.

We have not forgotten you Bob!

Gaining access to Bob's money must have been a blessing to some of those who were not working.

(Rare case of raw public sarcasm spewing from my fingertips.)

IMO, Bob went missing to save the money.... Sadly Bobs future after his first wife passed was non existent when it came to those offspring who shared his dna..... Momma was gone and Daddy lived a bit too long...

Their online activites liken to those who wish their parents died within weeks of each other. It's a shame Bobs offspring never got to the point Daddy was no longer responsible for his half century year old off spring... He more than gave... but sadly, it just was too much when Bobby decided after his 50 plus years of til death do us part, he might be blessed to have last bit of his own life.

No, IMO, after supporting 3 generations- there was simply no room left for Bob to have any life after he honored his marriage vows... These kids thought when one parent passed the other would shortly there after....

and Bob, If nothing else, some of us know you fulfilled you duty to your wife, to your country to your children..... Sadly, imo, you lost your life - because you thought - like most of us do, once a spouse passes on it is your God given right to marry another.... I'm so sorry the evidence does not point to your children seeing things that way.

God Bless you Bob... you are not, nor will you be forgotten.
That is odd, isn't it? The last person to see Bob -- perhaps even spend the whole morning with him -- and we haven't heard from him about even what Bob might have been wearing that day. Instead, we've heard from people who were far from the scene -- daughter J, daughter R, and Fontelle who reported Bob missing from Missouri. How is it that they have better information than the SiL? Or are they (Bob's daughters, at least) buffers for him? I have not heard about him taking or passing a polygraph, though I think we can be certain that he was asked.

You bet it's odd! SIL seems to be laying low.

We know SIL's wife, J, was at Mr. Harrod's house the next day supposedly changing the sheets. J also gave an interview that day where she says her father went missing around 1 o'clock or noon the previous day.

SIL told others he saw a suspicious vehicle near Mr. Harrod's house on July 27, 2009. Mr. Harrod is nowhere to be found, yet SIL allows his wife to return to the house alone. Doesn't make sense.
According to these stories on Lynsie’s case, surveillance video footage was used that conflicted with McAmis’ statements made to investigators about where he had been. Also, he buried Lynsie at a construction site where he had been working. Not in these articles, but he drove a white king cab pickup truck.

Maybe the PPD/OC TracKRS can apply this same technology on Bob’s case. I believe SIL was driving a white Honda pickup at the time. And perhaps he had regular sites he used to dump construction materials when doing any renovations at his own house (in RS and/or when he lived in Placentia). Let’s hope the PPD checks those sites as well.

But authorities said they arrested McAmis, 31, last week and confronted him with new evidence: records that detailed his whereabouts the night Ekelund went missing and the days after. Officials said the records, some of which were obtained from ATM cameras, conflicted with previous statements he had made to investigators. Loomis said authorities were able to use new technology that enhanced the security videos.

In previous interviews with police, McAmis claimed that he dropped Ekelund off on the corner near her home early in the morning on Feb. 17, and then drove northbound on Rose Drive.

Police – who had reviewed footage of the street from an ATM surveillance camera at the time – were able to use new technology to enhance the footage to show his vehicle never drove by.

McAmis was matter of fact during the interview, Loomis said. He also told authorities he had buried Ekelund in Santa Clarita, at a construction site where he had been working.

I hope the momentum is gathering in Bob's case-I hope that now is the time for some solid answers and some justice for this poor man.

SIL told others he saw a suspicious vehicle near Mr. Harrod's house on July 27, 2009. Mr. Harrod is nowhere to be found, yet SIL allows his wife to return to the house alone. Doesn't make sense.

If SIL did not go back to Bob's house the next day (and I don't believe he did), it only means one thing, IMO. There is no other reasonable explanation.
Why would he let his poor distraught wife go to the home unattended to conduct media interviews and change the sheets?

And why would she bother with the sheets given what was going on? wouldnt you be out searching every ravine, crevice, abandoned gas station, nearest houses???

Very odd.
Why would he let his poor distraught wife go to the home unattended to conduct media interviews and change the sheets?

And why would she bother with the sheets given what was going on? wouldnt you be out searching every ravine, crevice, abandoned gas station, nearest houses???

Very odd.

Right. SIL supposedly said he saw a suspicious vehicle and his father-in-law is missing. What if there were “bad people” still lurking in the area? SIL and daughter were married 30+ years; soul mates she said. And we’re supposed to believe he would let her return to Bob’s house without him the next day? She went alone because both she and her husband knew it was safe to do so, and he couldn’t go back there. IMO.

Also interesting that in their zillions of posts, daughters never mentioned that SIL was at the family meeting the day before. Gee, I wonder why.
Do we know if GS was there? IIRC we speculated that they adjourned to his house afterwards-it makes sense given how close they were, the age of his children and how far away J and SIL lived.

And we know that either heated words were exchanged or they werent. Depending on the DD who is writing. :)
Do we know if GS was there? IIRC we speculated that they adjourned to his house afterwards-it makes sense given how close they were, the age of his children and how far away J and SIL lived.

And we know that either heated words were exchanged or they werent. Depending on the DD who is writing. :)


Exactly! According to daughter P, things got heated but there were no threats. Daughter R says that Mr. Harrod got heated.

Now why would P feel the need to post on a forum that there were NO threats? Maybe because there were threats.

A heated family meeting about money, and the next day Mr. Harrod disappears.:waitasec:
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