CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - # 8

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Getting back to the probate notes-it is clear that the counsel for the co conservators did not file adequate documents. They seem to have not only skipped a whole year of the agreed upon time frame, the documents dont appear to have been original. If I am reading this correctly.

And then there are those atty fees. Well, when I spent some time a hundred years ago in financial services, we had investment managers and brokers who would churn accounts. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, the money managers would constantly initiate buys and sells on assets in order to generate management fees.

So I have to ask myself, if this paperwork has dragged on for the better part of two years and it all comes down to, at this point, deliberately filing documents that either arent original and/or missing an entire year for the audit period...well I have to wonder who benefits from that. Then I look at the atty's fees that have accumulated for what essentially is doing an administrative subpoena at most, I would think, to Edward Jones et al to get statements for the agreed upon time period and filing them with the court...I mean wow.

Am I the only one who is somewhat puzzled by what might be the motivation here?

So, objectively speaking, the co conservators might benefit if there is something to hide that they dont want uncovered hence the deliberate shortcomings of the filings. OR, the co conservators are hoping to keep this probate case in a constant state of inefficiency...which I would think would breech their fiduciary responsibility, but what do I know. After all the money IS.NOT.THEIRS.

Now, if we give the co conservators a pass here, their atty's are certainly accumulating quite a bill for something that seems to be oh so simple.

IIRC, I once read something online that indicated that Mr Gregg was adept at the kind of shell game most probate cases seem to be made of:

The comments here are particularly brutal, but then again it was during an election and people get heated. There may be nothing to this story at all, which would be a relief to the co conservators I am sure.

Thanks for the link...and why am I NOT surprised????
Interesting, as I see parallels between Mr Gregg's type of "shell game" with Bob's estate, as I see Bob's daughters playing with the players known to be ruled out by LE, and those secret home repairs and target of a timeline.

It doesn't surprise me either.
Here is the post before the one where she says her son moved to a more affluent area. I guess the long list of Bob's things she wanted from his house is an example of how not to be greedy?
I was with a group at City of Hope, played with them every week, I was in with the group, but I was in the Caribbean they won $67 Million dollars, yes I could have fought it as they were all in the news and their names, but I chose not to (I was a bit frustrated but I never asked). I watched each of their lives turn into trash, all their husbands divorced them so they could get half, the were hounded by every car dealership, every company you can think of for money, they had people they had not seen in years show up and try to be their friends again. Nope I am glad I did not ask to be acknowledged, now those 20 years have past and all the winners that got used to living on the yearly checks are probably bankrupt.

Over the past three years I have seen the same type of greed from complete strangers, I want no part of that! I am content with our life. Yes some extra money would help everyone but money most of the time is evil, in this case it is.

Life is to be enjoyed with simplicity, good friends and happiness. If it is meant to fall in your lap it will, be the best person and friend you can be, your life will be rewarding. Make it simple folks!

What a post from JuM, especially in light of her previous post regarding her son living in a "much for affluent area."

Thou does protest too much!

If you take the time to read through the thread itself on ROTW and each of the posts, I think you will finally know everything you need to know about JuM.

My Dad used to have a saying that seems very applicable to this-it had to do with speaking out of both sides of your mouth. The thing is, in order to be successful at it, you have to keep your stories straight.

Just sayin.

Back to the SAR thread for me....
What a post from JuM, especially in light of her previous post regarding her son living in a "much for affluent area."

Thou does protest too much!

Apparently AH has the means to now live a more affluent lifestyle. Good to know he has recovered from his bankruptcy so nicely.
This case always makes me feel soooooo sad...sad for Bob, sad for Fontelle, sad for the housekeeper...

I hate to think that those responsible for (or knowledgable about) Bob's disappearance would only have to answer in the afterlife (or lack thereof, if they don't get one).

I'm rambling...but I always get misty-eyed about Bob...he could have been my grandfather...could have been my father...

I believe in miracles, and we sure need one here. It just seems that it's not possible that he survived whatever happened. :(
You are very dear, Cazzie. I believe in miracles as well-I have a suspicion that our SAR experts may just give this case the legs it needs. :)
This case always makes me feel soooooo sad...sad for Bob, sad for Fontelle, sad for the housekeeper...

I hate to think that those responsible for (or knowledgable about) Bob's disappearance would only have to answer in the afterlife (or lack thereof, if they don't get one).

I'm rambling...but I always get misty-eyed about Bob...he could have been my grandfather...could have been my father...

I believe in miracles, and we sure need one here. It just seems that it's not possible that he survived whatever happened. :(

I too feel bad for the housekeeper, but she in a way is what disrupted whatever plan was had. She came by an unexpectedly a day early. If not for the housekeeper, it might never be known someone was at Bob's home to do secret handy man jobs the day he disappeared. No one would have seen or spoken to Bob that Monday and a possible plan to make it appear as if he took off willingly might have appeared more viable. She really is the blessing which put the crimp in this whole thing and for that I am thankful, even though I am sure this is difficult for her having worked for Bob for many years.
I too feel bad for the housekeeper, but she in a way is what disrupted whatever plan was had. She came by an unexpectedly a day early. If not for the housekeeper, it might never be known someone was at Bob's home to do secret handy man jobs the day he disappeared. No one would have seen or spoken to Bob that Monday and a possible plan to make it appear as if he took off willingly might have appeared more viable. She really is the blessing which put the crimp in this whole thing and for that I am thankful, even though I am sure this is difficult for her having worked for Bob for many years.
Yes, thank you...I get that. I just feel sad (and angry) that apparently some tried to cast suspicion upon her. KWIM.
You are very dear, Cazzie. I believe in miracles as well-I have a suspicion that our SAR experts may just give this case the legs it needs. :)
Oh gee, thanks. :blush: But I think that most (if not all) of us here share the same compassion for Bob, and Fontelle.

And thanks for the reassurance! I have faith that LE are doing due diligence...and of course, SAR...

Reading Bob's threads...I feel so impatient...everything seems so obvious...but I try to not make assumptions. Plus it's always good to stay within TOS here. ;)
If you take the time to read through the thread itself on ROTW and each of the posts, I think you will finally know everything you need to know about JuM.

My Dad used to have a saying that seems very applicable to this-it had to do with speaking out of both sides of your mouth. The thing is, in order to be successful at it, you have to keep your stories straight.

<respectfully snipped> and BBM

You mean like this?

November 24, 2009
From: Jules - Julie

//I posted this on a crime solving website as my father has been missing a few days short of four months. My dad was married for only 8 days to a woman he spent only eight days of their marriage together before she went home to pack her boxes of clothes. Her family has found it amusing to harass our family and slander us. The website booted this post and banned me for posting this. It was a prayer for our family and the extended family (that is so bitter); I wanted to pray for everyone. So this I am sharing this with you. I will not give up my faith; I pray these ignorant souls/relatives NOT to turn their back on God//

Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank You for Your power, being omnipotent, all-mighty, and everlasting. I thank You for creating me and creating every human being on this planet. I thank You for the grace and mercy You have shown me and the individuals of this nation. I thank You for the freedom we have, the rights we have that many in other nations do not know, I thank You for blessing me more than I could ever imagine.

Father, I come before You asking that You show Bob’s family much love, peace, and patience during this trying time. I ask that You give them the peace that surpasses all understanding and help them to rely only on You. I ask that You show them that all things work together for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. Father, help all of us see that tomorrow is not promised to anyone, It doesn't matter what neighborhood we are from, how many degrees we have, or the amount of money in our bank accounts. I pray that you shower Bob's people with Your love and comfort; be there for them like only You can.

I pray a special blessing over the many people who typed words of hatred, animosity, ignorance, superiority, and pure evil towards another family and the people You created. I pray that You reveal to these people that ALL have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. Help these people see that it is level at the cross and Jesus died for everyone.

Help us to realize that it is too late to pray once we've shut our eyes for the last time or Your Son has returned for His church. I pray for a revival with the Christians of America and for us to stand up for Your Name and what is right. Remind us that if we are ashamed to proclaim You in front of man, Your Son will be forced to deny us in front of You.

Help the Christians of this nation show the love of Christ to all; regardless of family origin, belief, disability, or any biases we hold in our hearts. Keep us Christ-minded and not think of ourselves as better than the next person for any reason. Help us and give us the strength and determination to reach out to this world. Help us be like the apostle Paul, forgetting what is behind us and pressing on to what lies ahead. Remind us that no weapon formed against us will prosper and if You are with us, no one can be against us. Bless Bob's family, weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.


I guess if I had posted this in Politics he would have responded. I got slammed (not just by him) when I accidentally responded about the subject matter about "Jesus and approving Obama care", so I thought he could bite into this one and chew it up and spit it out.

I see the "Spaceman & Indian" Mr. Positive & Peace Pipe (NOT) will attack anyone on any subject that is posted in Politics. I posted this tongue in cheek, I wanted to see his view on this subject. I guess Sabro does not want to respond to anything in this thread unless it is posted by him. Do not get me wrong, I do like Sabro.

I am done, I will not post in this section either. I do not approve of people trying to shove their religions down peoples throats! For goodness sake the Bible has been translated how many times by so many people? I no longer look at the book as a resource to my own personal internal faith, I am not a Bible thumper and I do not like the mind numbing scriptures thrown at me as this too seems to come from people that cannot speak for themselves all they do is memorize scripture and use it as some kind of cloak as if that is all they know no other way to converse.

I was spiritually abused by a "High School that was a Cult", I went through deprogramming (but that only helps so much) I have battled with this for so many years, I get agitated easily and my last nerve was frayed. After the past few years events that have happened to our family, I was trying so to allow my faith to get me through it all. Well folks it has not helped, now I am angry. This girl here has had it, I am so done with Politics and Religion.

I will express my belief and I do not care what anyone here thinks anymore. I do not believe there is anyone competent to be President of the USA, I honestly believe Obama is the Anti-Christ!

Take care to all the Christians, I do not disrespect anyone for their faith, religion, their politics, I will never discuss here again. I have only had three people that are Christians that have actually shared from the heart with open arms with love and support. Those three are what I consider real Christians, embrace and love everyone for them unconditionally. All others that I have become to love are not "using religion" for support, just love. I have become a "Free Thinker" as my faith in humanity is gone.

I am sorry I posted the post that opened this thread, I am sorry I stepped into politics, and I am so sorry that I believed there are genuine Christians that can love from the heart and not shove their scriptures and useless political views down people's throat.

I do care about others, I love unconditionally, I would give the shirt off my back to help those in need.

I am repeating myself. I am done. Take care.
Bless Bob's family, weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

I can't believe she posted this 4 months after her fathers disappearance, when she knows he disappeared the morning following a heated family meeting over money.

Excuse me while I go :puke:
Thanks for the side by side, suzy.

I see, these are apparently examples of not shoving religion down someone's throat. :waitasec:


I just want to make sure I am clear-she loves everyone and would give them the shirt off of their backs, as long as they are Christian.

She is a vegetarian who eats animals.

She is a pacifist who enjoys watching predators slaughtering prey.

Um, wow.
Is it just me or does daughter JuM appear extremely unstable and volatile?
We've seen years of examples of this type of behavior. I don't doubt that behavior precedes Bob's disappearance.

Poor Bob.

Justice is coming! :candle: :jail:
I am going to see if I can find an update on the case against Bob's BL. A decision must have been made, I would think.
While I am looking guys, have we dug into this legal issue?

Malicious Prosecution

"The elements of a malicious prosecution case are (1) that the defendant filed and/or prosecuted the underlying civil action; (2) a favorable termination of the prior case, in which the innocence of the former defendant was established; (3) the absence of probable cause, meaning that no reasonable attorney would have considered it to be tenable; (4) malice, which can be implied from a conscious disregard for the consequences, from a lack of probable cause, and from inadequate investigation and research, and (5) damages."

Priorities, priorities when one's father is missing.

I wonder how soon it may be before a few new names appear on the vexatious litigant list in CA.
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