CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #2

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Until Dragraceraz comes here to say this is true, it doesn't exist to me. This individual could be a troll. What I know for a FACT is, she ought not be posting things she discussed with her super sleuthy neighbor as FACT.

ETA: This woman has thoroughly P***** ME OFF. If this is untrue (and personally, I would LOVE to hear he is well and in love in SD), she has really screwed with people's heads regarding the searches!

And she's still going! She seems desperate for attention. Hopefully ABC7 will delete her comments. I do hope Bruce is safe, happy and very much alive out there somewhere.
Here's a thought.... it was said early on that LE had access to Bryce's FB. If he disappeared on purpose and was with someone in SoCal as suggested by some, he would have likely logged on to his FB from this friends' phone or computer. Just to see what was posted there, or logged on to his email to read the PMs from FB w/o them showing as "read". LE would have known that, I'm sure. They can tell if anyone has logged in to an account & from where. So even more unlikely, IMO, that he ran off with someone. JMO.
I have had mixed feelings about all the possibilities of what happened to Bryce. But I keep coming back to one scenario….that Bryce planned to go missing. He hasn’t been found because he doesn’t want to be found. I hate to think that because it’s hard to believe that he would let his parents go thru this, but most teenagers go thru a rebellious period and you never know how that will play out. It was one of my son’s scenarios that he came up with as well. One of his questions to me was “If Bryce is hiding out, will he get in trouble for this?” He didn’t mean with his parents, he meant with LE because of all of the resources that are being devoted to the search. If Bryce is hiding out, that may be one of his fears.

His roommate made comments like “he’s trying to find himself right now”, “he doesn’t want to be found”, “not worried” and “having some issues right now”. Obviously, the roommate has had in depth conversations with Bryce on whatever turmoil was going on with him. He mentioned he felt a lot of pressure to get good grades, even though he always did and was having trouble finding a job. As we all know, teenage years are tough and some kids put more pressure on themselves than anyone else in their world does. Maybe he was feeling pressure from his parents….I don’t know, I can’t speak to that. I do know that his parents were at all of his baseball games cheering him on.

Personally, I agree. I have honestly thought this scenario seemed the most likely since the beginning. BUT...being that I do not know the family nor Bryce I did not want to say it just because it might seem I am making character assumptions. Or passing judgment on Bryce. So it is interesting to hear it from someone that did know him, like you and your son.

Passing judgment on him for willfully disappearing (if he did) would NOT be the case at all though. Every situation that I can think of for why Bryce might feel like he has to disappear only causes me to feel compassion for him. I have two brothers around Bryce's age and they have gotten themselves into a humdinger of a mess occasionally and needed help. It happens to the best of us!

I hope Bryce knows no one (that I know of) would judge him for needing to disappear.
I want to say that anything I post is only my opinion and I am just trying to help like everyone else here, I know Bryce and the David family well and wish nothing but the best for them and that they will be reunited soon...

With that said, I do believe BL is one the run and/or hiding out... when me and my buddies were into adderal in college there was one friend who often talked about disappearing and staring a new life, a year or two later he did just that.

Maybe there is some truth to what that lady said in the comments of the interview with uncle Glenn...

Someone who has been to the site where the car crashed, was there a small cliff where you could roll a car off of?

Also I have a feeling the person I talked to on a social networking site the other day could be Bryce, but we cannot discuss that here.

Overall I feel he is alive and well and will make contact soon. This is ONLY MY OPINION.
I am still catching up, but in keeping with the trucker theory, he could be heading back to Illinois, especially if he has a concussion. A truck driver can only drive 11 hours before having to take off 10 hours, and depending on whom he got rides with and how long he had to stay at a truck stop, he might still be on the way.

That's a VERY good thought, Ghostwheel! If he was asked where he wanted to go or where he was from, maybe Illinois was what came to mind readily. He did spend most of his life there.

And yes, that is a good point about the 11 hours on the road/10 hours off. He could be on his way still or as another commenter mentioned, he could have switched out and started riding with another trucker that was heading in that direction.
I want to say that anything I post is only my opinion and I am just trying to help like everyone else here, I know Bryce and the David family well and wish nothing but the best for them and that they will be reunited soon...

With that said, I do believe BL is one the run and/or hiding out... when me and my buddies were into adderal in college there was one friend who often talked about disappearing and staring a new life, a year or two later he did just that.

Maybe there is some truth to what that lady said in the comments of the interview with uncle Glenn...

Someone who has been to the site where the car crashed, was there a small cliff where you could roll a car off of?

Also I have a feeling the person I talked to on a social networking site the other day could be Bryce, but we cannot discuss that here.

Overall I feel he is alive and well and will make contact soon. This is ONLY MY OPINION.

I asked this many times and never got an answer so I will ask again. Were the keys still in the ignition or anywhere in the truck when found?

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Having lived here my whole life I can totally see a sheriff saying those a joke! Especially to rile up an obviously annoying neighbor. JMO

Also I do think that BL doesn't want to be found hence the cell phone still in the car. Teenagers these days cannot live without their phones!!! And it's so easy to buy a pre-paid phone and no one ever mentions the fact that he could have ca$h on his person.

Think of it this way, you're a pseudo-adult driving home from college and your mom puts out an MP report on you after you've ignored her calls all day and the sheriffs find you, question you, search your annoyed would you be (think like a teen). If you didn't want to be bugged, you devise a plan to ditch the car, ditch the phone, the laptop and basically anything mom paid for and head for the hills. He probably felt pressure from the gf too hence wanting to break-up -- she could have been on his case re: "the pill" or the video games, school, partying, etc.

I just wish we had more info on the girlfriend and the alleged break-up -- why doesn't she ever mention it?

You know, I hadn't thought of that, but you're right. I'm not too far out of my teens and I know I would have been humiliated at 19 yrs old if police came to check on me per Mom's request, and searched the car and questioned me. My humiliation would have turned into anger against my Mom, too. Not saying that was the case with Bryce but you raise a valid point. What exactly was Bryce's response to this?

As for the breaking up with the gf thing...ugh!!! ME TOO! I keep wanting to know more about this. I feel like it could have something to do with the whole situation. With everything else that transpired it seems too strange to just be coincidental timing. What were his reasons? Did he go through with it? Did he seem disoriented and confused when he was at her house? Did he leave in anger or grieving? SO many questions!
Thanks. Point taken, I will just keep my thoughts and theories to myself on here.

Nooooo. :) I agreed with your thoughts and I think others did, too. :) But even if we don't from time to time, it's ok. This is all just a place where we can toss around questions and ideas, even if we know that 99% of them might be totally off, right? :)
I asked this many times and never got an answer so I will ask again. Were the keys still in the ignition or anywhere in the truck when found?

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I'd like to know this, too, because I remember when I helped out the car that flipped, the driver went back to the car, reached in, turned off the ignition and took out the keys because the radio was still playing. That was probably a half hour after we got there. (His comment when he did it: "I'd better get those keys. I don't want to run down the battery." The car was totaled, and he was concerned about running down the battery.....)
Anjl I don't see what prompted you to say that but that's not true!! We all can't all agree always but all opinions are just that opinions, no ones is better then anyone else's so if you felt that way don't!!!

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I don't meant to sound like a negative Nancy but with each passing day I'm feeling less hope that he is still alive. I don't know why but I still feel he is under all that sludge n& mud at the bottom of the 300 feet deep lake. Divers only went 80 feet. I don't think he would go to that trouble of coming all this way to lie to his Mom if hat was not his intentions. I really don't think he would hurt his family that way since he was depending on them financially and if he was in hiding I'm sure he would contact someone anonymously to let them know he was ok and not to worry. He's is not an idiot to let his family and friends suffer that way. He would not have to tell them anything more just that he is OK but oddly that hasn't occurred.

I think he crashed and sustained an injury because a small amount of blood was found. I live in OC and it was in the triple digits. Very hot week. He was very sleepy as none in 4 days because of Aderrall that's why he pulled over to sleep. But instead he crashed. He was tired, sleepy and injured plus it was hot. I think he took a swim to wash-up his injury and wash blood off him and cool off from the heat. he loved to swim. I think he quite possibly fell asleep or went unconscious due to head a injury added with no sleep in the lake and drowned. Nobody was around to drag him out and give him CPR. I hope I'm wrong but in my heart until I hear differently this is what I think happened. I think eventually he will surface as has happened in other lake drownings including castaic.
I want to say that anything I post is only my opinion and I am just trying to help like everyone else here, I know Bryce and the David family well and wish nothing but the best for them and that they will be reunited soon...

With that said, I do believe BL is one the run and/or hiding out... when me and my buddies were into adderal in college there was one friend who often talked about disappearing and staring a new life, a year or two later he did just that.

Maybe there is some truth to what that lady said in the comments of the interview with uncle Glenn...

Someone who has been to the site where the car crashed, was there a small cliff where you could roll a car off of?

Also I have a feeling the person I talked to on a social networking site the other day could be Bryce, but we cannot discuss that here.

Overall I feel he is alive and well and will make contact soon. This is ONLY MY OPINION.
BBM: I am only going by the location I have seen marked on a map, and descriptions of the area, but there are two roads there, and a hill between the top road to the bottom road, so a vehicle on the top of that hill could easily be rolled down the hill. But that's when I have to wonder about the back window being broken out. It is obvious when a window is broken from the inside or the outside. LE said the window was broken with an emergency tool (it's pretty distinctive when you use one, the safety glass breaks in a specific way) and if it had been broken from the outside, I would think they'd have said so. If it was broken from the inside, the glass would then be outside the vehicle, and if it wasn't in the right place next to the vehicle, that would also be a clue and most likely noted. Assuming the glass was in the right place, it's hard to imagine someone climbing in the upside door, crawling through the vehicle, and breaking the back glass to make everything look right.

My guess is that if Bryce (or even anyone else) did roll the vehicle down the hill on purpose, he didn't expect it to flip. That would be luck of the draw (hit a rock just right, over steer, contact with the lower road just right, car going down at the wrong angle, etc).

ETA: it just occurred to me that someone COULD have broken the window (my experience is that it shatters, but doesn't break apart until you hit it again), but left it in place, then crashed the vehicle and the back window came out. It COULD happen.
The article comment seems like something her neighbor might have said flippantly to get her off his case that she took way too seriously - "Oh yeah, I heard he's with his gay lover in SD." Or she's just making it up, who knows.

While this *may* have involved sexuality and telling his parents, I highly doubt he went into hiding with a potential BF in San Diego like that lady said. That seems far-fetched and he probably would have already been found.

I am so tempted to believe that she is BSing, making it up, trolling etc. but I don't know... her writing has good grammar (IIRC), spelling and a photo (which could obviously be fake). Trolls usually don't use photos of people (or at all) and typically have atrocious spelling and grammar.

If it is fake (it probably is)... it's pretty convincing and a pretty good attempt.
I don't mean to sound like a negative Nancy but with each passing day I'm feeling less hope that he is still alive. I don't know why but I still feel he is under all that sludge and mud at the bottom of the 300 feet deep lake. Divers only went 80 feet. I don't think he would go to that trouble of coming all this way to lie to his Mom if that was not his intentions. I really don't think he would hurt his family that way since he was depending on them financially and if he was in hiding I'm sure he would contact someone anonymously to let them know he was ok and not to worry. He's is not an idiot to let his family and friends suffer that way. He would not have to tell them anything more just that he is OK but oddly that hasn't occurred.

I think he crashed and sustained an injury because a small amount of blood was found. I live in OC and it was in the triple digits. Very hot week. He was very sleepy as none in 4 days because of Aderrall that's why he pulled over to sleep. But instead he crashed. He was tired, sleepy and injured plus it was hot. I think he took a swim to wash-up his injury and wash blood off him and cool off from the heat. he loved to swim. I think he quite possibly fell asleep or went unconscious due to head a injury added with no sleep in the lake and drowned. Nobody was around to drag him out and give him CPR. I hope I'm wrong but in my heart until I hear differently this is what I think happened. I think he will surface eventually as has happened in other lake drownings including castaic.
BBM: I am only going by the location I have seen marked on a map, and descriptions of the area, but there are two roads there, and a hill between the top road to the bottom road, so a vehicle on the top of that hill could easily be rolled down the hill. But that's when I have to wonder about the back window being broken out. It is obvious when a window is broken from the inside or the outside. LE said the window was broken with an emergency tool (it's pretty distinctive when you use one, the safety glass breaks in a specific way) and if it had been broken from the outside, I would think they'd have said so. If it was broken from the inside, the glass would then be outside the vehicle, and if it wasn't in the right place next to the vehicle, that would also be a clue and most likely noted. Assuming the glass was in the right place, it's hard to imagine someone climbing in the upside door, crawling through the vehicle, and breaking the back glass to make everything look right.

My guess is that if Bryce (or even anyone else) did roll the vehicle down the hill on purpose, he didn't expect it to flip. That would be luck of the draw (hit a rock just right, over steer, contact with the lower road just right, car going down at the wrong angle, etc).

ETA: it just occurred to me that someone COULD have broken the window (my experience is that it shatters, but doesn't break apart until you hit it again), but left it in place, then crashed the vehicle and the back window came out. It COULD happen.

There are a million possibilities, maybe he was trying to stage his death and the truck never made it into the lake like he planed, maybe there was foul play, maybe he really did crash and suffer a head injury, maybe he did go for a swim? Who knows? ...
I strongly believe he is still alive
There are a million possibilities, maybe he was trying to stage his death and the truck never made it into the lake like he planed, maybe there was foul play, maybe he really did crash and suffer a head injury, maybe he did go for a swim? Who knows? ...
I strongly believe he is still alive

So do I. I just feel like if he had passed away, it would have happened fairly close by and his body would have been found by now.
Was there anything from Draqracerz this evening? I didn't see an update aside from social media about tomorrow.

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Was there anything from Draqracerz this evening? I didn't see an update aside from social media about tomorrow.

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No update tonight, I think dragz/LE know something which he cannot share here...
I will be contacting LE in the am, just to give my opinion on the "brother" on the social networking site whom I believe could POSSIBLY be BL.
Here's a thought.... it was said early on that LE had access to Bryce's FB. If he disappeared on purpose and was with someone in SoCal as suggested by some, he would have likely logged on to his FB from this friends' phone or computer. Just to see what was posted there, or logged on to his email to read the PMs from FB w/o them showing as "read". LE would have known that, I'm sure. They can tell if anyone has logged in to an account & from where. So even more unlikely, IMO, that he ran off with someone. JMO.

Hmm. I wonder who else has access to his Facebook page. LE does... where did they get his login info? Do his parents also have the login info? I'm not trying to even remotely implicate his parents in anything, I'm just thinking that if they too have the login info it could be showing activity even if it's not Bryce. He's young enough I can see them having access from when he was in high school.
Your post reminds me of Dana Bonanno. She disappeared after texting her mother that she was afraid. Then nothing was heard from her. 3 weeks later she called/or came home. She had checked herself into a mental hospital, she'd had a breakdown. As an adult, they didn't have to notify anyone that she was there, so no one knew and since it was in another town, even the police weren't notified.

That's a good point. Just because my Dad asked the New Orleans police to notify us if my brother was hospitalized or in trouble when he was having his episode, doesn't mean they would have since he was an adult. We are very lucky he came back on his own.
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