CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #6

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If I had rolled my car at 19 (which I did) and looked up to see a bunch of sheriffs lined up and waiting to get into the park, and a couple of highway patrol cars, and an ambulance, I'd have definitely gone in the opposite direction as fast as I could go, and I would be staying out of sight if I could. I'd be sure they were coming for me, especially if I had a buzz or some thing I shouldn't be associated with under the circumstances, but even if I was stone cold sober.

Just saying.
as i said before, i think its great that you are doing this Amanda. wish i could be there too. please keep an open mind in how you approach the search and questioning of people. i know what drag has said about his drug use but personally i believe this is a bit naive and does a disservice to the attempts to locate Bryce. whether he smoked just one time or more or did other drugs it doesn't make him a bad person. i'd be talking to anyone i could and if you find anyone that remembers seeing him, ask if he was talking to himself, seemed paranoid - just trying to find a clue as to his state of mind. thanks for going out there!

Thanks Amanda for doing this. We appreciate it very much. Please talk to the crackheads standing around the motels. You can tell who they are.

Ask the office managers if you can put up his flyer inside the office. This is how I found my son who went went missing along the same route. One of the crackhead girls who was always at the motel/hotel recognized his pic and had talked to him and he was staying at a different hotel. I found him that time. This trip of his was while he was under the influence of half a bottle of Adderall.

My son looks a lot like Bryce except very blonde hair. Both very clean cut. All American boy next door type. He stood out like Bryce so he was fairly easy to identify.

Good luck!! Lets pray this is the weekend Bryce is found. I have faith in you Amanda. Please leave no stoned unturned and keep an open mind :)

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Help pls - lots about birds, was there anything specific related to the BL crash? Thx!

[I did note your first line but was wondering if I missed something in particular. Thx. :)]
She was on the lower lagoon so she probably had no idea of what had happened.
to Coastal-I don't believe the numerous emergency and LE personnel were on site until AFTER the accident was reported...therefore he would not have seen them to spook him
to Coastal-I don't believe the numerous emergency and LE personnel were on site until AFTER the accident was reported...therefore he would not have seen them to spook him

I believe the thought here was that, based on the dog scent path as diagramed by DRZ, noting the window of time of the crash, it is possible he was on the other side of the lake on that path (dog noted) when LE arrived on the scene. I would imagine, as someone had posted, he took a few minutes at least to shake the glass off, climb out of the vehicle, maybe grab something from the bag in back, then start off. Being in shock, he may not immediately (99% sure he would not) feel any pain. He'd be setting off on the path to the dam and around. By the time LE arrived, he was somewhere in that 3 mile trek, or LE would have seen him -?? - walking right by them as he exited the park. He would have walked right by cars entering or in line? Picturing it, I think he was laying low for a little bit, or walked out (if he did at all - dogs could have had that bit of scent from some earlier exploration Bryce undertook) when not a single car was entering... My suggestion for the search is to focus on the walk around the lagoon, following the dog path, but branching off before the park exit - right where the scent trail had ended. That is critical area... JMO, MOO, :twocents:
This is where the scent ends

IMO, this is where I would spend extra time looking for clues... if Bryce wanted to avoid being seen by cars on Lake Hughes Road up ahead, where could he go, and why didn't the dogs have anything after that? I'm grappling with that... :banghead:
to Coastal-I don't believe the numerous emergency and LE personnel were on site until AFTER the accident was reported...therefore he would not have seen them to spook him

Yes, in the article linked on the front page of Bryce's threads Mrs. L is quoted as saying the car was found by LE arriving for a training exercise at 5:30 a.m.
Meaning? Little to no movement?
Theres some movement but not a whole lot. Mostly when they open up the aquaduct to feed water in and when they pump water to the lagoon. Other than that its wind driven.
Theres some movement but not a whole lot. Mostly when they open up the aquaduct to feed water in and when they pump water to the lagoon. Other than that its wind driven.

This is why I keep asking about wind... I don't even know if it matters but if it's anything like the wind at the somewhat nearby Willow Springs raceway (per Google maps it's about an hour away, the wind could be a huge factor IMO. It's far enough away for me to wonder if maybe Castaic's not that bad, but it's close enough for me to wonder if the wind might cause a vehicle to flip, cause someone to fall down, struggle in the water, have difficulty walking, etc.
Yes, in the article linked on the front page of Bryce's threads Mrs. L is quoted as saying the car was found by LE arriving for a training exercise at 5:30 a.m.

Thank you!! I swore I had seen that but couldn't find the link again. Looking at the front page of the thread would be a good start. :)
Respectfully snipped by me:

Wow, great thought! I don't know if a route can be ascertained by this pinging technology, but if they can, that could be so enlightening in this case! Has this been done in other missing persons cases?
Hubby works for AT&T designing cell towers- that's not how it works. Pinging cannot determine a route- it's not that accurate. The phone must be on and they can determine where it received/made a call to a 1 mile radius from the nearest cell tower of it's carrier.
Hm. Is it windy there? That can create currents even in a lake like this, IMO. I know it's very windy not too far from there (Rosamond area) but I don't know the Castaic area itself very well. Could that have impacted where he ended up if something happened in the water?
Yes, it can get very windy there in the Grapevine area. You are in a mountain pass between the desert and the S.F. Valley.
Google Earth is killing me!!! I don't remember trees there. I took a video going in and out and don't see those trees. How can this be so off??

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Google Earth is usually 6 mo. out of date- I know from viewing landscaping of my own house on it...
It does, thank you! I wonder if the lake's pretty protected, or if it ever gets super windy. Sounds like pretty protected from what you saw.
No, the lake gets windy- I used to waterski on it.
This is why I keep asking about wind... I don't even know if it matters but if it's anything like the wind at the somewhat nearby Willow Springs raceway (per Google maps it's about an hour away, the wind could be a huge factor IMO. It's far enough away for me to wonder if maybe Castaic's not that bad, but it's close enough for me to wonder if the wind might cause a vehicle to flip, cause someone to fall down, struggle in the water, have difficulty walking, etc.
Not really. I live in Lancaster and my sister lives about 5 minutes from Willow. Castaic is a lot more sheltered than Rosamond so it doesnt get the full brunt of the winds. It would have to be pretty bad winds for it to get hit like Rosamond does and I dont really remember how bad the winds were around that time but I dont think it was especially windy that weekend.
I posted on the last thread some information I read about bodies in water regarding movement to lower (deeper) areas of the lake and how the temperature of the water at the bottom of the lake will effect if and when a body will surface. I also read on a fishing site that the area by the dam is a pretty deep part of the lake and on another site that the lake bottom is murky and flat and that sonar is very effective.

Speaking of the dam, on the other side of it (if B walked across), what's that long bridge like thingy that ends with a round cone like thingy extending into the lake? Anyone know?
Speaking of the dam, on the other side of it (if B walked across), what's that long bridge like thingy that ends with a round cone like thingy extending into into the lake? Anyone know?
Should be the pump system for releasing water into the lagoon.
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