CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #7

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Sad, less than two days from a big search in a relatively new case, and there seems to be nothing to say. No info, no leads, no real idea of what happened or if there is anything to find in the search areas. Of course, that is generally true, but still. JMO
Good Luck to the KlaasKids organization and the volunteers who will be looking for Bryce this weekend. I wish you much success and I pray the family gets some answers.
Wish I'd thought a little earlier, but Bryce is on Ihave so I've let the admin know about the search this weekend and the appeal for volunteers. Hopefully that will help, and maybe his case will get updated there. It's still mentioning a sighting in Oregon, which I'm guessing didn't pan out.

Just from the little I've seen - I'm thinking Bryce didn't end up on that road accidentally? He'd been along there a couple of times, so was likely to know he was near the lake?

I think it could be very important to know why his bag in the car was unzipped, and what Bryce might have taken out of it. Have all his purchases in those last days been traced, do we know?

I think, with a combination of medication that seemed to have a bad effect, fatigue and the shock and possible injury from the accident, it is very likely Bryce wandered off. It seems ulikely he would have been in any condition to go off and start a new life somewhere. He looks like a lovely, vital, cheeky chappy too. I can't imagine him allowing loved ones to go through this, if he was safe and well somewhere.

I hope the search this weekend is successful. If not, I hope someone can perhaps let us know what Mr Klaas thinks is the best way to continue, and how people can help.
The quiet on all fronts is almost deafening. I pray they get enough volunteers for this weekend for the KlaasKids search. This weekend has to yield something!

@ Amanda are you still going to Buttonwillow or helping in the search at Castaic? I too want to personally thank you for your boots to the ground efforts!!! :loveyou:
I can't help with the search this weekend but am gonna try to check out the north side of the lake/lagoon area today where all those trails are. Any specific area/location anybody want me to check or take pictures of?
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Hmmm, well, when thinking over the fact that there has been some search by air (is that correct) and considering the heat during the week that Bryce went missing, and as nothing was seen from above, and no "bird" sightings, you may want to look "under" or "in" some of the concrete culverts that act as underpasses of sorts for the various gulches. You may see impressions from tennis shoes, etc. There are quite a few of these culverts in and around the lagoon, west and north. These may be places that Bryce sought out to keep cool. It was hot back then.

Just :twocents: Best to you and thank you!
6 weeks in, things are bound to quiet down, but that doesn't mean that lots of people aren't still working on Bryce's case.

Looks like it's going to be a hot one down there this weekend. Anyone going out to search, make sure you start hydrating NOW (drinking while you're out hiking around is only replenishing for the next day!!!!!).
Where exactly is the search taking place this weekend?
6 weeks in, things are bound to quiet down, but that doesn't mean that lots of people aren't still working on Bryce's case.

Looks like it's going to be a hot one down there this weekend. Anyone going out to search, make sure you start hydrating NOW (drinking while you're out hiking around is only replenishing for the next day!!!!!).

Hope you are right sarx about the "quite" and deferring to your expertise in these searches. Sending positive energy and prayers to all that can help:please:
The quiet on all fronts is almost deafening. I pray they get enough volunteers for this weekend for the KlaasKids search. This weekend has to yield something!

@ Amanda are you still going to Buttonwillow or helping in the search at Castaic? I too want to personally thank you for your boots to the ground efforts!!! :loveyou:

Looking like I have a car to Buttonwillow of people. Hopefully it stays that way!

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Good luck to all those searching this weekend! I'm nearby and wish I could join in but I'm 6months pregnant and worry the terrain may be a bit much for me. I'll be sending my love and prayers though!

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6 weeks in, things are bound to quiet down, but that doesn't mean that lots of people aren't still working on Bryce's case.

Looks like it's going to be a hot one down there this weekend. Anyone going out to search, make sure you start hydrating NOW (drinking while you're out hiking around is only replenishing for the next day!!!!!).

Low 80's is hot? Lordy apparently I need to move. ;) Last time I was in Buttonwillow it was 108 on the news and 120 on the in-car thermometer. Granted this was awhile ago, but I guess I don't really consider it "hot" until it's over 90 just because of where I live. As far as current info, the last forecast I saw on looked like it'll be a pretty good weekend, 80s during the day and pretty cool at night. I was really glad to see that.

Not to discount the advice to hydrate, I think that's an excellent suggestion! Way better to get ahead of it than try to catch up after you're already dehydrated.

Huge thank yous to everyone who's going to be searching this weekend. I so hope something comes out of it. And thanks Sarx for helping to offer advice to the searchers.
Some may be wondering why KlaasKids is going back to the original area to search again. As I understand, it is protocol to do this, in a more thorough manner, when the missing person has yet to be found. Initial searching may often be more of a hasty attempt, if you try to cover as much area, as quickly as possible, in case the missing person is lost, confused or injured. It would certainly be remiss to not go back at this point in time.

I do hope the search will prove fruitful this weekend. I will be there in spirit.
Find Bryce.
Lol. Well my weather forecast shows 90 so that would be why I was saying hot. When you are out tromping around and searching 90 is hot!
Low 80's is hot? Lordy apparently I need to move. ;) Last time I was in Buttonwillow it was 108 on the news and 120 on the in-car thermometer. Granted this was awhile ago, but I guess I don't really consider it "hot" until it's over 90 just because of where I live. As far as current info, the last forecast I saw on looked like it'll be a pretty good weekend, 80s during the day and pretty cool at night. I was really glad to see that.

Not to discount the advice to hydrate, I think that's an excellent suggestion! Way better to get ahead of it than try to catch up after you're already dehydrated.

Huge thank yous to everyone who's going to be searching this weekend. I so hope something comes out of it. And thanks Sarx for helping to offer advice to the searchers.

Wowzers! it sure does get hot over there! (I had to convert Fahrenheit into Celsius to find out your temps) how do you guys breath?! lol
Some may be wondering why KlaasKids is going back to the original area to search again. As I understand, it is protocol to do this, in a more thorough manner, when the missing person has yet to be found. Initial searching may often be more of a hasty attempt, if you try to cover as much area, as quickly as possible, in case the missing person is lost, confused or injured. It would certainly be remiss to not go back at this point in time.

I do hope the search will prove fruitful this weekend. I will be there in spirit.
Find Bryce.

I don't have any expertise, but just remembering back to the search for Linnea Lomax in my area they found her VERY close to where she originally went missing. KlaasKids didn't directly find her IIRC, but they found her notepad and pushed searchers in that direction (and they were right). I so hope something useful comes from the search this weekend.
Lol. Well my weather forecast shows 90 so that would be why I was saying hot. When you are out tromping around and searching 90 is hot!

:) thanks Sarx for taking my post the way it was intended. I didn't mean any disrespect and just realized it might've come across poorly, but you took it the way I meant it. I totally agree, 90 is hot, especially out searching in rough terrain and hydration is hugely important, as you said.
Wowzers! it sure does get hot over there! (I had to convert Fahrenheit into Celsius to find out your temps) how do you guys breath?! lol

Favorite phrase to many of us in CA and AZ (and probably other places, but those are the ones I know of) "it's a dry heat" meaning low humidity. At 80 and low humidity I feel comfortable, at 80 and high humidity I feel like I'm gonna suffocate. Fortunately for the searchers it should be a "dry heat," but unfortunately I think that leads to more dehydration problems... going back to Sarx's excellent point to hydrate.
I don't have any expertise, but just remembering back to the search for Linnea Lomax in my area they found her VERY close to where she originally went missing. KlaasKids didn't directly find her IIRC, but they found her notepad and pushed searchers in that direction (and they were right). I so hope something useful comes from the search this weekend.

Hadn't she crossed water, but police had been convinced she hadn't gone that way, I seem to recollect?

Linnea's case was a very, very tragic one in all respects. I still think about her mom. I hope her family have been able to heal a little, and gained some small comfort that they were able to bring Linnea home.

Search and Rescue workers have my utmost admiration for what they do, and continue to do. It must be so hard emotionally for them too sometimes. I am so glad they are here for our missing.
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