CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #8

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I have a friend who got (and still is) sober here:

It's in San Diego. Requires a 120-day commitment. Men only.


We don’t turn anybody away for inability to pay. We also don’t accept insurance. For residents of San Diego County, our program fee is based on a sliding scale according to income. All fees are payable one month in advance and are nonrefundable.

Wouldn't his parents have tried to find him this way, with LE, especially since they fear he could have had injuries to his head and/or memory?
Wouldn't his parents have tried to find him this way, with LE, especially since they fear he could have had injuries to his head and/or memory?

I'm sure LE has. But that was at the beginning. Two months out, Bryce may have been wandering around for awhile and just now in one. So unless LE tries every few days, it seems like it;s worth a shot for the friends and family to do this.
If a person did check themselves in somewhere...would that facility be allowed to tell anyone?

Because there is a missing persons report filed, they would let LE know. They do not have to tell them where he is located (name of hospital etc), nor do they have to provide his condition. just that he is located and safe.

LE should be checking ALL psychiatric hospitals nationwide. Bryce could have travelled anywhere and then been picked up by LE in any state. He may have been too scared to give his real name, or in a psychotic state he may not know his true identity. He could have given LE any name. Since he has no ID on him, LE would have no way of knowing his true identity. JMO

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Everything above is JMO!
Maybe I'm misunderstanding this. My daughter called him 15 times on Thursday sent 3 text messages, about an hour after the crash or the wee hours of Friday morning sent another text. Several people knew he didn't go back the apartment Wednesday night/Thursday morning because they had been calling him. So yes all those people tried calling him before the crash and after.. I saved all screen caps to the messages that went unanswered.

Hi Caron
Thanks for coming back onto WS.
My train of thought with this post was in regards to wondering why Bryces friends were still worried about him, when the times stated on the PDF timeline said he had been in touch with his Mum after the Lagoon Drive Police check and he was deemed to be in good is very difficult to work within the timeline as it was ,a lot of inbetween gaps ,without having to many assumptions etc

Ksly has answered all my queries about this very succinctly Thank you.

Bryce has a lot of caring friends and were/are understandably very worried about him.
Hi <modsnip>
Aww you are such a brave wee soul.....Thank you so much for posting here and answering our questions.
Reading through your posts was just like you had switched the lights on and made everything a lot clearer and much brighter....definitely a shining example of a very together ,loving girlfriend.
I'm glad that you have taken somethings from WS to pursue a different avenue towards finding is hoping for some news very soon.
Thank you
On several occasions my son was taken to St Jude hospital on a 5150 waiting for an available bed at a psych hospital to be transferred. After he was transferred the hospital refused to let me know what hospital he was being transferred to because of privacy laws and him being an adult.

I found a way around that. I looked online for local psych hospitals within a 30 mile radius. I called and got the operator or receptionist and pretended like I knew he was there but not really. I would say "Can I please speak to a patient by the name of Jay Jones" They would say "we don't have a patient by that name" or they would say "I'm sorry he can't receive calls" or "I'll put you through"

That way your not asking for information if he is there which they cant give out. It's a lot of work but I did manage to locate him quite a few times that way.

You may be able to try that with some rehabs as well. It's worth a shot.

Thank you thank you thank you for posting this!! You have no idea how many times I have had to call around looking for my son, only to get the run around Grr! I spent this last week doing just that. Then finally got a call from my son yesterday, turns out he wasn't in the hospital, just ran out of minutes on his phone. I will definitely use this tactic next time.

@kslyfoxy ((hugs)) honey! I know exactly what you are going through and I am so sorry that you have to deal with all of this! Stay strong! I pray for Bryce and for you/Bryce's family every single night. He is so very lucky to have such wonderful, caring people in his life. Your posts have given me a lot of hope that Bryce is alive and out there somewhere. Remember that song from Fivel Goes West? ' Somewhere Out there' that was my sons special song when he was little. Every time he disappears, I sing that song because it gives me hope and strength :)

I have the same theory I have had all along. I believe Bryce is in some kind of psychosis, brought on by sleep deprivation that began with taking the prescription drug. In that state, he could very likely not know his real identity. He could have also assumed any identity. In that state he could have travelled anywhere by hitch hiking.

He is probably living with a group of homeless people, but my hope and prayer is that he is in a psychiatric hospital somewhere under an assumed identity and getting help.

I am going to get a list together of fax #s for psychiatric hospitals on the west coast. Then I will start faxing his missing poster to every hospital. Hopefully someone will recognize him and call LE. Anyone want to help?

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Everything above is JMO!
Warning: link below is for an old article, the 19 year old is NOT Bryce.
It was in 2005, but San B police brought in an advanced sonar system then, which successfully located this poor young man. Castaic Lake was reported to have a 'flat, murky bottom', which enabled the sonar system to work well. (Pls note later reports confirm this was an accident and no crime was involved).

Even though people had seen where the teenager went into the lake, initial diver searches were unsuccessful. It was the use of sonar which located him. I have no idea how much it costs, or if it is appropriate in Bryce's case, but it does seem that if he should be in the water, this would be the best way of finding him.

Needless to say, I very much hope Bryce is nowhere near that water.

From the Mayo Clinic website, the "less common" side effects of Vyvanse seem to connect with some behaviors Bryce was exhibiting:
Less common:
Dry mouth
Quick to react or overreact emotionally
Rapidly changing moods
Sleepiness or unusual drowsiness
In addition, it is recommended that one "stop using Vyvanse and call your doctor at once if you have: confusion, paranoia, unusual thoughts or behavior, hallucinations;" BBM

It sounds like a very bad effect from Vyvanse. But effects usually wear off once a person stops taking the drug. Bryce did take another dose on Wednesday, later in the day, is that correct. Do we know the strength of the dose? You can distinguish by the color of the pill:
Capsules 20 mg: ivory body/ivory cap (imprinted with S489 and 20 mg)
Capsules 30 mg: white body/orange cap (imprinted with S489 and 30 mg)
Capsules 40 mg: white body/blue green cap (imprinted with S489 and 40 mg)
Capsules 50 mg: white body/blue cap (imprinted with S489 and 50 mg)
Capsules 60 mg: aqua blue body/aqua blue cap (imprinted with S489 and 60 mg)
Capsules 70 mg: blue body/orange cap (imprinted with S489 and 70 mg)

Starting at 30 mg is recommended, then, dosage may be adjusted in increments of 10 mg or 20 mg at approximately weekly intervals up to maximum dose of 70 mg/day. . according to this medical site.
But what if these were 70 mg capsule, and someone took two, without having built up a tolerance?

Overdose symptoms may include restlessness, tremor, muscle twitches, rapid breathing, confusion, hallucinations, panic, aggressiveness, muscle pain or tenderness, muscle weakness, fever or flu symptoms, and dark colored urine. These symptoms may be followed by depression and tiredness. Other overdose symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, uneven heartbeats, feeling light-headed, fainting, seizure (convulsions), or coma.

Were any of those other symptoms of overdose apparent, beyond the change in behavior? And then there is the memory loss (which is a strange one - missing time). IMO there is a clue in the "loss of memory of break up" that occurred. I haven't found any literature about Vyvanse that describes lost time. Maybe something else caused that, another chemical in the system? Someone slipped him something? So scared for Bryce, and praying for peace and strength for you Kslyfoxy and for all of the family.

It can be difficult to find definitive info about prescription drug side effects, for various reasons.

I found this interesting site though, which is just patient's own experiences. It was the only place I could find anything about people who had only taken the drug for one or two days. Some of the descriptions would fit 'lost time', I think.

There are a few who had very adverse reactions, and there is also someone there who believes they were sent into a four-month manic period/extreme depression, which required hospitalization twice. That was after medicating for two weeks though.
I hope you get lucky with the psych hospital calls. Here in AZ, when my son is in the psych hospital (schizophrenia also), when I ask, they ask for a code before they check anything.
Hello Tamrabbit. I have a question if you happen to know.

I believe the water in that lake is fairly clear from what I remember reading. From where the vehicle was wrecked and heading straight down to the water where the 1st SAR dog supposedly tracked him, can you visually tell how steep the water slopes out?

I am still confused about where the 1st SAR dog tracked him. There isn't a straight line or obvious path to the water like the path Dragz drew. Bryce would have had to cut through brush and uneven terrain, which while possible seems unlikely to me IMO. I can definitely check to see how deep it is. I'm just not sure where to check. I've walked around the lake and the depth of lake seems to vary significantly depending on where you are on the shore. If I go down and follow government cove which is the opposite direction of the dam, there is a beach area and it is very gradual, not steep at all. If I go towards the dam area, the water from the shore there appears steeper. I'm not sure how steep though. I don't have a fishing pole, but I could bring something similar to test the depth. I'm sure I could even just ask the fishermen that are there all the time.

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The 1st dogs that were there, day of the vehicle being found trailed from the car (which had landed partially on Main Ramp Road) down Main Ramp Road (twds the lake) and then continued on past the gate that blocks of Govt. Cove Rd. and continued on Govt. Cove Rd. until they hit the shoreline. Somewhere on that shore is where they appeared to have lost the scent.
The 1st dogs that were there, day of the vehicle being found trailed from the car (which had landed partially on Main Ramp Road) down Main Ramp Road (twds the lake) and then continued on past the gate that blocks of Govt. Cove Rd. and continued on Govt. Cove Rd. until they hit the shoreline. Somewhere on that shore is where they appeared to have lost the scent.

I'm confused (sorry), the first dogs on the day they found the vehicle tracked his (debatable, I guess) scent from the crash site to the water only. Several days (or weeks?) later the bloodhounds tracked his scent along the route you described above, correct?

Any confirmation on the 1st dogs tracking the human scent through the brush to the water or along the main ramp road down to the water?

Hello Tamrabbit. I have a question if you happen to know.

I believe the water in that lake is fairly clear from what I remember reading. From where the vehicle was wrecked and heading straight down to the water where the 1st SAR dog supposedly tracked him, can you visually tell how steep the water slopes out?

Like can you see into the water and see if the water gets real deep really fast? I know you probably dont want to carry a fishing pole the next time you are there, but one really quick way to tell how steep a slope of the water is would be tying on a heavy sinker and casting out and watching when the sinker finally hits the bottom, you can then look at your line and if the line is angled severely downwards, that would mean it is very steep slope.

I dont mean to task you with this or anything, but even without a fishing pole, if you had a long ball of string and a heavy sinker, you could almost do the same thing if you could throw the sinker out and kept hold of the other end. You would want to get the sinker out at least 20-30 yards if you could to get a better idea of the slope and then hold your end up as high as you could to look at the line angle. Once it stopped and you check the angle, you could even slowly retrieve it and you may be able to tell where it drops off the fastest and how far out the drop off is if there is one.

Ive been so curious how steep that water slope is right at the spot of the vehicle area. From the Topo map, that area just seems really steep, but it is hard to tell.

Ive been on certain lakes where only 20 feet out from bank, it had already dropped to like 20 feet deep. And from the bank, you would have never guessed it was that steep a slope. So just curious if the slope was considered a steep sloped lake at that area.
I asked a similar question in the second thread - here's a link to one of the answers (though this doesn't specifically address that actual point where Bryce probably would have gone into the water, it gives a general idea of how the water drops off in various places).

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #2

I think someone posted right after that a topo map. I'll see if I can find it - you might be able to pinpoint the area where Bryce would have gone in.

Added: If you go to www.garmin.lakes and enter Castaic Lake, it should give you a topographic map. I had tried to link directly to the map but it's not working.
I'm confused (sorry), the first dogs on the day they found the vehicle tracked his (debatable, I guess) scent from the crash site to the water only. Several days (or weeks?) later the bloodhounds tracked his scent along the route you described above, correct?

Any confirmation on the 1st dogs tracking the human scent through the brush to the water or along the main ramp road down to the water?

No, sorry, let me try again.
Dogs on Day 1 trail from vehicle down to the cove at the end of Govt. Cove Rd.
Different dogs 11 days later track over the dam and down to lagoon.
I never heard anything about going through the brush, just checking the brush along the road.

Even when an insider tells us their real name, our posts need to refer to their Websleuths name.

When you call the hospitals, if they tell you there is no one there by that name, you may want to ask if the have any John Does or you can ask for the fax number and follow up by faxing Bryce's flyer.
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