CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #8

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You have a point about the stumbling across remains gitana. I am absolutely haunted by the case of a hiker who stumbled across remains and decided not to call that discovery in though. Thank heavens, he did confide in his friend though, and eventually the friend informed LE.

I have no idea if that friend had once seen a missing person's poster and been touched by it so felt they had to tell police, but there has to be a chance.

What worries me so much is that there might be other walkers and hikers out there who have done the same - walked on past a missing person's remains for some reason, and maybe because they have no idea of who they are, and feel no connection with them.

I guess what I'm saying is that publicity might very well be ineffective in helping hikers to find someone, but it might be effective in ensuring if they do stumble upon someone, they have an idea who that person is and who is waiting and hoping and praying for that person to be found. So that any thought of not getting involved becomes harder.

I really hope so anyway. It had never crossed my mind before that anyone could find the body of a fellow human and not let anyone know. I found that very depressing.
You have a point about the stumbling across remains gitana. I am absolutely haunted by the case of a hiker who stumbled across remains and decided not to call that discovery in though. Thank heavens, he did confide in his friend though, and eventually the friend informed LE.

I have no idea if that friend had once seen a missing person's poster and been touched by it so felt they had to tell police, but there has to be a chance.

What worries me so much is that there might be other walkers and hikers out there who have done the same - walked on past a missing person's remains for some reason, and maybe because they have no idea of who they are, and feel no connection with them.

I guess what I'm saying is that publicity might very well be ineffective in helping hikers to find someone, but it might be effective in ensuring if they do stumble upon someone, they have an idea who that person is and who is waiting and hoping and praying for that person to be found. So that any thought of not getting involved becomes harder.

I really hope so anyway. It had never crossed my mind before that anyone could find the body of a fellow human and not let anyone know. I found that very depressing.

Me either! Geez! What case is that?
I was talking about it and linked it in one of Bob's many threads. I think it is back in thread 12, but I still haven't found the exact post. I'll keep looking. It was in CA, and may have been the remains found in the Lucerne Valley.

In fairness, it was pointed out to me by other posters that there could well have been reasons other than just total lack of concern, for non-reporting. I am not saying it applies in that case at all, but various legal issues around a vehicle/contents/substances or outstanding warrants could be reasons for someone not reporting a body they find.

That doesn't justify not calling in an anonymous tip later though, to me. In the case I'm talking about, that definitely didn't happen. One man found the body, waited a while, confided in his friend and then his friend, after another delay, finally called LE. I did get the impression from the article that the finder just didn't have much concern or sympathy. There was no criticism from LE though - I think the public's role in locating missing people is too important to them for that.
You have a point about the stumbling across remains gitana. I am absolutely haunted by the case of a hiker who stumbled across remains and decided not to call that discovery in though. Thank heavens, he did confide in his friend though, and eventually the friend informed LE.

I have no idea if that friend had once seen a missing person's poster and been touched by it so felt they had to tell police, but there has to be a chance.

What worries me so much is that there might be other walkers and hikers out there who have done the same - walked on past a missing person's remains for some reason, and maybe because they have no idea of who they are, and feel no connection with them.

I guess what I'm saying is that publicity might very well be ineffective in helping hikers to find someone, but it might be effective in ensuring if they do stumble upon someone, they have an idea who that person is and who is waiting and hoping and praying for that person to be found. So that any thought of not getting involved becomes harder.

I really hope so anyway. It had never crossed my mind before that anyone could find the body of a fellow human and not let anyone know. I found that very depressing.
Above BBM

Another reason people might not call it in is due to pure ignorance. I say this because my husband and I went to the McStay's grave site to take flowers. On the walk thru the desert my husband pointed out a pile of bones (presumably animal bones) that, when I saw them it looked to be scattered pieces of wood. I've seen many deceased people in my time, however, I had never seen skeletal remains until then. I hate to admit this, but I was so in awe of these bones that I got a bag from the car and brought them home with me. Not sure what to do with them but I have a bag of animal bones should anybody needs some.
Thanks for posting here. You are :welcome5:

However, I'm not sure how a possession of pot conviction plus being a college kid equates to the kind of intense, shadowy drug underworld connections you are inferring, especially one that would enable someone to disappear without a trace. I did drugs when I was young. I also went to college. I know plenty of people who did both and I'm also familiar with actual, real life shadowy drug underworld people. None of what I have seen here points to anything connected to a serious drug underworld.

Also, the police searched his car and stayed with him for 20 minutes, in Buttonwillow. They found no drugs and nothing suspicious. And if Bryce had been involved in such things, like dealing, there would have been a time, before he acquired "bat phones" that his behavior and connections would be traceable to his regular social media, e-mail and/or phones, via strange numbers or whatever.

Finally, Buttonwillow is quite a distance from Castaic and Bryce spoke to his mom around 2:00 a.m., minutes before his vehicle was seen going toward the lake. The second car was identified (old fisherman) and nothing came of that. His vehicle was spotted a second time going toward the lake at around 4:20 a.m. or so and then it was found at 5:30 a.m., 15 minutes after police arrived in the area for training exercises. Dogs traced human scent from his overturned vehicle, to the lake and later, traced Bryce's particular scent from the lake area, across the dam and out toward a parking area near the 5 freeway.

That indicates to me that no other car picked Bryce up at the scene of the crash or near it, because no other, unidentifiable car was seen on camera during the key times.

It also indicates, I think, that Bryce was on foot around the area of the lake. I dropped a pin near the area his vehicle was found, by main Ramp Road, and got directions on my iphone, on foot, to the nearest address to where his scent disappeared, which is a parking lot area in the recreation park. (I used an address of a building right across the street form the parking area, 32132, Castaic Lake Drive - a building surrounded by police cars, BTW. so it may be LE related).

Walking directions, which only allowed me to use Lake Hughes Road, from the dam, out, show 59 minutes (1 hour) walking to get out of the area and to the parking lot where his scent disappeared. I would imagine, going the back way around the lagoon from the dam, it would be quicker - probably closer to 40 minutes or so. And he could have easily avoided arriving police if he walked in the area around the dam, toward the lagoon and parking area (the other side of the lagoon, away from lake Hughes Road).

So, if he walked for 40 minutes to an hour, certainly no one was waiting for him at the crash site, helping him to crash his car.

It's true. Remains/bodies are found quite a bit by hikers, bikers and motorists. Just look at the McStay family. They were found by a random motorcyclist, who just happened to stop on the side of the highway where there is nothing to stop for, and who just happened to wander from that highway, 50 yards into the brush. There was no trail there and no reason for anyone to be there. But they were found. And it does happen.

Publicity may help people to keep an eye out for remains. But I just thought of something: I can;t really recall any body being found months or years or whatever, after a disappearance, by someone not specifically looking for the decedent, due to publicity. They either stumble across a body or they don't.

Publicity sure as heck would help the public to find a live young man however.

I respectfully disagree. You don't have to be deep in the drug underworld for this to involve drugs. I have 12 years of drug prosecution experience and I firmly believe drugs are involved. But I can be wrong. If we knew where he was we would find him. I don't believe the fugue state is likely but, since we have no idea where he is, I would not disagree that it is a possibility. Virtually anything is possible at this point.

I don't at all believe it is disrespectful to the family to say drugs are involved and that we need to be afraid to have that opinion. In my experience, older teens are very often involved in drugs. In this case, I have no doubt.

I really like this forum and following this case and have followed some others, including those where I am actually involved, without posting. This one seems unique in that people seem to be getting easily offended. I don't know why. I think everyone here wants to find him.
I respectfully disagree. You don't have to be deep in the drug underworld for this to involve drugs. I have 12 years of drug prosecution experience and I firmly believe drugs are involved. But I can be wrong. If we knew where he was we would find him. I don't believe the fugue state is likely but, since we have no idea where he is, I would not disagree that it is a possibility. Virtually anything is possible at this point.

I don't at all believe it is disrespectful to the family to say drugs are involved and that we need to be afraid to have that opinion. In my experience, older teens are very often involved in drugs. In this case, I have no doubt.

I really like this forum and following this case and have followed some others, including those where I am actually involved, without posting. This one seems unique in that people seem to be getting easily offended. I don't know why. I think everyone here wants to find him.

I really like this forum and following this case and have followed some others, including those where I am actually involved, without posting. This one seems unique in that people seem to be getting easily offended. I don't know why. I think everyone here wants to find him.

I respectfully disagree. You don't have to be deep in the drug underworld for this to involve drugs. I have 12 years of drug prosecution experience and I firmly believe drugs are involved. But I can be wrong. If we knew where he was we would find him. I don't believe the fugue state is likely but, since we have no idea where he is, I would not disagree that it is a possibility. Virtually anything is possible at this point.

I don't at all believe it is disrespectful to the family to say drugs are involved and that we need to be afraid to have that opinion. In my experience, older teens are very often involved in drugs. In this case, I have no doubt.

I really like this forum and following this case and have followed some others, including those where I am actually involved, without posting. This one seems unique in that people seem to be getting easily offended. I don't know why. I think everyone here wants to find him.

I'm not sure what in my post, indicated that I was offended by Cuteemoshannon's theories. Argument against a position doesn't equate to offense.

ETA: I do not create the rules here. The prohibition against proposing the Bryce as a drug dealer theory is not mine, although I certainly respect it. We are dealing with victims and victim families here. What we put online will stay there, and can affect the reputations of the deceased and living alike.

P.S., It's also great when posters who are professionals can be verified as such. Its an easy process.
I guess I just find it less offensive to say drugs are likely involved- not necessarily that he is a dealer- than it is to say he is mentally ill or dead. And I don't think there is a prohibition against that, is there? It is, in my opinion, the most viable theory there is.

I occasionally read up on this story because I have a personal link to it and stumbled upon it. I don't foresee myself becoming such an active sleuther that I need to confirm my occupation, but if I ever get that desire, I will. Until then I am okay with an accusation that I am not an attorney. I don't find it that impressive of a title that I would fake it- I would probably go for cardiovascular surgeon or something more respected. :)
I have not been posting, as what is there to say? But I do not find it unreasonable to mention drugs as a factor, when he is known to have a drugs charge and is said to have taken some pills apparently not prescribed to him in the days before he disappeared. I think it would be short-sighted not to include drugs as a possible factor in whatever happened.
I guess I just find it less offensive to say drugs are likely involved- not necessarily that he is a dealer- than it is to say he is mentally ill or dead. And I don't think there is a prohibition against that, is there? It is, in my opinion, the most viable theory there is.

I occasionally read up on this story because I have a personal link to it and stumbled upon it. I don't foresee myself becoming such an active sleuther that I need to confirm my occupation, but if I ever get that desire, I will. Until then I am okay with an accusation that I am not an attorney. I don't find it that impressive of a title that I would fake it- I would probably go for cardiovascular surgeon or something more respected. :)

Drugs and mentally illness can go hand in hand. It's called Dual Diagnosis. It's not uncommon for a person afflicted with mental illness to use or be addicted to drugs. Much harder to treat.
One of the great things about WS is that we have respect and care for all victims and missing persons. Here, we do not have to deal with posters casting negativity or passing judgement towards those who have been involved in the sex trade, drugs, suffer from mental illness, etc. Unfortunately, publicly there is such a negative stigma towards mental illness, or missing persons who have been involved in less than wholesome activities. Every missing person deserves to be cared about, looked for, and reunited with their family (whether in life or death). I feel that at WS, posters do a great job of discussing all types of activity without passing judgement.

I don't know what Bryce could have been involved with. I do think there are plenty of possibilities… but I don't think that here on WS we will find out any further details than what we already know. Kslyfoxy has shared as much as she feels comfortable sharing at this time, I believe. I am quite sure that Bryce's friends and family realize the importance of being 100% transparent with LE, so I hope all angles are being pursued by investigators (although it seems their investigation has really died down). It is possible that Bryce kept some things to himself and only he could shed light on the puzzle pieces we are missing. I am resisting my usual temptation to speculate about unknown activities in order to follow the guidelines here at WS and refrain from hurting Bryce's loved ones. Sadly, I am not sure what else to do to help Bryce at this time so I focus on sending positive thoughts his way and praying for his safe return home.

What I do know, and choose to focus on, is that Bryce seems to be an extremely sweet and caring individual with a great smile. I am constantly hoping for a resolution to this difficult time for Bryce's friends and family.
One of the great things about WS is that we have respect and care for all victims and missing persons. Here, we do not have to deal with posters casting negativity or passing judgement towards those who have been involved in the sex trade, drugs, suffer from mental illness, etc. Unfortunately, publicly there is such a negative stigma towards mental illness, or missing persons who have been involved in less than wholesome activities. Every missing person deserves to be cared about, looked for, and reunited with their family (whether in life or death). I feel that at WS, posters do a great job of discussing all types of activity without passing judgement.

I don't know what Bryce could have been involved with. I do think there are plenty of possibilities… but I don't think that here on WS we will find out any further details than what we already know. Kslyfoxy has shared as much as she feels comfortable sharing at this time, I believe. I am quite sure that Bryce's friends and family realize the importance of being 100% transparent with LE, so I hope all angles are being pursued by investigators (although it seems their investigation has really died down). It is possible that Bryce kept some things to himself and only he could shed light on the puzzle pieces we are missing. I am resisting my usual temptation to speculate about unknown activities in order to follow the guidelines here at WS and refrain from hurting Bryce's loved ones. Sadly, I am not sure what else to do to help Bryce at this time so I focus on sending positive thoughts his way and praying for his safe return home.

What I do know, and choose to focus on, is that Bryce seems to be an extremely sweet and caring individual with a great smile. I am constantly hoping for a resolution to this difficult time for Bryce's friends and family.

That's a beautiful post, Dixie. Thank you.
Drugs and mentally illness can go hand in hand. It's called Dual Diagnosis. It's not uncommon for a person afflicted with mental illness to use or be addicted to drugs. Much harder to treat.

I know. We have both a drug court and a mental health court where I work. We have so many dual diagnosis individuals that we struggle often with where to place them. And treatment can be incredibly difficult.

I respectfully disagree. You don't have to be deep in the drug underworld for this to involve drugs. I have 12 years of drug prosecution experience and I firmly believe drugs are involved. But I can be wrong. If we knew where he was we would find him. I don't believe the fugue state is likely but, since we have no idea where he is, I would not disagree that it is a possibility. Virtually anything is possible at this point.

I don't at all believe it is disrespectful to the family to say drugs are involved and that we need to be afraid to have that opinion. In my experience, older teens are very often involved in drugs. In this case, I have no doubt.

I really like this forum and following this case and have followed some others, including those where I am actually involved, without posting. This one seems uniqu
in that people seem to be getting easily offended. I don't know why. I think everyone
here wants to find him.

This post is worth a second posting. My thoughts exactly as I follow these threads.
One of the great things about WS is that we have respect and care for all victims and missing persons. Here, we do not have to deal with posters casting negativity or passing judgement towards those who have been involved in the sex trade, drugs, suffer from mental illness, etc. Unfortunately, publicly there is such a negative stigma towards mental illness, or missing persons who have been involved in less than wholesome activities. Every missing person deserves to be cared about, looked for, and reunited with their family (whether in life or death). I feel that at WS, posters do a great job of discussing all types of activity without passing judgement.

I don't know what Bryce could have been involved with. I do think there are plenty of possibilities… but I don't think that here on WS we will find out any further details than what we already know. Kslyfoxy has shared as much as she feels comfortable sharing at this time, I believe. I am quite sure that Bryce's friends and family realize the importance of being 100% transparent with LE, so I hope all angles are being
pursued by investigators (although it seems their investigation has really died down).
It is possible that Bryce kept some things to himself and only he could shed light on
the puzzle pieces we are missing. I am resisting my usual temptation to speculate
about unknown activities in order to follow the guidelines here at WS and refrain from
hurting Bryce's loved ones. Sadly, I am not sure what else to do to help Bryce at this
time so I focus on sending positive thoughts his way and praying for his safe return

What I do know, and choose to focus on, is that Bryce seems to be an extremely
sweet and caring individual with a great smile. I am constantly hoping for a
resolution to this difficult time for Bryce's friends and family.

I think he met with foul play. Nothing good happens along that corridor at that time of night.
You have a point about the stumbling across remains gitana. I am absolutely haunted by the case of a hiker who stumbled across remains and decided not to call that discovery in though. Thank heavens, he did confide in his friend though, and eventually the friend informed LE.

I have no idea if that friend had once seen a missing person's poster and been touched by it so felt they had to tell police, but there has to be a chance.

What worries me so much is that there might be other walkers and hikers out there who have done the same - walked on past a missing person's remains for some reason, and maybe because they have no idea of who they are, and feel no connection with them.

I guess what I'm saying is that publicity might very well be ineffective in helping hikers to find someone, but it might be effective in ensuring if they do stumble upon someone, they have an idea who that person is and who is waiting and hoping and praying for that person to be found. So that any thought of not getting involved becomes harder.

I really hope so anyway. It had never crossed my mind before that anyone could find the body of a fellow human and not let anyone know. I found that very depressing.

I know it's OT but does ppl know what human remains look like? I believe I could stumble upon bones and never in a million yrs think or believe they were human. I would most likely think it must be from animals and then propably not think more about that. Also I would freak out if I realized they were human so my brain would never allow me to even think that for one moment. I just don't think ppl know.

Unless there is clearly some type of clothing remaining or a skull etc.
Side note: The NY case of Colin Gillis needs some eyes. I think it's just as interesting and compelling as Bryce's in a lot of ways, but it's not as recent. I enjoy reading your theories and ideas and think many could translate on his case. Hope to see you over there.

As far as Bryce, I am still praying so hard. Hurts my heart he isn't located. I feel like he's alive but not in a good mental state. Either drugs or otherwise. I know many agree and many disagree. I just have to think that he's alive.

Can someone let me know if there are new active searches for Bryce by his family? I may have missed a post about it. I live right by his IL hometown but haven't heard anything here (guess I wouldn't expect to, but he's one of ours, too!).
I'm not sure what in my post, indicated that I was offended by Cuteemoshannon's theories. Argument against a position doesn't equate to offense.

ETA: I do not create the rules here. The prohibition against proposing the Bryce as a drug dealer theory is not mine, although I certainly respect it. We are dealing with victims and victim families here. What we put online will stay there, and can affect the reputations of the deceased and living alike.

P.S., It's also great when posters who are professionals can be verified as such. Its an easy process.

I agree that the main thing here is too try to stop bad mouthing the dead because at this point the internet never forgets anything.

Alternatively, I am of the opinion that in this case specifically, there was a noticeable level of hypersensitivity especially when more people were interested in it.

The sensitivity at one point was not limited to drugs, but even speculation about the physics of the crash and the appearance of the damaged SUV.

A large scale amount of drama even took place over the location of the accident itself.

I really just hope Bryce is found. I have no opinion about the motives for the sensitivity,but since it seems that the posters have turned over to new people since the more active phase of this case, I thought it would be helpful to remember some of the history in order for this drama to end.
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