CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #8

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Can anyone make out what the ?structures? are in the following map not too far from crash site? One larger ?structure? and about 9 smaller ?structures/objects?. TIA,+Los+Angeles+County,+California&t=h&z=19

That sure is odd. One building and some small random but identical out buildings. To me it looks like some sort of research station with sensors planted in the ground or somewhere where explosive devices or ammunition might be stored in the small bunker like buildings. The path ways are clear indicating use, but do not appear to be concrete.
That sure is odd. One building and some small random but identical out buildings. To me it looks like some sort of research station with sensors planted in the ground or somewhere where explosive devices or ammunition might be stored in the small bunker like buildings. The path ways are clear indicating use, but do not appear to be concrete.

You can see them a little closer with this map, still can't tell what they are:,+Los+Angeles+County,+California&t=h&z=19
^ that area you all are talking about is the old Baal Point campground, which is not used any more. The road into it is blocked up at Lake Hughes Rd., where people park & walk into the area to picnic or go down to the shore to fish. There are trails running down to the shore line, some more steep than others.
It is now raining in the Santa Clarita Valley for the first time since Bryce disappeared, making me think that if someone has been in touch with area homeless shelters, this might be a good time to check in with them.

I think we only have one homeless shelter in Santa Clarita, and that is the Bridge To Home off of Railroad Avenue on Drayton. I believe they are now open
until March. Has anyone checked around the Midnight Mission downtown L.A.? I still keep my eyes peeled everywhere I go....
I think we only have one homeless shelter in Santa Clarita, and that is the Bridge To Home off of Railroad Avenue on Drayton. I believe they are now open
until March. Has anyone checked around the Midnight Mission downtown L.A.? I still keep my eyes peeled everywhere I go....

On Bridge to Home's FB page they posted Nov. 18 that it was one week until their opening date. So Nov. 25 is when they open.
^ that area you all are talking about is the old Baal Point campground, which is not used any more. The road into it is blocked up at Lake Hughes Rd., where people park & walk into the area to picnic or go down to the shore to fish. There are trails running down to the shore line, some more steep than others.

sres, as I was reading all those posts I thought 'I am going to link this to sres who will no doubt be able to sort this question out in a lickety spit.'....and then I saw your input was already there.

Are you content about that cove you mentioned earlier, or still concerned it's somewhere Bryce could be?
Is the new tipline on the flyer a private one, set up by family, does anyone know?
I've been thinking about Bryce, and homeless shelters etc. I know they are the first thoughts that come to mind, for people who may be hiding but......beds and places are in short supply, and often they are not that pleasant. Especially if you haven't had any experience of living with people with some of the problems homeless people often have.

Just going on what I have been able to guess about Bryce's background, I'd think it might be more likely he would try and get some kind of work - and probably go somewhere he would be likely to meet the kind of people he is more familiar with; young, educated, middle class? I actually think this might be easier for him to achieve and remain unnoticed, than getting a place at a homeless shelter might be, especially if he crossed state lines.

I don't know how easy it is to get work without documentation, but I'd think Bryce would stand quite a good chance of not being questioned too closely about his possible immigration status? Once he had work, especially if there were people there around his own age, I don't think he would find it that difficult to get a flat share or a couch somewhere, on an unofficial basis.

It's just a thought, because there seems to be a fair number of longer term missing people found who have got themselves new jobs, homes and even spouses and families. And a lot more who have just found someone to stay with. I'm not sure how they manage it when they often seem to have left with no money, but somehow they do.
If Bryce has any old friends from years ago who moved away and haven't been contacted yet, I think they should be. I know of a young guy who fought with his parents and stormed off, and turned up in the apartment of someone he last saw when he was five years old!

ETA - not suggesting Bryce fought with HIS parents here. I've seen nothing to suggest that.
I've been thinking about Bryce, and homeless shelters etc. I know they are the first thoughts that come to mind, for people who may be hiding but......beds and places are in short supply, and often they are not that pleasant. Especially if you haven't had any experience of living with people with some of the problems homeless people often have.

Just going on what I have been able to guess about Bryce's background, I'd think it might be more likely he would try and get some kind of work - and probably go somewhere he would be likely to meet the kind of people he is more familiar with; young, educated, middle class? I actually think this might be easier for him to achieve and remain unnoticed, than getting a place at a homeless shelter might be, especially if he crossed state lines.

I don't know how easy it is to get work without documentation, but I'd think Bryce would stand quite a good chance of not being questioned too closely about his possible immigration status? Once he had work, especially if there were people there around his own age, I don't think he would find it that difficult to get a flat share or a couch somewhere, on an unofficial basis.

It's just a thought, because there seems to be a fair number of longer term missing people found who have got themselves new jobs, homes and even spouses and families. And a lot more who have just found someone to stay with. I'm not sure how they manage it when they often seem to have left with no money, but somehow they do.

These are good thoughts and ideas but Im Just not feeling in my heart that this is the situation. I think Bryce would love to be with his family and friends now, today if he could to share a wonderful thanksgiving meal surrounded with his gracious loving family in a warm welcoming loving home. Not with strangers.

I hope God answers all our prayers.

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sres, as I was reading all those posts I thought 'I am going to link this to sres who will no doubt be able to sort this question out in a lickety spit.'....and then I saw your input was already there.

Are you content about that cove you mentioned earlier, or still concerned it's somewhere Bryce could be?

lol,Zwie, yes I knew exactly where they were talking about...

Hmm, I still have concerns about that cove and accessibility over in that general area. I realize LE has said one thing... and while this may not be a popular belief, me being the rebel I am, I still cling to the thought that more intensive ground searches might be beneficial in this case....because I feel there are still uncleared areas...........imvho.
I've been thinking about Bryce, and homeless shelters etc. I know they are the first thoughts that come to mind, for people who may be hiding but......beds and places are in short supply, and often they are not that pleasant. Especially if you haven't had any experience of living with people with some of the problems homeless people often have.

Just going on what I have been able to guess about Bryce's background, I'd think it might be more likely he would try and get some kind of work - and probably go somewhere he would be likely to meet the kind of people he is more familiar with; young, educated, middle class? I actually think this might be easier for him to achieve and remain unnoticed, than getting a place at a homeless shelter might be, especially if he crossed state lines.

I don't know how easy it is to get work without documentation, but I'd think Bryce would stand quite a good chance of not being questioned too closely about his possible immigration status? Once he had work, especially if there were people there around his own age, I don't think he would find it that difficult to get a flat share or a couch somewhere, on an unofficial basis.

Zwiebel, funny how I was putting together such a scenario in my mind while in the train on the way to work.

Going off on my own here: I thought of how Bryce could have left a shelter somewhere to get work that didn't require documentation; there is plenty of it around and it doesn't necessarily involve just day labor. In fact I'm sure some shelter employees help people get it. I don't think it's entirely implausible that someone like Bryce could strike up a friendship with a young person who would then take him home where he could sleep on the sofa, then the days stretching into weeks and months. Say the family were Latino, who are known to be extremely hospitable. They might not mind at all; in fact they might be happy to have him there. Perhaps they don't speak or read English well and so have not been as exposed to the English-language media (I believe I saw only one poster in Spanish).

I haven't been watching Spanish-language TV lately but the person who was dealing with the local news stations might want to contact Univision or Azteca to see if they can run a news item.
Some 19 year olds are very mature for their age - others most definitely are not. If Bryce has found a place to stay with someone around his own age, it is possible they are still young and silly enough to not let someone know, even if they are aware he is a missing person.

I am still hoping there will be many more searches around the Lake though. To be honest, I am a bit unnerved by LE telling family they are sure Bryce isn't there, alive or dead. That seems a very, very confident thing to say, given Bryce is a healthy young guy and could have walked a long way. And all that terrain out there......I don't know, I'm not a SAR expert. Maybe they feel they have some proof he left the area, but I don't know what that could be.
By proof he left the area I mean hitching a ride out of there, or walking along the highway. If LE thinks he headed out into the wilds, they'd still be searching for him, I would hope.
Half my post got lost there. I was going to add that I'd like to know if it's possible Bryce was wearing an undershirt and had a baseball cap or hat in the car. If he was worried about anyone seeing him, I'd think the first thing he would get rid of would be a check shirt. If he had a cap too.......he might then have been a guy in a white vest and black cap, for example. Which wouldn't fit the description of Bryce at all.
What was the result of the phone records kslyfoxy? TIA

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The other day I posted my belief that Bryce, after crashing the vehicle, saw all the LE vehicles parked for their training exersize, and fled, possibly trying to swim to shore. ( Any shoreline away from LE activity.) The more I've thought of this, the more convinced I am that this is what happened. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that when it was learned LE was having a training exersize right there! RDW also posted similar, more articulate thoughts that I totally agree with. I don't think drugs had any part in what happened to Bryce at least at the time of the crash. I don't believe Bryce had a mental illness or pyschotic break either, or is wandering around in some fugue state, or hiding intentionally either.

Here are my reasons on what I think happened to Bryce and why.

1. Bryce and his family had only lived in California about a year.

2. Bryce had not ever lived on his own, as far as I know, and to me, seemed to be very close to his family, as well as dependant. I get the feeling Bryce was somewhat sheltered. Now Bryce is living in a new state, miles from his parents, and had never made the drive from his dorm to his parents house on his own.

3.Bryce ran out of gas, and after Christian brought him some gas, Christian goes back to where he had encountered Bryce at the request of Bryce's mom. I'm sure Bryce was surprised and maybe not real pleased about that.

4. When Bryce was in Buttonwillow, LE responds to missing persons report, locates Bryce pinging phone, and at the request of mom, checks Bryce out, as well as the vehicle, to see whether there were any signs of drugs or drug usage by Bryce. He also was asked to speak to his mom on the phone while LE is present. No drug usage detected or found in vehicle by LE. I don't think Bryce anticipated this, and was probably feeling he was being tracked, which in turn frustrated him more than he may have been before, to say the least.

5. Bryce crashes the vehicle accidently, and more than likely, saw the line of LE vehicles right there. Now, just imagine what Bryce must have thought then? It must have seemed to Bryce as if he'd entered the twilight zone or something! I mean, he must have thought his every move was being tracked by then, so that is why he leaves the cell phone, laptop, etc. At this point, Bryce is probably thinking he's in huge trouble. So, what does one do now? I think Bryce panicked, understandably so, and fled the scene of the crashed vehicle, and LE activity.

I think Bryce fled either by trying to swim away to another part of the shore away from LE activity,if that was an option, so that dogs wouldn't be able to follow his scent. BTW, I can't remember right now, but when LE located Bryce earlier, and checked him and the vehicle for signs of drugs and/or drug use, did they have a drug detecting dog with them?

If this is what happened, Bryce either did or didn't make it to shore, and something happened to him in the lake, or in the area surrounding the lake. If Bryce didn't go into the lake, he could have fled on foot away from any and all LE activity, as well as human activity. For instance, Bryce may have wanted to avoid anyone in the immediate vicinity, thinking that LE would be canvassing the area looking for him, and not wanting to take a chance that anyone had spotted him. Bryce likely fled into the wooded area, and since we don't know what if any significant injuries he may have sustained, succumbed to injuries that resulted from the crash. If Bryce had no significant injuries, he may have fled into the wooded areas around the lake, but away from LE and human activity, found somewhere to hide and wait things out until he felt he could safely leave the area, perhaps getting lost and disoriented from everything, may have injured himself while doing so, and either succumbed to injuries and/or the elements.

Two theories I've thought of but personally discount are Bryce still alive but in hiding and suicide.

The last theory I have thought about is Bryce managed to get out of the immediate area withoout being seen, and encountering foul play. I think this theory is not very likely, but it is possible.

In my opinion Bryce is no longer alive, and is either in the lake or in the wooded areas around the lake. To me this case is about an unfortunate chain of events no one could have forseen, made worse by bad choices, which sadly culminated in Bryce's death.

*Now, for the record, I am not bashing Bryce's family or Bryce. I also don't think anyone should have to fear giving their opinions and theories in any given case out of fear of political correctness, or being accused of 'bashing' the victim and/or family members and loved ones. This is a general statement, and not directed toward anyone in particular, but I have noticed that at times in some of the cases here, and no doubt elsewhere, which naturally have people with differing opinions, sometimes things are taken the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. And I wish I didn't feel the need to write this last paragraph, <Sigh>.*

I pray Bryce will be found soon, and his family have the answers they so desperately need.
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