CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #9

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I should have clarified my last comment... Reduces the probability of suicide at that particular lake/location....
From the fb page: "Possible sighting at 8:45am today. This is the message that was sent into the facebook page:

Started to see new person with long red hair and beard – Glendale FWY 134 East exit Pacific. Looks skinny, but in 2 years I would not be surprised. Tried to take a picture unsuccessfully. This week he with girl-2 young homeless. Today he stay exit to 134 west, the girl exit to east. I saw them 8:45. Yesterday he left to bushes by fwy when i try to take a picture.

If anyone is in the area and can locate this person and take a picture."
that would be the craziest thing. if it is him, perhaps he had a mental break. schizophrenia onset? so many possibilities.

From the fb page: "Possible sighting at 8:45am today. This is the message that was sent into the facebook page:

Started to see new person with long red hair and beard – Glendale FWY 134 East exit Pacific. Looks skinny, but in 2 years I would not be surprised. Tried to take a picture unsuccessfully. This week he with girl-2 young homeless. Today he stay exit to 134 west, the girl exit to east. I saw them 8:45. Yesterday he left to bushes by fwy when i try to take a picture.

If anyone is in the area and can locate this person and take a picture."
From the fb page: "Possible sighting at 8:45am today. This is the message that was sent into the facebook page:

Started to see new person with long red hair and beard – Glendale FWY 134 East exit Pacific. Looks skinny, but in 2 years I would not be surprised. Tried to take a picture unsuccessfully. This week he with girl-2 young homeless. Today he stay exit to 134 west, the girl exit to east. I saw them 8:45. Yesterday he left to bushes by fwy when i try to take a picture.

If anyone is in the area and can locate this person and take a picture."

It sounds like the same guy spotted a few times in the same area years ago. All people have to do is ask to see if he has the tattoo, pierced ear. I'm always baffled how people find the time to post these sightings without doing s little more checking before getting the parents hopes up.
It sounds like the same guy spotted a few times in the same area years ago. All people have to do is ask to see if he has the tattoo, pierced ear. I'm always baffled how people find the time to post these sightings without doing s little more checking before getting the parents hopes up.
Yup! Not going to get excited until we have more verification. A sighting of a redhead in California is meaningless.
Well he gave away his most treasured belongings to his friends, accelerated down a cliff after checking it out three times beforehand. Obviously, he thought he would die either from the fall or he thought his vehicle would plow into the lake and sink with him in it. He took off around the lake because it was a busy weekend and he didn't want to be caught and have his plans foiled. He could have hitched a ride and continued out his plan at another location and was never found. I hope for a miracle but it's looking like this was his intent. Young people commit suicide everyday in the US. It's hard to imagine this happens but unfortunately it does.

This was a recent sad case of Nicole Mittendorff a beautiful young female firefighter who took her own life from suicide hanging in Shenandoah National Park.

Sadly, I agree with your theory. Although, I believe he is in the lake near where his car was found.
Sadly, I agree with your theory. Although, I believe he is in the lake near where his car was found.

I agree. That's a big lake the first dog on the scene when Bryce's scent was fresh hit straight into the lake. I would think that would be most reliable.

There was a post on the find Bryce Laspisa FB page years ago from a guy who own SARS dogs and on his own time took it upon himself free of charge without being asked took his dogs to Castaic. I for the life of me can't remember his name. I can't remember if it was the upper or lower east or west corner of Lake but the dogs did hit on scent of human remains. The post asked the Laspisa's to please contact him for more info. It was very quickly removed by the Laspisa family. I googled the guy at that time and he had a very good reputation with his dogs. I think that was at a time the family was completely in denial Bryce might have been deceased and was in the lake.
I think in these cases the family want to keep the public motivated to try to find the missing person. I think people tend to be less likely to look feverishly if they think the person is deceased. And, alot of volunteers don't want to find a deceased person. I remember one search I helped with, and we were all spooked looking in oil drums and such. It was a grim task, and I so highly respect those who volunteer for these searches.
Just saw the ID Disappeared video again. Poor guy had many emotional problems,I think. I think his parents are in denial about it. At first I thought he just walked away. But sadly I think he's no longer with us. My heat breaks for his family.
I saw the episode too. I think he had emotional problems as well.
Three years and counting
Parents of Bryce Laspisa still hope for son's return

Though his case is still open with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, three years later, no additional clues or answers related to Bryce’s disappearance have turned up.

Active searches for the teenager have mostly wound down, but hopes for his resurfacing continue to grow.

Though some people, including law enforcement, believe Bryce is voluntarily missing, the Laspisas’ disagree.

“If Bryce is still alive out there, he doesn’t know who he is,” Karen Laspisa said. “I truly don’t believe Bryce is willingly not contacting me.
So sad. I'm sure the Angels are taking good care of him. [emoji1317]
I'm very late on this one. Somehow I had never heard about this until I saw the billboard in Castaic recently and started reading more on the Internet, I watched the disappeared show, read through most of the 9 threads on here and I've been trying to put the puzzle together. I had actually went through Castaic, Buttonwillow etc on a trip to Northern California that weekend but several days after it all took place.

There are a few things that I didn't really see much info about so I'm not sure if they were covered. It seems that he had lived in Illinois through high school and then moved out to California with his family. I thought it seemed a little odd that someone who had just moved to southern California would go 7-8 hours to Northern California to go to a community college. I don't think that's a school people typically move away to go to. That detail seems important because it would indicate that he is the type of person who is not afraid to drop everything and relocate.

I also didn't understand the Xbox story. It said he gave the Xbox to his roommate but why would you give something to someone you lived with? That hints at a plan to escape. Whether it be suicide, running away, moving away, etc. I also thought it was strange that he reportedly told the roommate he would be back on Labor Day. It was early in the school year and unless he had a schedule that didn't have Thursday or Friday classes, that is a bad time of year to be missing classes. When I was in school, that would get you dropped from classes. The text messages between him and the roommate also seemed way too heavy. Even if this was just the drugs and sleep deprivation doing the talking, it speaks to his mind state at the time.

The show also seemed to try to focus heavily on the theory that he bumped his head in the accident and has amnesia. While that's a possibility, the other details seemed to indicate he was trying to break away and the show seemed like it was not telling not the whole story. Maybe the assumption is that if people think he was depressed and on drugs, there is no reason to look for him but I think it's best to explore all possible ideas, not just the ones we prefer. I actually don't think the amnesia story is a happy one unless we assume that seeing family and friends will make him regain his memory.

I'm assuming they did thorough checks on his phone and computer to see who he had been talking to and what he had been saying on those days and if he had done searches on any specific areas. Possibly areas that are easy to panhandle and live as a homeless person, places with communes, religious sects, etc. I am guessing nothing came out of that and maybe he even had a burner phone if the plan was more elaborate.

I am not convinced he ever planned to see his parents. I think it's just the assumption because his house was in that direction. He drove through the night and ended up in the Bakersfield area. The paper trail starts at 9am but he could have arrived there a few hours earlier. His parents only found out he was there because of the credit card charges so unless he was planning to surprise them, he may have been in that area for another reason entirely.

Since he had been up all night (and some stories indicate he had been up for as many as 3 days straight), I don't think it's that odd that he rested in the Bakersfield area for so long. It does seem weird that he was not answering his phone or being very forthcoming about his plans. Since he did seem calm and aware according to those who saw and talked to him, he doesn't sound like someone pondering suicide. It would seem that being approached by police and being forced to talk to his parents and stuff would have rattled him if he was in an emotional state.

I feel bad that people are critical of his parents for not driving up to see him. According to the timeline, they thought he was leaving the area at 12pm and didn't find out he was still there until 9pm. If they left their house at 9, they would have been there after midnight and how silly would it be to be in Bakersfield at midnight and your son is arriving to an empty house 3-4 hours away?

The easiest explanation to me is that he was supposed to be meeting someone there. Maybe a friend, maybe a drug contact, maybe someone that was going to help him escape, etc but again, if his phone showed no evidence of that, he would have needed a burner phone to pull this off.

As he progresses through Castaic, I am not sure why he stops there. The grapevine is the most treacherous part of the whole drive (and if suicide is your plan, has the best cliffs for doing that) and I always feel like I'm home once I get to that area. I would feel much safer driving two more hours and getting home than sleeping in a car in a dark area. It also makes no sense why he is driving around that small area for hours. Maybe the GPS malfunctioned and he got lost? Or maybe he was looking for a place out of the way and somehow lost control and then panicked when his car was destroyed. Or he was purposely trying to stage a crash so he could run away and it was foiled because it didn't reach the water. Maybe he had to act quickly because he was realizing he was leaving a paper trail.

I also wonder if maybe things weren't strange at all. He was just dead tired from being up so long and finally had it catch up to him. He gets down to Castaic, has an accident while trying to find a safe place to sleep, can't find his phone and goes for help but by awful luck, the first person he comes across is bad news.

I just don't believe he killed himself there. If driving off the ravine was an attempt to do that, it was sloppy. There's no guarantee he would have died in a crash into the water and drowning is not a quick and painless way to do it. It seems hard to believe that if that was his plan a, that he would have had a plan B that would have allowed him to die without being found. It's pretty hard to do that.

I think he left the area quickly. People would remember seeing a red haired college kid wandering around for too long. He had to either have a get away driver, a good story "hey mr trucker, its pledge week and I need to make it back to ____ by tomorrow to get into my frat, can you help?", or a "Good Samaritan" picked him up and turned out to be something bad.

My hunch is that he was going to run away, possibly temporarily, but maybe it got escalated because of the way things played out. The roommate even said he thought he was just hiding out for a few days. Maybe he adjusted well to life off the grid and doesn't have desire or doesn't really know how to step back into his regular life again. I wouldn't be shocked if the roommate knows more than he shared with everyone but is respecting Bryce's wishes not to tell people.

I just hope there is some kind of conclusion to this story. It's so horrible for his loved ones to not know if he is still out there somewhere or if he is in need.
I'm very late on this one. Somehow I had never heard about this until I saw the billboard in Castaic recently and started reading more on the Internet, I watched the disappeared show, read through most of the 9 threads on here and I've been trying to put the puzzle together. I had actually went through Castaic, Buttonwillow etc on a trip to Northern California that weekend but several days after it all took place.

There are a few things that I didn't really see much info about so I'm not sure if they were covered. It seems that he had lived in Illinois through high school and then moved out to California with his family. I thought it seemed a little odd that someone who had just moved to southern California would go 7-8 hours to Northern California to go to a community college. I don't think that's a school people typically move away to go to. That detail seems important because it would indicate that he is the type of person who is not afraid to drop everything and relocate.

I also didn't understand the Xbox story. It said he gave the Xbox to his roommate but why would you give something to someone you lived with? That hints at a plan to escape. Whether it be suicide, running away, moving away, etc. I also thought it was strange that he reportedly told the roommate he would be back on Labor Day. It was early in the school year and unless he had a schedule that didn't have Thursday or Friday classes, that is a bad time of year to be missing classes. When I was in school, that would get you dropped from classes. The text messages between him and the roommate also seemed way too heavy. Even if this was just the drugs and sleep deprivation doing the talking, it speaks to his mind state at the time.

The show also seemed to try to focus heavily on the theory that he bumped his head in the accident and has amnesia. While that's a possibility, the other details seemed to indicate he was trying to break away and the show seemed like it was not telling not the whole story. Maybe the assumption is that if people think he was depressed and on drugs, there is no reason to look for him but I think it's best to explore all possible ideas, not just the ones we prefer. I actually don't think the amnesia story is a happy one unless we assume that seeing family and friends will make him regain his memory.

I'm assuming they did thorough checks on his phone and computer to see who he had been talking to and what he had been saying on those days and if he had done searches on any specific areas. Possibly areas that are easy to panhandle and live as a homeless person, places with communes, religious sects, etc. I am guessing nothing came out of that and maybe he even had a burner phone if the plan was more elaborate.

I am not convinced he ever planned to see his parents. I think it's just the assumption because his house was in that direction. He drove through the night and ended up in the Bakersfield area. The paper trail starts at 9am but he could have arrived there a few hours earlier. His parents only found out he was there because of the credit card charges so unless he was planning to surprise them, he may have been in that area for another reason entirely.

Since he had been up all night (and some stories indicate he had been up for as many as 3 days straight), I don't think it's that odd that he rested in the Bakersfield area for so long. It does seem weird that he was not answering his phone or being very forthcoming about his plans. Since he did seem calm and aware according to those who saw and talked to him, he doesn't sound like someone pondering suicide. It would seem that being approached by police and being forced to talk to his parents and stuff would have rattled him if he was in an emotional state.

I feel bad that people are critical of his parents for not driving up to see him. According to the timeline, they thought he was leaving the area at 12pm and didn't find out he was still there until 9pm. If they left their house at 9, they would have been there after midnight and how silly would it be to be in Bakersfield at midnight and your son is arriving to an empty house 3-4 hours away?

The easiest explanation to me is that he was supposed to be meeting someone there. Maybe a friend, maybe a drug contact, maybe someone that was going to help him escape, etc but again, if his phone showed no evidence of that, he would have needed a burner phone to pull this off.

As he progresses through Castaic, I am not sure why he stops there. The grapevine is the most treacherous part of the whole drive (and if suicide is your plan, has the best cliffs for doing that) and I always feel like I'm home once I get to that area. I would feel much safer driving two more hours and getting home than sleeping in a car in a dark area. It also makes no sense why he is driving around that small area for hours. Maybe the GPS malfunctioned and he got lost? Or maybe he was looking for a place out of the way and somehow lost control and then panicked when his car was destroyed. Or he was purposely trying to stage a crash so he could run away and it was foiled because it didn't reach the water. Maybe he had to act quickly because he was realizing he was leaving a paper trail.

I also wonder if maybe things weren't strange at all. He was just dead tired from being up so long and finally had it catch up to him. He gets down to Castaic, has an accident while trying to find a safe place to sleep, can't find his phone and goes for help but by awful luck, the first person he comes across is bad news.

I just don't believe he killed himself there. If driving off the ravine was an attempt to do that, it was sloppy. There's no guarantee he would have died in a crash into the water and drowning is not a quick and painless way to do it. It seems hard to believe that if that was his plan a, that he would have had a plan B that would have allowed him to die without being found. It's pretty hard to do that.

I think he left the area quickly. People would remember seeing a red haired college kid wandering around for too long. He had to either have a get away driver, a good story "hey mr trucker, its pledge week and I need to make it back to ____ by tomorrow to get into my frat, can you help?", or a "Good Samaritan" picked him up and turned out to be something bad.

My hunch is that he was going to run away, possibly temporarily, but maybe it got escalated because of the way things played out. The roommate even said he thought he was just hiding out for a few days. Maybe he adjusted well to life off the grid and doesn't have desire or doesn't really know how to step back into his regular life again. I wouldn't be shocked if the roommate knows more than he shared with everyone but is respecting Bryce's wishes not to tell people.

I just hope there is some kind of conclusion to this story. It's so horrible for his loved ones to not know if he is still out there somewhere or if he is in need.

. I hate to correct you, but it was Buttonwillow he was stopped in, not Bakersfield. Totally different freeway- Bakersfield is off Highway 99 and is a major city, Buttonwillow is right on I5. I agree with your theory that he ran off, the cops seem to think he hitched a ride off I5 also. The reason for the parents to possibly have driven up and get him (not that far away they could've made it in less than 3 hours, and no traffic at night) is because he procrastinated and hung out so long in Buttonwillow that mom had to call CHP to prompt him to get back on the road, and girlfriend thought he was so impaired she took his keys. I know this route well and have stopped in Buttonwillow many times in my life, as I grew up in So.Cal, moved to Nor. Cal, but my family is still in So. Cal, so I make this drive 1-3x/year. I've driven it often. There is literally nothing to do in Buttonwillow unless you live there. It's basically a pitstop off the highway both directions for people to get gas, food, use the restroom, and maybe grab a motel room if the drive is too long and it's getting late. It gets incredibly hot there and usually stinks like cow poop (Not kidding about that). So noone wants to be in Buttonwillow for longer than 30 min if they don't have to. This was a major red flag.
P.S. If they really thought he'd continue on the road, and miss them when they drove up to get him, a simple solution would be for one person to stay home. Or leave him keys somewhere.
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