CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #3

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Thanks for the clarification! Original posts and reposts seem tricky to differentiate.

I guess i've answered my own question regarding "reblogging". That reference to EL being raped at 17 has nothing to do with Elisa at all. It seems it is merely a post she brought in from another site that belongs to KH:

I guess it's really important that we go back to determine precisely what relates to EL herself comapared to what she may have brought in from other sites that she found interesting merely because of her interest and studies in psychology.

Hmmm... I just can't get my mind of this case. I don't follow crime investigations usually, so maybe some things that strike me as odd are reasonably common in cases like this. But there are just so many bizare things going on about this - I am in now way sure which theroy I would believe, but I just felt like sumarizing the things that keep going around my head:

-) We have a young woman who takes a longer trip through several cities on her own, with the intended final destination being an organic farm. From her tumblr we know that she had psychological problems of some extent and from what an alleged friend of her on reddit said, she has already "disapeared" in some way once before (although obviously that is not confirmed). However, to me, her final posts sound very optimistic... shortly before departing she says something to the likes of "life is difficult but there are moments that make it worth it". So for me, a planned suicide seems the least likely. Her tone just sounded too optimistic, she was aware of her problems but seemed to be willing to try to overcome them. I do think she was likely stressed out though - she posts about getting lost at the airport and missing one of her flights at the start of her trip - just a few days before she dissapeared.

-) The impression I get about her personality (again, from reading her tumblr... i know that this only shows what she wanted to show) is that she seems to have trusted strangers very easily. She mentions her crush in December or January, that errupted very quickly and ended just as fast. She also once mentions a tendency to talk too much and too loudly as being a problem of hers. This seems to fit what [ame=""]Archivist[/ame] mentions on page 1 - the day she dissapeared, she was seen talking to strangers inside a bookstore.
I wouldn't jump to the conclusion it had anything to do with what happened to her, but being in her troubled state of mind and in a seedy neighbourhood, i doubt it was a beneficial trait.

-) I keep thinking through reasons for her to get into the tank on her own, voluntarily, and drowning in a tragic accident. But i doubt it. In the few pictures of the tanks that aren't aerial, but from the perspective of a human standing on the roof, these things look huge, so not very inviting to be climbed, and could be anything (for example, gas tanks for heating or whatever). If we are to assume she vanished at night (which could be just speculation of me), they would probably be even less appealing to be explored, because I imagine a service roof would only be lit very little at night. And if something happened during daylight, I'd still have a hard time believing that a stranger to the building (unless having studied engineering) would safely identify them as water tanks.

-) I am also wondering what the police wanted to achieve by releasing the elevator video... I would guess if they did it to find out if other Hotel Guests noticed her behaviour that night, the could have just aproached them directly? Am I forgetting something that might explain why they released it?

-) The number of peculiar people whe have in the vicinity. A bunch of sex offenders nearby, the slitwrist-video person (although I never did see the video, so I have no idea about him other than what you guys said) who deleted his video a few days ago (although that could obviously simply be because he didn't want to be tasteless) and then the "reporter" who is also a sex offender. I wouldn't really suspect most of these people (including the reporter) to be killers or anything, simply because of their age... I'd be surprised if they could somehow murder her and get her in the tank (if thats even what happened) although anything is possible at this point.
Having strange figures hang around a place such as this is probably nothing unusual, and its no wonder that they - just like all of us - are interested in this case. Still, the sheer amount of them somehow puts me off.

-) The most recent bit that irritated me were the events from the start of this thread. If Im reading it right, we first have a News Station saying, police says, currently no foul play is suspected. They even gave the name of a Police Officer saying so. Which means either they made it all up, or someone from the inside talked without permission, because only minutes later there came the statement from the official LAPD spokesperson denying any change of the case status. The link to the original news story about there being no foul play now points to a different article, which is a shame because I was about to read it again to check who they claim to be there source and see if I can find anything on the web about him. --Edit: Okay, forget that, link works (again?) and Tim Marcia definitly is a real detective of LAPD, for whatever thats worth -- The contradicting news certainly seems odd to me, but then again, might just be media speculation as it is common with high profile cases.

So all in all, theres alot of things I wouldn't call uncommon by themselves, but there is just so damn much of it, which leads to me being creeped out.
I know this post wasn't too productive, alot of text and no new infos or theories, but I just felt like summing up what strikes me so much about all of this. Hope nobody minds my rambling!
IMHO this reads more as mania than psychosis. This mania can sometimes cause people to feel like the world is clear, and they are wasting their time on trivial things.

Manic Episode
mental disorder
When an individual experiences a discrete period of persistent and pervasive manic (elated, irritable or euphoric) mood, this term may be applied. The individual may be diagnosed with one of the bipolar disorders.
Diagnostic criteria for Manic Episode

(cautionary statement)
A. A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary).

B. During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only irritable) and have been present to a significant degree:

(1) inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
(2) decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep)
(3) more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
(4) flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing
(5) distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli)
(6) increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
(7) excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments)

Sources (

I copy and pasted part of the characteristics for the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for a manic episode.

These thoughts appear to be racing, thoughts of grandeur, the idea that you have it all figured out when no one else does.

I think that's spot on, based from my own (pre-treatment) experiences with mania. When I read Elisa's descriptions of her feelings I could feel/remember it exactly that way. I always felt that I had made some sort of revelatory connections that explained so much in the world or society or whatever. Interesting to see the source (dsm) backs that up.
I have a question for people who know at least something about psychology here.

I haven't looked too thoroughly at her Tumblr (I feel a bit creepy reading it) but this post caught my eye. I know you can't know much about someone based on a post made on a social network, but Elisa seemed really open on there. There's this one bizarre post that doesn't fit in with her other ones, and it's quite old. I was just wondering if this could suggest psychosis rather than (or on top of ) mania:

snipped from here:

And if it's possible that she experienced psychosis as a side of bipolar/hypomania, I guess it is possible that she thought she was hiding from something in the tank. (Though more likely, in my view, that she was preyed upon by someone who took advantage of her state)

My (extremely layperson understanding) of psychosis is that it indicates a temporary detachment from reality, while hypomania is a surge of manic energy? The "absolute certainty" about understanding the universe is a feeling that suggests detachment from reality to me. I wonder if she had difficulty expressing that to a doctor or therapist.

Not that one post allows a complete insight, but that sounds more bipolar or manic-depressive than psychotic to me.
All the speculations are just fine with me, but I haven't figured out how psychosis or mania or even mild depression gets her to the roof and in the tank? Without any scent left behind. (jmo :))
I am still trying to clarify if she was nude. I think that is of great importance.
Somebody said that CBSLA mentioned it when she was found on the roof and a reporter namned Claudia Peschiutta said that some hotel guests had mentioned it. Are there anyone who can clarify that she was nude?
Not that one post allows a complete insight, but that sounds more bipolar or manic-depressive than psychotic to me.

When was that post? I can't tell on the page. A psychosis, to my understanding, is more like an ' episode' than a ' condition'. Also
much has been mentioned about Elisa possibly ' self diagnosing' but
to have those meds she showed and discussed a doctor of some sort
would have to diagnose and prescribe right? I know in the UK a general
practitioner type of doctor can dish out the psyche meds with you never
seeing an actual psychiatrist. I wonder if it is the same in Canada. Does anyone
know? Point is since she was on the meds I would assume she's been to
a psychiatrist and therefore that she is actually diagnosed as bi polar since
she said so and has the meds to prove it ! Right? Moooooooooo More Cowbell!

Sorry Peter, my post was to everyone, not YOU specifically. I just wrote it under yours !
I am still trying to clarify if she was nude. I think that is of great importance.
Somebody said that CBSLA mentioned it when she was found on the roof and a reporter namned Claudia Peschiutta said that some hotel guests had mentioned it. Are there anyone who can clarify that she was nude?

page 5 post 101 I emailed the reporter
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #3[/ame]
Thanks to those of you who posted article links about Elisa being nude. I think this is significant, since it is more likely she was murdered if her clothing had been completely removed and she was put into that tank. The reason for the police being tight lipped about it could be that they want to locate the clothing, perhaps the perp still has it. The fact that they aren't saying anything about what she was wearing when they found her makes me suspect even more that she was nude. Plus, why make that up? It would be easier to say she was found with the same clothing as in the video if someone wanted to create a lie out of the story.

However, the lack of information being put forth in this case makes me wonder if they just want to wrap it up and call it death by misadventure. Then they can move on to their next case...
The word Tabernacle leaped out at me from that page.

and after closer inspection, it is in amongst a few sentences of expletives.

I know it has been noticed that Invisible Light Agency has been cited as being listed at the hotel.

Has anyone noticed the 'Social Media' company on both sides of the Cecil Hotel?

Tabernacle is a curse word used in Québec.
The word Tabernacle leaped out at me from that page.

and after closer inspection, it is in amongst a few sentences of expletives.

I know it has been noticed that Invisible Light Agency has been cited as being listed at the hotel.

Has anyone noticed the 'Social Media' company on both sides of the Cecil Hotel?

BBM. It's a common Quebecois curse word. She seems to use a lot of French sprinkled in with her various social networks. (EDIT: Ah, jon999 already covered this! :))

When was that post? I can't tell on the page. A psychosis, to my understanding, is more like an ' episode' than a ' condition'. Also
much has been mentioned about Elisa possibly ' self diagnosing' but
to have those meds she showed and discussed a doctor of some sort
would have to diagnose and prescribe right? I know in the UK a general
practitioner type of doctor can dish out the psyche meds with you never
seeing an actual psychiatrist. I wonder if it is the same in Canada. Does anyone
know? Point is since she was on the meds I would assume she's been to
a psychiatrist and therefore that she is actually diagnosed as bi polar since
she said so and has the meds to prove it ! Right? Moooooooooo More Cowbell!

Sorry Peter, my post was to everyone, not YOU specifically. I just wrote it under yours !

In Canada, a GP can indeed prescribe psych meds. It's been my personal experience that GPs will handle SSRIs and Wellbutrin, but are reluctant to make a diagnosis/treat for bipolar without referring you to a psychiatrist. Can't say for sure that's the same across the board.
Smeinzer, you might want to take your name and credit card info off the receipt!
All the speculations are just fine with me, but I haven't figured out how psychosis or mania or even mild depression gets her to the roof and in the tank? Without any scent left behind. (jmo :))

Obviously this is jmo....but I don't think she did get to the tank alone, I don't think she even stepped foot on that roof alive.

I think a manic episode may have contributed to the entire trip to begin with but I don't think that's what directly ended her life.

I think (IMHO) it is quite possible that in the late night hours on the evening she disappeared, she may have become an easy target for a perp, perhaps something in her diagnosis or treatment (rx's) led to the reason she was awake and wandering the hotel in the middle of the night, thus becoming an easy target.

But I personally do not think her illness was directly related to her death, I think it was indirect if at all.
Can anyone post a link to the Chinese news sites? It seems they are doing much more reporting than the MSM here. I don't read it, but have a friend who might be able to translate.

The following looks like a very brief summary (in English):
[ame=""]Elisa Lam's killer suspect - YouTube[/ame]

not sure if their sources are reliable, especially the "police have narrowed the list of suspects to employees at the Cecil Hotel, particularly those who have access to the room keys and the rooftop door" part.
smeinzer saying how easy it is to get up that ladder, really makes me wonder. It doesn't seem like a stretch to say a longer term resident could have done this. Especially if they had help.
Has LE checked the surveillance of surrounding buildings facing toward Cecil's roof?
This is big evidence if there are cameras on surrounding buildings and even further buildings. (There could be 30+ buildings)
I'm sure you can see people on top of the tanks at night, you can at least see their shadows and figure.
Maybe someone went up to the tanks to prepare how to open the hatches?
If only she went up by herself, maybe she was forced to go up?
Anymore thoughts as to the use of "Wedged" to describe how the body was found in the tank? Was this used by police in their statement? Or was it just used by the media?

Sorry if this has been discussed .... I just need some clarification on this matter...
That's interesting... She was raped at 17 eh? Isn't that the same age where she said in her blog (can't remember which one - the blogspot one or the Tumblr one - but I think it was the Tumblr one) that that was the age where she had "lost" herself or the start of her mental troubles?? And that she felt she had only "found" herself again last year or such? When she was 21 years old?

Sorry I wish I could link the exact posts in this or the previous thread which mentioned all these things she said... but I'm on a tablet now and its a bit of a b**ch to type on or cut and paste... sorry. Wonder if someone here knows or remembers the same as me while going through these threads about her?

The Tumblr post about having been raped was just a reblog of a 2007 Kate Harding blog (if you click on the blue words at the bottom of the Tumblr blog, you'll be taken to the Kate Harding blog).

That Tumblr post was not written by Elisa. She reblogged it.
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