GUILTY CA - Caren Ramirez & 3 others for imprisonment, torture of 16yo boy, Tracy, 2008

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I can't believe that her older children didn't say anything to friends or teachers. If not, why not?! They watched as he was chained in the living room, sleeping on a towel, being beaten, and not eating. He was also given showers outside with a garden hose once a week. The kids had to see this all going on and knew it was wrong. It also raises red flags with the Foster care institution and a host of other agencies.

Speaking with someone who had been in a similiar situation to that which her other children are/were in; the other children don't talk usually since the abuser is a parent or parental figure to them. They love the abuser even though they know what they are doing is not right. There is also a lot of fear involved, they've known the person their whole life; don't want to divide up the family; feel guilty as the abuser may have cared for them. So in reality, everyone in the household aside from the abusers are victims in a way as well, also.

Personally, i would have called CPS about it regardless if i lived in the house or not. Then again, as a child i never told anyone; i was threatened they'd take me away and it would be worse than where i was; so for children to report about a parent it's a very hard thing to do.
Kyle was beyond brave in having the courage to escape how he did. He risked his life in doing so, yet was able to save his life. He shows so much courage, i don't have the words to describe it.. I am very grateful the community is showing support to him where he is as well. Lord knows, he deserves it so much..
Speaking with someone who had been in a similiar situation to that which her other children are/were in; the other children don't talk usually since the abuser is a parent or parental figure to them. They love the abuser even though they know what they are doing is not right. There is also a lot of fear involved, they've known the person their whole life; don't want to divide up the family; feel guilty as the abuser may have cared for them. So in reality, everyone in the household aside from the abusers are victims in a way as well, also.

Personally, i would have called CPS about it regardless if i lived in the house or not. Then again, as a child i never told anyone; i was threatened they'd take me away and it would be worse than where i was; so for children to report about a parent it's a very hard thing to do.
Kyle was beyond brave in having the courage to escape how he did. He risked his life in doing so, yet was able to save his life. He shows so much courage, i don't have the words to describe it.. I am very grateful the community is showing support to him where he is as well. Lord knows, he deserves it so much..

There are usually self preservation issues at work too. If they could treat him like that, they could treat anyone else like that also. And later it can get to the point that they will participate in order to win approval from the abuser.
The roles have reversed. I love poetic justice.

A day earlier, Portillo watched as police removed a couch, a rug and chains from the couple's home, just hours before Schumacher and Lau appeared in court, their hands shackled at the waist.

Tracy officials and gym employees have been flooded with letters, e-mails and calls from people across the country who want to adopt the boy or donate money. Tracy police officers bought the boy a Nintendo video game system. The Oakland Raiders have invited him to a game.
NOW WE ARE TALKIN-but he really needs to know what love is I think-I find it interesting that little kids in the neighborhood played with him-that gives me hope that he can make it through this...
I hope CPS does the right thing in this case. I don't think this child belongs in foster care. The system has not been very good to this child and many foster parents do not have the psych training to deal with such a horribly, traumatized child. His brother stated he was literally curled in a fetal position in the hospital and absolutely terrorized. He was imprisoned by these monsters while he was officially in the system. How can he feel safe now? I think his brother should be awarded temporary custody in dependency court and both these boys given loads and loads of support. Austin knows how Kyle feels and he loves him. That's some of the best therapy and care Kyle can get at the moment.
The DA better not screw this up either. These monsters deserve worse than life in prison so they better get at least that. Too many times we have seen vile pigs like this get off with much less time than they should. It's got to stop and we, as a society, need to make sure it does. I'm going to write to the DA and let him or her know I feel. If we all did that, maybe thus would be one case where the child abusers don't get away with it. We need to stop treating children like property and instead, like the human beings they are. Make their abusers pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Sorry, had to rant).
While I am sure his brother loves him, I am not sure that it is a good idea for Kyle to live with anyone other than accountable adults for a long time now. He is going to have to be monitored, go through extensive counseling, and has a long road ahead him. You have to stop the cycle in his head. Poor fella.

I totally agree with you, SeriouslySearching.

Austin is only 19 years old. He lives with his girlfriend and does not have a job. Frankly, I don't think there is ANY 19 year old boy who would be capable of responsibly, and lovingly parenting a 16 year old who will be struggling to recover from such severe torture.

I would hope that Austin could become a huge part of Kyle's life -- but as a loved/trusted brother, NOT a parent.

Austin has been away from the abuse for only 3 years, himself. IMO, Kyle needs a great deal more love, understanding and guidance than a 19 year old boy and his girlfriend can give him. Granting custody of Kyle to Austin would be unwise, and unfair to BOTH boys.

Ideally, Kyle needs two extremely compassionate parents who have been extensively TRAINED in dealing with severely abused children. With all the publicity about Kyle's lifelong abuse, I am hoping that the CPS organizations involved will have at least a few genuinely caring parents willing to take on the monumental task.

Furthermore, it's quite possible that Kyle has suffered sexual abuse. The published search warrant listed a gross 'sex toy' that was recovered from the floor near the table to which Kyle was often chained.

When I first heard of this atrocious torture my immediate reaction was that drugs - sex - child *advertiser censored*, (or all three) were also involved. I cannot imagine how Caren from Citrus Heights and Kelly from Tracy would become longtime house buddies through a mutual friend unless the friend was their drug source.

Supposedly, Caren's only source of income was her approximate $800 per month SSI check -- hardly enough to rent a dumpy one bedroom apartment in Tracy. What else was she offering the Schumachers?

When Caren skipped out on her probation requirements around the same time Kyle 'ran away' from his foster group home, Caren should have been tracked down through the SSI checks she was continuing to receive.

I'm not surprised no one bothered. Child abusers and tortured children have never been very important in our look-the-other-way-society.

Kelly Lau claimed she was afraid of 5 foot tall 98 pound Caren and that's why she too abused Kyle. She was very surprised to learn that Black Caren was not blond-blue-eyed-Kyle's biological mother. That's ALL total baloney! All three of these adults are sadistic monsters from Hell!

IMO, there is waaay more to this tragedy than what's been reported. Since the judge has ordered an extensive gag order, we won't hear more details until the trial. It could be years before a trial begins. This is California, after all.

I know all of us extend our very biggest heartfelt best wishes to both Kyle and brother Austin.
I am in agreement with those who think Austin is too young to parent Kyle. Somewhere there must be someone who can participate in healing this resourceful young man.
You're Monday morning quarterbacking at the Girl Scouts' expense.

You know what would have happened if someone had randomly dropped in on that family...They would have asked the person to wait outside for a minute, and they they would have bound and gagged that boy and shoved him in a closet for the duration of the visit. And the dirty chained area in the basement would have been attributed to a dog being housebroken.

A random visitor would never have been allowed to see that boy...and the Girl Scouts are not to blame for that.

There is no crystal ball to know what is in people's hearts....They may be kindhearted people who love children or malevolent abusers with a charming facade. The best that could have been done is a background check (which turned up nothing). These folks hid their evil well.

Bold is mine.

I disagree. Even their neighbors saw it.
Bold is mine.

I disagree. Even their neighbors saw it.

No, the neighbors grandchildren saw and told their grandparents who did nothing. The neighbors are the kind of people that just want their 15 minutes of fame. I would be embarassed to go on tv saying thet I knew of his mistreatment but did nothing to help him.
No, the neighbors grandchildren saw and told their grandparents who did nothing. The neighbors are the kind of people that just want their 15 minutes of fame. I would be embarassed to go on tv saying thet I knew of his mistreatment but did nothing to help him.

Thank you for bringing this up-APATHY was what kept the situation alive and made these three adults feel like they could continue the boy's mistreatment. After all, he was seen in public, was taken by an abusive caregiver who then continued to receive SS checks while on the run from her warrant for abuse....:banghead::doh::banghead::doh::banghead:

Why would they think they were in danger of being stopped? I want to revisit for a second why they were charged with felony abuse of their own children when their own children were not physically abused-it is clear that witnessing the torture of this teen meets the criteria of felony abuse of their own children. JMO.
This whole thing just makes me so sick I can barely read the whole thread. To learn that a teacher knew of abuse and all the lousy neighbors is just awful. I really hope that Kyle isn't now placed in a group home or foster home that is loud and where there might be any rough threatening teens. If Kyle is the size of a ten or twelve year old then he must be very small and feel even more vulnerable. He's probably even suffering from PTSD and no telling what else from not having proper nutrition for years. He and his brother are going to need lots of help with their futures and being able to handle life and jobs. I don't know if it would be better for him to go with his brother or stay in a foster home. He's already seventeen and if I were him, I doubt if I'd ever trust anyone ever again except maybe a family member. Where ever he's at, he needs someone to pamper him with good food, good clothes, a nice comfy bed, and what ever he might like to have. In other words, his ENTIRE foster child check needs to be spent on him and him alone and not going to a family who has five or six other foster children in the household or to a family member who needs to use most of it just to pay rent.
Not sure if this has been posted or not, but if so, it's worth a bump. Video of Austin talking about the abuse and how he plans to get custody of Kyle:

I think its wonderful that Kyle has family that loves him. He deserves a chance at life and living. Through extensive therapy and counseling Kyle will get well. His brother is a sweetheart!

Those 3 need to ROT in jail!:behindbar
I am so grateful that Austin has re-connected with Kyle and can be there for him from now on. That being said, I also do not believe that Austin is quite capable of caring for Kyle as necessary. Kyle will need a LOT of TLC and very understanding and loving people in his life for quite a while. His soul needs to heal and that will take special people caring for and watching over him. My prayers go out for both of these boys to heal and become strong.
Fourth person arrested in torture case
By Mike Martinez
Staff Writer
Posted:*12/09/2008 09:13:40 PM PST

Tracy Police detectives on Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2008, arrested 29-year-old Anthony Waiters at his...

TRACY — A youth football coach, a neighbor of a couple charged with the kidnap and torture of a 16-year-old boy held prisoner in their home, has also been arrested in the case.

Anthony Waiters, 29, of Tracy, is the fourth arrest. He was arrested Tuesday morning at his place of work in Pleasanton and was booked into San Joaquin County Jail on suspicion of torture, conspiracy, child endangerment, corporal injury to a child and false imprisonment.

Waiters lives on Tennis Lane, next door to Michael Schumacher, 34, and Kelly Lau, 30, who, along with the boy's guardian, Caren Ramirez, were arrested last week and charged with torture, aggravated mayhem, kidnapping and corporal injury to a child."


Sadly, the horrors expand. :mad: How terrible that Anthony Walters is a local youth football coach.

Austin stated that Kyle told him he had his eyes taped shut to prevent him from identifying anyone. The atrocities of this story are just beginning.

Kyle's strength to survive must have been monumental. He WILL heal!

Photo of the 4th suspect and a few more details are at these links. Read the comments on the Tracy Press site. The perps are always such 'great guys.'
Kyle's brother Austin tells more about the brothers' abuse while living with Caren Ramirez.

There's an article plus a short video.

"I blame her because of what she did to our relationship," said Austin, the victim's brother.

Seven years ago the victim's older brother, Austin, says Ramirez -- a friend of their single, drug-addicted mother -- took them away. Austin is not sure how Ramirez gained custody of them, but says the beatings began when they failed to win their Tae Kwon Do matches. Austin says Ramirez sometimes forced the boys to hit each other."

Ramirez was a friend of the 'drug addicted mother.' Here comes the drug connection with all these slime-bags -- AND, unfortunately, the despicable, rotten behaviors that go hand 'n hand with the drugs.

Austin is right: What didn't kill the brothers will make them stronger! They have survived and WILL eventually thrive!

These boys deserve help for years. I hope no one forgets them.

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