GUILTY CA - Caren Ramirez & 3 others for imprisonment, torture of 16yo boy, Tracy, 2008

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I can't speak about any other state's system, but I can speak about mine. If a foster child runs away, the worker has to go to court (within 24 hours) and file to have the child placed on the list for police to pick up if they're found. The child is also put on the NCMEC list. The worker is required to go to frequent court dates to update the court on the efforts made to find the child. I have personally been out with other workers when they got a tip on where a child was. The police are often called as backup and because they have the order to pick the child up. However, if you contact everyone you know who knows the child, and they don't know where the child is, there's not much you can do to find the kid. Yes, if you get a tip a kid is at a house, you go check it out, but they do not have to let you in to look for the kid. You can also call the police if you get a tip, but that doesn't mean the kid is there. If you get a tip a child is in another state, you coordinate with that state to get a pick up order and tell them where you think the kid might be. Most of these kids are street smart. If they don't want to be found, they won't. Workers honestly do try to find kids (at least the ones in my county), but it's not easy. And when you have no leads, what are you supposed to do?

After the Fla. foster care scandal some states did update their foster care procedures. But many states didn't. So many states are still going by the old "well they ran away" mindset and just leave it at a note in the file.

What can they do? Personally I am different than LE. LE seems to have the mindset that if a child runs away voluntarily (or at least if there is no proof that they left under any undue coercion) that they don't consider that to be reason for a missing person's report. My feeling is that they are minor's and if they are not at their homes or where their parents or guardians direct them to be that they should be considered missing persons. They are still minors and as such should be considered not to have the authority to leave their situations without being under the care of some responsible adult or agency. So if they run away, why not put them on a missing persons list and let the public assist in tracking them down.
I don't believe Lau "cleared up" anything! And, I have to wonder why the HEL* CPS allowed a minor to be in the custody of a homeless fugitive. Don't people have to prove they have a stable home for these children? GRRRRRR. Lord! How many babies like this boy are being abused? I am not a religious person - at all. But I am praying for this child and all like him who are suffering at the hands of those who are charged with their care and well-being. I will never, ever understand how adults can physically hurt children. Ever.

It was sarcasm. It is clear to me that Lau has no reasonable explanation of the behavior in that home.

I am sorry if my sarcasm offended or confused anyone.
According to the news, Kyle is only 16...

Police also previously said the boy was currently 17 years old. The criminal complaint filed by prosecutors on Thursday said he is 16. Police now say their preliminary information led them to believe he was a year older than he is.
The interview with Kyle's brother at that link is very moving. Austin is an adult now legally and hopes to get custody of his brother. I hope that the system can help them, they certainly deserve it.
Austin certainly loves and cares greatly for his brother. I too hope he gets to bring Kyle home with him. The video is very touching...
I've been keeping up with Kyle since he escaped. I haven't posted because I've been so ANGRY :furious: that I didn't know what to say...
I am glad to read this morning about Austin and his love for Kyle. I SINCERELY hope that these two can enjoy a wonderful, life-long relationship and that they can heal together.
While I am sure his brother loves him, I am not sure that it is a good idea for Kyle to live with anyone other than accountable adults for a long time now. He is going to have to be monitored, go through extensive counseling, and has a long road ahead him. You have to stop the cycle in his head. Poor fella.
Oh, I will be praying that Austin gets custody of his brother so he will be with someone safe. This whole situation is just terrible. It just makes me sick.

I hope that DFS does not drop the ball here and continues to keep up with Kyle and bring him to counseling, provide him with adequate housing and education and living expenses, and make sure that every need he has is being met. After the horror that he has been through, he deserves it.
I'm in tears. I hope and pray that this young man can get some psychological help after this. It's going to be so hard for him to trust anyone. As for the couple that held him, prison is too nice for them. They give you three square meals and a cot; they don't deserve it.

The grand kids of a neighbor told them this boy slept on the floor of the storage rm., on a towel, and was forced to eat a fly. The neighbor did nothing. Absolutely mind boggling.
My heart breaks for the 4 children that were taken away as well. They don't need to be with their parents for sure, but the things that they witnessed as well as the trauma of being ripped away from their home is going to damage them for the rest of their lives.

This is just a terrible situation no matter what way you look at it. :(
This is what I don't get. There is nothing about Auntie that screams responsibility and worthiness. And it turns out she's not his Aunt, but a "family friend". Why would CPS give custody of a kid to her? I get the feeling some heads should roll.

Authorities had earlier identified Ramirez as the boy's aunt but said Thursday they had learned she was a family friend he called his aunt.
When a child runs away here, you have to give up your custody rights to the state for them to place the child under an In Need Of Supervision warrant. Outside of having that, LE is not able to pick the child (I believe it is over the age of 14) up if they ask and the child doesn't want to go with them! How crazy is that?!

I think the laws do need to change as to our foster care systems and for teen runaways. They need to completely overhaul the old system now in place and hold them accountable. I hope this case does highlight that need across the nation.
My dad was very involved with boy scouts administratively for many years, many years ago. Even back then, they were uber concerned about safety for the boys involved and about thouroughly vetting the leaders. They were mindful of what kind of individual might be attracted to a situation where there was such close contact with impressionable young boys in a situation that could make them trusting and absolutely vulnerable. They were always trying to be watchful and attempted to design their system with all kinds of fail-safe's to avoid danger to the scouts, including the danger of sexual predation. People can fool you though, and some people are very tenacious, not to mention trecherous. It's almost impossible to come up with a plan that will root everyone with evil intent, but I know that they did try very hard. I certain they still do.
This story bothers me, She never called cps because she knew others had called pertaining to Austin, I would think the more people that called CPS would really have given a big RED FLAG..
Sorry to say She or anyone should never assume that CPS is going to take care of this problem.

f I had him in my class daily and saw this abuse..I would be screaming at the top of my lungs, writing down everything he said, taking pictures whatever it took. This is like putting the ball in someone else's court to carry it..

Kyle was one person and Austin another they both needed separate voices out their protecting them..This is so Sad.

Heartbreaking story a teacher of Kyle's shares at the below video:
Makes me so mad...Kyle at 11 was dropped off during the night in the winter and told to find his way home. The child walked most of the night :furious:...still listening to interview.
If you look at the video list to the right, there are two interviews with Kyle's brother.

The raw interview with his brother is about 27 minutes long- well worth watching. I'd sure like to be in the courtroom when he faces Karen for the first time in four years! He's definitely planning on that happening.
When a child runs away here, you have to give up your custody rights to the state for them to place the child under an In Need Of Supervision warrant. Outside of having that, LE is not able to pick the child (I believe it is over the age of 14) up if they ask and the child doesn't want to go with them! How crazy is that?!

I think the laws do need to change as to our foster care systems and for teen runaways. They need to completely overhaul the old system now in place and hold them accountable. I hope this case does highlight that need across the nation.

Isn't that weird? If the parent left the child they could be charged with endangerment or neglect. Yet if the child runs away, it is ok? The child is not considered legally able to care and provide for theirself until the age of 18, yet it is ok for them to make the decision to leave? They cannot rent or purchase a home, yet it is ok for them to live on the street?

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