GUILTY CA - Caren Ramirez & 3 others for imprisonment, torture of 16yo boy, Tracy, 2008

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Have they ever released for sure how this boy ended up out of foster care and back with his guardian? Initially there was a hint that a car was used, but later hints that he ran away from foster care. I am just puzzled not about the boy running from foster care, but why he ran to the guardian. After all there was a brother, possibly others he could have run to. And after all, they felt they had to keep him chained so they must have feared him escaping.
Have they ever released for sure how this boy ended up out of foster care and back with his guardian? Initially there was a hint that a car was used, but later hints that he ran away from foster care. I am just puzzled not about the boy running from foster care, but why he ran to the guardian. After all there was a brother, possibly others he could have run to. And after all, they felt they had to keep him chained so they must have feared him escaping.


Austin stated that Kyle ran away from the group home to find him. Perhaps Kyle went back to the only other caretaker he had known in years when he couldn't find his brother.

I think it's also very possible that Ramirez could have kidnapped Kyle from the group home and Austin does not really know the entire story. At that time he and Kyle had already been separated for two years.

At this time, it's been almost four years since Austin and Kyle have seen each other.

The following link contains another good article plus a video of Austin and the foster mother who saved him from Caren's abuse.

A psychologist explains the common phenomena of abused children staying with their tormentors.
In other words, his ENTIRE foster child check needs to be spent on him and him alone and not going to a family who has five or six other foster children in the household or to a family member who needs to use most of it just to pay rent.

Sad to say, but if Austin gets custody, that small check will be supporting both of them.

I know they could find an older established childless or empty nester couple willing to take this boy in....a couple with a good income not needing to do foster care for the money....a couple willing to extend their family to include Austin for visits/holidays....a couple that will stick by Kyle after he turns 18... Kyle needs some intensive mothering/fathering that a seriously abused older brother will not be able to provide.

That being said, I think the state needs to have it's feet put to the fire to help out Austin be the best independent adult he can be, and Kyle needs to be located near Austin so the brotherly bond can be re-established.
Mugshot of Anthony Waiters
Sad to say, but if Austin gets custody, that small check will be supporting both of them.

I know they could find an older established childless or empty nester couple willing to take this boy in....a couple with a good income not needing to do foster care for the money....a couple willing to extend their family to include Austin for visits/holidays....a couple that will stick by Kyle after he turns 18... Kyle needs some intensive mothering/fathering that a seriously abused older brother will not be able to provide.

That being said, I think the state needs to have it's feet put to the fire to help out Austin be the best independent adult he can be, and Kyle needs to be located near Austin so the brotherly bond can be re-established.

You know, alot of people are saying Kyle should not go with his brother, but I disagree. The system has not served this child well thus far. And from what I know of foster care, most are not trained to deal with a child such as this and many just would not provide what this child needs. There are fantastic foster parents out there but there are tons that are crummy. I can't tell you how many cases my family (who work for social services) have come across of kids who have been put into foster care due to abuse or neglect and then are abused in care. And, the system is not going to handpick some wonderful, childless couple that is perfect for Kyle. He will go to whomever is available to take him. Likely, Kyle will be sent to a group home filled with exceedingly troubled children. Not good.
The fact is, this child needs someone who understands how he feels. He also needs someone who loves him unconditionally. That would be Austin. Austin is protective of this boy but would treat him like a normal, human being, and give him lots of love. That's some of the best therapy for a child like this.
There are many services for people like Austin and Kyle so they could live together while Kyle gets all the support he needs. Yes, the foster care monies Austin could get would not be great, but Austin can work as well. There are various other services provided, too. He can be set up with furniture, clothing and school supplies for Kyle. Kyle could be assigned a C.A.S.A. to help oversee his care, keep track of him and make sure he's getting what he needs. Plus, dependency court would be keeping track. Kyle needs a good trauma therapist. That can be provided free of charge. They can even get transportation vouchers. Just because Austin is young and does not have much money does not mean he cannot provide for Kyle what he needs. He needs love and understanding. Austin has both.
They need to get to the very bottom of all of this before Kyle is placed with anyone who is from his past. Right now, no matter what Austin says or does...since he was involved with the abuse from any angle...they need to investigate it and file charges for him, too...if it is neccessary.

It is not safe to place Kyle with anyone who is not removed from the whole situation until they KNOW the whole situation.
They need to get to the very bottom of all of this before Kyle is placed with anyone who is from his past. Right now, no matter what Austin says or does...since he was involved with the abuse from any angle...they need to investigate it and file charges for him, too...if it is neccessary.

It is not safe to place Kyle with anyone who is not removed from the whole situation until they KNOW the whole situation.

I agree, SS. Kyle's problems have been exacerbated by the assumption that those closest to him have his best interests at heart. Austin needs to be investigated no matter how much we want to believe he is good-hearted -- just in case.
Did anyone notice in the interview Austin gave, where he said according to Kyle, that someone had purposely left the key out which enabled Kyle to escape?
I’m surprised more has not been made of this! Has there been any speculation as to who may have been responsible?
I suspect the oldest daughter left the key out for Kyle. I certainly doubt Kelly or 'mom' assisted in any way- not in the condition he was found in, i.e. that revealed obvious and incriminating signs of abuse/neglect!!!
I wonder if it could have been Kelly, she did ask a neighbor for the bolt cutters a couple of times. Maybe her conscience did bother her just a little. Not saying I think her in any way a victim or that she deserves any consideration whatsoever if it was. IMO allowing this abuse to go on for longer than .0000000000000000001 of a second is .0000000000000000001 too long.

I also, regretfully, do not think Kyle should be placed with his brother just yet. With the abuse he too suffered there is no telling what would happen. For all we know he is getting his 15 min. I am not saying this is the case, but the fact that he is giving these interviews, providing info on his brother to the news .... that raises a red flag with me. While it is comforting to hear his brother is OK, I would feel better hearing from the news that his brother is visiting him, not seeing him in video after video airing on the local/national news.

That being said, considering the situation, I do not think it would be to much to ask that they put some thought into who Kyle goes to this time. The system has failed him enough. It is time to make ammends and pull out all the stops.
They need to get to the very bottom of all of this before Kyle is placed with anyone who is from his past. Right now, no matter what Austin says or does...since he was involved with the abuse from any angle...they need to investigate it and file charges for him, too...if it is neccessary.

It is not safe to place Kyle with anyone who is not removed from the whole situation until they KNOW the whole situation.

This is so true. The PTSD aspect of it. They need to be taking baby steps, and for him to just go off and live with his older brother who is 20 years old? I don't see how a 20 year old will be able to intensively be taking care of his brother financially and emotionally. Kyle needs a loving family unit. Maybe they can include his brother eventually.

As Twinkiesmom said, he would be best going to live with a couple who are empty nester or older and established. He will definitely need the support of a loving family well after age 18. I'm sure they could get Medicaid for him if need be, for therapy or medical.
I wonder if it could have been Kelly, she did ask a neighbor for the bolt cutters a couple of times. Maybe her conscience did bother her just a little. Not saying I think her in any way a victim or that she deserves any consideration whatsoever if it was. IMO allowing this abuse to go on for longer than .0000000000000000001 of a second is .0000000000000000001 too long.

I also, regretfully, do not think Kyle should be placed with his brother just yet. With the abuse he too suffered there is no telling what would happen. For all we know he is getting his 15 min. I am not saying this is the case, but the fact that he is giving these interviews, providing info on his brother to the news .... that raises a red flag with me. While it is comforting to hear his brother is OK, I would feel better hearing from the news that his brother is visiting him, not seeing him in video after video airing on the local/national news.

That being said, considering the situation, I do not think it would be to much to ask that they put some thought into who Kyle goes to this time. The system has failed him enough. It is time to make ammends and pull out all the stops.

IMO, it seems morally wrong to use the abuse one suffered, especially their brother, to talk about on national television. The healing process is hard enough, the last thing i would want to do is draw attention to what went on with the abuse. Eventually if not already, Kyle may see his brother talking on tv and it can trigger worse PTSD.
It's one thing for the news to brief it. It's another for the brother to go into detail on national television.
<< snipped >>

This infuriates me - I hope that the neighbors who admitted knowing about the treatment of this young boy can be charged with something (Good Samaritan Law, is there such a thing??). How could you know your neighbors were treating someone that way and NOT do anything about it?! Outrageous. :furious:

Sadly (and I hate to say it) racism may have been a factor in the "Grandfather/neighbor" turning a blind eye. I doubt very much if he'd kept silent if Kyle were cute, with a head of blond hair. :twocents:
Sadly (and I hate to say it) racism may have been a factor in the "Grandfather/neighbor" turning a blind eye. I doubt very much if he'd kept silent if Kyle were cute, with a head of blond hair. :twocents:

From all reports, Kyle IS a cute, small boy. He's also a Caucasian child with blue-eyes and blond hair.

I don't think racism had anything to do with Kyle's abuse. Two of the people charged with his torture are Caucasian and two are African American. The middle class Tracy neighborhood is well integrated with several races/ethnicities.

Sadly, there are perverted evil sickos in every race. :mad:

Any updates on this boy??

Nothing new that I've seen/heard, Believe09. The judge issued an all inclusive gag order before the 4th suspect was arrested.

I live about 20 miles away so I think I would have heard something on the local news if there was anything to hear. I doubt if we will know much more until the trial takes place.
I live in Tracy and there has been nothing in the local paper (although the local papers is only published 3 times a week). I check the website daily for updates but I imagine there won't be any more significant news until Jan 5.
Yep, more waiting.

I think it is interesting that Lau gets two new attorneys while her husband is sticking with a public defender. Wonder what's up with that???

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