CA - Chelsea King (17) Rancho Bernardo (north San Diego County) #1

DNA Solves
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There's an image I could do without. I never would have thought of that! Is that even possible? I mean, I know it is possible to stand on her body to sink it, but once his weight is off her, wouldn't it pop back up?

WHERE is she? I just don't understand with the line search why they haven't found her if she isn't in the water??

TravelingBug, any thoughts?

I know I heard on the scanner that they had an FBI team waiting for quads or a low flying helicopter because they found evidence that they couldn't reach, but my husband is upset that I am following this so closely so I had to pull away and make him a nice big dinner (currently cooking) to appease him. :furious: I never heard what happened with that.

I just want them to find her.

Yes, there is marshy area - many, in fact. Typically much of the area by the footbridge is actually marshy, whereas now it's got water because of all of our rain.

The area near the yellow circle on my map is marshy, there are some marshy areas around much of the shoreline, including on the north side. Honestly, you really would almost have to characterize many areas as marshy...but they seemed to be almost solely focused on the marshy area near the yellow and green circles on my map, and one area on the north shore.

ATVs are there and have been used off and on since she went missing Thursday night. The news at 6 showed ATVs down by where the chopper was shining the light in the marshy area.

I question his being muddy with anything to do with hiding her body because I really think that had to have happened immediately (or within an hour or two) of her abduction/assault/murder. As I said, too much happened too quickly, and by midday Friday the entire lake and park area all the way around was swarming with authorities.

In addition, on Sunday, while there was public access to at least most of the north side (where he was arrested at the restaurant) there was WAY too much foottraffic by locals on the north side trying to see what was going on. People were on HIGH alert. ANYTHING even remotely suspicious would be reported and I just can't see him taking that risk. I could be wrong, but that just seems WAY risky to me :waitasec: seeing what I was seeing...and with him having to have been aware of all that was going on b/c of the non-stop news, choppers, cops EVERYWHERE - marked and unmarked, etc.

The area on the north side (now circled in purple on the map) is actually right by Del Dios Community Park, at least in part.


My feeling is - the attack/assault/etc. happened on the south side in the green and yellow circled areas, or thereabouts. That's been the area of intense focus. I believe they are searching there looking for evidence of what happened, and more evidence tying the two of them to that place besides whatever they already found clothing, etc. wise.

I'm guessing they are thinking she was disposed of (or additional evidence - or, honestly, maybe even evidence that makes them look there b/c of Amber?) in the area I now have circled on the map in purple on the north side. Perhaps he went out trying to look like a looky-loo on Sunday and was trying to sneak around, making sure she hadn't been found, got muddy, and then went to eat at the restaurant when he was arrested.

I'd also suspect he was being followed based on the DNA evidence and that's why they are searching both sides of the lake in two very different areas because they know exactly where he was over there.

ETA, I think that they are NOT really looking for her on land, only evidence. I think they believe she's either in the water or somewhere else. I get the feeling that's why it's the water's edge focus and in the water and dive teams, and they're not out combing the shore in other areas, just in the water and immediately around two specific areas.
It sounds like that makes more sense what you have said and I realize that if he knocked her out like so many many posters are hypothesizing I doubt she would be out very long mayBE 10 min. or so and Im sure she would be fighting for her life. So, it will be interesting to find out if he killed her first and then raped her post mortem. I know that sounds gross but I just dont see how he was able to subdue for any lenght of time without tying her up or something.

He is freaking enormous and she is 115 lbs, if I recall correctly. If you come to/wake up with a 250 lb person on top of you, there isn't a lot of fighting you can do. And, she may have assessed the situation, realized her physical disadvantage, and decided not to fight back at that time.

I hope and pray Chelsea is alive and may one day read up on her case, and I know other rape victims are reading this, and I want to be careful to clarify that physically fighting your attacker or being killed trying to fight aren't the only valid options when one is being attacked.
If the items of evidence could have washed up, I was just trying to figure out from where. So, is the dam NSE orW?
Great job on the map by the way!

sort of south west (I marked it now on the map - it's much further than it looks to be on the map if you're actually on the water or driving it)
The waterfall is flowing into the lake at that spot correct? If there is a creek/stream coming in then there will be a current, not nec. strong, but it does take much to float something out to a different area of the lake. It only takes 6 inches of moving water to move a car, so you can see how little it takes to move 100 or so pounds.

There's actually NOT really a creek or's just overflow from rain right now really. Most people don't even realize there are sometimes those waterfalls there because it's so rare and it's not like there's waterflowing there (I added photos to another post that'll show it)

In fact, the area where they're searching near there is often totally dry and the water level much further toward the main part of the lake.
Looking at the map and pictures it doesn't look like there is any quick and easy access down to that area where the searching is focused. Is that correct?

If I'm looking at it right and that is where clothing was found, it is highly unlikely that he would have carried her or walked out with her. While 115 lbs is light, it's a lot of weight (dead weight, meaning not moving, not nec. dead) for someone even of his size to carry out of that area.
Is the water flowing into the lake at all or does it just kind of fizzle out before it gets into the inlet?

You just need the zip codes to find out how many Sex Offenders are living in your zip code, and you can see their photos if you press on a name. Some of these sites map it out by street, and have a picture of the RSO on your street.

Please if you have children you really need to do this.

National Sex Offenders:
Advanced Search by Zip Code

Type in State then the zip code you want to check out

National Registry by State:
Besides Chargers coming out to show their support, Millenium Laboratories has said they will provide meals for the searchers for the rest of the week!

Wow! That's awesome!

That's a reflection of our community...not this whackadoo who's caused all of this by bringing harm to one of our own!

I'm glad to be able to help...though sorry for the reason I'm finally able to contribute more than normal on here.

In some ways maybe this makes it easier, trying to approach in 'how would I be able to convey this place, what's happening, etc. for others.'

Instead of thinking about what's unfolding in my own a girl who's family is close with many of my friends and neighbors...from a school I also competed at and where many of my former students have been anticipating graduating with Chelsea...on trails I know like the back of my a park and a lake area that I go to for both peace and exercise, to a community I call home, I try to think of what would help me if I were in your shoes and following this case - the role I'm in far more often.

And I try to figure out how to capture this place...a a place that is so much more than an anomaly of a crime or a neighborhood known for being devastated in the recent wildfires... how to depict a community that truly does rally around one another, not just say they do...a law enforcement department that has undertaken a never-before-seen-in-its-scope search for a girl beloved by many, and determined not to rest until there are to make this place where a tragedy seems to have occurred not come across to everyone else as a place that's only filled with this recent ugliness, but to convey the beauty, the peace, and the uniqueness that those of us who live here see and know and experience every day.

I guess this is one small way I can help - by bringing awareness of what's going on, and also what this place really is to all of us who call it home - whether to my fellow neighbors, or to those of you halfway around the world!

Thanks to everyone who cares about Chelsea and is praying she'll be found, for those who have commented on observations of odd things here, and those who have prompted others to report those observations or experiences, for those of you who have asked questions and challenged our perspective, but really, as I started out, mostly for all of you who are praying for Chelsea and her family and hoping that in the midst of what appears to be tragedy, we'll also see justice eventually come and the see the beauty of people caring about others.

From a "city" San Diegan who also loves RB and its communities, you've brought tears to my eyes, thanks in my heart, and special prayers for that special girl...
Looking at the map and pictures it doesn't look like there is any quick and easy access down to that area where the searching is focused. Is that correct?

If I'm looking at it right and that is where clothing was found, it is highly unlikely that he would have carried her or walked out with her. While 115 lbs is light, it's a lot of weight (dead weight, meaning not moving, not nec. dead) for someone even of his size to carry out of that area.

There's actually very easy access via the trail from Poblado, or even at the end of Moonsong. There's road access that they can use to get around the utility station area that's nearby at the end of Monticook, as well. I'm trying to zoom in here for you so you can see the access.

It narrows from there a bit. But that's one of the favorite trails around the lake there, so it's very passable and not a difficult way to go really.

I would guess he may have hidden her initially, and then come back with a vehicle or something and moved her (assuming she's not right there - which, with the amount of divers that have been there and the searchers in that area now three day straight, very much focusing there - I'm guessing she'd have been found.

But yes, carrying her all the way out would be very hard - especially because if he came the whole way on foot initially (my hunch) he'd have to cross Poblado to continue the trail over to Matinal...

Whereas by car he could park along Poblado near Moonsong to access easily. I don't see how he could have done that unless it was on the earlier side - 3:30 ish before as many people are home and out and about, and when families are still picking up kids from school, etc. or else he'd have been seen.
Channel 8 (KFMB) news at 5:

A shoe, sweatshirt and sunglasses were among the evidence discovered.

There were still nearly 1000 volunteers out today, even with work and school back - the number is NOT much less than it was when people were off over the weekend.

KFMB has their chopper showing one of the two dive boats out in the lake area.

They showed the area where TWO dive team boats have been spending the day. That location is right in the little area I kept calling the "finger" area.

There's another marshy area the helicopter has been over, but I'm still trying to locate that to post it in my next map update coming shortly.

Fwiw, our scanner experts in the scanner thread picked up on and reported this before the media did. Definitely up to the minute news in the scanner thread. You will hear it there first. They have had me on the edge of my seat all day.

Major kudos to our scanner peeps!
Ooh, hadn't heard the elbow part. That helps! Where'd you find that?
BBM that stuff was heard on the scanner earlier and posted in the scanner thread.

ETA: scanner thread scoped the news. hehe

Yes they did!

Sorry y'all for being so far behind and thanks to everyone for their maps, photos, and boots on the ground reporting!
DNA from her elbow also from when she elbowed him in the nose.

that would be aweful if they had his dna off her elbow in the Dec 27th attack case. That would mean they never ran it in the system. This guy's dna should be in the system since he is a RSO. If that is the case they could've prevented Chelsea being attacked by this guy.

Has this been in the media? Just wondering if this is a fact or just a thought?
It would be really risky on his part to carry her out especially in daylight. Was this area covered by police on Thursday night or could he have gone back that first night?
Is the water flowing into the lake at all or does it just kind of fizzle out before it gets into the inlet?

Historically it's more fizzled out into just a few trickles that even get to the lake. But I've not been down there the last six weeks with all this rain, so I can only say what I saw from the end of the streets above looking down at it.

It really more pools at the bottom and is basically separate from the lake in a rocky area.

If you look at the photo here zoomed in
, you can see the lack of any water source above them.
According to 10 news she made a positive id and dna from her elbow "may" have tied him to the attack.
I tried to measure the distance up to the road (moonsong) via the map. Looks to be about an 1/8 of a mile, is that right?
How many victims lives has this creep ruined???
Are the Le just looking for Chelsea? or are there others???
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