CA - Chelsea King (17) Rancho Bernardo (north San Diego County) #1

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The 22-year-old college student usually runs with her pit bull and a can of mace when she is back home in Colorado Springs.

But Candice was on her own the morning of Dec. 27 as she set off for an eight- to 10-mile jog in Rancho Bernardo Community Park — an outing that quickly turned violent when she was attacked by a man in jeans.

Her mother, Lorie, talked publicly for the first time Monday about the assault on her daughter and news that the same man has been arrested in connection with the disappearance of 17-year-old Chelsea King.

King, a Poway High School senior, went jogging in the same area Thursday but never came home.

“I really feel for the mother. That could’ve been my daughter,” said Candice’s mother. She agreed to be interviewed by The San Diego Union-Tribune only if her family's last name was not used.

Investigators have positively linked the Dec. 27 attack to John Albert Gardner III, a 30-year-old registered sex offender arrested Sunday on suspicion of murder and rape in connection with Chelsea’s disappearance, San Diego police Capt. Jim Collins confirmed Monday.

He declined to say how the link was made, citing the ongoing sheriff’s investigation, but said local authorities are working with police in Colorado Springs.

San Diego police are also reviewing any evidence that might have been recovered in the initial attack and were working to see if it could yield any further clues
Info from another board on the way the search volunteers are being handled

How it worked:
You first stand in a line with your information and they verify your license number with your id.
Next you receive a wrist band that has a number on it and they have you sign in with wrist band number and cell phone number.
You are accounted for before, after and during the search.
There is an information briefing you go to before you go to a designated leader (ours was a fireman).
There are approx. 20 people per group and you are given instruction and choices of what type of volunteer work you will choose to do:
Ground search (Through brush) or knocking on doors in groups (Never alone)
They say the knocking has gotten the most results so far.
The leader has been given a map sent over I believe from police.
They show you the boundaries and how they will account for you before during and after the search.
The search is suppose to be broken into approx. 1 1/2 hour search times and then 1/2 before for briefing plus 1/2 hour afterward for Debriefing. A total of atleast 2 1/2 hours after you get into a group.

If you are doing the ground search you walk through brush and creeks, etc. looking for any items of interest. You flag and write details regarding any identified items.
You try to search in a line 20 feet apart and never out of eyesight. They say this has about an 80% success rate at this spread.
All leave together after everyone is accounted for and you go back to base for debriefing.
The leader is the main one explaining items that were found and of interest that have been marked.
These are marked and labeled on map in greater detail with another debriefing advisor who will send authorities in to "discover" suspicious items. Then you cut off your wrist band and they check again at end of day to assure all accounted for.

The Lake Hodges area is Closed off for Police only. There are other areas they need searching around this perimeter. They are also looking for items over 1 year old in connection with the other girl Amber (Dubois) from last year (Feb. 2009).
One thing they might want to look for is places where heavy rocks may have been lifted up off the ground. When big rocks are picked up, a big dent (the shape of the bottom of the rock) is left in the ground and no grass is there as a result of the rock. I'm saying this could be possible if he used rocks to weigh her body down in the water. These dents in the ground would probably be somewhat close to the water, because rocks like that are heavy and a pain in the *advertiser censored* to carry a long way.
I thought someone said it came from a Facebook post... Not sure though.

ETA: re: the mud on his legs/pants
I would guess that they made the positive link to the Dec. 27 case by a photo line up.
KFMB (8) at 6:30

They're using extensive sonar equipment to search the bottom of the lake and to search the shoreline, and are hoping by some miracle she might be found alive. 14 miles of shoreline are being examined, though some far more closely than others.

Helicopters will continue to stay up all night searching.

Dogs were brought into JAG's mother home.

Which kind of dogs? Were they cadaver dogs?

I don't think JAG's going to talk. It's really is tell tale and I'm sick, worried, and so darn angry.
Travelling Bug I am in England and read these forums after getting into the Caylee and then the Hayleigh cases. I initially read this case somewhere else and decided to put Chelseas name in to see if she had a thread.

I just wanted to say that i think you are absolutely awesome :) I know next to nothing about California but you have put so many pictures up and so many desciptions of the area its almost like we are there with you. I also wanted to say the area looks lovely.

Thank you very very much. I am sure we all appreciate it. :clap:


I'm glad to be able to help...though sorry for the reason I'm finally able to contribute more than normal on here.

In some ways maybe this makes it easier, trying to approach in 'how would I be able to convey this place, what's happening, etc. for others.'

Instead of thinking about what's unfolding in my own a girl who's family is close with many of my friends and neighbors...from a school I also competed at and where many of my former students have been anticipating graduating with Chelsea...on trails I know like the back of my a park and a lake area that I go to for both peace and exercise, to a community I call home, I try to think of what would help me if I were in your shoes and following this case - the role I'm in far more often.

And I try to figure out how to capture this place...a a place that is so much more than an anomaly of a crime or a neighborhood known for being devastated in the recent wildfires... how to depict a community that truly does rally around one another, not just say they do...a law enforcement department that has undertaken a never-before-seen-in-its-scope search for a girl beloved by many, and determined not to rest until there are to make this place where a tragedy seems to have occurred not come across to everyone else as a place that's only filled with this recent ugliness, but to convey the beauty, the peace, and the uniqueness that those of us who live here see and know and experience every day.

I guess this is one small way I can help - by bringing awareness of what's going on, and also what this place really is to all of us who call it home - whether to my fellow neighbors, or to those of you halfway around the world!

Thanks to everyone who cares about Chelsea and is praying she'll be found, for those who have commented on observations of odd things here, and those who have prompted others to report those observations or experiences, for those of you who have asked questions and challenged our perspective, but really, as I started out, mostly for all of you who are praying for Chelsea and her family and hoping that in the midst of what appears to be tragedy, we'll also see justice eventually come and the see the beauty of people caring about others.
It looks like JAG is heavy set. I think I read somewhere about a marsh. Would it be possible for him to have taken her into the marsh and stand on her body to sink it down into the wet ground, getting his pants wet and muddy in the process?

There's an image I could do without. I never would have thought of that! Is that even possible? I mean, I know it is possible to stand on her body to sink it, but once his weight is off her, wouldn't it pop back up?

WHERE is she? I just don't understand with the line search why they haven't found her if she isn't in the water??

TravelingBug, any thoughts?

I know I heard on the scanner that they had an FBI team waiting for quads or a low flying helicopter because they found evidence that they couldn't reach, but my husband is upset that I am following this so closely so I had to pull away and make him a nice big dinner (currently cooking) to appease him. :furious: I never heard what happened with that.

I just want them to find her.
Do we know what type of pants JAG was wearing? Maybe would could wear a similar pair of the same fabric and gradually run the water deeper in a bathtub to see how deep the water would have to be for the pants to wick the water up to the knee level. That could be an indicator of the depth of the water where he went.
Am I missing something? I have no idea who mentioned mud on his legs or waist high mud. I know it was mentioned...I traced the thread back to CuriousMe but did not get a response as to where this information came from when I asked. What I remember reading is that this was determined when he was arrested and booked...I dont know if that came from the police scanner or where that originated. At the time that info made it to this thread alot was going on with the breaking news of his arrest. Does anyone know where that came from? I know after reading it I had put a few theories out there about how hard it is to get lake mudd off of you and it can stay on you for days. I dont think anyone said anything about the SO in the water Sunday night and I dont even remember it being muddy pants. My recollection was mud on his legs. Hope that helps.

I [ame=""]posted an hour or so ago[/ame] that the news just stated that he was wet and had some mud on his pants up to his knees.
Is there much of a current in this lake? Anybody know? and which way it flows?
Which kind of dogs? Were they cadaver dogs?

I don't think JAG's going to talk. It's really is tell tale and I'm sick, worried, and so darn angry.

They are probably trying to pick up a scent of Chelsea King or rule out the mothers home.
Is there much of a current in this lake? Anybody know? and which way it flows?

Not much of a current, especially at the area they're looking at and near the freeway. Much, much further down, even past the restaurant and nearer the dam there's a slight current, but that's really it, and it's not considerable.
Which kind of dogs? Were they cadaver dogs?

I don't think JAG's going to talk. It's really is tell tale and I'm sick, worried, and so darn angry.

News didn't specify the type of dog searching the home. I'm sure we'll hear soon!
Not much of a current, especially at the area they're looking at and near the freeway. Much, much further down, even past the restaurant and nearer the dam there's a slight current, but that's really it, and it's not considerable.

If the items of evidence could have washed up, I was just trying to figure out from where. So, is the dam NSE orW?
Great job on the map by the way!
The waterfall is flowing into the lake at that spot correct? If there is a creek/stream coming in then there will be a current, not nec. strong, but it does take much to float something out to a different area of the lake. It only takes 6 inches of moving water to move a car, so you can see how little it takes to move 100 or so pounds.
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