CA - Chelsea King (17) Rancho Bernardo (north San Diego County) #2

DNA Solves
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could some of dna evidence be blood spatter on JAG's clothes that show some force was used, I wonder? since they started talking murder almost 48 hrs ago now...
On HLN news now - say there are search dogs on boats on the lake.
JG being charged tomorrow. Said DNA from Chelsea's panties linked JG to her. Said they are still hoping she is alive (!).
I think LE has a lot of info we do not. There must be a reason they are charging w/ murder.
I want to know where the parents/grandparent of JG are. What do they say he was doing since Thursday? We have not heard from ANYONE associated with this perp.
The "critical" area around the park, trails and lake are being searched by the professionals. The volunteers are searching other locations. The searches are intense and everything is closely examined. Trees, bushes, grass, water, everything.
I know that people are ground searching is anyone checking the trees above for signs of her? Just a thought I had.

Also, south side over there doesn't have a lot of big trees. Some eucalyptus and a few others, but it's not very heavily tree'd as the north side is in parts, especially after the fires, a lot of trees were burned. It's largely brushy chaparral.
But surely someone would have noticed a burley man carrying a body over his shoulder! Unless he went back in the dead of night, but by then the search was on.

Or.....he moved her soon after the attack. In my mind, it makes more sense for him to have moved her (in one way shape or form) AWAY from where he may encounter other people...which would mean toward the lake in my mind.

According to the pictures that have been posted of the area, it gets a little desolate out there once you get away from the improved park area. AND since there are no eyewitnesses, it seems there were not many people at the park or on the trails on that day.

Again, just in my mind, I would assume if a person is going to attack someone for the purpose of raping them, they would attack, then get out of sight fast, with their victim.

This whole thing sucks....makes me want to keep my kids home from school....

Thank you to all the locals who have been updating us so well. So very sorry this appears to be yet another case with a sad ending. :furious:
Yesterday I asked 'why do you think this guy went to the restaurant and had a meal'...some responded that he wanted to be part of the unfolding events - perps sometimes do that.

Now I'm wondering what he could see while sitting at the restaurant - which way was he facing? Could he have been facing and looking toward the place where he hid Chelsea's body? Just a thought!
was it ever clear what time chelsea got to park and what time her father did? and how much time in-between? excuse me if i missed this-but it seems there was enough time to get her out of there before searchers would be there, he would know he couldn't take his time...
I, for one, am more than disgusted at this creep's mother and stepfather (and grandmother apparently whom he was supposed to be living with!) They had to have known the terms of his release and registration as a sex offender yet allowed him to stay with them unsupervised and his grandmother allowed him to register her address as his residence though he wasn't staying there on a full time basis? They share some of the responsibility in my eyes. If a child of mine was convicted of a sex crime against an underage person I would make sure they followed the terms of their registration, regardless of how old they were, and wouldn't let them stay in my home, especially with an elementary school so close by.

I wouldn't put too much blame on the parents.

But, I agree.

Though he's an adult, MORALLY the parents and grandps have a certain obligation to make sure he stays away from schools and children while he's living with them.

But, according to the psyche evaluation he had while in jail, he did not admit to any crime.

So, he most possibly has told the parents and grandps stories of how he was framed, or how the incidents never happened, how the authorities got it wrong, etc... etc...

This brings to mind the suspect in the Somer Thompson case. During a jail house conversation he told his mom not to believe anything police said.

Uhuh! Sure!

These guys are all alike - no job, living with elderly relatives (glomming off of them,) hurting children whenever they feel like it and expecting never to get caught.

These guys have their relatives tied around their little finger, as I'm sure they are nice and sweet around them to get their help.

Even now that they are being accused of the unthinkable, murdering a child, I'm sure some of the parents are still convinced their sweet doughboys are innocent.
Do you want us to close down the perimeter at 245?

She went to the park after school, around 3pm. Her father tracked her cell phone and got there around 6pm or after. He ran a mile or so down the closest trail to her car, calling out her name. The mother had called 911 and the police arrived at the park shortly after her father, according to reports.
She went to the park after school, around 3pm. Her father tracked her cell phone and got there around 6pm or after. He ran a mile or so down the closest trail to her car, calling out her name. The mother had called 911 and the police arrived at the park shortly after her father, according to reports.

If JAG had an approximate 3-hour window of time, that is significant, IMO. Raises the chances of him having taken her elsewhere.
If JAG had an approximate 3-hour window of time, that is significant, IMO. Raises the chances of him having taken her elsewhere.
Yes, plenty of time to move the body elsewhere, before the search began.
Did JG have a vehicle?
I agree that it is very possible his parents' did not believe in his guilt since he would not admit it and that there are parents of murderers and offenders all over the country who still back their kids and sink money into their defenses, they can't give up if child won't confess...but i wish someone had made an anonymous call as soon as word was out she was missing, it COULD have helped...though all of this seems like it happened so fast, that probably was too late by the time her father got there...
Yes, plenty of time to move the body elsewhere, before the search began.
Did JG have a vehicle?

thats what i was wondering. like how did he get to that restaurant on sunday? did he drive? did someone drop him off? and if someone did, who was that person?
I wouldn't put too much blame on the parents.

But, I agree.

Though he's an adult, MORALLY the parents and grandps have a certain obligation to make sure he stays away from schools and children while he's living with them.

But, according to the psyche evaluation he had while in jail, he did not admit to any crime.

So, he most possibly has told the parents and grandps stories of how he was framed, or how the incidents never happened, how the authorities got it wrong, etc... etc...

This brings to mind the suspect in the Somer Thompson case. During a jail house conversation he told his mom not to believe anything police said.

Uhuh! Sure!

These guys are all alike - no job, living with elderly relatives (glomming off of them,) hurting children whenever they feel like it and expecting never to get caught.

These guys have their relatives tied around their little finger, as I'm sure they are nice and sweet around them to get their help.

Even now that they are being accused of the unthinkable, murdering a child, I'm sure some of the parents are still convinced their sweet doughboys are innocent.

Sadly, I completely understand your point and agree.

I guess I would feel more of an obligation to society than his parents/grandparents did if my child had pled guilty to molestation charges, served time and then been released (not to mention the psychological report.) I think so much of our problem, as a whole, is simply people refusing to take responsibility for their portion of the blame, or act, however uncomfortable, for the greater good and not just whatever happens to fit within their own comfort level and suspended belief system. Maybe if they took more of an interest in their sexually deviant son's mid afternoon walks in jeans in the woods behind their home we wouldn't have another missing girl in the news. So, so frustrating and heartbreaking! :banghead:
I agree that it is very possible his parents' did not believe in his guilt since he would not admit it and that there are parents of murderers and offenders all over the country who still back their kids and sink money into their defenses, they can't give up if child won't confess...but i wish someone had made an anonymous call as soon as word was out she was missing, it COULD have helped...though all of this seems like it happened so fast, that probably was too late by the time her father got there...

Scott Peterson's parents are a great example of this. I think parents tend to dismiss things when it comes to their kids that are huge red flags and warning signs.

His parents didn't link him to the December crime so they wouldn't have linked him to this. The media was on it as soon as the police were, which was about three hours after her jog. By then, it was simply too late, imo. What was done was done and he had already gotten rid of her body. I don't know that he had time to come back and move it after that point because they had the area crawling with pd and fbi at that point. Any suspicious activity would have been noticed. Searching went through that night and line searches started in the morning.
If JAG had an approximate 3-hour window of time, that is significant, IMO. Raises the chances of him having taken her elsewhere.

That is a lot of time. However, would there have been people around? Would someone have seen him?
Not as hard as you would think if it is carried on a shoulder. I grew up on a farm, we would often purchase oats in the big bags if the supplier was unable to get out and stock the silo in time. The bags weighed 50 lbs (possibly 60), I could carry one on my shoulder easily to the barn, back for another, to the barn, back for another etc for an hour (distance of about 40 yards)....when I was 10 (a girl at that)

Think about the adrenaline this monster had after his attack, he could have probably carried 115 lbs on his shoulder extremely easily, and for quite a distance.

Well, that IS a strong girl.

It is possible, but...

... he's a lazy *advertiser censored* who sits at home all day maybe drinking beer and scratching his gonads. He doesn't look too fit, and not used to heavy work - for what I have read about him.

The adrenaline could've made it possible... still... the time of the day when it happened, mid to late afternoon would have made it hard for him to carry her for half a mile without being seen by residents of the area or regular joggers.

I mean, just the fear of being seen by anyone coming up or down the trail would've been enough to deter him from carrying her.

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