CA - Chelsea King (17) Rancho Bernardo (north San Diego County) #2

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I know how frustrated and angry people are, especially those in the area, but i don't see how the grafitti helps...i guess they get some momentary release by doing SOMETHING...and I am sure that his parents have been told by counsel not to say a word...
i think it is possible that JG never went back home between Thursday and time he was arrested...unless it has been proven otherwise...i guess he could have been sleeping "rough" or in a vehicle (do we know yet if he had one) and maybe his parents had no idea where he was (although surely it crossed their minds...) do we even know for sure that they did not call police to let them know JG was in the area?
I am NOT defending anyone here...just waiting until we know more. If we hear his parents leaping to his defense or trying to give him an alibi, well then, that's different.

I agree cluciano, emotions are running very high. At this point we don't know where the parents stand, they may have even thought that they were protecting children by letting him stay with them where they could keep a watch on him (foolish to think, and unless they were going to physically tie themselves to him they couldn't really keep tabs on him every second, but their intentions might have been good). They could also be in complete denial, we just don't know.

By bringing this hatred and anger into the neighborhood others are getting put at risk and that's not good. It happens all the time, someone tries to take revenge and ends up hurting or even killing someone completely innocent and not connected at all.

edit to add- I am not defending the parents, I just do not want to see anyone innocent get hurt more than already have.
maybe i mis-read, thought it was JG's parents' home that was painted with graffiti...if it was prosecutor or judge...well another story...

No, you were right...I was just saying that I personally would love to spray that on the walls of the prosecutor's (or judge's) house. That's where my anger is right now.

Just wanted to add that I would never actually do this. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about me.
Okay, I actually went to High School with John and was friends with some of the people he was friends with, and here's what I can tell you

He's a Rim of the World High School grad, class of '97. I've seen a few people leave comments about how they went to High School with him and that he was a "creep" then, but the fact of the matter is, he was seen as nice, charasmatic, and was VERY well liked. No one who knew him could believe the charges against him in 2000. He had people lined up to be character witnesses for him in court, but eventually admitted that he'd done it. We were all SHOCKED when we heard what a monster he truly was. It just goes to show that you don't truly know anyone.

From what I know of his former girlfriends (one of which he has twin boys with) they were both very small and petite-- just like the girls he's been attacking.

As for the twins, this shouldn't be seen as a huge thing, as from what I understand he's had no contact with them for quite some time. And she did know about his past, but this person is pretty much the sweetest, kindest most optimistic person in the world, and if there was anyone who could still see "good" in someone like him, it was her. Please don't judge her. She also knew him before the incident in 2000, and, like I said, if you knew John then, you didn't just know him as the child killer he is now. She just chose to believe in the facade, not his true self.

As for the 'roid rage theory, I doubt it. He seems to have fluxuated in neck size, but I think that has more to do with the pictures than him. He'd always been a beefy guy in the neck area... he's kind of built like a football player. He also doesn't really look like the guy in the Walmart video and it's kind of too young for his M.O. but I guess it's possible.

All I can say is that there is one saving grace in this tragedy, and that is that he left evidence behind and that he'll never be able to do this again. I cried when I heard they found Chelsea's body. Hopefully this case will change the way sexual preditors are processed in the system.


Thank You for the personal take on him, justsomeinfo. Welcome to WS.

JAG has twin boys! Stunned by the info that he really was seen as nice and well liked. I get a great deal from that info. He knew how to charm and manipulate while being deceptive. JMO, I didn't expect him to be that clever as to fool people, but it appears he was capable of just that.

Welcome adpilove! This is a plea to you to please tell more about JAG as far as your impressions of him as a person. :popcorn:

Pretty Please, Pretty, Pretty Please? :bateyes:

Wow, I'm so behind! I went to bed last night forgetting I posted. Yikes!

Keep in mind, this was 15 years ago that I graduated HS. (Ooohh just gave away my age!) I DON'T forget people's faces. I'm known for that. But I don't recall a whole bit about him. Sorry to disappoint. People have said they remember him being "strange". But really, did they know he was in special ed? I remember him acting out, causing fights, but I also remember him being very liked by the teachers in the class. If I recall, he had a learning disability and that's why he was in this "special ed" class. My mother is going to be calling one of his former teachers sometime in the next few days and that should get more info.
What I expressed was only one facet of what needs to be done. Of course, I frikkin' agree that these monsters need to be locked up. I'm a rape victim. And I've been reading about these rapes and murders for years, and listed just a few of the victims that were attacked on jogging/hiking paths. I'm just as disgusted, grief-striken and angry as you all are.

Guess what? The monsters are still out there waiting for their opportunity. And all I'm saying is the opportunity is greater if you're alone on a jogging path. We have to try and protect ourselves because no one else is!
concentric, I agree with you. We must change the way we do things to keep ourselves safe (or as safe as humanly possible). The monsters are out there today and they will be out there tomorrow and the days and months after that. One of the greatest common demoninators in missing child cases is that they were ALONE when they met up with a predator. I read an article yesterday about a cross country team in florida. Their coach said they should never run alone and should never run with ipods (in light of what just happened to Chelsea).

Also, so sorry to hear about what happened to you. (((((((((()))))))))))))
How much LEO contact does this board have? I'm not adverse to telling law enforcement about my insights. I've heard EPD mentioned, but would I contact Rancho Bernardo police or what??

Will be back this afternoon, evening and will see what's developed.
Well, maybe if his parents wouldn't have been so rude to the media and would've offered some condolences to Chelseas family and all the other victims their son has effected...that wouldn't have happened.


Ummm....and why should neighbors of these (rotten) people be affected however?? People really need to grow up....and realize that changing laws and/or insisting that existing laws are enforced will do a lot more good than acting ridiculous ...this is reminding me of some of the media hungry people who used to gather in front of George and Cindy Anthony's house

This is a real tragedy about Chelsea...but I would not want to feel threatened by mobs if I had the bad luck to live on the same block as parents of a perp

JMO of course
I know how frustrated and angry people are, especially those in the area, but i don't see how the grafitti helps...i guess they get some momentary release by doing SOMETHING...and I am sure that his parents have been told by counsel not to say a word...
i think it is possible that JG never went back home between Thursday and time he was arrested...unless it has been proven otherwise...i guess he could have been sleeping "rough" or in a vehicle (do we know yet if he had one) and maybe his parents had no idea where he was (although surely it crossed their minds...) do we even know for sure that they did not call police to let them know JG was in the area?
I am NOT defending anyone here...just waiting until we know more. If we hear his parents leaping to his defense or trying to give him an alibi, well then, that's different.

Realize that the neighbors are going to question why JAG's parents allowed him to live there ever after he became a RSO. He was registered at a different address which is unfair to his neighbors that might want to protect their children. I expect his parents are in for nothing but complete he!! now.

It's possible they did call in their suspicions and it's been kept secret, but I doubt it.

The neighbor across the street was explaining the graffiti on the news and he sounds disgusted that the neighborhood now has to be seen as dangerous place that sheltered this killer.
I spoke with Mick a few times in private message. He seems to be a very caring person and indicated that he may be picking up on Ambers energy as well when he visoned the resting place of Chelsea in the park. I hope that he is able to shed additional light if he envisions anything else regarding others who may have met a similiar fate in that area.

I know Mick is different and he is a new member to the forums just as I am. I think that is what makes WS so enjoyable with all the multi faceted people and what each and everyone of us bring to WS. I have enjoyed my short time with WS and look forward to meeting new people and making friends.

I guess Chelsea's ordeal really affected me. I have a daughter about the same build and she is beautiful like Chelsea and a loving person with big dreams and aspirations. It bothers me to know that Chelsea's parents wont see their daughter marry and wont hold a grandbaby...I feel so terribly blessed that I have had those things that all mothers/fathers have a right to have in their lifetime.

Someone mentioned planning a run for Chelsea. While I am not able to participate in such an event I would love to be a part of that if not just for support of her family. I think a tribute run through the park would be a great way to memorialize this fine young woman. I hope that if something like this is organized that there is plenty of notice so that I can make the trip and be present for this event.

The vigil that was covered on TV last night was remarkable and I could not believe the strenght of her parents in the face of such devastating news. They are remarkable people it is no wonder they had such a remarkable daughter. They have a hard road ahead of them and will need support of everyone.

I completely believe what he saw. Not sure that it's Amber (and I don't recall him giving any descriptions of the body, just the location).

My point, which I probably didn't get across well due to lack of sleep is that a lot of LE will not take this seriously (unfortunately) and if this area he mentioned is not in the crime scene area maybe a private search should be arranged. With his description it sounds like it may be an older site and thus make it very hard to find by people, however cadaver dogs would be highly effective. If you contact a cadaver dog group in the area they would likely be more than happy to use it as a "training" opportunity if nothing else. They would probably have to clear it through the local LE and that could take some time given the situation right now, but it might be worth a shot.
Now, on the other hand, if it's inside the tape, well, that's a whole different issue.
The graffetti on JAG's parents home has been painted over already, but it said "Chelsea's blood on You. Move."

The neighbor across the street gave his opinion for a good five minutes that the whole neighborhood is being threatened because of the OUTRAGE OF THIS ...........

On Fox News Live Local News

As one living in the neighborhood I also am angry and heightened to the dangers with my 2 teen boys. Though the gender is different, they're still children and they now feel violated as well. The douche-bag lived around the corner from me!!
Why can't we go back to the Scarlett Letter days. Only this time, we'll put RSO in tatood big letters on their cheek (were it couldn't be easily hidden). No one wants to be branded, and this could be a great fix, and deterrant. All tatoo places would be notified to never remove it unless ordered by a judge.

Just my opinion!

Had to turn off the computer last night and breath.

To What Mick "saw", can anyone that frequents the park answer-do homeless and/or runaways frequent the park? I remember early on people talking about encampments but don't remember if that was from a reliable source or not. It is very possible if it was that Mick could be seeing an old grave site from someone that is missing from a completely different area or maybe was never reported missing at all but had made this park home.

Is the area Mick is referring to in the search area that is blocked off? If it's not it is not likely that LE will go looking there on the "hunch" of someone on a website forum.

I frequent the park and there are no homeless or runaways anywhere I've seen. There's always been talk the park lurks with mountain lions which may discourage this as well. What's the area he referred to once again as I was there last night and most entrances to the park have officers stationed to avoid anyone going in to contaminate the scene.
This is so sad ....poor Chelsea

This guy should never have been out on the seems he was not really where he was supposed to be....

Jessica's Law is a good start...25 years minimum....lifetime ankle bracelet

I am in favor of Jessica's Law on Steroids

I also wish that all sex offender laws are written to be "retroactive", if dna or other "testing" changes in the future, write the law so that all of them will have to abide by it

there are often so many loopholes

I am no expert on this but just by reading this sad story it seems that there was a "danger" in that area that was NOT being conveyed to the public...sometimes "reputation" of the city/etc stands in the way....just like the Mall killer in Boca Raton, the public was NOT told the facts to protect the mall business and the tourist business

I think that this guy could be related to Amber, and others...and has been getting away with things....and I have to ask why?

We have seen that these type of animal offenders don't change...they only seem to intensify

we need laws and need to enforce laws...we need alerts...we need to stop the insanity JMO

My thoughts and prayers are with Chelsea and her family
We've been wondering about Gardner's background, friends, etc. Yesterday someone said they'd found a John Gardner at Rim of the World High School in class of 1997. I guess he was right. I don't recall the poster's name, but KUDOS to you!


Former Resident May Face Death Penalty (Update2)

Body Found at Lake Hodges Likely Missing Teenager

By G.T. Houts
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Update 2 - Wednesday 4:05 a.m.

San Diego, CA - John Albert Gardner III - a former mountain resident - will appear in court today possibly facing the death penalty following the discovery of a body believed to be 17-year-old Chelsea King.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>

He is from this school. This is the school I went to!
Just caught the tail end of a news report on the local SD news that apparently someone left a big red spray paint message on JAG's parents home that said something like
"Chelsea's blood is on you. Move." I only caught part of the news flash and a second of the actual photo I think left on a garage door, and will have to see again to find out exactly what it said.

Here's the pic of the garage door: King/?action=view&current=3-3-1.jpg

This pic is the only thing I can find about the knife.
Anyone else see anything about it?

Yesterday at the presser, a reporter asked but sheriff said 'no comment' of course.

Pic source:

Chelsea's archive album is updated. King/
Fox News reporting. Talking about JAGs "mental health issues".....what's that about?
I completely believe what he saw. Not sure that it's Amber (and I don't recall him giving any descriptions of the body, just the location).

My point, which I probably didn't get across well due to lack of sleep is that a lot of LE will not take this seriously (unfortunately) and if this area he mentioned is not in the crime scene area maybe a private search should be arranged. With his description it sounds like it may be an older site and thus make it very hard to find by people, however cadaver dogs would be highly effective. If you contact a cadaver dog group in the area they would likely be more than happy to use it as a "training" opportunity if nothing else. They would probably have to clear it through the local LE and that could take some time given the situation right now, but it might be worth a shot.
Now, on the other hand, if it's inside the tape, well, that's a whole different issue.

I know that sometimes LE does engage the aid of psychics when they have no other signiifigant evidence to follow up on. As for Mick, I would think that San Diego Sheriffs would probably be up to their ears in followups on Chelsea's case that his information might just get lost in the shuffle. I think maybe contacting the Missing Person Detective handling Ambers case might be effective or contacting Ambers parents directly. I dont know if Ambers parents have hired a private investigator or not which alot of families do when a loved one goes missing for a long period of time. I think from what I have read Ambers mother has been very active in trying to discover what happened in her daughters sudden dissappearance. Perhaps if anyone that knows Ambers parents could pass along that Mick is offerring his help or insight into their daughters case.
Here's the pic of the garage door: King/?action=view&current=3-3-1.jpg

This pic is the only thing I can find about the knife.
Anyone else see anything about it?

Yesterday at the presser, a reporter asked but sheriff said 'no comment' of course.

Pic source:

Chelsea's archive album is updated. King/

Thank you for the photos! I was there last night about 7p and didn't see that painted. There was a TV Crew & Police Car stationed so it must've happened overnight when these had left or were sleeping...
He is from this school. This is the school I went to!

Hi again. I've been wondering if you'd come back to give your impressions of JAG because you said you knew him.
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