CA - Chelsea King (17) Rancho Bernardo (north San Diego County) #2

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Yep, Suzi said it so much better. It's frustrating beyond belief that these people walk free time and time again, and it's not until they get caught for "the big one" that they are finally out of the community for good. I am super-biased, admittedly, and think that there should be a one-strike rule on violent sex offenders.

And they usually walk free because of their families or some dogooder that thinks that people like this deserve a second chance. And the second something goes wrong they scream "don't blame us!" IMO, character statements for a perp need to be outlawed.

During the Christian Newsom trial we learned one of the perps was let out early because a minister and his wife promised to take him in and watch him. Yeah that worked. He ran off to rape and murder a man and a woman then torch the body of the man.
Excuse me, but a 19-year-old has NO business with a 13-year-old "sweetheart", that's why Statutory Rape charges exist! 13-year-olds cannot legally consent to sex nor marriage. We're not back in the days of Jerry Lee Lewis. That kind of guy is a predator by nature!

I disagree that such a young man would be "a predator by nature".

That's not to say I would allow a child of mine to be on either side of such a relationship. That's not even to say such a young man should not be held criminally responsible (though, as a libertarian, I'd probably argue against it. Many things involving our children are better handled at home).

But lumping him in with violent, predatory SOs is a mistake. It wastes time and resources, and it costs lives like Chelsea's.
FOX News national channel is going to talk about JAG's parents after the commercial - Shephard Smith's show. Coming up
We can argue the reason behind JAG's parents actions, but the fact of the matter is, it's against the law to circumvent and evade the system to help an SO out. And that could include grandma depending on what grandma knew and how she handled the situation. IMO, the neighbors have a right to be angry....very very angry.

I have a real pet peeve for family members and friends of these creeps who line up and testify how good these guys are and claim they will provide a home for them and promise keep an eye on them. Nice for these people but very bad for the rest of us. Well alot of these guys run from their new home and restrictions placed, meander about wherever and do what they please, and that's usually much worse than what they did before.

I agree. But how do we know they didn't register him and the paper work is sitting on someone's desk? I don't care how angry a community is, someone shouldn't have spray painted his parents garage door.
ok - wasn't much - just talk about the arraignment coming up in a hour or so and the bit about the parents was about the vandalism of the garage door.

Reporter said it was neighbors that came out and painted it over once LE took pictures.
They both were '99 grads, so just a couple years younger. But they both had the "young girl" look because they were both so small.

Did JAG graduate high school? He really has twins by one of these girls, but has nothing to do with the children. No child support? I'm surprised that she did not go after support for those kids...oh yeah, he didn't seem to work much. Too busy with other things.:banghead:
Wow, so many similiarities of Chelsea and Amber, more so of both their moms. I blame JAG and the criminal justice system. No one is following up on sexual predators because its so expensive and time consuming and not enough personnel to do so. There isn't enough room in the jails so they reduce the jail sentences and let out like him. Things need to change, our criminal justice system NEEDS to change. Get the TRASH off the street and KEEP our children safe!!!!
Seems like the December jogger that got away was very lucky. Just wish they caught him back then.
Did JAG graduate high school? He really has twins by one of these girls, but has nothing to do with the children. No child support? I'm surprised that she did not go after support for those kids...oh yeah, he didn't seem to work much. Too busy with other things.:banghead:

ETA: Yes he did graduate.

I'm not sure if he does child support... I haven't spoken with her in some time. She moved on awhile ago, and from what I heard was expecting (from a different person, thank God).
Someone a few pages back was talking about naming one of the trails after Chelsea. It made me think of the story of Cara Knott. Anyone remember that? I was about 5 at the time but I still remember it. A highway patrol officer pulled her over, off the freeway onto Mercy Road and killed her. As I understand it, in exchange for not suing the city and the state, both allowed her family to dedicate a park in her honor. Only the city, county, state, etc pretty much washed their hands clean of the park and did nothing to help in its upkeep. My dad remembers driving by and seeing Cara's dad out picking weeds in the park because it was so overrun. So sad. Her dad died of a heart attack that occurred while he was cleaning up the park.

I really hope the city and community rallies around the King family.
Yes! I was living in San Diego at the time and commuting back and forth to a friend's house in Rancho Penasquitos at the time to use his computer for my graduate thesis. The show Forensic Files had an episode on Craig Peyer not too long ago titled, "Badge of Betrayal".
It has taken a long time and many lives to get these protections in place. I see big improvements in being able to have RSO Registries, Amber Alerts, VINE for victims wanting notification, etc., We are capable of changing procedures, laws, and many things we have control over.

We are all becoming outraged everyday hearing about these crimes. I believe Chelsea's death will not be in vain. Change will come from this sad loss of a vibrant young woman with so much to live for.

I do agree we need to hold our ground and insist on every level that our rights as citizens be upheld. We pay our taxes and we and our children deserve to be protected better than this.
Yes! He was right there in the neighborhood under LE noses. Sometimes, I think we investigate more thoroughly than they do.
If they werent let out of jail they wouldnt have to register and people wouldnt have to try to monitor them in the first place...
re: ankle bracelet monitoring...what good does this really do? it tells where someone is (if anyone is actually monitoring it real-time) but does not show what they are doing...there is no way that all of these people could be monitored in any meaningful way.

also if he was registered at parents' address...would that have made a real difference in this case? aren't there at least some other SO's
there-i see there are 9 registered. If there had been 10, would this really have saved Chelsea?
What i am saying is that registering does not always work, obviously, and neither do ankle bracelets.
I agree with the poster who wants them to be marked in a way we can see them coming, though this will never happen...
so while i understand the anger at his family...not sure it would saved her, unless they simply had never allowed him to visit...which they could have done. So there is some blame there. But i think it is easier to say you would never let your child in your home again than to actually do it.
ETA: Yes he did graduate.

I'm not sure if he does child support... I haven't spoken with her in some time. She moved on awhile ago, and from what I heard was expecting (from a different person, thank God).

Thank You again. Hope she has a good life. It must be so shocking for her. Someone else posted earlier that he was in special ed class with a learning disability, but he did graduate.

Just trying to understand how he became what is now considered by many a monster.

Excuse me, I must break free of this thread right now. I must find my life I put down someplace since Chelsea went missing.

RIP dear Chelsea King
Just before Amber went missing, there was an attempted abduction of a girl, 12 or 13, about 3 or 4 blocks from our house. I contacted LE to tell them to call the Chula Vista PD and ask them about it, when they were looking for Amber.


PS...the girl goes to school with my grandson and lives a block or so from them. She talked to my grandson about the incident, but I don't recall what she said.....fran

Is this the article?

Here are more articles of attempted kidnappings last year. So many, OMG.
What gps tracking would do is give proof of where they were when the crime occurred. It would lead us to victims much faster. It would stop some, not all from committing the crimes. None of this is the ideal situation, but the fact is we will never stop them completely so we must find ways to help in not only prevention but prosecuting these scum and recovering their victims.

I don't know the law for all states, but for many, registering your address is only required as part of your probation or parole, once that time is up (which his was), they can move as they please. The theory is that they've paid their debt to society (yeah, no, not even close, but that is the arguement).
San Diego police Capt. Jim Collins said Gardner has been connected to a Dec. 27 attack on a female jogger in the same park, but it was not through DNA evidence. He declined to say how the link was made, but said they were working with police in Colorado Springs, Colo., where the jogger lives.

Over the weekend, the San Diego police crime lab had rushed to test a DNA swab taken from the elbow of the victim of the December attack. It did not have Gardner’s DNA, only the victim’s, Collins said.

The 22-year-old jogger told officers she had used her bare elbow to knock her assailant in the face, possibly breaking his nose.

“We thought we could get something good on that, but unfortunately not,” Collins said.

The DNA sample was not tested earlier because it was considered an attempted robbery, which is not as high on the crime lab’s priority list as other violent crimes, Collins said. As of December, the lab’s DNA unit was dealing with a backlog of about 500 cases.
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