CA - Chelsea King (17) Rancho Bernardo (north San Diego County) #2

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Special allegation attached to the murder chanrge does make it possible for the state to seek the death penalty.
FWIW, the experts on HLN said if he is assigned 2 public defenders right away that is a clear signal the prosecution is looking for the DP.
Don't know if this was posted yet:

Statement released to facebook site from the family: "Our sorrow and loss runs unspeakably deep yet the inspiration of everyone's love and encouragement lifts us up. Our Chelsea set out to change the world and throughout our lifetime we will work to ensure that through us, Chelsea will create the enormous change she was determined to see. With your help, Chelsea's light will never dim." Kelly & Brent King
Here in sunny SoFla RSO's don't even have to list an address - they can just put "transient". I did a search just the other day and within 5 miles of my house there are 597 of them!!!!!!!!! Some of them - homeless - list the main street and the cross streets that they hang out on. There was one predator just two blocks from me and he's right across the street from a park - A HUGE PARK - and this is a baseball / football park where kids are everyday! Don't ask me how that can be - I just don't get it.

And cluciano - you're right about LE (and the Chamber of Commerce) not wanting any bad publicity. Here our major industry is tourism so its even more so. But in the past few years I have seen these mobile digital signs warning of high crime area and to lock your car and protect your valuables.

Swag- I am in FLA also, Pinellas cty and I have s very similar # within one mile of my home-- because there is a huge homeless shelter where a large transient popolation registers. I used to run past it every morning without even knowing it was there. Once I got pregnant I checked the SO registry and I was appalled. I don't run at night or early in the AM anymore. And i always carry pepper spray now, no more IPOD either it's really unfair that I have to change what i do because these 's are out in my community. Especially when they are not contributing to it in anyway, just detracting from it.
Amber's father is speaking. Giving sincere condolensces to the King family (quick and short, will take a few questions.) They are working with the police hand in hand. Asked if he thinks the suspect is responsible for his daughters dissapearance. He said in the back of their heads yes but they don't want to believe it in their hearts so they will keep searching for her and hoping she is alive until they have proof that says otherwise. Gardners past, living in close proximity to them, etc. makes him beleive there is a good chance he is involved. They did pull a list of sexual predetors in the area before Chelsea went missing and John Gardner's name was on the list of the ones they pulled off the internet. He doesn't know if Gardner was approached by the police regarding his daughter prior to him being arrested for Chelsea's murder. Their hearts go out to the King family and want to keep the focus on Chelsea today. Advice? Educate your kids early. Don't go with the old "stranger, danger", help them develope their own thinking, ask them questions, fight scream yell, don't let anyone get you under their control. Expressed their condolensces to the King family. Doesn't want to comment on why his daughter didn't get the same amount of attention that the Chelsea King case has received. Called it a day and concluded. (sorry for the huge number of typos!)
Amber's dad says this day is about Chelsea, wants to keep the focus on Chelsea but is grateful for the chance to talk about Amber. Acknowledges he had seen JAG on the RSO list but was informed by LE they could not follow him or check up on him, that's LE's job.

Yeah, and they did such a good job of it. Imagine a different outcome if Amber's parents were allowed to follow this guy...
Ok, I'm just disgusted by some of the posts that are taking place on Chelsea's Light FB page. These guys are sick and should be tracked down and flogged.
RE: the charges...
I don't understand completely but did it almost sound like there is a possibility she was not raped?
First was murder, special circumstances in that it occurred in the commission or attempted commission of rape.
Second was assault with attempt to commit rape.

Is that standard wording?
(not familiar with this, thankfully.)
The Dubois family is addressing the media now.....

So sad for Ambers family, not knowing where she is...I bet alot of people are saying, Whose Amber??? But we all know who she is here...We haven't forgot.
FINALLY. HLN has fixed the DNA statement from the December attack. Guess my texts and everyone else's texts worked. :)
What a beautiful statement and attitude from Amber's father-what a saint!
This case reminds of the Rex Krebs case in N. Cal. He was released from prison where he served 10 years for 2 rapes and then came out and murdered two college girls...Rachel Newhouse and Aundria Crawford...
He too went into prison for the rapes at about 20; was sentenced to 20 yrs but served 10; if he hasd served his full sentence, he would not have been free to muder these girls. He was about same age as JAG when he committed the murders. Is now on death row but has many, many more years ahead before appeals would ever be exhausted.
Am watching a show today on E channel called "Young, Beautiful and Vanished" that reviews 15 cases...a few I had not really heard of (particulary those where victim was not white, unfortunately.)
Seriously, I'd feed that worthless sack of protoplasm in there feet first. I'm so damned pissed off that he only got 6 years for the first one and now has killed at least once.

We don't need any more damned laws, we need to use the ones we have. If he had SERVED the 30 years he could have gotten the first time, that the shrink said he should, Chelsea would be alive today. It's just that simple.

You need to join JVM in her fight on the war against women! She is beyond pissed!!!!!! I'm joining - something has got to give. I heard someone on one of the broadcasts say we need to stop spending money on space and start spending money on earth to save lives from these monsters...
RE: the charges...
I don't understand completely but did it almost sound like there is a possibility she was not raped?
First was murder, special circumstances in that it occurred in the commission or attempted commission of rape.
Second was assault with attempt to commit rape.

Is that standard wording?
(not familiar with this, thankfully.)

Yes, it is standard to charge in the alternative. It means nothing.
RE: the charges...
I don't understand completely but did it almost sound like there is a possibility she was not raped?
First was murder, special circumstances in that it occurred in the commission or attempted commission of rape.
Second was assault with attempt to commit rape.

Is that standard wording?
(not familiar with this, thankfully.)

I believe it is standard, to cover all of the bases until they know more. Also, they may not have positive proof that she was raped, therefore the added charge as attempt...will probably work out the charges more specifically by the 18th...
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