CA - Child *advertiser censored* charges against John Mark Karr dismissed

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Has the Ablow interview aired? Did anyone see it? Looks like I'm going to have to watch LKL again tonight. I hope my stomach can handle watching him two nights in a row.
Larry King Live does have an e-mail listed for comments for tonights show.........just saying....these are good messages here - worth doing twice!
newtv said:
when is the ablow interview? has it happened and what came of it?
It was on this morning. You can google the Dr. Keith Ablow show and then there are links to Parts 1 -4 of the interview.

It was actually filmed last week on Wednesday or Thursday night.
Karr belongs in jail just because he is a wack job. Who wants to live by him? Not moi!
julia said:
Karr belongs in jail just because he is a wack job. Who wants to live by him? Not moi!
While I share the feeling I would not want to live by him , locking him up for being a nutbar is just not O.k. The guy needs mental help and he should be getting it.Unfortunately, someone cannot be locked up for what they might do or what they say they have done.Like everyone Mr.Karr frustrates me and I worry he will become a kind of grimy celeb pedophile. You know the kind that LKL, Greta and all the others refer to when they want advice. We have not seen the last of him. I share your anger Julia, I really do.
I saw the Dr. Ablow Show this AM, it was on two different times/channels, on the East Coast. The guests were Crier, an (ex?) FBI Agent (Candice DeLong) and one of Ablow's psych instructors from med school. Scenes from Ablow's interview with Karr were shown (looks to be in a small room, with possibly a hidden camers) and then the "Panel" gave their opinions.

Karr, altho did not appear to be intoxicated, (as in slurring words), he was holding a paper cup the entire time, and gave some very long and bizaare answers to Ablow's questions. Even if the papercup were frequently filled with wine, as Karr and his attys claim on other shows, no one forced Karr to drink it!

Karr said he saw nothing wrong or abnormal with, "a little girl sitting on my lap and kissing me on the lips and putting her tongue in my mouth." He compared it to her licking an icecream cone, "which is much worse for her."

He also mentions writing a book ("fiction") about himself... character 's name is DAXIS.
kazzbar said:
While I share the feeling I would not want to live by him , locking him up for being a nutbar is just not O.k. The guy needs mental help and he should be getting it.Unfortunately, someone cannot be locked up for what they might do or what they say they have done.Like everyone Mr.Karr frustrates me and I worry he will become a kind of grimy celeb pedophile. You know the kind that LKL, Greta and all the others refer to when they want advice. We have not seen the last of him. I share your anger Julia, I really do.
Actually locking someone up for beinga nutbar is perfectly OK and legal if they are deemed a harm to themselves or others.
I think it is clear this creep is a harm to others based on his own sick words.
luvbeaches said:
And he can be quite rude to his guests. I can't stand watching the old fart.
Can't tolerate even hearing his voice. He comes across as an ignorant smart a--!!!! :eek:
peace9274 said:
I saw the Dr. Ablow Show this AM, it was on two different times/channels, on the East Coast. The guests were Crier, an (ex?) FBI Agent (female) and one of Ablow's psych instructors from med school. Scenes from Ablow's interview with Karr were shown (looks to be in a small room, with possibly a hidden camers)and then the "Panel" gave their opinions.

Karr, altho did not appear to be intoxicated, (as in slurring words), he was holding a paper cup the entire time, and gave some very long and bizaare answers to Ablow's questions. Even if the papercup wasfrequently filled with wine, as Karr and his attys claim on other shows, no one forced Karr to drink it!

Karr said he saw nothing wrong or abnormal with, "a little girl sitting on my lap and kissing me on the lips and putting her tongue in my mouth." He compared it to her licking an icecream cone, "which is much worse for her."

He also mentions writting a book ("fiction") about himself... character 's name is DAXIS.

I really don't feel sorry for Karr. Like you said, even if he was supplied with alcohol, no one forced him to drink it. He chose to and those things came out of his mouth. It seems to me that what he said in this hidden camera interview was not what he inteneded to say in the real interview; he wants to keep playing games (LKL, Greta) and create some false persona of a misunderstood victim.

Crier strongly feels Karr did NOT murder JBR. All 3 guests admitted that Karr is definitely mentally ill and possibly/probably a danger to children.

I'm trying to remember what all Karr said and since I watched the LKL interview (twice) and Greta's Interview and Anderson Cooper's Show with comments about LKL Show, I'm actually forgetting where I heard what comments.

On LKL (I think - :doh: ), Karr said he wanted privacy and to lead a nice quiet life. At first he said he d/n want a movie made about him, then he said he DID want one. LK called him on the contradiction and Karr said, well as long as he got to oversee the production and to make sure that he wasn't portrayed as a monster!!!


The monster part that Karr is, is the only part of his life that any writer, producer, director would want to show.

Karr spoke about the relationship with his mother, which came to end when he was 4 yrs old. He spoke of his real brother, that they don't speak, and that there's not a good relationship ("He's very busy and has a quiet private life."), but that his half-bro is very kind, loving and supportive.

There were more very shocking comments from Karr, but I must've blocked them out. I'll post as they come to me.
>That just gives me the shivers. Ablow is an opportunist, a profiteer, and a shyster, imo.<

And what of JMK? It almost sounds to me like some people are more angry at the interviewers than they are at JMK? Is JMK now an innocent victim? If he WAS entrapped I just can't seem to garner much sympathy for him. So what?

JMK is not an innocent man. I believe that he is going to eventually hurt a child yet he is running around loose and the media is treating him like a movie star.

No one forced JMK to meet with Ablow and agree to interviews. He is using the media for his own reasons. Whatever happens to him he deserves and vice versa. This is one sick dance between them all. And it's no surprise to me that scum seems to gravitate towards each other.
Karr said he may want to go back to teaching, because he loves children and loves teaching and he is "an excellent teacher... a holistic teacher" and he said there's never been any complaints about him as a teacher.

I guess he didn't see the comments the Principals and other teachers/co-workers said about him.

Didn't Karr get fired from at least one or two teaching jobs..... in Calif and Thailand?
Didn't a Principal tell the media that Karr would never be asked to substitute again... because of his inappropriate behavior?

It seems Karr was answering questions and thinking everyone else in the World was living in closets during his arrest.... and that we had not read anything about his past and present behavior/personality.

Altho I don't recall what all was asked and said... I do know that he is very delusional in his thinking about what little girls want and like. And he wrongly justifies all that he had done and is.
If he cares so much about kids, why did he leave his own children for years and go to Thailand?

Maybe he could not hurt his own. I'm sick just thinking like that.
Moe said:
If he cares so much about kids, why did he leave his own children for years and go to Thailand?

Maybe he could not hurt his own. I'm sick just thinking like that.

One of the talking heads last night suggested that there is a protection order that keeps Karr away from his kids. From the way he answered questions about them during the LKL interview, I believe it's probably true.
Moe said:
If he cares so much about kids, why did he leave his own children for years and go to Thailand?

Maybe he could not hurt his own. I'm sick just thinking like that.

I think Karr did hurt his own children, Moe.
Also, his ex-wives.... both physically and emotionally.
His 2nd wife received restraining orders on Karr and there were stipulations regarding his visitations with his sons.
Karr threatened to kill one of his sons and wife before they broke up. No good woman would want him near her kids after all the stuff that has gone on.Shame on everyone if he ever teaches a child again. I know that he possibly could but this has to be stopped from happening. I would not want his 'holistic' (his words) teaching near any child. Apart from the fact he tootes his own horn about what a great teacher he is, he has been dismissed from quite a few schools for different reasons.Seems to me that he is not the great success he says he is. He is a loser and the media should let him just dissappear.
peace9274 said:

Karr said he saw nothing wrong or abnormal with, "a little girl sitting on my lap and kissing me on the lips and putting her tongue in my mouth." He compared it to her licking an icecream cone, "which is much worse for her."


He actually said that???? Ewwwww! He thinks he so smart that he can hide his sickness from the world. He's going to be a very unhappy camper, I'm thinking, after the LKL show tonight. He'll learn that the only person he fooled last night was himself.
kazzbar said:
Karr threatened to kill one of his sons and wife before they broke up. No good woman would want him near her kids after all the stuff that has gone on.Shame on everyone if he ever teaches a child again. I know that he possibly could but this has to be stopped from happening. I would not want his 'holistic' (his words) teaching near any child. Apart from the fact he tootes his own horn about what a great teacher he is, he has been dismissed from quite a few schools for different reasons.Seems to me that he is not the great success he says he is. He is a loser and the media should let him just dissappear.

Wasn't he sneaky on LKL talking about how satisfied he is with the way his kids are being raised and praising their mother, acting as if he's leaving them alone by choice rather than because he's been ordered to stay away. I hope she's not living anywhere near Atlanta when he moves back there.
Even though Karr gives me the heeby-jeebies, he is an interesting study.

I actualy learned some things from Ablows show today and thought Candice
DeLong exceptional, as always.

But about Karr, Ablow pointed out how Karr comes from two sides, depending on which side he wants to put forward. Karr was controlled, sober and almost controlling in the regular interview, but when he didn't know he was on Q was when he said the bizarre statements. That filming was done about a month ago, acc. to Ablow. A little girl putting her tongue inn his mouth, letting us know he had actual orgsasms when he was 4 yrs. old and the other comments how it would be unhealthy to deny a little girl if she wanted to be sexual with him for instance.

Then telling about his manuscript which is fiction but based on his life and a little girl. It is interesting that Karr's attorney is quite concerned about the possibility of him potentially being arrested again based on statements he has made, which in my mind would be these hidden camera statements, some of which include info he says about JB as we have discussed - panties, closeness to Ramsey family, etc. plus the ones above.

Candice said they could not use this manuscript as evidence in court, with Catherine in agreeance, but it could open up a can of worms for Karr in that they might use it to do reinvestigtation work about him. For instance, if there was a chapter on where someone was buried, acc. to Candace, she said she herself would go out there and start digging with a shovel!

You know I am thinking he might have been with a little girl, and when she died he transferred that over to pretending it was JB, since he has been so mermerized by the case. Wasn't there talk of a little girl gone missing in
Ca where Karr lived. I think there was a girl somewhere, just can't put my finger on it now. And I think there is more known out there than we have been told for two reasons: 1} All the Karr interviews being done right now, esp with the combo one tonight after the 2 hours of interviews in the last day plus Greta's, and 2} The possibility expressed by both Karr and his attorney that he is vulnerable, could be arrested again, now has to be careful what he says and there are things of Karr's which he needs to get back. I wonder if Michael has the manuscript?

Could there be another little girl out there in the wings?

What I learned today from Ablows show was from the panel which I thought was great. A person's lineage, going back generation, can be studied to see tendancies that can be passed on to a new child. I never thought of it like that, as the Dr said because his mother was crazy crazy, Karr probably has inherited a mental illness or imbalance from her.

So it made me wonder, gee, what if that mother had 6 kids. Would they all be affected by this?

Also I learned, if something in a persons life has been very hard for them in some aspect, they might block it out and it might take an opposite effect. For instance if a child has always had a hard time earning money and grew up in a family where he had everything, a rich family, this child might have no real appreciation for money and if he inherits money could simply blow it without control.


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