CA CA - Christine Walters, 23, Arcata, 14 Nov 2008

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DNA Solves
Wow. This one is very tragic. My condolences to Christine's family, especially because it seems local LE has not been diligent in their efforts to find Christine. :(

The tea ceremony I think is the key here. I read Brian44's post with responses from Tito, the shaman, about the events surrounding Christine's disappearance. The part where he describes the ceremony that Christine participated in... his language is alarming to me. "to be honest.... nothing was out of the ordinary at this particular ceremony..." (not an exact quote) Where is the "to be honest" coming from? When someone is lying, they throw in these extra words to try and bolster the idea that they're telling the truth. Especially all those unnecessary words about "no one had a bad trip"..etc. Who was suggesting that anyone had a bad trip, other than him? Who is he trying to convince? And describing Christine's whereabouts the following morning... "I believe Christine was one of them"... you believe that, or you KNOW?

Could just be the way he talks, could be sketchy.

I've posted about this before in other cases, but a former friend of mine had an experience that may have been similar to what Christine went through. She took LSD and had a bad trip. She was found naked in public and delusional, talking about people being "after her" as well. This is a more common adverse reaction to psychedelics than "shaman" types would like you to believe. Some people can't handle them as well as others. Set and setting is an important element in these experiences, and perhaps the fact that Christine was so far from home had a role in her bad trip. By all accounts it seems Christine was having delusions and/or feeling quite paranoid after participating in this tea ceremony... you'd be a fool to think they aren't related, because these substances CAN and DO cause reactions like this!

I'm alarmed that local LE isn't doing more about this "shaman". I'm not ardently anti-drug by any means, however this shaman guy seems like a crock.

Lastly, just a final note that popped into my head while reading about Christine's case... IMO, the fact that she up and left school is another red flag. Most normal people going through their life don't just decide to uproot their cushy college life and spend time across the country hanging out with strangers. It could be interpreted as being a hippie, or finding herself, but either way I think it indicates some kind of internal unrest. The mid-to-late 20's is commonly a time when mental illnesses show up in women. I hope that Christine is still alive and didn't have the misfortune to be found by a predator in her vulnerable state.
I don't think the hospital should have released christine until her parents arrived. I know they don't have an obligation to keep someone until they have a support system, but here was a young woman who just turned up naked running from the woods, seriously impaired after taking a drug. It seems like they just dumped her back on the street. I used to think she ended up in the ocean because the ayuahasca brought on a psychotic break that she was still in the midst of while staying at the motel. But maybe she never recovered and is out there among the homeless.
As far as I can see there have been no credible sightings though, and her family has spent a lot of time focusing on the local homeless encampments and ppl living off the grid with no results.
I just spent some time catching up on the Find Christine Facebook page. I am not sure who is running it-maybe her parents? Wow they are doing a great job getting Christine's picture and story out.
Just paraphrasing here, but someone posted asking if she had a bad acid trip. They must not have known about the tea ceremony.
The response of the page admin was something to the effect of "no it was something much more than that"
It makes me lean more to the theory that the ceremony brought on a mental break that she never came out of, rather than foul play or suicide. Perhaps she had some issues with anxiety or depression and the ceremony brought all of that to the surface.
Maybe she is living among the homeless and doesn't know her identity. A lot of sightings are posted, but who knows if they are truly Christine.
One minute I think she is no longer with us, then I research some more and feel she could still be alive.
I hope she is found.
Wow. This one is very tragic. My condolences to Christine's family, especially because it seems local LE has not been diligent in their efforts to find Christine. :(

The tea ceremony I think is the key here. I read Brian44's post with responses from Tito, the shaman, about the events surrounding Christine's disappearance. The part where he describes the ceremony that Christine participated in... his language is alarming to me. "to be honest.... nothing was out of the ordinary at this particular ceremony..." (not an exact quote) Where is the "to be honest" coming from? When someone is lying, they throw in these extra words to try and bolster the idea that they're telling the truth. Especially all those unnecessary words about "no one had a bad trip"..etc. Who was suggesting that anyone had a bad trip, other than him? Who is he trying to convince? And describing Christine's whereabouts the following morning... "I believe Christine was one of them"... you believe that, or you KNOW?

Could just be the way he talks, could be sketchy.

I've posted about this before in other cases, but a former friend of mine had an experience that may have been similar to what Christine went through. She took LSD and had a bad trip. She was found naked in public and delusional, talking about people being "after her" as well. This is a more common adverse reaction to psychedelics than "shaman" types would like you to believe. Some people can't handle them as well as others. Set and setting is an important element in these experiences, and perhaps the fact that Christine was so far from home had a role in her bad trip. By all accounts it seems Christine was having delusions and/or feeling quite paranoid after participating in this tea ceremony... you'd be a fool to think they aren't related, because these substances CAN and DO cause reactions like this!

I'm alarmed that local LE isn't doing more about this "shaman". I'm not ardently anti-drug by any means, however this shaman guy seems like a crock.

Lastly, just a final note that popped into my head while reading about Christine's case... IMO, the fact that she up and left school is another red flag. Most normal people going through their life don't just decide to uproot their cushy college life and spend time across the country hanging out with strangers. It could be interpreted as being a hippie, or finding herself, but either way I think it indicates some kind of internal unrest. The mid-to-late 20's is commonly a time when mental illnesses show up in women. I hope that Christine is still alive and didn't have the misfortune to be found by a predator in her vulnerable state.

The effects of the ayahuasca should not be under estimated. Sure, for some it's a great trip. But I have seen it described as a descent into hell too. First you get really sick and throw up, followed by hallucinations, visions, etc. Sometimes shaman do not prepare participants for what will happen-the vomiting, diarrhea, visions of good and evil, and there are anecdotes of participants screaming inside their huts all night until the police are called and they are taken to a hospital.
There have been cases of people committing suicide after taking ayahuasca.
I know this has been mentioned previously but some shaman also take advantage of women participating in theses ceremonies.
It can trigger permanent psychosis (I'm sure that's rare but it can happen.) Whatever happened to Christine during the tea ceremony has altered the course of her life. If she is alive and aware her family is looking for her, I hope she reaches out to them.
Christine was mentioned as part of the Missing Humboldt Five on Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hanson this week. These cases date from 2014 back to the nineties. Her case was not featured, but I'm posting the link here for information purposes.

Two of the more recent cases, Danielle Bertolini and Sheila Franks in 2014 are both connected to the same POI James Jones, 43, who grew up in Humboldt.

Limiting the missing women in Humboldt to five is a shame. There are others. I hope there is some news of Cnristine soon. It has been too long.

Two videos at link.

FB page for Christine:
This young woman's disappearance has always fascinated me. I hope this is the year the family gets some answers.

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Just found this case in connection to the others of the Humboldt area.
So sad.
Regarding the ayahuasca ceremonies; I watched a Lisa Ling episode on this awhile back. Pretty crazy stuff, IMO.
Reading on...
Hmm this is intriguing. I've taken ayahuasca and could believe she chose to start over and is alive and well somewhere as her new self - it is a very awakening experience and changes you. On the other hand, I can see her walking into the forest and never returning. I wish we had more insight to her life before this and what kind of person she is.
Bumping for Christine. What a strange case, and sad that after almost 9 years her thread only has just barely 6 pages [emoji17] I could not find much info on her, but live in WI, and a friend who went to college at Point shared a post for her finding Facebook page.

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I agree about the similarity to Erin. Here is the link to Erin Henry’s thread and more photos.



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The below is a summary of Christine's activities just before she disappeared.
The info is based on the above listed links. I will also make observations about her activities.

--Those observations will be dashed off, like this--

Born 8 August 1985
Nicknames of Airy Meadow, Airy Star, Star, Star Meadow
Strawberry blonde hair
Green eyes
5 feet 4 inches tall
100 pounds
Left nostril pierced
Both ears doubly pierced
Large purple and green iris tattooed on upper back and nape of neck
Small butterfly tattooed on front of hip

Christine is from Deerfield, WI. In the Spring 2008 semester, she finished her junior year at University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. Her majors were ethnobotany and botany. Her interests ran toward the New Age spectrum. She taught yoga and Pilates. She enjoyed hiking and the outdoors. She practiced an organic lifestyle.

Christine and her mother decorated a bedroom pending Christine's Autumn return to school. At about this time, she broke up with her boyfriend. Then, in July, she bought a round trip ticket to visit friends in Portland OR. While there, she called home at least thrice per week, and sometimes twice daily.

From Portland, she traveled south to Humboldt County, CA instead of returning home to Wisconsin. She enjoyed the hippie atmosphere of Arcata, and decided to remain there instead of returning to college. She requested money from her parents; they sent it.

--Humboldt State University in Arcata is noted for its silviculture programs. Its students join the locals in one of the last full-blown hippie scenes in America, in and around the Arcata Plaza. Non-mainstream New Age culture abounds. Twist the time machine dial in your imagination back to 1970 or so.--

As a private investigator later discovered, on 11 November 2008, Christine attended a “tea ceremony” featuring ingestion of ayahuasca tea. Ayahuasca is an herbal psychedelic containing DMT; this makes the psychedelic illegal. However, it is used in hippie circles for “cleansing the mind”. In this case, there were about 20 attendees; the ceremony was run by a shaman.

--Ayahuasca and the “tea ceremony”are cultural imports from Brazil. Native Americans there use ayahuasca in much the same way peyote is. Their “tea ceremony” is the subject of ethobotanical study such as Christine's. It is a natural fit to Christine's academic interests. As with other psychedelics, drinking ayahuasca tea causes mental confusion and hallucinations. The tea is often vomited back up as part of the ceremony. Mental confusion usually lasts about 10 hours.--

In the early hours of 12 November, a naked and bleeding Christine knocked on the door of a remote farmhouse on Tompkins Hill Road, about 20 miles south of Eureka. She was briar scratched, semi-coherent and paranoid. She told responding LE that all she could recall was having smoke blown in her face. She claimed she was being pursued.

--Blowing (tobacco) smoke into a participant's face is part of the shaman's ritual at a “tea ceremony”. It would seem Christine fled the ritual to end up on that doorstep. She was barefoot, so how far could she have fled from the ritual? Did anyone ever locate the site of the ritual? Did they ever find her castoff clothing and shoes?--

At any rate, the homeowners called the authorities. Christine was taken to Saint Joseph's Hospital in Eureka. However, she refused to allow her vital signs to be taken or her blood drawn. She claimed to be unhurt. She seemed to be very frightened, but not under influence of any drugs or alcohol. She did phone her parents from the hospital. She did not make much sense, but was obviously very scared. She cut her conversation short.

--CA Code 5150 would have allowed her to be held in a mental health facility for 72 hours if she was threatening to hurt herself and/or others. However, she was released. This tells us she wasn't overtly threatening suicide or violence.--

Christine's parents secured her a room in the Eureka Red Lion Inn, to which LE took her. Her parents also wired $1,000 to her bank account.

At about 3:30 PM on 14 November, Christine and her mother spoke for the last time. Christine had lost her ID. They arranged for mom to fax documents to a Eureka copy center, where Christine could pick them up and use them to get new ID upon which she could travel. Copy center employees say that when she fetched the documents, she acted paranoid and hid them. Surveillance cameras confirm this. She then stood in front of the center, obviously thinking. That was the last time she was seen.

--So, did she get a new ID from DMV? There's no mention that anyone checked.--

During the next few days, Christine did not call home nor fly back to Wisconsin. She also did not spend any of the $1,000 in her bank account. On 17 November, her mother reported her missing. The search for her discovered her backpack stored at the Green Life Evolution Center in Arcata. It seems she was in the habit of stashing her pack there while she hiked in the nearby Community Forest. The pack contained money and her ID.

--Old ID? New? Did they find her “lost” ID? Or did they find the brand new replacement?--

--It would seem Christine abandoned all connections to her past life. She had started opting out of social media and the internet; there is no mention of a cell phone. She was known to not wear makeup; cosmetics are not mentioned either. However, it's awfully difficult to live without money, and Christine's funds went undisturbed. It is also likely she lacks ID.--

--LE, including the two private investigators who worked the case, didn't find any indications of foul play.--

--Let me finish by misquoting Robert Frost:--

--“The dusky woods lie dark and deep
And there are miles within where one can sleep.”--
Found another article mentioning Christine, although in passing. She is at the end of this very long article:

This states that she talked with her mother several times while at the Red Lion Inn. She expressed paranoia to her mom, claiming "they" would find her anywhere. When she left the Inn at 1 PM on the 14th, she was wearing her pajamas and slippers. When she was at the Copy Company Printing shop on I Street, her hair was disheveled. She asked the staff for directions to DMV before leaving the shop. This was the last time she was seen or heard from.

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