CA - Court upholds Menendez brothers' convictions

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I totally respect your opinion.I do not condone murder. (I think they have served enough time) I do have to say though that my brother and I were terribly abused as children, and I cannot tell you how many times my older brother made a plan to kill our stepfather and I talked him out of it. To this day...I am still not sure I made the best decision by talking him out of it. If you knew what we went through and how even to this day my brother is affected.. he is in his 50's now. So I guess I have some empathy from what we went through. Being old enough to separate and mentally being able to are two different things. I was afraid of my step father for yrs, wouldnt go to their house without a big male escort. Never left my kids there alone.

SweetT, I can identify with your experience and that of your brother. Leaving isn't as easy as some think it is. Of course, murder should not be condoned, but I have to admit, it crossed my mind also when I was growing up. Speaking for myself, I'm glad that I didn't do it but it did occupy my thoughts at times. I really felt I had no way out; I felt that I had nowhere to go. With the Menendez brothers, their father was a powerful Hollywood executive and he used his wealth and power to control them. That can be a different type of prison, IMO.
This is a photo of Lyle from his senior year high school yearbook (Princeton Day School, New Jersey). The quotes are from his father's favorite book, "The Greatest Salesman In The World" by Og Mandino.


Erik's senior year high school photo (Beverly Hills High School)


Some more photos from Erik's modelling sessions


Im glad I got to read a lot of the back story on this, otherwise I can see why someone would think they were just spoiled rich kids that were just after an inheritance etc. How long have they been in prison now? I will have to check but seems like quite a while. People don't realize that a child hood of abuse really affects what the person becomes, how they view life, even their sexual orientation can be affected at least I believe so.
Im glad I got to read a lot of the back story on this, otherwise I can see why someone would think they were just spoiled rich kids that were just after an inheritance etc. How long have they been in prison now? I will have to check but seems like quite a while. People don't realize that a child hood of abuse really affects what the person becomes, how they view life, even their sexual orientation can be affected at least I believe so.

It's been 27 years now (they were arrested in March 1990). I agree, sexual abuse and abuse in general, can have long-lasting effects and affects a person's psychology, personality, etc. If it goes undetected and untreated, it can result in crimes such as this one or tremendous self-destruction, or both. Erik has been in prison since he was 19 years old. Of course, the brothers were not angels; they acted out, could be cocky and arrogant at times, but that was how they were raised, and much of it could be seen as a coping mechanism. It bothers me to this day when I see ignorant people state that Lyle and Erik couldn't have been abused, or that they did not exhibit any signs of abuse. In many cases, outward signs are sometimes not obvious to people outside of the immediate family, and that is because facade is so important to abusive parents. That certainly rang true for Jose and Kitty Menendez. When Erik was ordered to see a psychologist after his burglary conviction (Jose arranged for Erik, who was a minor, to take all the blame knowing that his younger son would get probation and so that Lyle could continue attending Princeton), Jose didn't seem too thrilled about it and demanded to know everything Erik told Dr. Jerome Oziel, and Erik signed a waiver stating that Oziel could share information from the sessions with his parents. That was another sign that something disturbing was going on. Jose didn't want his son to reveal the family secrets.

It's also interesting that Oziel admitted during the the first trial that he destroyed his notes, not only from the session where the brothers confessed to the murders (the confession was captured on tape, but not what led up to it or what came after) but from Erik's previous sessions. While Erik testified that he never told Oziel about the abuse because he was ashamed and wanted to bury it, it makes you wonder why Oziel destroyed his notes. If the psychologist recorded the confession for his own protection, why not save the notes too and lock them away as he did the tapes? Judalon Smith, Oziel's mistress, recanted her original statement to police and was a rebuttal defense witness in the first trial, which is another thing that documentaries don't mention. Oziel was found to be so unreliable and so evasive that he was not called to testify at the second trial. The prosecution didn't help their case by putting him on the stand.

Confusion over sexual identity is also an indication of sexual abuse, and Erik certainly dealt with that. And Jose's obvious preoccupation with his son's sexuality (to the point where he drilled a hole in the ceiling of Erik's bedroom in Calbasas so he could spy on him) is another telltale sign, as was Kitty's determination to get Erik to have sex with girls while he was still underage.
Excerpt from a recent article from the Huffington Post:

Not to mention, the country was in a completely different state of consciousness/awareness than we are today re: sexual abuse. It’s mentioned several times in the brothers’ documentary that society had virtually zero experience with sexual abuse, in general, let alone as claim for defense involving a murder. These were the days when Bill Cosby was still riding his fame as America’s Dad. None of the dozens of women whom he assaulted dared go public with their allegations back then because they feared no one would understand them or take them seriously.

Did we really expect to believe, back then, that two teenage boys, whose entire worlds revolved around their father, their family, and its outward appearances, would tell someone about what was happening to them? We all know what average high schoolers go through on a daily basis with pressure to keep up appearances. Can you even imagine what it must have been like for two brothers, who, for the longest time had no clue their father was sexually abusing the other, to have had to carry around that secret, day after day, month after month, year after year? Now imagine your mother, the one soul on this planet who you run to to protect you from harm, not only looks the other way, but apparently joins in on the abuse? Where do you turn for help? Who can you tell without fear it’s going to get back to your father? What would happen then?

It’s easy to be a bystander in 2016 where bullies are “outted” on social media every five minutes and celebrities sing about abuse on The Oscars, but, keep in mind, with all the knowledge and support groups and documentaries made today about abuse in the home, as well as in school, suicide amongst teenagers actually went up last year. We’re just now getting to the point where the courts are beginning to hold parents of bullies and drunk drivers responsible for their kids’ actions, so what do you think the sentiment was nearly thirty years ago if you tried to tell a teacher or a police officer you were being abused by your parents or in school? Odds are, you would’ve been sent home and told to “suck it up.” Especially, in Beverly Hills. Or, say,, at Penn State.

According to the brothers’ testimony, the night of the murders, the entire neighborhood heard the gun shots but nobody did a thing because “That kind of thing just doesn’t happen in Beverly Hills.”

The ignorance of society, of the system, of their friends/relatives, combined with the national shame of a public so apathetic towards claims of abuse it took the brothers’ unimaginable pain and turned it into punch lines for late night comedy shows, is absolute evidence of a miscarriage of justice, as well as the insensitivity of a nation towards victims of sexual abuse and the consequences of that indifference/ignorance.

The Menendez brothers’ lives were destroyed way before the murders. Their right to have been born to loving and supportive parents was taken from them. The potential to ever have families of their own was taken from them. They were separated from each other, forever. All because a judge decided not to allow testimony that could have provided the much-needed explanation as to the boys’ state of mind at the time and the reason for their heinous crime. Testimony that, according to one juror interviewed in the ABC doc., would have persuaded her to “change her mind.” And, let’s face it, if the Menendez’s were poor, and the prosecution couldn’t use money as a motive, we wouldn’t be here right now. It’s probably the only time in the history of our legal system that being rich wasn’t an advantage.
I haven't noticed anyone here condoning the crime. It was never stated, at any time, by the brothers or their defense attorneys, that they had the right to kill their parents because they were abused. The defense strategy was an "imperfect self-defense", that the brothers truly believed their lives were in danger and that their parents would kill them in order to keep them from exposing the family abuse secret.

They asked for a STANDARD self-defense instruction, meaning NOT GUILTY, the judge who was biased against them, denied it.

Leaving is always an option

People are killed after they leave ALL. THE. TIME.

During the televised trial there were plenty of people who took the position that The Defendants had a right legally to use lethal force, including a Family Court Judge named Daniel Leddy who is local to me and who is quoted in Tammi Menendez' book. There have been cases where women have killed male batterers in their sleep and have gotten off on self-defense, especially in states like Texas where they have stand-your-ground laws. Everyone who believes The Menendez Brothers doesn't necessarily say "Well, I don't condone it BUT......"
People are killed after they leave ALL. THE. TIME.

During the televised trial there were plenty of people who took the position that The Defendants had a right legally to use lethal force, including a Family Court Judge named Daniel Leddy who is local to me and who is quoted in Tammi Menendez' book. There have been cases where women have killed male batterers in their sleep and have gotten off on self-defense, especially in states like Texas where they have stand-your-ground laws. Everyone who believes The Menendez Brothers doesn't necessarily say "Well, I don't condone it BUT......"

Yes, that's true also. Take Dominick Dunne's daughter, Dominique. She had broken up with her abusive boyfriend, John Sweeney, but he came to her house and strangled her in her own driveway! Yes, I have seen those cases as well, such as Francine Hughes, who set the house on fire where abusive husband was asleep and fled with the children (the basis for the TV movie, The Burning Bed) In the newsreel I shared, it does talk about a teenage girl in Texas who shot her abusive father to death and was acquitted. As for not condoning the crime, I was referring to posters in this thread. I have seen plenty of other comments on other sites which state that pedophiles should be killed, that Jose and Kitty deserved to be murdered. I don't agree with that, because that would encourage vigilante justice. But I can certainly see how abused people can snap, or have fear of the abuser. Having grown up in an abusive home, the latter feeling, especially, is not new to me.
In the newsreel I shared, it does talk about a teenage girl in Texas who shot her abusive father to death and was acquitted..

I couldn't find the newsreel you're referring to but if anyone is interested: Attorney Defends Children Who Kill a Parent : Courts: He says most of the young killers suffered years of sexual, physical and psychological abuse.

Donna Marie Wisener, a captain on her high school majorette team, endured her father, Glenn's, explosive rages and punishing beatings until May 24, 1991, when she shot the 49-year-old truck driver six times with his revolver at their home in Smith County, Tex.

At her trial, Donna and her mother, Mamie, testified about Glenn Wisener's abusive rages. The jury acquitted Wisener on Feb. 13.

Mones, a co-counsel in the case, said Donna's defense was the first use of a Texas law enacted in September that allows evidence of family violence to defend a killing.

The newsreel (shared from youtube) is on page 10. It's about 16 minutes long and contains several news reports of the time as well as footage from the first trial. At one point, it talks about how the battered child defense hasn't gained the same acceptance as the battered woman's defense, and cites two cases where the battered child defense was used; for the young woman, it resulted in an acquittal; in the case of a young man, he was not allowed to claim self-defense in the deaths of his parents and was convicted.

Thanks for the link and info; I will check it out.
Menendez Home Was Violent, Cousin Testifies : Courts: Defendants' father beat them with a belt until they were bruised, and their mother broke dishes and glassware during rages, defense witness says.
August 18, 1993

Building a foundation for the defense case, a cousin testified Tuesday that the parents of Lyle and Erik Menendez were violent and would fight with each other, whack their sons with a belt and fling glassware around the kitchen.

The father, Jose Menendez, would whip his sons with a belt until they were bruised, according to the brothers' cousin Brian A. (Alan) Andersen, who lived with the Menendez family for several summers. Jose Menendez also would drag the brothers into their rooms and lock them there for hours, Andersen said.

The mother, Kitty Menendez, had immensely bad rages, Andersen said. She would clench her knuckles and grit her teeth while her neck veins would bulge, he said, standing up to show jurors how she looked. She would go to the kitchen cupboards and whip glass cups and saucers into the sink, he said.

Neither of the brothers, who are on trial in the murder of their parents, showed visible emotion as their cousin testified in Van Nuys Superior Court. "Emotion was something you did not show" in the Menendez household, Andersen said. "It was considered a sign of weakness.

Lyle Menendez, 25, and Erik Menendez, 22, are charged with first-degree murder in the Aug. 20, 1989, shotgun slayings of their parents, Jose Menendez, 45, a wealthy entertainment executive, and Kitty Menendez, 47. The parents were shot in the den of the family's $4-million Beverly Hills mansion.

Prosecutors contend that the brothers killed out of hatred and greed, and are seeking the death penalty. The defense concedes that the brothers killed the parents but asserts it was an act of self-defense after years of physical, mental and sexual abuse.

Andersen, 31, of Lisle, Ill., the son of Kitty Menendez's brother, said he lived with the Menendez family during three summers in the 1970s, but saw no evidence of sexual abuse. When Lyle and Erik Menendez were young, he said, they did shower with their father after tennis lessons.

And, Andersen said, "as soon as Jose took either one of the boys into their room, the door was locked behind them, and Kitty made clear you did not go down the hallway."

Some of Andersen's testimony covered a period before Erik Menendez was born. He said Erik Menendez was a sweet baby and a happy-go-lucky child of 4--but that he saw a radical difference in him at age 6, when he seemed withdrawn and introverted.

Defense lawyers contend that Jose Menendez sexually abused his younger son from the age of 6 to 18.

Most of Andersen's testimony served primarily to set the scene for what life was like in the Menendez household.

He said he was not hit by either Jose or Kitty Menendez, but was verbally disciplined and sometimes locked in his room. Andersen said the brothers were also locked up and that while helping them clean their room he once found a Tupperware container filled with feces under a bed.

With the defense just beginning its case--Andersen was the third defense witness after four weeks of prosecution evidence--Superior Court Judge Stanley M. Weisberg warned the brothers' lawyers to maintain their focus on evidence that is germane to the murder charge.

"Every time someone picked his nose and the father slapped his hand, that's not going to be before the jury," the judge said. He added: "This is not a novel, where someone's life history is put before a jury. This is a trial."

Andersen was not, for example, permitted to testify that Kitty Menendez once made French toast for Lyle Menendez and for Andersen--and used 18 eggs in the recipe.

Defense lawyers Jill Lansing characterized that as evidence of the family's "bizarre rules about food." Weisberg said it was irrelevant to a charge of murder.

Andersen was allowed to testify that dinner time at the Menendez house was tense.

"It was very much like a 'Jeopardy' setting with Jose quizzing the kids with the questions of the day. Answers were needed quickly," he said, snapping his fingers in imitation of Jose Menendez.

"And what if they didn't know the answers?" defense lawyer Jill Lansing asked.

"They were instructed to put down their knife and fork and go find the answer in a newspaper or encyclopedia," he said, adding moments later, "It was a very tense time. I did not enjoy digesting my food at the dinner table."

An activity that Jose Menendez apparently enjoyed, Andersen said, was teaching his sons to box. The brothers--9 and 6 at the time--would use pillows for gloves and throw punches at the 16-year-old Andersen, whom Jose Menendez had ordered down on his knees as a target.

It was a good release for Lyle Menendez, who would otherwise take his anger out on his stuffed animals and rip them apart, Andersen said. Jose Menendez taught his sons to hit in the back or below the belt, Andersen said, and instructed that "the element of surprise was a factor."

But, Andersen said, the primary purpose for boxing was simple: "Self-defense."
This article seems to refer to the case featured in the Menendez newsreel regarding a teenage girl who shot and killed her abusive father and was mentioned by Peppermintswirlz.

"Maybe we've jumped that hurdle of being able to show to a jury and a community that a child cannot endure years and years of severe emotional, physical and sexual abuse and not be expected to defend herself at some point," Bryan Johnson, chief defense lawyer said. "And 'defend' is the key word. It's not lashing out in anger."
According to Jose's brother-in-law, Carlos Baralt (husband of Jose's sister Terry), Jose had informed him, in June of 1989, that he wanted to disinherit his sons. Baralt, who was prosecution witness in the second trial, stated that Jose's reasoning was "Lyle was flunking out of Princeton", and he thought Erik lacked toughness, talent and forcefulness. (Let me just say, what a piece of s*** father. Who taught his sons to lie, cheat and steal to get ahead and win? Who refused to believe that his sons could have learning problems? Who controlled, abused and terrorized them? More importantly, your children are not born to fulfill your expectations. This was a classic narcissist).

It should also be pointed out that Baralt was the executor of the estate, and he controlled the fortune. Therefore, any purchases that Lyle and Erik made had to be approved of and authorized by him.

Erik testified that his father had told him that he was cut out of the will, because he was not living up to Jose's expectations. Jose's sister, Marta Cano, who was a financial planner, testified that the brothers were surprised at how much money their father had. Both told their aunt they believed that they had been disinherited. In September 1990, while incarcerated in the LA County Jail awaiting trial, Lyle and Erik confided to Carlos and Terry that their parents had abused them. Carlos was shocked because he believed the "happy family" front and thought that Jose was a "nice guy". (At the time, Erik's attorney, Leslie Abramson, was on vacation in Ireland). Marta Cano stated that Lyle and Erik had vowed to go to jail and never reveal the abuse to anyone, but a priest who came to see Erik on a regular basis convinced them to open up.
It's also not mentioned in documetaries that Craig Cignarelli's credibility was damaged in the first trial so he was not called to testify in the second trial.

Cignarelli did testify as a rebuttal witness in the second trial. Whether the jury found him credible, only they can answer. It probably didn't look good for him that he'd been paid $25k for an interview with "Hard Copy" after the first trial, although he did donate $3k (curiously he insisted it was $5k) to a shelter for "genuinely" abused children.

In the second trail, Lyle did not testify. Prosecutor David Conn felt that the reasoning behind this is because Lyle didn't want to be cross-examined, especially regarding some statements he allegedly made while awaiting the second trial;

Some of Lyle's statements were "allegedly", while others are documented. I think Lyle would have been annihilated on cross-examination if he'd taken the stand. A letter he wrote to an ex-girlfriend in which he asked her to invent an incident about Kitty poisoning the food was kept out of the prosecution's case by the judge, who ruled it could only be used to impeach Lyle if he took the stand during the defense case. The Novelli tape that the prosecution wanted to use where Lyle talks about fabricating an Oziel blackmail meeting could also not be used by the prosecution in their case; only to impeach Lyle, and in rebuttal. Lyle would also have been cross-examined extensively about the attempt to bribe his fiancee to say Jose sexually assaulted her, and the letter he wrote to a friend of Erik's in yet another attempt to suborn perjury.

Judge Stanley Weisberg also told the jury that they only had two options regarding Kitty's death: first-degree murder or acquittal. Manslaughter could only be applicable in Jose's death.

Second-degree murder was an option as well.
Cignarelli did testify as a rebuttal witness in the second trial. Whether the jury found him credible, only they can answer. It probably didn't look good for him that he'd been paid $25k for an interview with "Hard Copy" after the first trial, although he did donate $3k (curiously he insisted it was $5k) to a shelter for "genuinely" abused children.

Some of Lyle's statements were "allegedly", while others are documented. I think Lyle would have been annihilated on cross-examination if he'd taken the stand. A letter he wrote to an ex-girlfriend in which he asked her to invent an incident about Kitty poisoning the food was kept out of the prosecution's case by the judge, who ruled it could only be used to impeach Lyle if he took the stand during the defense case. The Novelli tape that the prosecution wanted to use where Lyle talks about fabricating an Oziel blackmail meeting could also not be used by the prosecution in their case; only to impeach Lyle, and in rebuttal. Lyle would also have been cross-examined extensively about the attempt to bribe his fiancee to say Jose sexually assaulted her, and the letter he wrote to a friend of Erik's in yet another attempt to suborn perjury.

Second-degree murder was an option as well.

Cignarelli's credibility was damaged by his changing of the dates where Erik confessed the murders to him. The version he gave police in 1989 differed from what he claimed under oath at the first trial, hence why he wasn't called to testify in the first phase of the second trial.

The Jamie Pisarcik story (where Lyle asked her to claim that Jose had assaulted her) was brought up in the first trial, by the defense, and Lyle did admit to doing this. So Conn's argument (at least the one he gave American Justice) is invalid because Lyle's jury from the first trial did hear about it. The "friend" that he wrote to, asking him to testify that Lyle tried to buy a gun from him, Lyle did not go through with it. As for the Norma Novelli stuff, she's not particularly credible either, she couldn't wait to sell that "book" after Lyle dropped her (it's obvious that she was infatuated with him and published the book out of revenge), there's still a question whether Lyle consented to her recording the conversations or not. What I find hilarious is that she claims to have been manipulated by Lyle, when she stated that she never believed that Lyle and Erik were abused from the start, and you'll notice that Lyle does almost all of the talking. Who manipulated who? She has the nerve to refer to him as evil, yet she had no problem visiting him in the L.A. County Jail and performing tasks for him.

Regarding Oziel, don't you find it telling that he wasn't even called to testify? He was found to be so evasive and so untrustworthy that he never even appeared in the second trial. Don't forget that Judalon Smith recanted her confession to police and appeared as a defense witness in the first trial, or that Oziel ultimately surrendered his license after being accused of violating the doctor/patient privilege and having sex with his female patients.

Second-degree murder might have been an option open for the jury in Jose's death, but not Kitty's. Denying the defense the right to call witnesses to corroborate the abuse issues and the family history is why the brothers can now appeal for a new trial.

It's also very telling that the prosecution called a different expert witness to talk about the crime scene and how it appeared the murders had happened, because the coroner who had performed the autopsies on Jose and Kitty, Dr. Irwin Golden, was unable to determine how many shots were fired and the sequence in which they were fired; he was also heavily criticized for the errors he made in the autopsies of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Instead, Conn used Roger McCarthy of Failure Analysis Associates, who admitted under cross-examination that he had never visited a crime scene, never witnessed an autopsy, nor had he ever seen the impact of a gunshot wound on a human body. So, his computer "re-construction" of how the shots were fired, etc., is questionable at best. The defense called Ron Linhart, the assistant director of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department's crime lab, who testified that his blood-splatter analysis which contradicted McCarthy's version, and that his analysis showed that Jose and Kitty were both standing at some point when the shots were fired.

The prosecution used a lot of tactics (particularly in the cross-examinations of both defendants) that would not fly today. The homosexuality argument that prosecutors used against Erik in both trials, for one. Not only was it homophobic, but it actually was insulting and demeaning as confusion over sexual identity is often a sign of sexual abuse also (in case anyone else in this thread is wondering, this user and I have had debates on youtube over this case). David Conn had his own motive for wanting to convict the brothers; he wanted to be promoted as head District Attorney and believed that convicting the Menendez brothers would accomplish that for him. After the conclusion of the second trial, Conn was angry and humiliated when he was passed over for promotion, and when he was removed as acting head deputy of the major crimes unit.

Pamela Bozanich made comments on the ABC 20/20 special that Jose was abusive to his sons (especially) and his wife. Pretty much every other time she is interviewed she claims that she knows 100% that there was no abuse. Which is it? Given her role in the infamous McMartin Preschool trial, her credibility is questionable at best.
Here's an interesting note about Kitty's brother, Brian Andersen (you know, the uncle who, in interviews claims that there was no abuse and that money was the motive). He was a rebuttal prosecution witness in the first trial, and under cross-examination it was revealed that he felt that he (and supposedly "his side of the family") deserved part of the estate, and that he had filed a document in probate court claiming that since Kitty died after Jose, even though it appeared to be only by a matter of seconds, that he should get part of the inheritance, and the judge informed Andersen that he would not listen to or make any ruling on that claim unless Lyle and Erik were convicted; when and if that happened, the brothers would lose all rights to the estate and then Andersen could claim what was left (which by that point, wasn't much). Funny how Andersen states, as if he knows for a fact, that his nephews killed their parents for money, yet there he was claiming that he deserved money from the estate because his sister died after her husband.
Here is the prosecution's motion to exclude the nude photos taken of Lyle and Erik as children from the second trial. (I should also point out that Stanley Weisberg, who presided over both Menendez trials, was also the judge of the second McMartin Preschool trial, of which Pamela Bozanich was one of the prosecutors. Hmm. The plot thickens). It's obvious that David Conn knew that these photos would be detrimental to the prosecution's case had the jury been allowed to see them.


CASE NO. BA068880





DATE: JUNE 19, 1995
TIME: 9:00 A.M. PLACE:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 19, 1995, the people of the State of California will move this court to rule that two photographs that were presented in the first trial depicting the defendants in the nude be excluded in the retrial because this evidence cannot be properly authenticated, is lacking in relevance, and is more prejudicial than probative under Evidence Code section 352.


In the first trial of this matter the defendants introduced into evidence an envelope (exhibit 219) containing a set of negatives (exhibit 220) made from a single roll of film. They also introduced the proof sheet of these negatives as well as prints of these negatives (exhibits 221 through 234). These exhibits were received into evidence without objection by the prosecution. The prosecution now objects to the defendants presenting exhibits during opening statements.

In the first trial, Lyle Menendez claimed that his father took pictures of his private parts as well as those of his brothers while they were in the shower or the bath, or while they were changing their clothing.(1) When shown the photographs now objected to by the prosecution, he described them in the following sequence: a family photograph, a photograph of himself, (2) a photograph of his brother Erik, something unidentifiable, the defendants, and some other boys, his father and Erik, three photographs of the defendants, his brother Erik and his mother, his brother Erik, (3) and the dog.(4) No further foundation was laid for the admission of these photographs.

Lyle Menendez was unable to identify the photographs now objected to by the prosecution as photographs taken by Jose Menendez because, he conceded, he had never seen these particular photographs before.(5) Nor had he ever seen the photographs which he alleged had been taken of him and his brother. The photos as an issue were ultimately received into evidence without objection by the People, even though neither this witness nor any other witness was able to establish that Jose Menendez had taken the photographs in issue. Moreover, since the defendant had never seen any of the photographs that his father had allegedly taken of him, and insofar as he was, of course, unable to look through the camera lens while photographs were allegedly being taken, the witness is simply assuming that there was film in the camera, that the camera was working, that photographs were actually taken and developed, and that these alleged photographs would depict only his genital area.

The defendant's theory of relevance for this evidence is that it corroborates his claim that his father took photographs of himself and his brother in the nude for a lewd purpose. He then reasons, in turn, that the taking of such photographs tends to support his claim that his father molested him and his brother. He goes on to reason that this allegation of molestation, in turn, somehow tends to support his claim that he had an honest belief that his parents were going to kill him on August 20, 1989.

It is the contention of the People that the photographs should be excluded from the retrial because there is insufficient authentication to establish that Jose Menendez took the photographs, that the taking of photographs does not tend to establish that Jose Menendez sexually molested the defendants, that acts of sexual molestation when the defendants were young children does not tend to establish that acts of sexual molestation of Erik Menendez continued into his adulthood, and that, in any event, this evidence does not tend to establish a belief on the part of the defendants that their parents were going to kill them on August 20, 1989, particularly insofar as the defendants concede that they did not kill because they feared that their father was going to molest them, but only because they believed that their parents were going to kill them because they had threatened to reveal the family secret. These photographs should thus be excluded pursuant to Evidence Code Sections 1400, 350, and 352.


For the purpose of the Evidence Code, a photograph is a "writing" (Evidence Code section 250). Writings must be authenticated before they may be received into evidence (Evidence Code section 1401). Where the relevance of the evidence is dependent upon the existence of the preliminary fact of authenticity, the burden is on the proponent to produce evidence sufficient to sustain a finding as to the existence of the preliminary fact of the authenticity of a writing (Evidence Code section 403).

Authentication, according to Evidence Code section 1400 (a), means:

(a) the introduction of evidence sufficient to sustain a finding that it is the writing that the proponent of the evidence claims it is or
(b) the establishment of such facts by any other means provided by law. (emphasis added)

Ordinarily, photographs are properly authenticated by simply establishing that the photo is a faithful representation of the objects or persons depicted. Ordinarily, however, the identity of the photographer is not the key issue before the trier of fact nor the reason why the photographer is being offered. Here, the preliminary fact of the identity of the photographer is critical to the relevance and admissibility of the evidence.

The proponent of the evidence in issue contends that the evidence consists of two photographs taken by Jose Menendez. That is the significance and the relevance of the writings in issue. These photographs are neither properly authenticated nor are they relevant, unless it can be established that they were taken by Jose Menendez. The burden is on the defendants to produce evidence sufficient to sustain a finding that these particular photographs wee taken by Jose Menendez, rather than by someone else. If the photos wee taken by someone other than Jose Menendez- such as by children playing with the camera- they have no relevance whatsoever, and the admission of such highly inflammatory photographs into evidence, based upon the possibility that hey could have been taken by Jose Menendez, is highly prejudicial to the prosecution.

Here the defendants are incapable of establishing the pivotal element upon which the relevance of the photographs is premised- the identity of the photographer who took the photographs. The defendants never saw any of the photographs allegedly taken by Hose Menendez nor have they ever seen these particular photos before. Rather than lay a proper foundation, they simply argue that their allegation that Jose allegedly took some photographs of them is sufficient to establish that he took these particular photographs. That is like saying that because a decedent was sometimes observed signing company documents, the particular company document in dispute must have been signed by the decedent, and is properly authenticated by the anecdotal information.

This court should find that there is insufficient evidence to support a finding that the evidence is what its proponents purport it be- photos taken by Jose Menendez- not only because there are no witnesses who can establish the identity of the photographer, and not only because the allegation that Hose sometimes took photos is an insufficient basis upon which to conclude that Jose took these particular photos, but also because the nature of the evidence itself is inherently suggestive of the fact that neither Hose Menendez nor any other adult took the photos in question.

This court has had an opportunity to view the evidence in issue and this court is aware that the photos in dispute appear in a strip of negatives sandwiched between other photos of children such as those commonly taken at a child's party. On the strip of negatives, contiguous to the two key photos in issue, is a photo of a door jamb. The photographer had apparently held the camera at an angle and took an unfocused, tilted photograph of a door jamb. Anyone who has ever seen a photograph taken by a young child would conclude that this photograph was obviously taken by a young child.

The two key photos in issue are strikingly similar to the photo of the door jamb. They are also photos taken at an angle, much like the manner in which the photo of the door jamb was taken. The composition in both photos is so immature that the faces of the subjects do not appear in the photos. The physical appearance of the photographs themselves is a consideration that this court can and should take into account in deciding whether the photographs have been sufficiently authenticated, particularly where there is no direct evidence of the identity of the photographer and where the defendants themselves are asking this court to find that he preliminary fact of authentication can be established through circumstantial evidence (the recollection of Lyle Menendez regarding the taking of the other photographs under different circumstances).

We ask this court to find that in the absence of testimony from a competent witness as to the identity of the photographer, and in view of the fact that the nature of the photographs themselves strongly suggest that they were not taken by an adult, that the evidence is insufficient to support a finding that it is what it purports to be- photos taken by Jose Menendez as part of an on-going patter of abuse. We ask the court to appreciate that the jury is being asked to speculate that the photos were taken by Jose Menendez for a lewd purpose, rather than by a child playing with the camera, or by some other person who simply thought they would make cute photographs, Without proper foundation, the photographs invite speculation as to the identify to the photographer and the purpose for which they were taken., We ask this court to find that he defendants have failed to lay a proper foundation for the admission of the photographs under Evidence Code section 1400, 350, and 403 to justify their admission.


Even if the defendants could establish, through competent evidence, the preliminary fact that the particular photographs in issue were taken by Jose Menendez rather than by another person, the photographs would still be inadmissible pursuant to Evidence Code sections 350 and 352. There are several theories for excluding the evidence under Evidence Code section 350, each theory premised upon leaps in logic made by the defendants in regard to this evidence: that it proves that Jose was molesting during the time period that he photographs were taken, that it proves that Jose was molesting Erik Menendez near the time of the murders, and that it bears upon the defendants' state of mind on the night of the murders.


In People v. Pitts, (1990) 223 Cal. App. 3d 606, the defendant was charged with child molestation and using children for purposes of *advertiser censored*. The crime had occurred at a location referred to in the opinion as the "green house." A witness testified that, in another location (Knott Street) more than a year later, she had observed cameras, lighting equipment, a television set, light stands and a video camera used by the defendant to make tapes of child molestations, and she also testified to her observations of the witness regarding the video equipment and the pornographic videos was admissible:

The basis for admitting this evidence was that children had testified to the use of the equipment and Idolina's testimony showed that Frosythe had the equipment used to make the child *advertiser censored* with which he was charged. The jury could infer that he ended up with the equipment used in the crimes charged, after the arrest of his coconspirators. His possession of the video film would allow the jury to infer it was one of the films resulting from the conspiracy charged in the instant case. Pitts at 820.

The Court of Appeal, however, ruled that the admission of this evidence was reversible error because "the equipment used in the Knott Street acts was simply not sufficiently shown to be the equipment used in the green house." Pitts at 835. The evidence thus impermissibly bolstered the credibility of the green house children, Knott Street video equipment was inadmissible for those purposes. Pitts at 837. Because the Knott Street video equipment may not have been the same equipment used in the green house, the mere fact that the defendant had video equipment was improperly admitted, even though it was apparently used to make child *advertiser censored*, and even thought the Knott Street video may have been made in the green house.

Similarly, in the case before the court, the defendants seek to place nude photographs of themselves into evidence despite the fact that, even by their own account, these photos may have been taken by someone other than Jose Menendez. As in Pitts, they seek to bolster their credibility with photos that could have been taken by another person. Based upon Pitts, the photos should be ruled inadmissible.

In Page v. Alaska (1983) 657 P. 2d 850, a murder case in which the defendant alleged that the victim had attempted to homsexually rape him, the defendant argued that the trial court had erred in excluding literature on aberrant sexual activity found in the victim's safe. The books included, "I Pervert, Little's Brother's Big Thing, Sex in the Classroom, The World Practice of Anal Love, Torrid Women for the Young Boys, Masturbation, A lust for Incest, The Friendly Couples, Focus on Incest and the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Obscenity and *advertiser censored*."

The Alaska Court of Appeals ruled that the lower court had not erred because the defendant had not established that a person who read those books would be more likely to commit homosexual rape than someone who didn't. Page v. Alaska, supra at 851.

Similarly, in the case before the court, in the absence of evidence that someone who takes pictures of a naked child is more likely than not to commit incest and child molestation, the photographs should be ruled inadmissible. There is no necessary or causal connection between these photos and the alleged acts of molestation.


The evidence should be excluded because the fact that the defendants were allegedly molested years earlier by their father has no tendency in reason to prove that Jose Menendez was still molesting his sons at the time of the murders. Moreover, if prior acts of molestation has no tendency in reason to prove molestation in 1989, then certainly photographs which, in and of themselves, do not prove molestation but which simply depict children in the bathroom without their clothing on have even lesser probative value to the claims of molestation in 1989.


As Lyle Menendez conceded in his testimony, he did not kill his father because of any alleged acts of abuse, but because he feared that his parents were going to kill him because they believed that he was going to reveal the family secret. Nevertheless, the defendants argue that this allegation of molestation somehow tends to support their claim that they had an honest belief that their parents were going to kill them on August 20, 1989. There is no logical or causal connection between two, much less is there any logical or causal connection between photographs taken by an unidentified photographer for an unknown reason years before the murders, and the defendants' claim that on August 20, 1989 they believed their parents were going to kill them for a reason unrelated to alleged acts of molestation occurring years earlier, and entirely unrelated to photographs taken years earlier.


The determination that must be made by this court is whether the proffered evidence is probative of the ultimate issue in this case, how probative it is of that ultimate issue, and whether admission of the proffered evidence is outweighed by prejudice, the consumption of time, and the possible confusion of the issues and misleading of the jury. Not only should the photographs to which the prosecution objects be excluded under Evidence Code section 350, but it should be excluded under Evidence Code section 352 as well. That section provides:

The court in its discretion may exclude evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the probability that its admission will (a) necessitate undue consumption of time or (b) create the substantial danger of undue prejudice of confusing of the issues, or of misleading the jury. (emphasis added).

The decision to admit or exclude evidence under this Evidence Code section lies within the sound discretion the trial court, and the court's ruling not be reversed unless the probative values of the evidence clearly outweighs any probability that its admission will necessitate an undue consumption of time, or create a substantial danger of undue prejudices, of confusing of the issues, or of misleading the jury. People v. Von Villas (1992) 10 Cal.App.4th 201. In evaluating the probative value of evidence, the court should not only consider the extent to which the evidence has a tendency in reason to prove an issue in dispute in the trial, but the court may also consider the remoteness of the evidence. People v. Northrop (1982) 132 Cal.App.3d 1027. In Northrop, the Court of Appeal held that he trial court had properly excluded, under Evidence Code section 352, defense evidence of the defendant's extra judicial statements offered under the state of mind exception to the hearsay rule, where the statements were made long before the crime, and the trial court ruled that the statements were too remote in time to justify their admission. Not only are the photographs in issue lacking in any logical probative relationship to the claimed belief of the defendants that heir parents were going to kill them on August 20, 1989, but they were also taken at a point in time that is extremely remote to the time of the murders.

We ask the court to rule that this inflammatory should be excluded from this trial because the probative value of such evidence is so collateral to the determination to be made by the jury concerning the defendants' mental state on August 20, 1989 that whatever minimal value such evidence holds is outweighing by the countervailing considerations of prejudice, confusion of the issues and misleading of the jury, particularly where the identity of the photographer is a matter of speculation.


For the foregoing reasons the People respectfully request that the court grant our motion to exclude the evidence in dispute from the retrial, and to bar the defendants from mentioning such evidence in their opening statements.

Respectfully submitted,
/s/David P. Conn
/s/Carol Najera

1 See Vol. 84, p. 14191, lines 25-28; and p. 14192, lines 1-7
2 This photo depicts a boy wrapped in a towel who appears to have just
gotten out of the bath tub or shower. 3 This photo depicts a boy in a bathtub.
4 See Vol. 84, p. 14194, lines 5-28 and p. 14195-14196. lines 1-2.
5 See Vol. 84, p. 14196, lines 8-26.

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This reeks of desperation. He didn't want the jury to see or hear anything that might have been indicative of abuse because he knew it could result in another hung jury at the very least. Abuse changes a person's psychology and often affects victims for years to come. The audacity he had to claim that these photos were insignificant and also inflammatory, yet didn't have any issue about re-victimizing Erik during cross-examination and taunting him about his sexuality. Hypocrisy, anyone? Whatever his excuses, he would not have appreciated it at all if the shoe were on the other foot, and someone tried to exclude his "evidence". He justified his reasoning for denying the brothers a defense as "keeping out trivia and keeping the jury from being distracted". Excuse me, but it's the jury's job to examine evidence and to decide whether it's relevant or not. And after all this, David Conn wasn't even promoted to Head District Attorney as he so hoped. What a burn.
In Page v. Alaska (1983) 657 P. 2d 850, a murder case in which the defendant alleged that the victim had attempted to homsexually rape him, the defendant argued that the trial court had erred in excluding literature on aberrant sexual activity found in the victim's safe. The books included, "I Pervert, Little's Brother's Big Thing, Sex in the Classroom, The World Practice of Anal Love, Torrid Women for the Young Boys, Masturbation, A lust for Incest, The Friendly Couples, Focus on Incest and the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Obscenity and *advertiser censored*."

The Alaska Court of Appeals ruled that the lower court had not erred because the defendant had not established that a person who read those books would be more likely to commit homosexual rape than someone who didn't. Page v. Alaska, supra at 851.

This reasoning I find ridiculous, especially when you consider that John Wayne Gacy had a book entitled Pretty Boys Must Die which was hidden in a wall in his home, the same house where he tortured, raped, and murdered 33 young men and boys, most of whom were buried in the crawlspace underneath his residence. It's not as if that book and some of the ones listed in the quote were like The Joy Of Sex.
The Insidious Type Of Sexual Abuse You Might Be Ignoring

by Rob Weiss

People often think sexual abuse is overt and easy to identify. In truth, covert sexual abuse (explained momentarily) occurs just as often as overt sexual abuse, and it is equally devastating.

Overt sexual trauma is exactly what it sounds like: “hands-on” sex abuse. Covert sex abuse is more subtle. First written about by my esteemed colleague Dr. Ken Adams, covert sex abuse is the surreptitious, indirect, sexualized use/abuse of a child by a parent, stepparent, or any other long-term caregiver.

Also referred to as covert incest, emotional incest, and psychic incest, covert sex abuse involves indirect (not hands on) sexuality — sexuality that is implied or suggested rather than physically acted out.

With covert incest, the child is used by the adult for emotional fulfillment. In other words, the child is forced to support the abusive adult by serving as a trusted confidante and/or an “emotional spouse.”

Although there is no direct sexual touch, these emotionally enmeshed relationships have a sexualized undertone, with the parent expressing overly graphic interest in the child’s physical development and sexual characteristics and/or betraying the child’s boundaries through invasions of privacy, sexualized conversations, and the like.

1. My mother would take me to the movies with her a lot. Not kid movies, either. Date movies for adults. She would always tell me she had the most handsome date there, and she would want me to hold her hand during the show.

2. My father was constantly telling me how much prettier I was than my sisters or my friends. He talked about how nice my breasts were and how I had a “perky little butt.” He told me I should be proud of how I looked, and that I probably drove all the boys at school a little nuts.

3. My mom always sat a little too close to me, and she talked about my body a lot, especially when I was a teenager.

4. My dad would tell me about my mother and how she was frigid. He would tell me that all he wanted was a bit of physical affection, but she wouldn’t give that to him. He talked a lot about his “needs.”

5. I had no privacy. If I was in my room or in the bathroom, my mother would be right outside the door, listening to what I was doing and talking to me, asking if I was okay or if I needed anything.

With covert incest, even though there is no overt sexual touch, the relationship feels “icky” to the child — too close for comfort. The lack of boundaries creates an incestuous feeling, and the child feels used and trapped, exactly as he or she would feel in the case of overt incest.

Typically, covert incest occurs when a child’s parents have distanced themselves from one another physically and emotionally. (Often, this is caused by an addiction in one or both of the adults.) This distancing causes one of the parents to focus on the child, seeing solace and emotional fulfillment by turning the child into a surrogate emotional partner.

Meanwhile, the child’s developmental needs are ignored and, as a result, emotional growth, especially in the area of healthy sexual and romantic attachment, is stunted.

Interestingly, most covert incest survivors resist the idea that they were sexually abused, no matter how icky their relationship to the abuser felt (and still feels). Mostly this is because they weren’t actually touched in a sexual way by the perpetrator.

Nevertheless, these relationships are without doubt sexualized, and the victims learn over time that their value is based not on who they are but on whether they can successfully please/amuse/soothe the abuser.

And yes, this is the exact same life lesson that victims of overt incest learn — my needs don’t matter; what you want matters. I am nothing more than an emotional/sexual object for other people to use in whatever way they want.

Unsurprisingly, covert incest survivors typically display the same adult-life symptoms and consequences as victims of overt sex abuse:

Difficulty developing and maintaining healthy long-term intimacy
Deep shame and pervasive feelings of inadequacy
Difficulties with self-care (emotional and/or physical)
Love/hate relationships, especially with the offending parent but also with others
Inappropriate bonding with their own child (intergenerational abuse)
Addiction — especially sexual addiction
Unfortunately, as pervasive and damaging as covert incest is, it frequently goes unrecognized in treatment settings, primarily because people don’t understand what it is or how damaging it can be. This lack of understanding appears with not only survivors but therapists, who sometimes seem to think that if there is no physical sexual contact, then no harm has been done.

It is only when we dig beneath the surface that we see the connections between covertly incestuous behaviors and later-life problems — most notably sexual addiction.
This particular article is about sexual abuse/harassment in the workplace, but it can be applied to any situation.

What is sexual abuse?

Many sources define sexual abuse as repeated and unwanted sex-oriented remarks, behaviours or gestures that attack an individual’s dignity and security and their physical and psychological integrity. In the workplace, sexual abuse may be accompanied by blackmail and abuse of power that could compromise employment.

Sexual abuse may be overt or subtle. It comprises some or all of the following:

Relationship between aggressor and victim

Repeated abuse: harassment

Attack on personal dignity and security
Work environment deterioration
Employment in jeopardy

What are the various forms of sexual abuse?

The main forms of sexual abuse in the workplace are: sexual harassment, sexism, homophobia, sexual assault or rape.

What are the signs of sexual abuse?

The following are examples of the remarks, behaviours or gestures that constitute sexual abuse.

Allusions to sexual preferences
Blackmail / threats
Comments on appearance/body
Double entendres
Indecent proposals
Intimate references
Obscene language
Sexual innuendoes
Unsolicited advances
Unwanted advances Caresses
Indiscrete glances
Intimate relations
Obscene gestures
Sexual stimulation
Denying employee benefits to a person who has not responded to sexual advances.
Dismissing or firing a person who refused sexual advances.
Forcing a person to show off cleavage, to undress.
Forcing a person to wear a “sexy” outfit.
Getting too close physically while working.
Insistently recounting personal sexual experiences.
Raping a person by physical force or by threatening blackmail.
Showing, displaying degrading sexual images or obscene materials.
What is Sexual Assault?

There are many types of sexual assault. Most often when people hear the words "sexual assault" they think of rape. One might automatically picture a stranger jumping out of the bushes to rape a woman walking home from work late at night. While it is true that rape by a stranger is a form of sexual assault, it is vital to include the wide range of unwanted sexual contacts that many people experience in our definition of these words.

Sexual assault can include: child sexual abuse, rape, attempted rape, incest, exhibitionism, voyeurism, obscene phone calls, fondling, and sexual harassment.

While sexual assault can take many forms, it is important to remember that the loss of power and control that a victim of sexual assault experiences is a common thread. Both women and men can be sexually assaulted. Rape can occur within a marriage. A victim never asks to be raped and is never to blame for behavior of the perpetrator.

Rape is any sexual intercourse with a person without his or her consent. It is an act of violence that uses sex as a weapon. There are many different types of rape that are important to distinguish as well. Stranger rape happens when the victim does not know his or her offender. Many people believe that this type of rape only happens to women who dress a certain way, walk alone at night, or park in parking garages. The reality of stranger rape is that it happens during the day and at night, to people from all different walks of life, and in lots of different places.

Acquaintance rape describes a rape in which the victim and the perpetrator are known to each other. The perpetrator might be a partner, coworker, best friend or neighbor. Did you know that this is the most common type of rape? 84 percent of rapes happen among people who know one another. Most of the time a person is raped by someone they know, trust, or love.

Date rape is a specific kind of acquaintance rape, referring to a rape that occurs between two people who are dating partners. Often times the victim is emotionally manipulated or coerced into having sex with his or her partner. Marital rape, one of the least talked about forms of sexual assault, is rape between husband and wife. Because of personal and societal barriers to reporting marital rape, its prevalence is probably higher than we are aware.

Child sexual abuse can be defined as any situation in which an adult or another child threatens, forces or manipulates a child into sexual activity. Many times the offender doesn't need to use physical force with the victim. Instead, they take advantage of their own position of trust and authority. Child sexual abuse can include exposing a child to *advertiser censored*, fondling the sexual parts of a child's body, making a child engage in sexual activity with others, and sexually penetrating a child, orally, anally or vaginally with the penis, hand or any object. Incest is intercourse or touching of sexual parts between an adult family member and a child or between siblings.

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment often manifests itself in subtle ways, such as sexually suggestive comments, unwanted touching, risqué jokes, or blatant demand for sexual contact. In most cases, these actions take place within work or educational settings where both the offender and the victim are required to be in close contact.

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