CA CA - Daphne Webb, 21 mos, Oakland, 10 July 2013

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DNA Solves
Toddlers can move like lightning. If the grandmother let the toddler out I can see this happening. Guess it would have to be an amazing set of coincidences. But still, I can imagine it. Baby crying, grandma doesn't really know where they are, lets baby out to go find daddy. Especially if the toddler was not buckled in. Stranger happens by at an opportune moment and kidnaps they baby. Could happen. Probably didn't though.

I forget exactly how old grandma is, but IIRC she is in her 80's. I honestly wonder if grandma would be able to unlatch a car seat. I don't know that she'd be able to do it in the short time dad was in the store.

I'm so sad to see which direction this case has taken. When this story first broke, I thought it was possible dad was telling the truth. Though at that time, I thought the mentally challenged person was an adult who had the mind of a child and wouldn't know better than to not hand over the baby to a stranger. And, I didn't know they were in an SUV. I thought perhaps they were in a regular car where seeing inside the car might have been easier.

Very sad case, I pray Daphne is found safe soon.
That's what I typed first, Donjeta, and then I couldn't be sure.

At 87 she would probably need help entering and exiting the SUV, so I doubt she could either lean over or crawl back to let the baby out, or get out of the car and get the baby out of the back seat herself.

I was so sure someone would find this child within hours...... My first thoughts after reading the initial posts was a mentally handicapped person was overly interested in babies.... When my son was an infant, we had to get wic benefits for a little bit and at the wic office, there was this odd childless lady, who didn't appear to have her full mental capacities who sat next to us and got uncomfortably close to my son and showed interest in him. I don't think she was harmful, I just think she was an older woman with the mind of a child. That led me to believe, perhaps dad was telling the truth. How I wish he was....... :(
I do feel sorry for the witness... I am sure at no time did he pay specific attention to how long dad was in the store, what he bought etc. Now his recollection will get picked apart. Hope I am never a witness... Dad could have walked around inside for a bit to make a better alibi ...
I wonder if the baby died accidentally ( maybe the grandma was supposed to be taking care of her?) and dad tried to come up with a story that would 'wash' and keep his mom from being charged ( although with dementia and being 87 no one would charge her..) Maybe thought he would be charged for leaving baby home with her when something happened? And this is the best he could come up with??
Better if he would just fess up if that is the case...
My grandmother passed from dementia, she was 87. There would have been no possible way that anyone if my family would have left her in a car with a child or anywhere to care for a child alone for that matter. She wasn't capable. There would have been no way that she would have been able to get my kids in and out of their car seats either. My feeling is that the baby was left with the grandma and something happened. Even though in the grandmas state and due to her age nothing would happen to her, the dad may have panicked that something would happen to him for leaving her and came up with this story to cover himself.

Such an adorable baby girl, pray that they find her safe and sound.
I'm just going to say it. I think there is a 0% chance that this baby died accidentally and it is trying to be covered up.

Now that that's off my chest it's very disconcerting that there are no sightings of this baby girl in the last 30 days. :( I do not think this will end well, if she hasn't been found yet then I wonder if she ever will.
These folks who don't report babies missing until days, weeks, months later, they're on to something. They've seen it work for this one and that one and now there are more and more missing kids with no clear ' missing since' time. How can anyone possibly find a child they don't know when or where they last were? It's almost impossible and LE is losing this battle. I'm following another very similar thread on ws now .....oh snap, TWO in fact. POOF , they're gone.
So what was the upcoming event that triggered him to use this story to explain the absence of Daphne? He was estranged from one daughter (not sure about the other) so she wouldn't be asking about Daphne. His neighbors commented that they hadn't heard the baby lately but I doubt if they were going to call authorities. Was the mother going to come home soon? It seems to me that there must have been something to cause him to say she was kidnapped. This is assuming that she wasn't really kidnapped of course.
So what was the upcoming event that triggered him to use this story to explain the absence of Daphne? He was estranged from one daughter (not sure about the other) so she wouldn't be asking about Daphne. His neighbors commented that they hadn't heard the baby lately but I doubt if they were going to call authorities. Was the mother going to come home soon? It seems to me that there must have been something to cause him to say she was kidnapped. This is assuming that she wasn't really kidnapped of course.

If the mom was in a local rehab program, she was probably asking for the baby to visit her. And she was probably close to being released. So he had to stage the kidnapping sooner or later. JMO
These folks who don't report babies missing until days, weeks, months later, they're on to something. They've seen it work for this one and that one and now there are more and more missing kids with no clear ' missing since' time. How can anyone possibly find a child they don't know when or where they last were? It's almost impossible and LE is losing this battle. I'm following another very similar thread on ws now .....oh snap, TWO in fact. POOF , they're gone.

I agree. The longer they can put off reporting the child as missing the less likely of the baby being found or being convicted (IMO based on cases I've followed).

In one of the above posts, it was mentioned that dad made bail, but actually, dad didn't need to make bail, as no charges were filed. So, did they just arrest him to scare him into talking. I find it fascinating, in many of these cases, that if you just keep your mouth shut, you won't get charged. IMHO. Kyron, for example.

No charges for Sky Metalwala's mother either. Even for Child Endangerment. Her story was similar. She left him in a car and he disappeared. Then NOTHING. :(

It's really sad when most of our missing kids aren't really missing, but hidden, deceased, by their parents.

"While investigators intensifed their search for a missing 21-month-old Oakland girl Thursday, the child's mother told KTVU during an exclusive interview that she was praying for the toddler's safe return."


"Early Thursday evening, the girl's mother Kiana Davis picked out photographs of Daphne in the hope that making more images of the toddler public might help jog someone's memory."


"Davis questioned the rush to judge her husband.

"People are looking at him like he's this bad guy; like a criminal,"
Davis told KTVU."


"KTVU also learned a cadaver dog picked up a scent at the family's home in a trashcan and on a pillow case, but it was unclear if that scent is of Daphne or of something or someone else."


At least the mom doesn't blame the dad, which goes along with the neighbors thinking the dad isn't capable of hurting Daphne. I guess that's some kind of consolation, though it is in no way helpful in finding the child.
So can we guess the dogs didn't pick up her scent near the store or in the car?
"KTVU also learned a cadaver dog picked up a scent at the family's home in a trashcan and on a pillow case, but it was unclear if that scent is of Daphne or of something or someone else."

Someone else? WHO ????????

From the article:

"Early Thursday evening, the girl's mother Kiana Davis picked out photographs of Daphne in the hope that making more images of the toddler public might help jog someone's memory."

I might be missing something but I haven't seen any pictures other than the two that have been circulated by MSM. Did mom release some photos elsewhere?
From Question's link above:

"Davis-Webb, who is living in a residential substance abuse treatment facility, has had trouble with the law before, but she said Friday that she was working to improve her life.
In February, Davis-Webb was convicted of child endangerment and possession of a controlled substance, according to court records from Alameda County Superior Court. A passer-by called Oakland police after seeing Davis-Webb passed out in a car with Daphne in the back seat, records show.

Davis-Webb was found to have taken a prescription painkiller without a prescription and drank an unknown amount of alcohol before getting behind the wheel. She accepted a plea deal and was barred from seeing Daphne, but a court order was later modified to allow her limited contact."

Many of us have been wondering where mom was. Makes sense and I'm glad she's trying to turn her life around. The fact she was found passed out at the wheel with Daphne in the back is horrifying.

Witnesses told police that they saw an unidentified woman a few blocks away from the SUV carrying a child wearing clothing matching Daphne's around 11:15 a.m. Wednesday. That woman was described as an unidentified black or Hispanic woman between 30 and 40 years old who had long, straight black hair and was wearing a light-colored shirt and jeans.

I thought someone saw the woman actually near the SUV with a child. This doesn't sound very encouraging....a few blocks away. That could have been a woman carrying her own child. I also wonder how the witnesses were found.
I thought someone saw the woman actually near the SUV with a child. This doesn't sound very encouraging....a few blocks away. That could have been a woman carrying her own child. I also wonder how the witnesses were found.

I would guess the witness was found by a canvas of the neighborhood, but IDK.

I am hoping that if the woman seen with a child in similar clothing hears of this she will come forward so that the police can rule out the witness account, if what this person saw was a mother with her own child.

It would help if LE could work in simply one direction.

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