CA CA - Daphne Webb, 21 mos, Oakland, 10 July 2013

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"Webb says his wife was living on the streets with the baby which prompted a child protective services investigation. He admits there was a restraining order on his wife, and Daphne is missing part of her ear which was also part of the CPS investigation."
- From the ABC article GGE posted...

So, sounds like Mom and Dad are married but were separated, if mom was living on the streets with the baby. I gather Dad has not had sole custody of this baby for very long since the mom has been in rehab for just a few months. The Contra Costa Times article quotes a LEO as saying they are concerned about the relationship between the baby and the father; maybe they had no relationship until he had to take custody of her due to the CPS stuff. Just because the parents are married doesn't mean the baby was around him much... Dad has to have responsibility for his own ailing mom, and he isn't exactly a young dad himself. Adding the baby to the already stressful mix, combined with the baby's mom wondering if "he just snapped" and not wanting to say what she thinks happened (from an article posted a few days ago), and yeah.

I think it is highly possible dad did snap.
I think they should talk to the grandmther as well but my experience is that if someone is demented severely enough they may be a much worse wtness than an average three year old. Sometimes they just sink in ther own world and don't seem to pay much attention to what goes on. The child s also going to have a better short term memory and things don't just disappear from their recllection . A verbal demented person may confabulate if they don't remember, just fill in the blanks telling you meandering stores that may or may not incorporate bits of the truth with something they heard in the news or see in the room around them or just made up on the spot . They have trouble with timelines and may bring up much older memories even though you ask them about yesterday. Many begin to have problems with verbal ability and may have trouble even understanding what you're asking. Some demented grandmothers don't even recognize close family members let alone remember their newest grandchildren so if you ask them about the last time she saw the baby they may talk to you about their own daughters or the grandbaby that is already six ft six and graduated from college in reality.

An attentive listener might find a clue in all that (example: if she used to mention a certain place and dead people over and over again and get very agitated I would go search there) but a demented person's testimony likely wouldn't stand up in court.
"Webb says his wife was living on the streets with the baby which prompted a child protective services investigation. He admits there was a restraining order on his wife, and Daphne is missing part of her ear which was also part of the CPS investigation."
- From the ABC article GGE posted...

So, sounds like Mom and Dad are married but were separated, if mom was living on the streets with the baby. I gather Dad has not had sole custody of this baby for very long since the mom has been in rehab for just a few months. The Contra Costa Times article quotes a LEO as saying they are concerned about the relationship between the baby and the father; maybe they had no relationship until he had to take custody of her due to the CPS stuff. Just because the parents are married doesn't mean the baby was around him much... Dad has to have responsibility for his own ailing mom, and he isn't exactly a young dad himself. Adding the baby to the already stressful mix, combined with the baby's mom wondering if "he just snapped" and not wanting to say what she thinks happened (from an article posted a few days ago), and yeah.

I think it is highly possible dad did snap.

One of the former neighbors said that the whole family including dad, mom, Daphne and grandma used to live in the same address at least until Christmas last year which seems to indicate some sort of previous relationship with Daphne but maybe you could add a recent break-up or marital troubles to the list of stressors.

A neighbor at Webb's most recent listed address, about half a mile from the site of the kidnapping, said Webb is Daphne's father and had lived there for years with the child's mother as well as his own mother.

The neighbor, Bill Owens, 70, said the family had moved out of the home around Christmas, around the time that Daphne had started walking. Webb had already raised two daughters now in their 20s at the same home, said Owens, who had trained the girls in martial arts when they were younger.
"My daughter's missing, and I have to live with that. Even though I'm out of jail, I'm still not free," said Webb. "Who saw me? I don't know who saw me to tell you the truth. But like I said, I'm a homebody, Daphne's at home, my mom's at home, and I talk to my wife everyday where she's at and she hears her in the background playing."

There goes one plausible reason for the neighbors not hearing Daphne. They could have spent a lot of time outdoors or been traveling- but if he's such a homebody that no one ever sees him anywhere outside his home I guess not.

Ths statement is all about him and what he has to live with. He's out of jail but where is Daphne?

When did mom last hear Daphne's voice on the phone?
The fb pages' title is now "Fans of Baby Daphne"


Have they started searching the landfill yet?
With the dogs hitting on a trash can, I would think that LE would have the dogs out there asap.

Christmas was a long time ago when the baby is not even 2, but it's hard to say how involved he was with her until she came to live w/ him after being on the streets. I have so many questions about that! Did it REALLY take CPS stepping in to make him take custody of the child? Was he fine w/ his baby girl living on the streets until CPS made it a problem??? The fact that the child was living on the streets and it took CPS to intervene is pretty sketchy. I want to know what happened that the mom went from living in the home to living on the streets with the baby? Why didn't dad intervene? Or maybe... did he and he got CPS involved so he could get the girl back into the home?

And what the heck happened to her ear?

I'm sure this isn't anything like what happened in Daphne's case, but any time I hear about someone missing an ear, I'm reminded of this loose canon of a kid in elementary school. In 5th grade, this boy named Bubba (I swear!) got really mad because the teacher wouldn't give him his way (which was to eat his lunch in class after lunch was already over, because he spent the whole lunch break playing on the playground instead of eating). The teacher was standing by Bubba's desk and said if Bubba didn't listen and sit down, he would be sent to the Principal's office. Bubba ran up to the front of the room to the teacher's desk and screamed that he couldn't listen if he didn't have any ears, and then he chopped off one of his ear lobes with the teacher's scissors. He had it sewn back on, but it was always kind of uneven and never looked quite right.
The fb pages' title is now "Fans of Baby Daphne"


Have they started searching the landfill yet?
With the dogs hitting on a trash can, I would think that LE would have the dogs out there asap.


That is just plain strange? Fans of baby Daphne? She's not a celebrity, she is an (allegedly) abducted baby! When I read "fans," it makes me think this isn't a page dedicated to finding anyone, it is for fundraising once they announce that she is dead.

The giant cover photo of her with a woman I assume is her mom, and then the posts questioning if she's been seen with her dad, make me think that this page is controlled by the mom's family and has fingers pointing at the dad.
That is just plain strange? Fans of baby Daphne? She's not a celebrity, she is an (allegedly) abducted baby! When I read "fans," it makes me think this isn't a page dedicated to finding anyone, it is for fundraising once they announce that she is dead.

The giant cover photo of her with a woman I assume is her mom, and then the posts questioning if she's been seen with her dad, make me think that this page is controlled by the mom's family and has fingers pointing at the dad.

In the video posted here
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - AMBER ALERT: Daphne Webb, 21 months, Oakland, 10 July 2013

Mark Klaas says the mother's side of the family contacted Klaas Kids and that they were going to help them set up a FB and a Twitter account. Not sure if this is the one, it seems like KK could have advised them a little more on the wording?
I hope LE has made an effort to thoroughly check out Moms friends, boyfriends, relatives she could have convinced to "kidnap" her baby, that CPS took from her while she is in rehab (alibi) and so she could get her back. Thinking after LE stops looking, husband isn't around no one will notice...especially if she doesn't stay in one place long. I would keep a close eye on where she goes and who she is with once she is out of rehab, or is she already. Haven't read or watched all the news updates.

Or if husband is in on the "kidnap" to keep CPS out of their business, and doesn't really want the girl or can't take care of her and decided to just give her back to her mom and they have concocted this story to make the girl "fall off the CPS radar"...

Just feels to me like they don't seem like they are really concerned, but not covering up a death either. Weird vibe.
I hope LE has made an effort to thoroughly check out Moms friends, boyfriends, relatives she could have convinced to "kidnap" her baby, that CPS took from her while she is in rehab (alibi) and so she could get her back. Thinking after LE stops looking, husband isn't around no one will notice...especially if she doesn't stay in one place long. I would keep a close eye on where she goes and who she is with once she is out of rehab, or is she already. Haven't read or watched all the news updates.

Or if husband is in on the "kidnap" to keep CPS out of their business, and doesn't really want the girl or can't take care of her and decided to just give her back to her mom and they have concocted this story to make the girl "fall off the CPS radar"...

Just feels to me like they don't seem like they are really concerned, but not covering up a death either. Weird vibe.

Very interesting thoughts! I do agree on the weird vibe. There is a definite lack of concern. I hope this little girl is still alive!
The fb page being changed to say "FANS" of Baby Daphne immediately brought me back to "Balloon Boy"... remember that kid who was supposedly up in the air in his dad's prototype test balloon thing? And then it turned out hours later that he was hidden away in the home and it came out that the dad was always doing weird and hinky stunts to get attention to his wacky inventions?

This has me for some odd reason thinking about that. "Fans".... how strange is that?? (unfortunately it's pretty clear that this won't turn out as well as that did, but it still makes me question wth is going on in the minds of people involved).
Christmas was a long time ago when the baby is not even 2, but it's hard to say how involved he was with her until she came to live w/ him after being on the streets. I have so many questions about that! Did it REALLY take CPS stepping in to make him take custody of the child? Was he fine w/ his baby girl living on the streets until CPS made it a problem??? The fact that the child was living on the streets and it took CPS to intervene is pretty sketchy. I want to know what happened that the mom went from living in the home to living on the streets with the baby? Why didn't dad intervene? Or maybe... did he and he got CPS involved so he could get the girl back into the home?

And what the heck happened to her ear?

I'm sure this isn't anything like what happened in Daphne's case, but any time I hear about someone missing an ear, I'm reminded of this loose canon of a kid in elementary school. In 5th grade, this boy named Bubba (I swear!) got really mad because the teacher wouldn't give him his way (which was to eat his lunch in class after lunch was already over, because he spent the whole lunch break playing on the playground instead of eating). The teacher was standing by Bubba's desk and said if Bubba didn't listen and sit down, he would be sent to the Principal's office. Bubba ran up to the front of the room to the teacher's desk and screamed that he couldn't listen if he didn't have any ears, and then he chopped off one of his ear lobes with the teacher's scissors. He had it sewn back on, but it was always kind of uneven and never looked quite right.

Um OT but are you compelled to google his name and see what became of him,,,,,,,,,, because I bet we can all guess.
Someone upstream said it seems as if mom and dad and le are just ready to move past this because no one is talking. Is that the feel you all have?
Coming into this late, is there any cctv evidence from camera's outside of the store? Did anyone actually see this child in the car? I doubt she was ever in the car in the first place at this point. I don't believe the father at this point. Is there any footage at all?
Coming into this late, is there any cctv evidence from camera's outside of the store? Did anyone actually see this child in the car? I doubt she was ever in the car in the first place at this point. I don't believe the father at this point. Is there any footage at all?

The store has cameras I think because it was said that they could determine how long the father was in the store, based on the footage. Not sure if they cover the area where he parked. Mark Klaas said something odd about it being difficult to be outside surveillance unless you plan it that way which made me think that he knew the car wasn't on CCTV but he mght have referred to something else.

My other thought is that at least part of the reason they seemed so suspicious about Dad's story so soon may be that there is camera footage and it doesn't show what it should.

FWIW (rumor alert) someone in the comment section in this story says there is footage from the adjacent store and they did not see the perp.
Donjeta thank you very much! It's sad, you would think most establishments no matter where you live, no matter where you are, you'd set up inside and outside in case anything happens! It should be a law actually. I'm all for big brother at this point in the US. Go ahead, track us all. Maybe it will deter crime in some ways. One thing I can't get out of my head? I can barely step out of an SUV, without using the handle or something, no way could a 21 mo old leave an suv on their own accord, they'd fall right out the door if they could even get that open. Make and model of vehicle? I suspect that the father may hv pulled a Casey A at this point. This is just MMHO not an attack on the "father" of this child.
I wonder if LE went to the home immediately after she went missing to determine if there were freshly changed diapers in the garbage, a used sippy cup in the sink, etc.
We can try to come up with alternatives, but the fact is, the dad can't come up with ANYONE who has seen Daphne in the last 30 days (although now the mom's family is saying they saw her 2 weeks ago). He may not be working, just living off of assistance or his or his mom's savings, and may be a homeboy as he says. But he seriously can't think of ONE store he went to in the last 30 days? No groceries or diapers? He would have had to either bring his mom or Daphne with, or get somebody to watch them. Unless of course he just left them alone.

I'm sorry Daphne for everything you suffered through in your sorry life :(

"Webb says his wife, Kiana Webb, has been in a drug rehab program for almost three months, and she hasn't actually seen the child in two weeks. "


" Webb says his wife was living on the streets with the baby which prompted a child protective services investigation. He admits there was a restraining order on his wife, and Daphne is missing part of her ear which was also part of the CPS investigation.

When asked if he could tell us how she lost that part of her ear, Webb said, "No I am not doing that on national TV. No, I am not doing that.
I just want my baby home." "

BBM, SBM, much more at link

Ugh, first thing that ran through my mind was - living on the streets, asleep in some alley - rats.

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