CA CA - Derek Seehausen, 26, USC med student, Glendale, 5 Aug 2014

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DNA Solves
It breaks my heart to see this man sitting there without shoes. Are there any Mental Health experts on this thread? I'm wondering if someone with schizophrenia might not be able to remember their name? Or perhaps he is just so mistrustful that he says he doesn't know his name. If Derek was my family member I wouldn't be able to sleep well until I traveled to Nuevo Leon, Mexico (with body guards) and saw this man in person. The resemblance is close enough that I would be compelled to check it out. I would likely watch him from a distance first and then approach him offering food, water/drinks and smokes. Perhaps after a few days he might become somewhat trusting and respond to some questions.

If he is not Derek, I sincerely hope someone recognizes him and brings him home.
Wow, I was just thinking about Derek a couple of days ago; I googled his name at the time but there was nothing new on him.

Here's hoping that this lead pans out. Good find Ms Moon!
Are there any Mental Health experts on this thread? I'm wondering if someone with schizophrenia might not be able to remember their name? Or perhaps he is just so mistrustful that he says he doesn't know his name.


The truth might actually be in the middle. I've never met a schizophrenic who straight up forgot their own name (and I've worked with quite a few), but schizophrenic paranoia could easily lead to a level of distrust where one would refuse to tell you his/her name.

I watched the video and I can definitely see some kind of mental illness and/or TBI in that guy, but he doesn't seem to be actively paranoid, so I dunno why he won't say his name. Gut feeling it's not because he truly doesn't remember though.

Another gut feeling, I don't think the dude is Derek. Although he does look enough like him that it's for sure worth checking out.

ETA: I should be clear, my opinion is "professional"-ish but I am NOT a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, so definitely take it with a grain of salt.
Can anyone make out what what the man in the video is saying when asked his name? Whatever it is it sounds like he repeats it each time when asked.
Wow. Just to weigh in, I do think it could be him. If not, let's get that thread started (says someone who never ever started a thread).
This thread is breaking my heart. I have a close family member, extremely intelligent like Derek, who is schizophrenic. He changed in so many ways once his schizophrenia became obvious, and his face, posture, speech, and gestures are all so different now. I can see where a person can become almost unrecognizable to family if he has become mentally ill.
I made a new thread for the homeless man,

Don't know if I put it in the right section though

Thanks for making this gentleman his own thread. The 'Unidentified' section is the one I'd have chosen too; seems to fit there appropriately.

Like many others, to my untrained eye, I think he strongly resembles Derek. Regardless of if he is Derek or not, I think it's wonderful that people are still thinking about this case.
Wow, I think there is a strong resemblance. Combined with the fact that (if I recall correctly from the Reddit AMA) he had casually/jokingly talked with his friend about running off to start a new life and his friend mentioned Mexico as a possibility. I would have guessed that if he'd ran away to Mexico he'd head to Baja since that would be much easier from California. I wonder what town or city in Nuevo Leon this man is in. Nuevo Leon is a state and the city of Monterrey is its capital- I have friends from Monterrey and they've told me there used to be a lot of day tourists from Texas but not anymore because people are afraid of cartel violence. I would think any American would stand out there, especially a homeless man. Speculation time: it is possible Derek decided to run away from his life and start over somewhere new. He could have illegally crossed the border from Texas into northern Mexico (illegal since he didn't have his passport- unless he had a fake one with a new name no one knows about). It's also possible something happened in the meantime to give him a head injury. Anything from getting mugged/beat up to a surfing or rock climbing accident. Maybe he wasn't planning to stay away this long without contacting his family but he is in a fugue state or similar.
I am so glad to see somewhat of an update in Derek's thread. I have always wondered what happened to him.

I took a screen shot of all of the photos in the video and compared them to the pictures before he went missing. IMO, it's possible enough that I feel very hopeful! The ears look exactly the same to me. I am on my phone though so I'm anxious to hear what the family and others here think.

I hope it's him. I'd love to see this case end with a Found Safe tag. If not, I hope someone "claims" this man and brings him home. It breaks my heart to see someone on the street with no shoes like that. :(

Sent from my iPhone/Tapatalk
If you can't view video try Googling "American Homeless In Mexico"

Here's what I am seeing...
Both wearing a black hoodie under a black jacket.
Here is the last surveillance photo "known" to be Derek.


Ears, hair, other physical features
(compared to 1:27 in video)


Bless the people who put out the video of the man on the streets. I find there is a striking resemblance, particularly in comparison to the photo of Derek with the little girl listening to his heart. Derek is 6 ft tall if I recall. I wish we knew approx. how tall the man in Leon is. Praying that who ever this man is, he can find his family and again be in a safe, loving environment.

By the way MsMoon, I didn't even notice that they are both wearing a dark hoodie under a dark jacket. That's quite a coincidence ..............
I have to say, with most possible matches that people put forward on here, I generally always think 'no chance!' But I agree that this really looks like Derek.
I do think it looks like Derek. I think of Derek often. The nose strikes me as quite a resemblance.
There is a good shot of the man sitting down, with his legs up against his body. It seems that someone with skills could estimate his height.
Wow, I definitely see a strong resemblance. I'm hoping the family members of Derek investigate further!
I wonder if he could have been knocked out/beaten up, taken to Mexico an then released?
I have to say, with most possible matches that people put forward on here, I generally always think 'no chance!' But I agree that this really looks like Derek.

That's exactly the sentiment I have. In addition to the ears and nose, I think that this gentleman and Derek share the same (receding) hairline, too.
I sent video link to Here is the reply I received.

This is Derek Seehausen's mother. I wanted to thank you for sending the video of the homeless man in Mexico to our HelpFindDerek email. The side photo of this man's face looks very much like Derek and I am so appreciative that someone is still thinking about finding him. The full on face view doesn't look as much like him, and the voice is different, but I don't know what 2 years of living on the streets would do to a person's looks. I'm sending it to my other sons to see what they think.

Regardless of whether or not it is Derek, you have my sincere gratitude

Is it worth reaching out again to see if she had any feedback from her other sons yet? What else can we do?

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