CA - Dr. Felix Polk, 70, stabbed to death, Orinda, 14 Oct 2002

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susan polk is going to look like a murderer before this is over, IMHO. the jury will see her abusing her son and it won't be that much of a leap to make to her doing in felix. also, the son on the stand yesterday told her he did not believe her allegation that she was sexually active with felix at age 15. i cannot wait for CC's book on this one.
POSTED: 12:19 pm PST March 21, 2006
UPDATED: 12:33 pm PST March 21, 2006

MARTINEZ -- Accused killer Susan Polk wasted little time Tuesday adding to the simmering tensions at her trial for killing her elderly husband by accusing the prosecution of making faces at the jurors and trying to provoke a mistrial.

Before jurors entered the courtroom to hear Polk begin day four of cross-examining her youngest son, 19-year-old Gabriel, the defendant accused prosecutor Paul Sequeira of "face making," including rolling his eyes during Monday's proceedings.Judge Laurel Brady said she did not see Sequeira make any faces. She said the prosecutor knows "proper decorum" in the courtroom.

"Mr. Sequeira closed his eyes in a look of fatigue," Brady said.

After more than a week of jury trial, Gabriel has been the only person to testify. His mother began her lengthy and somewhat jumbled cross-examination on March 8.He testified Tuesday that his mother's delusions included global conspiracy theories and allegations of molestation.

He said there were mornings when his mother would be reading the newspaper "looking for codes."

The proceedings were also marked by interruptions and overlapping arguments.

Even the court reporter raised her voice, telling Polk she needed to stop speaking over others. more at link:
I wonder at what point the judge is going to decide that Polk is not capable of participating in her own defense and call a mistrial?
I hope it is soon as this is totally embarassing for the justice system and Susan. It is like a toy monkey is being paraded.
I think when it reaches the point of the defendant(defense) telling the judge when to admonish her staff& how to rule her court??? It's time.....what a wreck!
izzyB said:
susan polk is going to look like a murderer before this is over, IMHO. the jury will see her abusing her son and it won't be that much of a leap to make to her doing in felix. also, the son on the stand yesterday told her he did not believe her allegation that she was sexually active with felix at age 15. i cannot wait for CC's book on this one.
I tend to agree with you.
When I read about the trial today I thought to myself why in the world rip into
your son..:confused: .Not the way to do it.....
(oh, by the way my 42 inch tv is in the shop...ouch)
I started out more than half way believing that Polk might have only been defending herself. But now that the trial is going on, I find I am changing my mind. And I am not even watching the trial. It is not the evidence, and it isn't the prosecutor- it is what I am reading about Polk during the trial.
Lots of bad decisions, lots of inappropriate behavior, and a lot of signs of being out of control.
mysteriew said:
I started out more than half way believing that Polk might have only been defending herself. But now that the trial is going on, I find I am changing my mind. And I am not even watching the trial. It is not the evidence, and it isn't the prosecutor- it is what I am reading about Polk during the trial.
Lots of bad decisions, lots of inappropriate behavior, and a lot of signs of being out of control.
I agree Mysteriew. When I first learned of the case a long time ago, I thought battered woman abused psychologically by her therapist. Now I think she's just demonstrating how crazy & greedy she really is. I'm beginning to believe her son.
LinasK said:
I agree Mysteriew. When I first learned of the case a long time ago, I thought battered woman abused psychologically by her therapist. Now I think she's just demonstrating how crazy & greedy she really is. I'm beginning to believe her son.
I think the whole fam damily is seriously unhinged.

Seducing and marrying your mentally disturbed underage patient--and still remaining her psychiatrist? That's just wrong on so many levels. And it kind of speaks as to the quality of this guy's ability as a mental health specialist. Yessh.
As for the boys--ever see the movie PEEPING TOM? Argh.
POSTED: 3:36 pm PST March 22, 2006
UPDATED: 5:52 pm PST March 22, 2006

MARTINEZ -- A prosecutor is complaining that a murder defendant acting as her own attorney has made a farce of the trial with her conduct.

On Wednesday, prosecutor Paul Sequeira asked the judge to revoke Polk's right to defend herself. Sequeira said Polk has made speeches in front of the jury and frequently accused him of prosecutorial misconduct."The defendant's style in this case is to be passive-aggressive," Sequeira said. "She flouts this court's authority at every opportunity so that it makes this trial somewhat of a farce."

Polk, in turn, criticized Sequeira for raising his voice and for "taking inappropriate personal potshots at me." She told the court, "Maybe he should start acting like a lawyer instead of being a baby."

Contra Costa County Superior Court Judge Laurel Brady denied the request. However, she repeated her warnings that Polk isn't following courtroom rules and risks losing the jury's attention.

Brady also denied requests by Polk for a mistrial and replacement of the prosecutor. more at link:
the judge has lost control of the courtroom to susan polk, who is now running the entire show.

doesn't the state have as much right to a fair trial as the defense?
Just a few notes - thinking out loud

I am trying to be objective, but I am having a hard time with Susan's behavior. If she is so manipulative and controlling, she probably would have been that way her whole life. So, how did Felix rope her in?

She is nasty and defensive. I know she is fighting for her freedom but my goodness! Even if she did an about face, the jury would see just how wishy washy she is. (almost manic-like)

She is representing herself. Should she lose this trial (which I think she will), I wonder if she will try to claim "inadequate counsel"? It is one thing to represent yourself in court; it's another to represent yourself as a donkey. I won't be surprised if Susan asks for a mistrial (if she hasn't already).

I wonder what the jurors think of her. I am sure they may not like her, but does that mean she is guilty? It would be very hard for me to be objective and I would not want to be a juror in this case.
kittykat1 said:
Just a few notes - thinking out loud

I am trying to be objective, but I am having a hard time with Susan's behavior. If she is so manipulative and controlling, she probably would have been that way her whole life. So, how did Felix rope her in?
A lot of it she probably learned from him. He was her doctor when she was just 15. He obviously knew her weaknesses and strengths and used them against her. I think he played a major role in what she ultimately did.

The kids are not coming off very well either, at least not in my book. They all seem to be materialistic and seflish with an every man for himself mentality. They are willing to sell her down the river rather than tell the truth about what life really was there in that house and the one supporting her is probably doing the same thing regarding the father. If you ask me, everyone in this family is screwed up!!
BillyGoatGruff said:
I think the whole fam damily is seriously unhinged.

Seducing and marrying your mentally disturbed underage patient--and still remaining her psychiatrist? That's just wrong on so many levels. And it kind of speaks as to the quality of this guy's ability as a mental health specialist. Yessh.
As for the boys--ever see the movie PEEPING TOM? Argh.
Missed the movie and I missed your post before I posted mine! LOL! I said as much. I think you hit the nail right on the head!
Goody said:
A lot of it she probably learned from him. He was her doctor when she was just 15. He obviously knew her weaknesses and strengths and used them against her. I think he played a major role in what she ultimately did.

The kids are not coming off very well either, at least not in my book. They all seem to be materialistic and seflish with an every man for himself mentality. They are willing to sell her down the river rather than tell the truth about what life really was there in that house and the one supporting her is probably doing the same thing regarding the father. If you ask me, everyone in this family is screwed up!!

You are exactly correct, Goody. It is called dysfunction. The behaviors that transpire will be the coping skills that they learned. Especially in light of the fact that these boys are on their own. Susan will never get out of jail.
concernedperson said:
You are exactly correct, Goody. It is called dysfunction. The behaviors that transpire will be the coping skills that they learned. Especially in light of the fact that these boys are on their own. Susan will never get out of jail.
And don't you know we will be hearing from these boys in the future? They are going to squabble over their parent's estate like vultures picking apart a carcass and eventually be making headlines themselves. How this doctor got away with marrying a patient and continuing to treat her is beyond me. No telling how messed up the kids really are. Too bad she killed the old coot. She should have let him live so he could reap his just rewards from his boys. I bet it won't be pretty. And her...I don't know whether to pity her or throw away the key after they lock her up. She is no prize either. Dan Horowitz is lucky to be off this case.
Goody said:
Missed the movie and I missed your post before I posted mine! LOL! I said as much. I think you hit the nail right on the head!
PEEPING TOM was made in the early 1960s, around the time of PSYCHO, but is British. It involved a young man who was raised by a behaviorist/psychiatrist father who used him as a test subject from infancy until the age of 21, documenting his every waking moment and beyond--such as photographing his response to fear by charging into the sleeping child's room in the middle of the night and throwing a live snake on him. The kid grew up to be an expert photographer, a voyeur, and a serial killer who liked to photgraph his victims while killing them. It was (badly) remade as RAISING CAIN with John Lithgow in the 1990s.
It's hard for me to believe that Susan was a battered woman because of her behavior now. If she had been battered for years she wouldn't have the personality that she does today. Battered women are beaten down and left with no self esteem at all. A battered woman would in no way have the courage or esteem to represent herself in a murder trial. She would sit there and allow her attorney make every decision for her.

I think the Polk's household has probably been insane for years with a crazy mom and a crazy dad. Who really knows who hit who or what kind of ugly fights took place between the two parents. I doubt they tried to keep anything from their sons either. The one boy is already knocking his girlfriend around. Did he learn that from dad or mom or both?

I wonder why Susan started seeing Polk in the first place....what her problems were? I wonder how she ended up marrying him? I wonder if what she says is the truth...about them having sex when she was his patient or if that just sounds better in her point of view? We only have her word about that don't we?

I feel so sorry for that Prosecutor. Why the judge is allowing this farce to carry on is beyond me. I can only guess that the jury is wondering the same thing. I wonder if the jury are going to see Susan as a battered woman with her personality and behavior in court. If they have any knowledge about battered women I doubt they will believe her.
Bobbisangel said:
It's hard for me to believe that Susan was a battered woman because of her behavior now. If she had been battered for years she wouldn't have the personality that she does today. Battered women are beaten down and left with no self esteem at all. A battered woman would in no way have the courage or esteem to represent herself in a murder trial. She would sit there and allow her attorney make every decision for her.
I agree with you 100%!
i also think she is showing the jury that SHE is the one who battered in the relationship, b/c she is doing just that (mental and emotional) to the judge, jury and prosecutor right now!

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